New Olympian: Lord Perseus

By MazeUniverse

64.9K 959 281

When Percy Jackson was betrayed by all but a few he goes to Olympus and ask for death. But the gods reveal a... More

Winter Solstice
Hunters of Artemis
A/N Perseus's Equipment and Powers
Camp-Half Blood and Rewards
Mortals Sword Fight and a Cosmic Spar
Gaea and Ouranos?
Betrayed by camp once again
I meet my no longer dead friends
The Camps come here...WTF!!! PLUS a History Lesson
Stolen Cloth
A truth revealed: A Starry Birth
A truth revealed:Birth of Heavenly Twins
Challenge Accepted
Arrival of Sagittarius
Aiolos and Avalon
Phoenix Persona
Start of a new Holy War

Mortal Families

3.8K 68 13
By MazeUniverse

3 Weeks later Percy POV

3 weeks had passed since the announcement that our mortal families coming to camp. Artemis and I have not made any attempt at peace and neither of our groups had either. I decided to give the Seven another chance, but I made it clear to Annabeth that we won't ever get back together. We were all waiting outside of a mall for the mortal families to arrive due to the fact that we will be taking them by bus to camp. Hera thought it best if Artemis tags along taking two of her huntresses (Thalia and Phoebe) while I brought my Lt. Nero and my oldest recruit who survived Altair. 

I saw the first car pull up and out came Fredrick Chase,his wife Helen, and her twin brother Bobby and Matthew. Soon more cars pulled into the parking lot with some demigods going to greet their family while others stayed behind. Not that I blame them, as some don't have a strong much less good relationship with their families.  I was interrupted from my thoughts (seriously what is it with people not letting me think) by a very familiar voice. Someone who I most likely never forgive. "PERCY!!" Mo-I mean Sally said. Turning to her direction I gave her a forced smile "hey Mom". "Percy I missed you,how have you been" Sally said giving me a hug. I pulled away making her confused and a bit hurt but payed no mind as I saw who she brought. Behind her and Paul was my ex-stepdads parents Henry and Lola and their two other kids Marin and Steven. Marin was accompanied by her husband Dave and their 3 kids: Joel the oldest,their middle child Gracie and their youngest Ryan. Steven came with his wife Kirsten and their two children Ben and Andrew who are twins. "Great she brought the whole family here" I thought sarcastically.  

Quick backstory on my ex step family. None of them like me and I don't like them. "Percy so good to see you again" Lola said, but I could tell it was forced. Hey I'm the God of Emotions I can tell these kinds of things. I just nodded. Noticing that everyone was here and were boarding their respective buses. I motioned them to follow me. One thing I made sure to do was hide my appearance from them until I got to camp. Heading into bus 1 I saw that Artemis,Thalia and Phoebe were already there. Thalia noticed my big ex family and went to comment but one look by me told her that if she comments anything she will die. She closed her mouth. My mom and her family sat down in the front of the bus no doubt wanting to question me. I decided I would ignore them. Turning on the buses engine I moved out. Artemis meanwhile decided to start the minor introductions. 

"Hello, my name is Artemis the Goddess of the Moon,Hunt,Virginity,and Children. And yes I am a goddess" Artemis said giving a young man a look that told him not to question her. "While I can't give to much away, we are taking you to a place that is the only safe place for your children" Artemis continued. Paul's family looked confused at everything but wisely kept quiet and waited on the questions for when we get to camp. "I can answer a few questions now before my companions take over". 

A mortal raised her hand. Artemis motioned her to ask away "What is our drivers name and is he single?". The question got a raised eyebrow from Artemis and snickers from Phoebe and Thalia. Altair was about to shoot the girl in the head when I intervened "Altair, you may not kill the girl even if her IQ is lower than Aether's when he is playing flappy bird". Altair was going to give one of his retorts when I gave him my wolf stare. He shivered. "To answer you question miss my name is Percy Jackson but I want you to call me Perseus and no I am not single" I said to her. I got a raised eyebrow from Sally and Paul but payed no mind to. Another mortal raised their hand this time it was a parent. 

"Who are these people with you and why can't we see the boys faces". "These are my hunters Thalia being my Lt. and Phoebe. As for them" Artemis paused not knowing what to say. She was saved by Nero. "We are Perseus's friends and the reason why you can't see our faces is because we are not allowed to show people our faces in public". The mortal nodded, understanding. 

The ride overall was quiet after that. No sooner than when we left did we arrive. "Alright everyone off the bus" I said. Once I got off I made my way over to the rest of the Seven who were debating on how we were going to explain things to the families. "I think we should give them an introduction out here and explain the rules in the pavilion during lunch" Jason said. We nodded in agreement. "Who will get their attention" Piper asked. "I will" I volunteered. Aurora gave me a questioning look. I gave him a look that said "I'll tell them in the pavilion" to which he nodded. 

Conjuring up on a podium I went up to start the announcements. "Everyone can I have your attention please". The chatting stopped no sooner than it started. I took this as a sign to continue "My name is Perseus and I am one of the instructors here at Camp Olympia (name of the new camp). This is the only safe place for your children who are the offspring of the Greek Gods. I'll now turn it over to our activities director for further instructions" I said motioning to Chiron. 

"Thank Perseus" Chiron said. "Welcome to Camp Olympia. We appreciate that you all can come here to better understand the world that your children live in. To move things along I will hand out special charms designed by the Hecate cabin to help you see through the Mist which keeps our two worlds separate. After that we will let you in through the barrier where you will make your way to the Dining Pavilion to learn more about camp and its rules as well as what you will be doing while staying here". 

When Chiron finished the Hecate Cabin handed out the charms to the non clear sited mortals who when putting them on gasped at Chiron who was in his horsey glory (I snickered at the thought). Families started to make their way towards the barrier where their names were called to be let in. 


We were all situated in the pavilion at our respective tables with my family at my own table with a few of my assassins as some were given assignments. Sally kept giving me questioning looks as to why we weren't at the Poseidon table. Annabeth got up and spoke "hi for those of you who don't know me my name is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena head Architect of Olympus and Goddess of Architecture,Intelligence, Battle Strategy,War,and Bravery". One by one everyone introduced themselves including the mortals. When it got to my table my mother and her family decided to introduce themselves. Seeing it was my turn I stood up and reverted to my godly form to which I received hateful glares from my mortal family and a gasp from Sally. 

"I am Perseus son of primordial's Hydros and Thalassa. I am the Primordial of Heroes and Heroic Fate. God of God of Emotion,Law,Justice,Judgement,Punishment,Time,Fate,Darkness,Balance,and Loyalty". Annabeth spoke again when I was done. "We will list you the rules that must be followed. 

"1. Curfew is at 10 pm. Fail to meet this and you will be eaten by the harpies. 

2. Follow all instructions given by your children, this is for your safety

3. Breakfast is at 8:30 am. Remember to sacrifice your food to the gods. That also goes for Lunch and Dinner

4. Don't pick fights with the campers or hunters as you will surely lose. Especially don't pick fights with Perseus's assassins as they will kill you without a thought. 

With that being said please enjoy your stay here" Annabeth said in a not so cheerful voice. The nymphs brought the food out and one by one the campers and hunters sacrificed a portion of their meal to the gods. My family went up next and sacrificed their meal to Poseidon. When they got back they started to eat. "So what are your names?" asked Henry to my assassins. None of them responded as they a) were too engrossed in their latest kill and b) didn't want to talk to them. Lola frowned at the disrespect that they were showing to her husband. "My husband is talking to you. When he is speaking to you, you listen and respond. Understood" Lola said in a sweet voice. She still didn't get a reaction from them. Lola turned to me "can you tell them to do as they are told". I looked at as if she had a death wish which I am praying she does. "No I will not tell them to listen to you, they listen to me. They are assassins that kill the most wicked of people, and unless you want to be on my kill list then I suggest you be quiet" I said to her. Dave looked lived and turned to Sally. "Are you going to let him talk to us that way?" Dave asked my ex mother. "Percy keep them under control and what have I told you about killing. You can't just go around killing as you please" Sally said to me. 

I was not in the mood for her so called mothering. She disowns me telling me that I am not welcomed in her home anymore, and now she's acting like she's my mother again by telling me what to do. Not anymore. "Listen here and listen good, I was never your son. I am a son of Hydros and Thalassa born a primordial. I reincarnated as your son Percy Jackson, but he is no more. Not after you disowned me. So you better get one thing straight. I don't listen to any of you, you do not control me and tell me how to do my job. You're in my territory now and it would be a shame if I had to get rid of you so soon" I said the last part with a sweet voice with a hidden message. Piss me off and your are dead. 

My entire ex family looked gobbed smacked at me telling them off. Not waiting for a response I left the pavilion heading to my cabin to cool off with my assassins following me. Raphael came in my room shortly after I left. He laid my head on my shoulder. "Its alright, let it out" Raphy (my nickname for him) said to me. And I did and for the first time since Helios faded I cried. I didn't show myself for the rest of the day. I didn't even here my ex family coming in. 

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