She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



719 22 1
By True_Legend_

Hazel's Pov
I woke up screaming in pain as something was pulled out of my neck. I sat up quickly taking in my new surroundings as the latest events replayed in my mind heavily. I refused to think that we lost to these disgusting humans.

"We will do this tonight. Find me David so he can do a scan of her ovaries." He ran this whole place but his name was still unknown. I sat up realizing I was unchained, they must of thought I would be too weak to move around.

I grabbed the first sharp object I could see and grabbed a random person. Everyone's attention turned to me and I took it. I raised the knife like object to the man's throat and pushed it in hard.

"I'm done being moved. You run this whole place and we still aren't properly introduced. That's quite rude no?" I wanted to get him mad, get his head away from the attack.

"It's funny that way right? Not knowing people from your past? Especially the ones who caused such a big change in your life?" He wanted to get in my head. Stay focused Hazel.

"So enlighten me. Who are you to me and why am I here?" I seen some men try and get closer to me. I seen why they were scared, the man I held tight had a gun on his waist.

"My deeply beautiful Hazel my name is Eric. Eric Hernandez, you were going to to call me uncle at one point." I was caught in his words for a second.

"Well Eric please don't stop there. Explain." I needed to keep him talking. Give them time to find me. Hurry Ace please, I can stall for so long. Hold on my baby, daddy is coming.

Ace's POV
"Sir we found tire tracks." I looked at the guy talking to me following his finger as I seen the track in the dirt.
"Load up every able body. We follow them now." He ran off yelling out the orders I just gave him. I walked up to the tracks analyzing them. Tracking was always Ethan's thing. One time I ran off and he found me just 3 hours later at the age of 10. God I miss my family.

"Ace, there are some people on the phone for you." I turned to Dane's voice taking the phone and nodding for him to leave.

"King speaking." The voice on the other end shocked me.

"They say some paths are meant to reconnect at some point." My grandfather on my dad's side voice rang in my ear.

"They say if they do reconnect they are meant to be. Hello grandfather what can I help you with?" He made my father the ruthless but caring family man he is. He partly raised me but left the ruthless things to my father.

"I've heard about you and your reina. I have just called to check on you and ask if you needed anything. I understand what you're going through my nieto." How I have missed my native language. Hearing it role off of someone's tongue is just so settling.

"I am fine abuelo. How is abuela?" He hasn't been in this life for 2 decades, I don't want him back in for me.

"Ahhh my young nieto, you can't push away family. Especially the ones who know this pain the most. Do your old abuelo a favor alright? Call your brothers, let them help." He was a very determined man even as a boy my grandmother says.

"From the sound of your voice I'm going to guess they are already here si?" He laughed on the other side of the phone before hanging up. He has always been a mysterious man and will leave you questioning your life by the end.

"Ace, your brothers are here." I was knocked out of my thoughts as I felt a hand enclose on my shoulder.

I turned to see Kyle and Ethan looking at me. I embraced them both with a big bro hug. Family isn't just blood but blood family is forever. I don't know what I would do without family, without that hope and love to return to. Every time Kyle stitched me up so mom wouldn't see me after a fight. When Ethan would sit on the steps as a child waiting for his big brothers to come home from school and play with him. We might not be an ordinary family but we are family.

"So what's the plan?" Kyle asked as we go walked back towards the truck. He may not want to live this life but we do everything to protect who he loves.

"Yeah Ace. We seen the tracks are we going to follow them? Do you think it'll be that easy?" Ethan added as we were now in the middle of the men.

There is no way they would just leave tracks that obvious. They are not that dumb. He wants to play w game of life or death on his terms. But I will plus on my terms. Terms that will insure my queen's return.

"Ethan when hunting what do you do so the animals can't smell you?" He thought about my question for awhile.

"I move down wind and make it look like I went a different way." I nodded at him as everyone got the clue and started looking for more tracks that weren't so obvious.

"As they look the rest of you pack up immediately. My queen is to come back unharmed along with my unborn child. They have took enough lives today. It is our turn to take away lives. MOVE!" My voice boomed as everyone started doing as told. Ethan went and helped load up gums as me and Kyle watches everyone woke for a minute.

"Do you remember when I asked you if you thought Hazel could live this life? If she could handle all that came with it. Blood shed, loss, pain, everything?" He looked at me.

"Yes. I do remember when you asked that. Why?" I questioned him.

"She is fit for this life. She is fit to rule over this fucked up kingdom our great great grandparents built. You found one in a million Ace. You did good brother. Finish this with her by your side." He patted me on the shoulder as he walks away.

I'm almost there Hazel. Don't stop fighting mi amor, don't give in.

Here is the update :) please do enjoy it
Another one will be here by Wed/Thur so watch out for that.
Later troublemakers :)
- T.L.

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