The Tree of Peace

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The next day, Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang decided to have a marshmallow war by throwing marshmallows at each other, while Minnie and Ortensia go shopping.

Sedrick: What are you guys doing?
Oswald: We're just having a marshmallow war.
Sedrick: Then I want in. Throw me some of those marshmallows.

When they threw the marshmallows to hit Sedrick, Sedrick used his staff and accidentally roasted all of the marshmallows. So Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang decided to make s'mores instead. Meanwhile Sombra, Mortimer, and Spooked were trying to think of an evil plot for their next move.

Sombra: I can't believe those Banana Hoods foiled my plot. Now I have to think of another evil plot to take over the world.
Mortimer: Hey I know, I could prank Mickey and make Minnie to believe that Mickey is cheating on her.
Sombra: (Hits Mortimer on the head) That's a silly idea, you coconut head. (Had an idea)Wait a minute, I know the perfect plan to take over the world!
Mortimer: Let me guess, destroying something?
Sombra: Exactly, we are going to destroy the Tree of Peace which is from a far away galaxy. So that destruction would come so soon!
Mortimer: All right then, destroying the tree it is then.

Mortimer lifted the staff, and Sombra transformed him, Mortimer, and Spooked to a galaxy far away, but notice that they are still too far. So, they started to walk to get to the Tree of Peace. While Sedrick and the Hood Brothers we're finishing cleaning up the mess, they notice that a little fire appeared in the map.

Sedrick: Oh, no, Sombra is heading to the Tree of Peace, from a galaxy far away!
White Fang: Ah, what is the Tree of Peace?
Sedrick: (Waved his staff to show the history of the Tree of Peace) The Tree of Peace is the tree that brings healing, peace, and harmony for everyone who needs help, and is guarded by three heroic wizards, Hercules, Mighty, and Thunder. And those wizards are the real reason why I wanted to be a good wizard.
Mickey: Well we can't let Sombra destroy the Tree of Peace. We should go now!
Sedrick: I was expecting you would say that. (Used his magic to zap them to the galaxy where the Tree of Peace is.)

When they arrive to the Tree of Peace, Sedrick knew that the only person that could help them save the Tree of Peace is the three heroic wizards. Sedrick was so excited to see them again, but when he saw them he notice that they don't look mighty as they used to be.

Sedrick: Um. Hey guys, do you remembered me?
Hercules: Of course we remember you. You haven't change a bit.
Sedrick: What happen to you guys?
Mighty: Well, since there were no evil, trying to harm the Tree of Peace, we've decided to retired.
Thunder: (Looked at Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang) How is that your Hoods are still alive?
Sedrick: Huh? (Notice that they thought that Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang are the first Hood Brothers.) Oh, no, these three are the descendants of the first Hood Brothers. And are here to help ya'll save the Tree of Peace!
Hercules: Well, that's very sweet of ya'll, but we're done being heroes.
Sedrick: What!?
Thunder: Yah, since no one needs us anymore, we decided to retire.
Mighty: Sorry, Sedrick.

Sedrick felt a little bit upset to know that his heroes are no longer mighty, until he saw Sombra arriving and started to use meteors to destroy the Tree of Peace, because the meteors are one of Sombras evil spell. So Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang went out and punch every meteors before it tries to destroy the Tree of Peace. When the wizards saw how heroic the Hood Brothers are doing, they wonder if they are still mighty enough to protect the Tree of Peace.

Sedrick: Wizards, we need to help the Hoods save the Tree of Peace.
Thunder: Those Hoods really are brave, and could use some help. But we're not sure if we're still mighty.
Sedrick: You guys still are mighty. Ever since I was little, I always believe in you and I still do.
Hercules: You do?
Sedrick: Yes, so what do you say?

When Sedrick threw three rocks at them, the wizards caught them quickly, and notice that they are still mighty. So, the wizards decided to help the Hood Brothers by using their power to undo the evil spell of Sombra with some help of Sedrick. When the meteors were finally destroyed, they cheered with joy. Sombra got mad because his evil plot fail again, and used his magic to get away, even though he, Mortimer, and Spooked still had to walk to get back to earth.

Hercules: Sedrick, Hoods, we are very great full for reminding us, whom we use to be.
Sedrick: Well, we're glad that we were able to fight along with you.
Mighty: You know, you are welcome to stay with us. We could use a wizard like you, with a powerful magic and a good heart, to help us protect the Tree of Peace. What do you say?
Sedrick: I love to, but I need to help the Hood Brothers first to defeat Sombra.
Thunder: Very well, good luck on your journey's.

After Sedrick said goodbye to the wizards, he used his magic to sent him and the Hood Brothers back to planet earth.

To be continued

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