Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo...

By Cherrypop455

144K 4.3K 394

When Theresa's father falls sick and has a health scare the Russo family move to be closer. They end up movin... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chater 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 10

6.2K 189 21
By Cherrypop455

Alex p/v

The Russos plus Harper hung out only for an hour with the group talking and laughing before needing to be home. Tonight they would be having a wizard lesson. Justin was bouncing with excitement as Alex pouted. She was already missing Paul....and the rest of the group.

She decided to post something to Instagram for the people back home and to possibly have the guys see no one specific or anything 😉.

She wanted something that's catch his attention.... I mean their. She decided to post the selfie she took back home before she left New York.


Liked by porcuquil, plahote, LeahClearwater, and 200+

Alexeatseverything: Missing the sun which I think I've seen one time since being here in rainy Washington!

User 1: Well id love to be there when it does 😏😉😋
            Plahote: back off @user1 🤬
hfinkle: trying to impress someone? 😏😂
            KimmyCameron: Well it's working 😉....on me is what I meant 😂

Jcameron: awe hell no don't be trying to steal my woman @alexeatseverything stick with my boy @plahote
          Sethisclearaswater: I second 😁
          Porcuquil: I third damn I think everyone is waiting 😂

Plahote: You look beautiful as always 😊
          LeahClearwater: quit being a perv @plahote 😂😬
           Plahote: Shut up Leah 😑

Alex just watched as the boys plus Leah left comment after comment and just shook her head. She got dm's from strangers but ignored them and their compliments only one mattered to her.

She couldn't stop smiling at Paul's comment. It made her heart feel ready to explode, she also noticed people teasing him but it didn't settle right for Alex.

Alex sitting there holding her phone and pondering started noticing the signs that had been there. She had a crush on Paul, but she couldn't act on it. Could she?

She didn't wanna ruin their friendship on a whim. Plus if Paul rejected her Alex knew she'd be broken and never the same. He always made her so happy and she feared losing that. She never felt a connection like this with anyone besides Mason and it was still stronger then that.

"EARTH TO ALEX!" Harper screamed making Alex jump slightly before looking up at her friend in the passenger seat. "We are here already now let's go!" Harper said and Alex noticed her missing brothers. She decided to talk to her best friend about her realization.

"Harper I have a confession" Alex said shyly making Harper whip around. "Alex was usually a closed off person so when she needed alone time to say something it was usually important. "I Uh...think I have a crush....on Paul...... and I just don't know what to do" Alex said sounding almost lost.

"Reeeesallly I had no idea" Harper said sarcastically before sighing. " Alex I haven't seen you this happy in a longtime and.....I think it's because of Paul.....maybe open up him you want more" Harper shrugged but spoke sincerely. She shipped the two so much but knew no matter how much her and the others pushed Alex would make her own decisions.

Alex smiled small before heading inside the house to the 'basment' aka new lair. Which she just slept since it was just review and Alex was both emotionally drained and physically due to school. She didn't miss the fact Justin whispered something in her fathers ear before both looked in her direction. She just hoped it wasn't about Paul.

That night Alex just seemed to roll around all night not sure how to make him wanna date her. What if he only saw her as a friend and everything she would do was pointless. But nonetheless she was gonna try and make herself more available like Harper suggested and if things went south Alex would be able to get out of any situation.

Alex woke up to the first ring of her alarm and sat up immediately. She was so nervous for today she made sure to choose the cutest outfit and have her makeup all nice and done. Alex felt watched and saw her door open with her entire family and Harper standing there wide eyed.

"I've never seen this in all my 18 years" just whispered in wonder. Harper looked scared and wide eyed. Max just kinda tilted his head before shrugging and walking away. And her mother was smiling able to see the love she held for this new guy. And Jerry....well ran away crying and shouting "NOT ANOTHER ONE!" Talking of Alex having a new guy she liked.

Alex shook her head trying to keep herself together when all she wanted to do was fall on the ground and cry. She felt like the whole world was on her shoulders and like Paul's reaction would make or break her. She didn't even have anything planned she was just gonna wing it like her school work.

"Well someone looks like they are taking my advice" Harper said all knowingly before earning a glare from Alex. "I getting ready I don't what you mean" she said gasping and acting as if she had no idea what Harper was speaking of. When really she felt like she were ready to just explode.

So when Alex saw the school pull up in her window she felt herself go stiff. Everyone the whole car ride stayed silent and looked at Alex. They never saw her so serious and so concentrated.

Alex saw the group before they even pulled into the parking lot. They stood out even with all the other teens running around the lot and talking. With their height and bulging muscles they stuck out like a sore thumb. Alex let out a final sigh before opening her car door she felt eyes on her immediately and had an idea on who it was. She didn't look up and kept her eyes on the ground as her and her siblings plus Harper walked up to them. She smiled a tiny bit once they got up to the group looking around at them all before meeting eyes with Paul.

She walked straight towards him and stared him directly in the eyes as everyone watched wide eyed how determined she looked. "Good morning Paul I missed you" Alex said with a strong voice causing Harper to squeal in excitement and Paul's eyes to look ready to pop. "Uh.....good morning Alex I missed you too" Paul said unsure of what the fuck was even happening right now.

Alex smiled before hugging him tightly earning surprised gasps from her brothers and Harper. "You wanna walk me to class?" Alex asked in his ear as she hugged him. "Of c-c-c-course I would" he said nervously before smiling at her.

Alex noticed in the corner of her eye how the boys were giving him a thumbs up and giving wolf whistles as they walked away. As they got to Alex's locker she threw her books in her locker seeing as she doesn't use them and grabbed a snow-cone that now replaced her popcorn machine. Grabbing one for her and Paul who looked shocked back and forth between her locker and the snow-cone he now held.

"So listen Paul......I was wondering.....would you.....look I don't do this often I don't put myself out there often but.....I think I may like you as more then a friend...and was wondering if....if you'd wanna maybe hangout sometime. Paul's eyes looked ready to pop out of his head as he stared at Alex. He was speechless but so happy that Alex actually thought of him like that.

"I'll take your silence as a no.....I'm sorry if I made things awkward ...I just-" Alex started saying feeling bad but also upset at being rejected. "It's definitely a yes....I like you a lot Alex......and if it's okay I'd love to take you out tonight?" Paul asked sounding nervous making Alex smile.

"I'd like that..." Alex said smiling up at him. He looked dazed but both were thrown out of it by applauding and turned to see the group and Harper. "Finally now Paul will shut up!" Jacob laughed. "Your telling me all I heard last night was about how he was gonna get passed the friend zone but of course Alex took charge!" Quil exclaimed laughing. Harper and Kim high fived from pushing this to happen.

Alex just blushed before grabbing Paul's hand and leading him towards their first class. Leaving the group ooooing and screaming to 'use protection'.

Before hearing a "WAIT WHERES MY SNOWCONE!" From a sad Jared leaving Alex and Paul laughing as they walked together both unable to stop smiling.

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