Your Melody - TaeGi


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[Completed] Suga was once a very passionate pianist, his music was like a melody of heaven. But he stopped... More

12 Last Chapter


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"Why don't you give it a go hm?" Jimin, V and Jungkook were sitting in the cafeteria during lunch break. He wasn't even sure how bunny boy became part of their group but at least someone was happy.

"It's all your fault, you know." V sighed, sipping his Strawberry milk.

"Do you love him?" Came the simple question from the bunny boy, yet V found himself unable to answer.

Does he love him?

He remembered how the pianist had captured his heart a year ago. V was still in middle high with Jimin. Like many other middle high students, V and Jimin were visiting cultural festivals of different schools, having fun in the name of investigation. They were both standing at the Tteokbokki stall when V heard his voice for the first and last time.

His feet carried him, following the soft ripples produced by the angelic voice. He found himself in front of the loud crowd cheering for the band that was performing live in the School gymnasium.

There were screams, there were cries mingled with loud cheers and claps. But for V, everything was mute. He wasn't really sure himself how he managed to go throw the crazy crowd. But he found himself standing in the front row, staring directly at the source of the voice.

And he looked down as well, their eyes connected and everything else got silenced. It was only the world of him and the pianist.

"I-I don't think so.." V replied, breaking his train of thoughts.

"Dude, I was so sure that you do." Jimin nudged his elbow while sipping to his drink.

"Mn, me too." Jungkook replied.

V was looking back and forth between Jimin and Jungkook. How come they think he was in love with pianist? Sure, he admired him but love?

I mean, yeah he would wait for him outside his club and steal glances at him through glassed window, and surfed the internet just to find that song but felt dejected when he couldn't and even tried to learn piano and would get extremely happy if he found the Pianist outside of the club and stalk him from time to time but that didn't mean that he was in love or anything. right?

Realizing his own shenanigans, heat rose to his face and V chocked on his strawberry shake.

He looked up to his two friends and they gave him an assuring smile.

Was he that obvious yet oblivious?

"Welcome to the group." Jimin said while patting his back.

"But I suggest that before officially dating, clear the misunderstanding about the letter and confess again." Came the logical response from Jungkook.

V swore that Jungkook became more expressive whenever Jimin was around. Good for you Jimin!

. . .

V was peeking into the senior class, looking for pianist, now Love of his life. Even though the class was filled with hooligans, he immediately spotted the Pianist.

The pianist was sleeping soundly in the class. The wind was doing its magic and the curtain was draping over his beautiful milky face. His eyes were so tiny and his creamy lips blended perfectly with his skin.

V couldn't help but stare at the sight, immersed in the fantasy before him.

How could he not realize his feelings before? He called himself stupid after he realized how much deeply he had fallen for the pianist.

His paradise was disturbed by the satan himself.

"Are you here to give me your answer." Over the course of last few days, V had stored this voice in his brain somewhere. V turned around and bowed to greet his senior.

"Lets go!" Jin gestured him to follow behind.

When Jin confronted V about his letter, he asked V if he was willing to stay by Suga's side and V almost immediately nodded vigorously. Jin chuckled at his enthusiasm.

But he told V to think carefully.

He's broken you know! No matter how much eager you are now, there will be a time when you will be fed up with him. Seeing him sulking all the time. It's not easy to deal with a depress person. It's exhausting both physically and mentally.

Jin laid the cold facts and V nodded in understanding but what he said next made V doubt himself a little.

You will never be his number one!

I don't want people to play with his emotions nor do I want to play with yours. So, think again, then I'll share a part of his life with you and  we will see how willing you are to accept him.

And that was why he was standing in the music room with Senior Jin. He was searching in the cold boxes of the cabinet. Until he took out a CD and stared at it for a while.

"This is the song, Suga wrote himself. Probably his first and last." There was sadness in his voice. V didn't know the most crackhead of the school was capable of showing such a solemn face.

Jin put the CD inside his laptop and played the music on.

V gasped, immediately recognizing the sound!

"This...!" V was so overwhelmed that the word lost their track in his gut. It was the same music! The same one which has captured V's soul and later his heart.

"You know this one?" Jin was surprised.

"Yes! Back then I came to the cultural festival and it was this song...!" V managed to utter a sensible sentence. He remembered how much he had searched for the song and even begged some seniors to tell him but it was all in vain.

"Well, that makes things a bit easier then." Jin said and played the song which was on pause before.

The two sat in the silence room, listened to the melody before them with closed eyes. It really was overwhelming that it made the Senior Jin teared up a little.

Jin wiped the single tear and eyed the junior next to him.

"What the--!"

"Uwaaaaaaaaaa Twis wis wutibul uwaaaaaaaaaa!"

Jin chuckled at the sight and gave him a tissue to clean up. After the junior had calmed down he began his story and V listened to each word carefully.

"Back then, Music Club had 4 members -- a band!" Jin elaborated.

"4 members?" even though V had just watched the music video, his eyes were only focused on the pianist.

"Yours truly was the main vocalist." Jin proudly said with his wide grin.

"Suga Hyung was the pianist." V quickly continued.

"Yes, we had a guitarist and the drummer as well." Jin recalled his members and it put a smile on his face.

"Where are they now?" V had only seen pianist and the vocalist together, where were the other members? They couldn't have disbanded, could they? If so, the club wouldn't have made this far with just two members.

"The drummer was the most cheerful person I've ever known. He was lively, kind and fun to hang around with. He was the sunshine of our band."

V was imagining the scenario in his mind and the person sounded so wonderful. Now he was even more curious to where he was and the guitarist. But Jin's next statement made V bite his own tongue.

"He was Suga's boyfriend."


Sorry for Errors and thank you for reading.

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