The Lion Chase

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When Sedrick, Mickey, Minnie, Oswald, Ortensia, and White Fang we're heading back home, they heard a scream in the house and went to check it out. When they went inside they saw Alexander freaking out.

Mickey: Alexander, what's wrong?
Alexander: The lion rug is not a rug, but a real lion!
Everyone: What!

When they saw the footprints that leads to outside, they knew that the lion is outside, and decided to go after the lion. When Mickey open the door to head out, he saw Daisy standing in the door.

Mickey: Daisy, what are you doing here?
Daisy: Well I thought that I should stop by, and  introduce you too Minnie's ex-boyfriend, Daffel Duck.
Mickey: What?
Daffel: Hello there. You must be my ex-girlfriend husband.
Daisy: He and Minnie met when she was in Junior High, and before she started to date Mortimer.

Mickey was shock of seeing a duck wearing fancy clothes and a clean smile he has. Mickey then saw the lion chasing a pie truck. Mickey knew that Daisy is trying to make him feel jealous, but he knew that Minnie loves him just the way he is. So, he shook Daffels hand, to let him know that he doesn't want to hurt him.

Mickey: Good to meet you, by the way! (Went after the lion.)
Oswald: (Talks to Daffel) He does not like you! (Went after the lion.)
White Fang: (Talk to Daffel) Me and Oswald don't like you either. (Went after the lion.)

Minnie slapped Daffels face and told him that she will never love someone else but Mickey and went after the lion. Ortensia also slapped him in the face and went after the lion and so did Sedrick. When the lion lost track of the pie truck, he smelled something delicious on Mortimer's house and went inside. White Fang throned rocks at Mortimer's window to get his attention.

White Fang: Hey Mouse, there's an animal in your house.
Mortimer: (Thought that White Fang calls him an animal.) Ha ha, very funny. But the only animals around here are you and your brothers. (Shuts the window).

When Mortimer was about to eat his lunch, the lion roar at him and scared him away.

Mortimer: Why is there a lion in my house?!
Sombra: Wait did you say lion? What kind of lion?
Mortimer: Big, golden main.
Sombra: Gold main! Why, I recognize that lion anywhere. That lion is lion of the first Hood Brothers.
Mortimer: Why would Mickey and his brothers ancestor kept a lion as a pet?
Sombra: Because that lion is very special, and has the most powerful gift besides the roar. And if we find the lion before the Hood does, we will become unstoppable.

Mortimer liked the idea, so he and Sombra went after the lion. When Minnie and Ortensia were looking for the lion, they bumped into Daisy again.

Daisy: Minnie, Mickey is putting you in too much danger, and I think that you and him are not perfect for each other at all.
Minnie: Daisy, I love Mickey and whatever he is doing, he is trying to protect his family and the ones he love.
Daisy: Well, have it your way, but I still think that Mickey isn't perfect for you at all.

When Mortimer and Sombra spotted Minnie, Ortensia, and Daisy close to the statue fountain, Sombra order spooked to move the statue. When Minnie, Ortensia, and Daisy saw that the statue is falling right towards them, they thought they were going to get squash, but Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang came to the rescue and stop the statue from falling. Minnie and Ortensia were happy that their husbands save their life, that they kiss them. Mortimer and Sombra got really mad that they were about to use their evil magic, but the lion once again scared Mortimer which made him to jump into the fountain. When the hood was off of Mortimer heads, the Hood Brothers though that he was Sombra.

Mickey: Mortimer, your Sombra?
Sombra: No, you nothing but trouble Hoods, I'm Sombra, and Mortimer is my descendant!
Mortimer: That's right, my ancestor is the mouse your ancestor defeat a long time ago.

The Hood Brothers, Minnie, Sedrick, and Ortensia were shock to know that Mortimer is related to an evil villain.

Sedrick: Sombra is still trapped inside the staff?
Sombra: Why Sedrick its been a while. I see you have met your new Hood Brothers.
Sedrick: Why are you here, Sombra? You know that the first Hood Brothers trapped you inside the staff forever.
Sombra: True, but that doesn't mean I can't stop doing my evil plots to take over the world. Now that I'm awaken, I will destroy you and The Hood Brothers, so that I can rule and take over the world!
Daisy: (Screams) (Runs away from danger)

Mortimer and Sombra were about to use their evil magic, but the lion use his power to cover them with snow. The Hood Brothers, Minnie, Ortensia, and Sedrick went back home with the lion before Mortimer and Sombra are set free. When they came back home, Sedrick explain to them what the lion really is and they decided to keep him. When the phone rang, Mickey answered it and notice it was Mortimer calling him.

Mickey: Mortimer is this one of your prank calls again? Because I'm not buying it.
Mortimer: No, you no good mouse. Just look outside.
Mickey: (Looks outside through the window.) (Notice Mortimer is looking outside through his window.)
Mortimer: Now that we all know who is who, I will get my revenge, you no good cowards. Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!
Sombra: O, me, me.
Mortimer: Oh wait, Sombra wants to say something.
Sombra: Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!
Mortimer: (Hung's up the phone)
Sedrick: Hood Brothers, we should never give up, and together they will defeat Sombra once and for all.
Mickey: Don't worry Sedrick, we will do whatever it takes to bring peace once again.
White Fang: We'll never give up!
Oswald: We'll defend our home till the end!
Sedrick: That's the spirit Hoods! All right, everyone get some rest.
Minnie: Mickey, I just want you to know, that I will never love anyone once else but you. Mickey: (Smiles) And I love you, no matter what, Minnie.
Mickey and Minnie: (Both shared a kiss.)
Everyone: Aw

To be continued

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