Damaged Love

By abilovesreading

156 27 0

Set of poems that depict love, past abuse, brokenness, and getting better. Part 2 of heartbroken complication. More

Damaged Love
Coming to terms
Mental Health Day
Processing and healing
Goodbye Letters
One word


15 2 0
By abilovesreading

Shooting star

on that night

with the star

cascading down to earth

the wish I made

was so far away

from what I wanted

but I was afraid to wish

for anything else


with every relapse

with every cut

I try to come back

I have to believe I am stronger then this

that I can fight this

that my suicidal tendencies

can go away

if not what is the point

of the relapse

then to remember

why I want to live


the smell of the lake,

the beach,

the river,

the waterfall

brings back

the feeling of cold I enjoy so much,

the wind feels different

my spirit soars,

I feel free,



the sigh of contentment comes out

and I feel

human once more,




Step back

driving back and forth

I hold on to the hope

one place will make me feel better

but each place holds it's own demons

but the drive gives me the time I need

to be alone,

to think,

and not be in danger of myself

the long rides,

the blasting of music

so I can't hear myself even breathe

anything to get away from myself for a while

I get home,

to arguments and anger

and I go back,

to isolation and depression

the ghosts

are in every corner

I try to step back

further and further

getting so close to the edge,

about to fall

but you say words that no one has ever said to me

you make me wonder

what do I like about myself,

what don't I?

is it safe to go down that path

of wondering what I don't like about me?

with you it is safe

and then

the final hit,

it's not the mental health issues that are the issue,

it's the suicidal thoughts

the depression is a part of me,

that can stay

it makes me who I am,

but the suicide thoughts are too much

for anyone

and they are not part of me,

because I do want to live,

but living, is so much harder then dying,

yet you make me see

that it is worth fighting for


this is what happens

when a volcano

meets a hurricane

the mess it makes,

is no where near 

the destruction that hits

my blasting lava of emotions,

changing consistency and length,

while you try to navigate 

the rapid spiraling storms that hit

we slam into each other

at every break,

and at every turn

we get to view,

that the mess we thought we made together,

is actually pure destruction

yet how is storms,


and lava

look so beautiful,

and the calm that comes after the storms,

how can that be,

the lightest it has felt


I am a guest 

in this place

and if I had forgotten

how un-included I became,

you remind me

while I am here

sorry my presence here

is a turmoil of regret,

thinking I was gone, but I am back

sorry that my lingering shadow,

reminds you of the life you lost

for having me,

was the biggest mistake of your life,

and staying alive

has been the biggest mistake of mine


I hide away

in books,

trying to find the

fictional narrative,

belongs to me somehow,

that the escape

will actually help me


yet here I am

coming back to you every time

hoping I can grow 

the relationship with you,

that I fucked up

but instead you remind me

why I want to run away

and hide,

and never come back


I see in her eyes,

all the pain I felt,

I hear in her words

that as a six year old,

she is already feeling

what I used to feel,

and I wish I could help her,

but I know where I was,

and I know that it just got worse,

what can I even do?

Bright Lights

As the waves roll in,

and the wind sweeps my hair,

in every directions,

the sand under my toes,

clings to my skin,

and the cries of the seagulls 

pierce my ears,

the cold air,

lights me on fire,

I close my eyes, 

tilting my head toward the sun 

and I feel free

I have been liberated,

from my darkness,

and I have gone into this new

cold light

the waves cascade,

crashing icy water onto me,

the cold, doesn't numb this time,

the cold contains me, lets me breathe once again

this feels familiar,

and you are standing by my side,

waiting out the waves,

close enough to let me know

you are with me,

and far away enough 

that I get the space to relax,

to release all the built up,

the sigh escapes once again,

and I am happy,


in this bright new light


scatter brained

scattered brain

words tumble

too much

all at once

to process



conversation topics change

in two second intervals

the world seems blurry,


the dizziness comes with


I'm nauseous,

I feel like I am falling,

is the ground moving as well?



small details

catch my attention.


there it is

you ground me back to earth,

everything is clearer


as we hang out 

more and more,

and joke about life,

I find a piece within you

and I know it's going to be alright

you make the world seem colorful,

with rose tinted glasses,

and every storm that passes,

I know I am safe in your arms

the longer you protect me,

the longer I know this is my place

along side you, I feel I finally belong somewhere

I think of our conversations,

and we fit.

That scares the shit out of me,

to imagine a life with you,

it's everything I never knew I wanted,

well fuck,

I didn't even want to live past

a certain age,

and yet here I am imagining,

life further, what it'd be like

to have kids and get married,

why can I see a future,

a long term..


why do I love you in ways 

I didn't know I was capable of

haven't I seen 

what love does,

love hurts,

whether it's wrong or right

I thought abuse was love,

I thought my parents loved me when they yelled,

when they left, when I got the silent treatment

I thought my parents, loved each other,

that they'd be together forever,

that love can surpass it all

and with every example that passed,

I realized love wasn't real,

that it was something we wish for,

so we can be okay,

like an afterlife,

how can we be afraid of the unknown,

if we make something up,

create a peace for ourselves,

believe and hope that after this,

there is more

with each relationship I have seen,

start and

then stop,

or start,

and stay, becoming a toxic, hateful environment

how can I still believe in it,

how can I still want it,

I thought I had let that go,

given up on that

isn't that what started me,

on hookups, and sex,

knowing there wasn't a lasting partner,

a faithful life?

yet here I am,

begging that you will feel like I do,

that you will love me

in all my damaged self,

that you continue to stay,

even though you don't have to 

and that this damaged love

becomes more,

it becomes

a long term love

but relationships aren't perfect, 

and sex is meaningful,

and so as our dates go on,

it's better to say

we are just friends

I can't make you trust me,

I can't make you love me,

I can not make you believe any of my words,

I want to keep them locked,

because how do I start a conversation of,

I love you, 

for long term, and I want you


and I never wanted life,

but now I see a future along side you,

and thoughts of living with you, 

long term plans,

fall into my heart,

and I don't know how to express that,

except for saying, 

I want to make love to you,

but that sounds stupid even to me

so each time I come close to trying,

I say it wrong, 

so you'll stop it, 

because you are strong, because you have control

and it hurts me each time,

and I can't stop the pain from flooding,

and I can't stop the tears from falling,

because this is me,

opening my heart to you completely,

giving myself to you, I'll let you do whatever you wanted to me

without a single doubt

so you are right, you aren't the one who is scared to have sex,

I am. 

But I don't want to be,

I want to, I am just not ready,

and I hate myself for that,

I can push my limits,

with anyone else,

but you make me feel safe,

you make me realize my own worth,

and I want to give you all of me,

but I'm scared

I want you to see,

that I am all in,

that you are who I want,

that I want to be with you,

and I don't know how to tell you that,

how to show you that,

and so I panic,

I go back to the familiar,

and sex has always been

what everyone else wanted,

and that is all I know,

so if it's not that as an action,

a declaration..

how do I let you know..


we are just friends though..


because if not,

I really would love to be your girlfriend..

all the strings attached,


I love you for you,

and I wish I knew how to express it

and if the time came,

when the friendship boundary

were to break,

and you were to say yes,

I think I would panic 

and ask a million times,

if this is what you actually wanted,

because I want you to want it,

I want you to do it because you love me,

not because of any other reason


are we just friends,

are we just hanging out,

because I am terrified

of fully opening up,

because this slow open and close,

is enough to make me

imagine a future,

to think about growing old,

everything seems possible with you

and that is nerve-wracking in every way


do you want to be my boyfriend?

I want you, for the long term,

if you want that too, friend.


since the first kiss,

and how you waited it out,

I knew it was you that I wanted,

you didn't see 

the behind the scenes,

nor the aftermath

my life changed completely,

tilting on it's axis,

my friends watched me delete,

tons of people,



they watched me delete

so much of my life

because you made me better,

since the moment I met you,

since the moment you gave me ice cream for being sad,

since the moment we started talking,

since the moment I touched you the first time,

when I mess around,

risking it all,

for a glimpse of working along side you,

making mistakes,

throwing a work hat,

into a sink

when I let 

the three seconds of bravery,

bloom into a friend request,

that grew and grew,

I didn't expect

a sunflower,

from a dandelion seed

yet here I am,

and here you are

and as the quirky, flirting

became awkward, dropping of dishes

it bloomed

and that three seconds

of bravery,

was worth

every day I spent waiting,

hoping you'd notice me,

that I would catch your eye

I didn't know it back then,

that a crush could grow,

into something I still don't know, 

into something I have never experienced before.

and the warmth

that envelopes me,

at every sly touch of your hand,

in every wrap of your arms,

I know,

that this is the place,

I finally belong,

and you still remain,

just like before,

the sun

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