School Project (GirlxGirl)

By ItJustNaom7

214K 5.5K 336

Hannah Headstone is a shy girl, she doesn't have many friends only Dennis her best friend. Amber Colvin is th... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 26
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Ch. 4

9.7K 268 5
By ItJustNaom7

Still Hannah's P.O.V

On the phone with Dennis

''One thing is for sure I'm crushing very hard on this girl.'' "I'm glad you found out," Dennis said on the other side of the phone, laughing. "Sorry, but I can't help every time she calls me a cutie. I just feel my heart go faster." "uhm, and is that all, or does she do more things to make your heart go faster?" Dennis asked what I was sure of with a big fat big grin on his face. Yes, the way she looks at me, the way her eyes go from very serious to the cutest blue eyes. The way she's a bitch to everyone but remains sweet and nice to me. I also like how she blushes sometimes when I compliment her. in short, there are many things that I like about her, but yes I can not tell Dennis all because then he will tease me for the next 2 months and I do not want to. "Yes, I think his bit is everything". I said in a fake thinking voice. "Sure keep dreaming girl," Dennis said.

Goddamit, why does this guy know so much about me? I mean we may have known each other since we were kids, but there is something you don't know about me. "Sorry I have to hang out with Jance I don't want to be late so bye." And then he hung up.

It was half past six so I thought I made some food for myself and then ate it on the couch with a movie but that plan soon changed and I decided to order pizza. The doorbell rang and I opened the door expensive and saw a boy standing there looking cute with his curly brown red hair and green eyes, but he didn't even come close to me. He gave the pizza and a note. "Call me," he said with a wink. I don't know but thanks to him I can't even take a bite of my pizza like that. So I thought what could hurt a little roasting? "No thanks, I don't kind of do you." The pizza boy looked at me a little pathetic but I didn't care. I paid the boy and closed the door.

the next morning Dennis didn't pick me up for school today so I thought I'd go for a walk today. When I got in my locker I saw someone waiting, it was Linny and her club. "Hannah can we talk to you behind the school square." She may have said it nicely, but I saw something in her eyes that said something completely different. We walked together to the back of the school square. And then she stopped and looked straight into my eyes. "You're Dennis's girlfriend." I laughed when she said sorry Dennis he is a very good Gay friend but I don't like you like that. Linny looked at me strangely. "Oh you meant it, no, I'm not his girlfriend. We're only really good friends." Linny looked at me with relief. "That's great now my brother doesn't have to be so jealous anymore." "Wait you knew all along," I said in my voice with surprise. "Yeah duh those 2 looks at each other like they just want to have sex at the time." Wow, and I thought she didn't know all along. "So Linny is there someone you like." Linny blushed so I assumed yes. She looked at the floor with a redhead until she mumbled something. "Uhm well, I think I like Harper".

Harper, I didn't expect that I thought she liked Dennis since that look had relief in her eyes. And Harper doesn't have anyone, what's his name again?

"Harper seriously doesn't have that with a boy Kas anyway". She looked with a sad look and yes I know how it feels. I thought to cheer her up and gave her my number. "Let's have some fun this afternoon together with Dennis and Jance they can't stay away from each other."


please check out my other book

A Royal Romance

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