According To The Muses {UTAPR...

By My_Pharaohs_Keeper

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(ONGOING) Melody KaSakura journeys to recover her passion for music after a major accident & a life-threateni... More

1: The Dawn Of A New Beginning
2: A Seven Colored Compass?
3: His Brand New Melody
4: Knocking On His Mind
5: Believe His Heart
6: Let's Go! His Fight!
7: His Shout Out To Orion: WHITE (Part 1)
8: His Shout Out To Orion: BLACK (Part 2)
9: Believe His Voice
10: Her Fantastic Dream (Part 1)
11: Her Fantastic Dream (Part 2)
12: From Trinity to Tristar and Back (Part 1)
13: From Trinity to Tristar and Back (Part 2)
15: Trust His Dream
16: Mister Psycho Madness
17: Who's Orpheus?
18: Sorrowful Feeling Heart
19: His Eternity Love
20: Her Lost Child's Heart
21: Our Weaving Dreams
22: Our Map of the Future

14: From Trinity to Tristar and Back (Part 3)

77 2 0
By My_Pharaohs_Keeper

"So what song did you guys get?"

"The worst thing we could've taken on." Ren muttered.

"Our group dance assignment. The one where..." Syo trailed off.

"...The last one we had before I was demoted." Tokiya sighed. "Mugen no Trinity."

"The performance you guys had were Hyuga-sensei publicly embarrassed you?" Otoya's blunt words ripped into Tokiya's heart. We all cringed. "Jeez, that's so brutal."

"I know that has to hurt, Ichinose-kun." Natsuki sympathized.

"So? We'll manage. I will at least..." Tokiya turned his pale red face away from us, "W-What's your song then?"

"Remember that group dance assignment, Melody helped us with...that we still totally bombed?"

"Only because we hadn't practiced enough!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"That's because you and Otoya fooled around most of the time!" Masato yelled.

"Masa! You were always changing the steps too! Don't blame us!" Otoya defended.

"I agree! Didn't you learn anything from yesterday? We all failed together!" Otoya, Masato, and I sweatdropped.

"The song's name is Eien no Tristar." I answered Tokiya's question.

"I see." All of us stood in the studio booth in silence for a moment. Tokiya then lifted the remote he held in his hand. "Then I guess it can't be helped, we'll have to review these tapes after all."

"We have to figure out what our faults are, and fix them in time for the battle."

"We're going first if you don't mind." Ren told us as Tokiya put in the S-class's tape.

"Didn't sound like we had much of choice, did it?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Just stay quiet and let us look, please." Tokiya had an anime vein mark. "We won't take that long."

"Hopefully not as long as he is in the shower..." Otoya whispered. He received a paperback book to the face.

For the next hour, the S-class group gathered in the recording room hovering over the television monitor. They groaned and argued over the parts they thought they should fix and what they felt was missing, rewinding to the parts they wanted to practice again. Meanwhile, The A-class group, us, sat in the lounge area of the studio that the seven of us were confined to for the day, waiting for them to finish. All we could do was watch, and after what seemed like forever, they exited the booth. The three had a frown on their faces. "It looks like you guys haven't gotten anywhere." They all looked in different directions.

"Maybe, if they could start by changing~"

"Otoya, no good will come by revealing their faults to them. They must find them on their own." Masato handled his beverage delicately. He took a light sip. "Besides, they're the enemy."

"But..." Otoya trailed off.

"Don't worry about us. We're fine, worry about yourselves." Tokiya muttered.

"Yeah. If we beat you next week, you'll be expelled. You should take this more seriously." We all seemed to deflate.

"It really doesn't get easier does it?" Masato questioned as we all stood up.

"School? Or life in general?" Natsuki asked him.

He sighed in return, "Both." And then it's our turn to review our footage. We watched our A-class performance in silence the first time around. When it was over, no one said anything. No one could find anything specifically wrong, to us, it was just all bad.

"I guess we'll just have to re-choreograph the whole thing. Lyrics and all." Otoya said in a quiet voice as he stopped the recording on the last replay. "That sucks."

"There's a lot wrong." Masato says when we come out of the booth. "We'll just have to figure it out as we go."

"And do our best! It's all we can do!" Natsuki encouraged.

"What are you guys talking about? Your music is fine!" Syo told us, "What your real problem is~"

"Syo, that's enough," Tokiya said quickly. He and Ren stood up. "We've all reviewed the tapes long enough yes?" We nodded. "It's about time we leave then." Tokiya tapped on the exit door. Letting the school security personnel know we were ready to leave. Reluctantly, we all left the studio unfulfilled. Each group was assigned a different security guard to watch over us. Walking down the corridor, our escort split up into two different directions, meaning it was time to depart. We all gave each other looks before following our guards. "May the best team win." Tokiya said before we disappeared down the hall.


"5 6, 5 6 7 8."

All: Every Day Every Time, mabushiku tsuyoku

kagayakeru sono hi made

donna toki mo, soba ni itai

Otoya:asu ni

Masato x Natsuki x Melody:mukai


Masato x Natsuki x Melody:dasou

All:"egao" sono tame ni...


"Ugh. How many times are we going to have to practice this until we can leave?" We all panted. Our clothes were drenched in sweat. Exiled from classes, we'd been locked in an academy studio for hours. A school security guard was posted outside the door, so we couldn't leave if we wanted to. We didn't know how long we'd been inside exactly, but you start to lose it when you're stuck in a room with others in an enclosed space.

"Otoya's right." Natsuki leaned against the wall. He ripped off his armbands. "It's so hot. It feels like we're being purposely trapped."

"Yeah. We're not even allowed to step out for fresh air." I sat on the piano so that I didn't have to get on the floor. I took a sip from my water bottle. "Who would want to sing and dance under these conditions?"

"We do." At that moment, Masato had sauntered over to the studio window and opened it wide. "If you want to continue going here you will." He then collapsed onto the floor underneath it.


"ARE YOU GOOD!?" We quickly rushed to his side.

"I'm fine." Masato waved us all off and slung his arm over his face. His collapse had been on purpose. "Just take five for now." We sighed and laid down with him. "Uh? Ah." For once, Masato was too lazy to scold us for invading his personal space. Laying with him, the four of us created an X on the floor. The rest of us stared up at the ceiling.

"Is it really worth it? Working so hard like this?" I asked.

"We don't seem to be getting better," Natsuki muttered. "The more we try out, the more that needs to be fixed."

"We're just not motivated." Masato then grumbled.

I looked in his direction, "Are you saying the suspension isn't enough to worry about?"

"No." He replied flatly. "It's the last thing we're worried about in all this."

"Then, what..." I trailed off.

"We don't stand a chance do we?" We all turned our heads toward Otoya. He spoke in a low tone as he just stared at the ceiling. "Compared to the S class, they're bound to be better than us. Especially when we're like this." I waited for Masato to counter his statement. But when he didn't my heart sank.

I quickly sat up. "Come on guys! There's got to be something we can do! Seeing you guys this down really hurts!"


"But I'm out of's useless."

"I don't like to give up, but what choice do we have? What else is there to do?" I could almost see their essences growing dull. I didn't know what to do.

I went to the window, hoping to clear my head. The blue sky was covered in clouds, covering the sun. "This sucks."

"Melody Hime-sama."

"Huh?" I looked to my left, "Princess Harmony? What the~!" With a finger, she shushed me.

"Never give up." She smiled and pointed down. Before I could look, her faint image had faded away.


"Syo, what the f***!?" I couldn't contain my curse. Syo was less than a meter above me. Eyes closed, hanging along the side of the school building.

"I know this looks bad...which is why I'm not looking. PleAse hElp me up!" His voice cracked.

"Nacchan!" I called him with my hands on my hips. "Come quick!"

"Ahh! Anyone else but him!"

"Too late."

"Huh? SYO-CHAN!" Natsuki grabbed the shorter blonde with one hand like a giant lifting a puny mortal. "AH! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Huhu!"

"Would you be quiet!? SHHHH!" He whisper-shouted the most his breath could mutter. Otoya and Masato sat up during the commotion.


"What's going on here? Kurusu-kun!?" Syo shushed them too. He all went silent. Natsuki let go and Syo slowly crept toward the door. He opened it quickly signaling behind the guard's back to someone. Then with one big breath, he yelled, "LOOKING FOR ME!?" The guard swished around. "BOO!"


In less than ten seconds, Syo had distracted our security guard long enough for Tokiya to come up behind him and knock him out. The three quickly dragged him inside, leaving him under the piano.


"Is he dead!?"

"Did Ichinose just hit him!?" Masato yelped, "With the pan to MY hot plate!?"

"I'll buy you a replacement." Masato screamed as Tokiya threw it to the side.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I yelled. "You're not supposed to be here!?"

"Yes but," Tokiya started, "We've thought of something you guys might be interested in. You guys might want in on this."

"But not here, there are cameras here too!" Ren pointed, "Come quickly, everyone! I know where we should go."


"There's time to explain! When you get lemons, you make lemonade!" Syo grabbed my hand. "Let's go! Now!" Seconds later all of us were making a run for it out of the academy like we were in a horror movie scene. "This way!"

Not long after, all of us guessed it. Back at the pavilion by the lake, in the real world this time of course. Tokiya wasted no time, "We may have just found a loophole."

"A loophole?"

"No no no! Before you get into that!" Masato yelled, "Can we PLEASE address what the heck just transpired!?" He waved his hand away from him dramatically. "Why on Earth did you just hit a man with the pan to MY hot plate?!" We all sweatdropped.

"His only concern..."

"...Is the pan..."

"How did you guys escape the studio?" I asked starting over, "Weren't you trapped too?"

"Ah." Tokiya sighed, "That's thanks to that Tsubasa and that red-haired girl."

"Tomo-chan." Syo lifted a finger, "She and Tsubasa broke us out!"

"WHAT!?" The four of us exclaimed in unison.

"They explained it like this." Ren began, "They had initially made a plan to sneak us out but were delayed by teachers early this morning. As they finally were spying on our security guard, someone had distracted the guard and left the key in the keyhole for them."

"Really!? What luck!" Natsuki said.

"Tsubasa exclaimed when they came in that the person disappeared with the guard. He said that we should just accept the gifts that were handed to us, but Tomo was certain that Ringo-sensei was behind it."

"Of course that would make sense." Otoya said, "Ringo-sensei's the only one that still believes in us."

"So we're hiding from Shining now then?" Masato folded his arms, "Is this now some espionage mission you've involved us in, Jinguji?"

Ren squinted, "Why are you suddenly blaming me for this?"

"I don't think that's the case Otoya, Masato." We all looked to Tokiya. "Shining has cameras in place all over the school. If he wanted to have us apprehended, we would have been by now. Shining Saotome must have agreed to this the moment Ringo lent Tsubasa and Tomo the key."

"Maybe he finally realized keeping us LOCKED UP was going a little overboard!" Syo exclaimed, "Honestly, just what is that man thinking!? First, he's on Hyuga's side then he's on our side! Which is it!? Does he want us expelled or not!?" We all went silent. The wind blew through our hair. The clouds suddenly seemed to open up when Tokiya took a breath.

"It goes without saying," Tokiya opened his closed eyes, arms folded. "He's testing us. All of us."

"He wants to see what we'll do next." Ren said, "And we've already taken our next course of action. Our immediate instinct was to bust the A-class out as well."

"But what he really wants to see is how we'll proceed now." Masato huffed, "We may be all free, but all of us are still enemies, no matter how much we talk up our friendship. He wants to know how far we'll take things."

"Then you're saying," I muttered, "He wants us to make a choice..." Natsuki and Otoya's eyes narrowed.

"Continue to work alone..."

"...or work together, knowing the consequences."

The sun reflected directly on the water inches away from us. The wind surrounded our circle; the trees behind us swayed left and right. My violet eyes wavered, "What should we do?" Everyone let out an instinctive huff.

"Shining knows what we're were going to do." Tokiya said. "He's testing whether we have the guts to go through with it...And I do."


"The loophole...that you mentioned then."

"Correct." The dark bluenette confirmed. "If we work together, helping each side succeed, we'll each be at our best by the performance. I believe it's the best course of action. We have nothing else to lose."

"We have everything to lose, Icchi." Ren reasoned, "If we do this wrong, it won't be a matter of one side winning and one side losing. We could all end up losing that way. It's a much bigger risk." Everyone's faces grew grim. We all knew what we wanted to do. Our pride had carried us this far, but now that everything was truly on the line, we were hesitant as to whether we could continue to til the end. We wanted to support each other. But were we really willing to do so, knowing that we could be sealing our own defeat?

Suddenly a wholehearted laugh cut through the air. All of us snapped around to the redhead of our group. "Otoya!?"

"Sorry sorry! I was just thinking is all. We're all so serious about this haha!"

"Of course we are Otoya, we're talking about expulsion here!" I shouted.

Syo shouted too, "That's right! It took a lot to get here!"

"Hey don't you think he knows that!?" Though I defended him, Otoya's bellows continued. "Seriously Otoya, what's wrong with you?"

"I just remembered when we saw Tokiya getting that one spin move wrong in that group performance tape haha!"

Tokiya's eyes widened, "HUH!?"

"And when Masato and Natsuki kept tripping each other when we were practicing! Or when Ren kept scaring you, Syo, and I, delaying our separate practices that one time!"


"Otoya what's your point!?"

Finally, Otoya quieted. He spoke in a soft tone. "I guess what I'm really thinking is...If I had to lose everything with anyone, I really want it to be all of you." It went without saying that all of us were immediately touched by the redhead's straightforwardness. "We made so many memories here together, and in the end, even now, we're all here together. That has to mean something." Otoya placed a hand on his heart. "And I choose to believe it means that we should fight together, no matter what."



"We don't fight to hurt each other. We fight to help each other grow..." Tokiya closed his eyes. "So that's what he meant. What a way to put it." Remembering my dreamworld experience, I smiled. "We're able to acknowledge each other's strengths and weaknesses. If we can work together on this, I'm certain we'll all have no regrets. I honestly believe that."

Ren gave in, "I believe that too."

"We're better together after all. Huhu." Natsuki smiled.

"I'd rather lose to you all with you at your best, then win against you at your weakest." Masato sighed. "I'm in."

"So then we're serious? We're doing this then?" Syo asked directly to clarify. We looked at one another.

"Yes." I answered for everyone.

"Then no matter what happens," Otoya placed a hand in, initiating a group circle. "We've got each other's backs. Until the end!"

"Agreed!" Hand over hand, we pushed our hands down and gripped one another tightly.


We continued the week, together. We were still band from classes, but Saotome had got the hint that we weren't going to take being locked up. We spent every day practicing our routines in that open space in front of that pavilion. "Okay! 5, 6, 7, 8!"

"Masato, turn that way!"

"You move to the left, Natsuki!"




"EH!? Me-chan and I are trying to figure that out!"

The first couple of days were brutal.

I sighed. "Rennnnnn~my legs hurt, I want to sit down..."

"No way." He, Tokiya, and Syo sat on the pavilion. "We've already decided that your performance needs more work than ours, that's why you guys are going first. You can't stop until you guys get this choreography figured out."

"We don't need more work than you guys. We just collectively agreed the A-class should tweak our performance first." Masato corrected. "But Otoya! Just pick a side already! You're the LEADER, we have to follow YOU."

"Waaah! I get it, Masa! Stop yelling at meeeee!"


"Yes, you are." We all say in unison. Masato's cheeks go red.

"I'm tired." Syo complained leaning against a pillar. "You guys have been arguing about the same thing for hours now. Can't you just agree on one set of moves?"

"Syo's right." Ren told us, sitting on the edge of the steps. "What you need to do is let Otoya lead and let the music guide you the rest of the way."

"Just stick to something and run with it." Tokiya said bluntly. "We need to move on soon."

"Oh yeah! If you guys know so much, why don't you lead then!?"

Tokiya suddenly stood up from the pavilion, "OTOYA!"


"Show me what you have so far then." The dark bluenette stood beside him. "Begin." Syo started the music again for us. Tokiya took Masato's part and joined in the dance. He then danced Natsuki's part at a certain point. And then mine, until eventually he had taken Otoya's part and was leading for us all. "Otoya come back. Perform here, just as normal." He gestured to his side. We finished the song, ending in a pant. Tokiya looked to Otoya once more, "Doesn't that feel more suitable?" We didn't know what he meant.

But somehow Otoya did. "Yeah. It's weirdly less awkward than before...What is that?! What did you do!?"

"The answer is simple." He turned to face us properly. "This is a group performance, Otoya shouldn't be leading!" Otoya sweatdropped.

"Huh? That's not very nice Ichinose-san." Natsuki scolded. "But if Otoya isn't leading, who should be?" We all sweatdropped. Natsuki blinked. "Areh?...OH. OH! You mean no one should be leading in a group performance!" A collective sigh swept over us all.

"That's right. Otoya's part feels more comfortable when he has a partner at his side. When there's someone else there, you can mirror their movements like so~" Tokiya demonstrated, "I want you to consider partnering with someone, Melody preferably."

"Why me?" I asked.

Tokiya seemed to hesitate. It was like he was going to say one thing, but was trying to come up with another. "Er, well...your part is closer to Otoya's...yeah. Natsuki's and Masato's parts complement each other more!" I glared suspiciously.

"It's also because you're short." Syo said what Tokiya couldn't. Everyone looked to him, "What? I can say that!"

"Excuse ME!?" I yelled at Tokiya. It's because I'm SHORT!?"

"Syo said that! But you know what? YES, YOU ARE THE SHORTEST!"

"Why you sonofva~!"

Plenty of fights ensued. But in the process, solutions were found.

"Shinomii, your hips are too stiff in that pose." Ren suddenly commented. "You should loosen then up like this, allowing for quicker reaction time."

"And Masato, ease up on your turns. Watch me!"

But progress occurred until suddenly, it happened.

"5 6, 5 6 7 8!"

All: Every Day Every Time, mabushiku tsuyoku

kagayakeru sono hi made

donna toki mo, soba ni itai

Melody:asu ni

Masato x Natsuki:mukai

Otoya : aruki

Masato x Natsuki:dasou

All:"egao" sono tame ni...


Not only were the four of us A-class members in synch, but the S-class was not mentoring us anymore. They had become our back up dancers. We had created one singular unit with our performance, and it just seemed to work better. So we kept them in our routine...and added ourselves to theirs.


The day of our judgment arrived. Academy students were gathered inside the outdoor stadium whispering and gossiping about us and Shining Saotome's conditions if we lost. The faculty all sat in the front row. All eyes were focused more on Shining, Hyuga, and, Ringo. They sat behind a long clothed table panel-style. They stared up at us from the audience.

"To decide who goes first we'll be doing a coin toss." Ringo said. A random student came up with a coin. "Decide a representative and pick a side." Otoya and Tokiya walk up to the coin tosser. After a quick nod, the coin is tossed up. As the coin drops, Otoya called out first. Tokiya is quick to call after him.



The coin drops. "It's heads." Otoya smiles to himself. "Who goes first then?"

Otoya looked to Tokiya for a moment. Tokiya did not meet his gaze, his eyes closed and arms folded. It was not easy to tell what he was thinking. If you weren't us that is. The truth is, it didn't matter who got the first pick. They both would have chosen the same group to go first. Because that's the way we planned it. "After you, S-class." Syo and Ren feigned shock. The whispers of the crowd grew louder.

"Huh? Isn't suppose to be best for last?"

"Maybe it's because the S-class isn't the best!"

"Or rather those three aren't! Hahaha!"

"How rude they are." Natsuki commented. "I know the teachers can hear this, can't they?"

"Very well then." Tokiya only responded and went away to get into position with his group.

"HUH? Tokiya doesn't even argue against it!?"

"Wow. They must know they're trash."

"Gosh...they're such a-holes..." Syo muttered, "Were these guys even our friends at some point!?"

"Just ignore them, Ochibi." Ren told him. "Just get into position."

"I bet $20 they lose because of Ichinose."

"No way, my money's on Syo. He's the runt of the group. He doesn't take anything seriously."

"I agree. $20 on the dumb blonde."

"WHY YOU~" Tokiya gripped Syo's shoulder. After a quick exchange of glares, Syo looked away frustratedly.

"They wouldn't say it to our faces, so they're taking this event to their advantage. That's so disgusting." Ren said.

"A-class." Ringo called to us, "Is there anything you'd like to say before we begin?" We grinned.

"Good luck!"

"You're going to need it, after all."

"All of us really..."

"Just do your best! You got this!" The S-class sighed before smiling.

"All the same to you." They responded in unison. We heard Shining grumble.

"Staying friendly to the end. It'll cost you, just you wait!" All of us sweatdropped. If only Hyuga-sensei pissed will he be?

"W-Whenever your ready then, S-class." They swallowed. Standing beside each other, Tokiya, Ren and Syo closed their eyes. We backed up out of their way, still on stage.

"Huh? Why are they still on stage?"

"S-class needs room! Move! You A-class rejects!"

"They don't need room, they need a miracle!"

"The S-class should be able to perform in any conditions. Just dance already!"

Arguments could be heard both in the S-class's defense and against them. Nobody onstage moved. The music had started, but it could barely be heard. The whispers turned into yells and a few screams left and right of the stage; it was about to be chaos.

"SILENCE!" Shining Saotome silenced them all in one shout. "Now, begin!"

"Mugen no Trinity!" When the music began, the boys lifted their arms slowly in a taichi-like way.

Tokiya, Ren, Syo:

koe ni fukikomu, sourei na SOURU

kibou motomete, owaranai tabiji e

A gust of wind blows through the air, whipping around everyone's clothes and hair. But we didn't care. We had experienced this before. Practicing outside for an entire week had gotten us used to the weather conditions: the sun, the rain, even the wind. Even the weather couldn't stop them now...stop us now.

They reach toward the ceiling. At the music's loudest point, the four of us A-class students rushed forward and started dancing behind them. The audience's faces blatantly expressed their shock and confusion.

"Huh? I thought..."

"Weren't they...suppose to be..."

"Against each other?!"

The three S-class boys smiled. Natsuki matched Ren's movements. Masato matched Tokiya's movements. Otoya and I countered Syo's movements. 'We're really doin' this...' I thought right then. We'd chosen to perform together; we had no regrets.

Ren:tsuya no BĒRU o matoi

Tokiya:KIRARI hikaru kirameki

Syo:furetakunaru ŌRA de

All:bokura wa kagayaiteru!

Ren:kimi no moeru HĀTO to

Syo:karei ni tsudzuru kyoku de

Tokiya:jounetsu no ai

Tokiya×Syo:utatte ageru!

The A-class transitions to the back. Syo and Ren are back up for Tokiya, while we are back up for them.

Tokiya:yume o! Syo:No! No! No! No Loneliness!

Tokiya:tsukamou! Ren:Maybe, Can Take A Chance!

Tokiya:kimi to

All:motto motto takakusou

kaze o kette hayaku tobitai!

Looking up once, I could almost see the Eastern Kingdom Princes' essences from the dream world. It then dawns on me, that the music I had heard during their fight with the others was the melody of this very song. I had the distinct feeling that the A-class' song was the music I heard coming from the Western Kingdom Princes if that was true. I tried not to let that fact affect me while dancing with the boys. I had to focus, our livelihoods were on the line.

All:Share My Fate!

tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku ashita e

tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku negatte!

Tokiya×Syo:omou mama shanimu ni

All:yume o egaite!

We switched positions again. The S-class hip-thrusted to the middle once more. The four of us surrounded them, highlighting their best moves.

tada atsuku atsuku atsuku mirai e

atsuku atsuku atsuku saku dake

Syo:ayumu michi o

Ren:akaruku hora

Tokiya:terishimeshite hoshii

All:bokura dake no taiyou, bokura dake no kimi e!

A strong guitar riff ensued. Everyone crisscrossed. Syo is grabbed Masato and Natsuki before they skillfully threw him into the air and gasps erupted. After spinning, he safely lands in Tokiya and Ren's arms. But it's not over yet. Syo then proceeds to backflip in between the two. Once, twice, and on the third, he flipped three times in mid-air, before somehow sticking the landing perfectly. I could feel us all let out a breath of relief. Ren and Tokiya smiled. Syo had been practicing that one move every day the entire week, deadset on doing something that extreme. We were all glad it worked out for him in the very end.

All:Share My Fate!

tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku ashita e

tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku negatte!

Tokiya×Syo:omou mama shanimu ni All:yume o egaite!

tada atsuku atsuku atsuku mirai e

atsuku atsuku atsuku saku dake

Syo:ayumu michi o Ren:akaruku hora Tokiya:terishimeshite hoshii

All:bokura dake no taiyou, bokura dake no kimi e!

Their lifted arms fell slowly toward the ground. As the music came to a close, they put their hands in a circle and let go in a silent cheer before going for an end pose. And that's when the audience was in for a surprise. The music smoothly transitions into another song. Our song. When Ringo heard the complete new melody, he visibly paled.

"No can't be!?"

The S-class separated. There was just enough space in between them for Otoya and me to cartwheel forward, Masato and Natsuki spinning from the outside to join us at the front. When the others fully transition to the back, all of us danced in unison. And there we began our routine. "Eien no tristar!"

Otoya:nando inottetan darou

Natsuki:kimochi ookiku natteku

All:SUTĒJI ni tatsu kaikan o!

Otoya took charge, everyone following him. He rolled his arms and hip thrusted, and like Simon Says we followed in suit. We mimicked Natsuki, pointing in an upsidedown triangle motion. A small slow-motion slide to the right, before everyone jumps back into place. Then it's my turn to lead.

Melody:ikutsu no hoshi miage nagara

Masato:kono omoi negai komete

All:nagai konya mo nemurenai!

Like ticking hands of a clock, they follow me as I raised my arm up and bring it down in increments. Masato then lead us into a body rock. A small slow-motion slide to the right, a bend down, and back into position. We then switched positions. We all danced in pairs and backed up Natsuki as he sang.

Natsuki:boku no

Otoya × Masato:My Sound Never End!

Natsuki:kanaderu MERODĪ

Melody: kimi no RIZUMU to kasanaru tabi ni!

Otoya × Masato:My Sound Never End! N:umareta

Otoya × Masato:Will Affect Your Heart!


Masato: sasageru


The A-class transitions forward again. I stood with Otoya in the middle, Masato and Natsuki stood on the outside of us. With a jump, we started the chorus.

All:Every Day Every Time! mabushiku tsuyoku!

kagayakeru sono hi made!

donna toki mo, soba ni itai

Melody:asu ni

Masato × Natsuki:mukai


Masato × Natsuki:dasou

All:"egao" miru tame ni


The music goes instrumental, and it's truly showtime. Our hardest moves were going to be on display at that very moment. We all create a half-circle facing the audience. Tokiya, Ren, and Syo take a few seconds to show off their moves in the center. Masato then gave us all some of his fancy footwork (Which he, polished thanks to Syo). The music kicked up a notch and Otoya and I danced as a pair. We danced super close, and he carefully dips me once, before we spun and slid away from each other just in time for Natsuki to come through. The S-class froze in the middle of the circle, following Masato, then Otoya and I. We all held our breath, hoping Natsuki could pull his move off. I still remembered how Masato phrased it to him.


"Natsuki, the move you're referring to...requires you to spin for a total of NINE seconds. And on the tenth, you have to come to a full stop. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes! If I can earn extra points for our group by wowing the judges, that's what I will do! I won't let you guys down!"


After a crisscross, Natsuki pivoted into a fast spin. The spin lasts for the remainder of the instrumental part. We see Natsuki lose his balance on the ninth second but smoothly played it off by kneeling to the ground slowly and rising back up. To anyone else, it looked intentional. The guys and I don't care as we pat him on the back to congratulate him right then as we sang the next lyrics in the song.

All:Every Note Every Key HĀTO to HĀTO, tsumikasaneteku HĀMONĪ

bokura wa "ima" o, wasurenai sa


Masato × Natsuki x Melody:egaki


Masato × Natsuki x Melody:dasu yo

Otoya goes all heartthrob on the audience, unbuttoning his shirt a little. The girls in the crowd scream when we reach the last part of the song. We all danced in unison once more.

All:Every Day Every Time mabushiku tsuyoku kagayakeru sono hi made

donna toki mo soba ni itai

Melody:asu ni

Masato × Natsuki:mukai


Masato × Natsuki:dasou

All:"egao" sono tame ni


In the song's last few instrumental seconds, we bring our old moves back into play. The S-class kneeled behind us, letting us do our thing. Per Otoya's and Natsuki's request, we kept in the ninja sequence. Each of us took a turn in the middle. The S-class then rose up and joined in an end pose.

The music ended and we all breathed heavily. The screams of joy from the audience were loud as crap. Cheering was always a good sign. Hyuga-sensei was pale with his mouth open. I assume he had kept the same expression since he realized we were performing together. Ringo was clapping loudly and crying tears of joy, most likely approving our crazy performance. But unfortunately, the only opinion that mattered now, was the headmaster's.

"SI-LEN-CE!" He silenced the stadium again. Shining Saotome was stonefaced as he stood up. "I s-suppose you want me to make a decision. Now that you have done this." We all gulped. "I asked you all to perform against each other. One sideeeee against anotherrrrr. But no, you cheeky individuals decideeeed to ignore the rules once again~Performing togetherrrr so that I have to judge you all as a whole." Shining lips closed and went flat for a second. "You do realize there's only one good outcome on your end, riiight? Why take such a riskkkk~?"

Otoya decided to answer for the group, "We...we said it before and we'll say it again. We chose to stand by each other. Standing by each other means performing together! We danced our hearts out today, this is our potential right now. And we have no regrets, Headmaster!"

Shining grumbles again. The academy students verbally debate about what he will do. "I've made my decision." We all cringed, "The winner is...none of you."

"EHHHHH!?" The audience cried.

"I knew it..." Syo gripped the edge of his hat. I think he was about to cry.

"Why would there be a winner, if there is no competition?" We looked to Shining in anticipation. A ray of hope-filled our vision. "You've all have given a performance that made your audience swoon for an ennncore, how can I denyyy that skilllll? You've proven yourselves to have clearly learned some things while being at Saotome Academy." Shining got up from the table. "Consider this your second striiiiike. Next time I won't be as forgiving. And Misterrr Hijirikawa,"

"Yes Headmaster?"

"The next time you have an issue here, please decide to put your trust in your school's faculty. I don't want to hear of another mess like this again. That goes for all of you." Shining said in his serious tone. He then smiled, "Good job today, you've made your classes proud. Let's hope you keep this energy going with the pair vs pair contest. Don't let-me-downnn!" Another gust of wind comes by, this time from a passing helicopter. A ladder falls down and Shining grabs on and he flys away on it. The seven of us blinked.

I looked in the direction where Shining had left. "Does that mean?"

Ren sighed, "I think...we're safe..."

"I knew it! Didn't I say it!? I knew he'd let us stay!" We all gave Syo a "Yeah right."

Tokiya sighed, "That was so close..."

Masato sighed, "Extremely close..."

Otoya and Natsuki cheered, "We did it, you guys! We actually did it!"

"Everyone!" Tomo, Haruka, and Tsubasa appear out of nowhere and tackled Otoya and me in a big hug. "Melody-chan! Otoya-kun!"

"Hey! We were involved too you know!?"

"Yeah, but all of you got involved when you didn't have to!" Tomo pointed out. The boys had a raincloud over their heads.

"Finally, things can go back to normal." Masato wiped his forehead of sweat.

Tsubasa caught him in a playful headlock, "Are you kidding? The pair vs pair contest is in a week! It's preparation time my guy!"

"Let me go~WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" When he nodded Masato almost faded away to heaven. Everyone seemed to laugh at his pain until we noticed Tokiya leaving.

Otoya was the first to say something of course. "Tokiya? Where are you going?"

Tokiya froze, "...It's over now." He muttered. "There's...not really...a reason to..." He had trouble finding his words.

"IC-CHI!" Ren suddenly spooked Tokiya from behind. "It's not nice to run away!"

"That's right!" Syo tickled Tokiya's ribcage. He was so surprised he let out little yelps that made us all die laughing.

"Surely you understand by now, Tokiya." Otoya smiled, "None of us are just your acquaintances anymore, we're your friends. You're stuck with us, whether you like it or not!"

"Ah." Masato agreed, then elbowed me. "Right, KaSakura-chan?"

I turned my head to the side, "I don't know what you mean, Masato."


"Played like a fiddle." I smiled, "Well duh." I looked to Tokiya. "You don't have to leave just because I'm around anymore, you know. They're your friends too. We've grown up, we should all be able to hang out together. As long as you be civil that is..."

Tokiya gained an anime vein mark, "Are you implying that it was me that wasn't before?"

"Yes. Accept my invitation into our friend group already."

"No. Because it didn't sound like one."


"DON'T START YOU TWO!" The others laughed. I let the others walk off the stage first before I did. I just had this feeling like I was being watched. And suddenly I stared up above toward the stadium seats. Standing in one of the now-empty rows, a female student was looking down at me. Her hair was covering her face, but I knew who she was. I took a quick glance at the gang, and when I looked back she was gone.

"KaSakura-senpai come on! We're going to celebrate." Tsubasa called me, haggling Otoya, who didn't want to be haggled. I looked at him, then back up at the empty stage row.

"Why do I feel like...this isn't over after all?"


S-Class: Shining together!

A-Class: Academy students forever!


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