Save me (Under heavy editing!)

By wonderland_smile

12.5K 540 36

(BOOK ONE) Every year he streaks, taking innocent teens their leaves. It started thirty ago. When I was a li... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four

chapter seven

374 17 1
By wonderland_smile

Rose P.O.V

it the time of the year when he strikes again and I really want to catch him this year. He killed to many innocent people in the pasted couple of year. I was reading the file from last year where we spoke to Lea.

She told us that it was a teenage boy and that was so weird because the killing started a long long time ago. I sip from my coffee reading the rest of before Aaron came in to our office.

" You never believe who just walked into the office." I frown my eyebrows putting the file down on my desk.

"Lea's mom." I stood up walking to the door.

" Why is she here." I asked while we walked to the interrogation room.

" Lea's gone. Her mom got a phone call that her grandma was in the hospital, so she had to drive to it which is a three hour drive. When she's arrive they told her that it wasn't true and that her grandma was fine. She called Lea at four in the morning telling her that it was a prank and that she would go home the next dat. But when she arrive home the next day Lea was gone. Some of her clothes were gone too and here phone was laying broking on the floor by her window." This can be good.

I don't think that Lea would run away from her parents like that. We when inside and saw Lea's mom. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had cry allot.

" Hello Mrs. Hart. I'm inspector Lewis and this is my partner inspector Holt. We here because of your daughter." Aaron said shaking her hand.

We sit down in front her ready to listen. " Yes. I know Lea and she would not just run away like that." Like I said before she's not the type of girl to do that. She told everything that happen. From when she left and from when she came back home. She yelled Lea's name but she didn't answer when she got. When she went upstairs her room door was open and her phone was laying broken on the floor. Her bed was slept in and her closet was almost empty.

" Thanks Mrs. Hart for the information were gone look for your daughter." I said once she was done talking. She nodded her head with a saw expression on her face.

" Do you think he have's her?" She asked in a silent voice.

I looked at Aaron and he shrug his shoulders. I didn't think off that before. He let her go a year ago I don't know if he would kidnapped her again. And beside she the only one who disappeared there aren't any other reports of teens being missing.

" We don't know, but don't worry we will find her." Again she nodded her head before standing up. A police ma guide her outside while we stayed behind trying to figure this out.

When we walked back to our office after a hour of sitting in the interrogation room trying to think about something. " Maybe her mom was right and he took her again. I mean he let her go something that didn't happened in all those years and know he wants her back to kill her." Aaron said sitting behind his desk.

I sight sitting down behind my own. " I don't know Aaron. It doesn't make any sense. Why would he let her go and then kidnap her again a year later." I wrote something down in the file that was still laying on my desk. If he kills her were gone get a letter in the next couple of days. I just hope that we can catch him before it's too late for her.

" Don't you think that she just run away from her home because it's a year ago that it happened. Maybe she wanted to make sure that she was save and that he wouldn't find her." Aaron said looking over at me from his desk. That can be true, but would she really run away without telling her mom and dad about this.

"I don't think so. The past year she was too scared to leave her house, she began to have panic attacks and stared to have anxiety. She would have terrible nightmares or sometimes night terrors." I explained to him. " How did you know that." He asked looking at his computer screen.

" I read her file. I wanted to know why he took her, why that she so special to him to let her go, when I found out that she went to therapy to after she got kidnapped. " I explained to him.

" And did you find out why she so special to him?" He asked look up from his screen.

I sighed running a hand through my hair." Nope, She's just a normal girl." There was a knock on our door before our boss came in.

" We have a letter." Aaron took the letter and opened it. This is it we're going to have to call her mom and say that we found her daughter death. Aaron eyes scan the piece of paper before he looks up.

" She's not death. " A sight of relief escape my lips.

" What did it say then?" My boss asked.

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