Ask/Dare SCPs and author

بواسطة UniteTogether

69.8K 1.2K 10.5K

SCPs who you can ask questions: SCP-001 "Scarlet King" SCP-001 "Gate Guardian" SCP-035 SCP-049 SCP-049-J SC... المزيد

Part 1
Part 2
Addendum Ask-106
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Addendum Ask-New objects
Part 10
Part 11 - Ask and Dare
Conversation 2
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Broken brotherhood
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20-J
New SCPs
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37-A
Part 37-B
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62.1
Part 62.2
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74 - War
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Omniversal War
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88

Part 3

3.1K 50 303
بواسطة UniteTogether

Author: Ok, so tell me one more time Bright, how is it possible that 682 destroyed the entire cafeteria?

Bright: I told 5205 that we have spaghetti today, 682 heard that and destroyed everything to eat all of the spaghetti.

682: Is it my fault that you don't feed me well enough?

Author: We are feeding you every day! But you are always hungry!

682: Then feed me more!

Author: 15% of this facility's budget goes for your food!

682: Then maybe find another way of getting food for me?

Author: ... We will see. Anyway, we have few more questions, lets start with SarcasmQueen247

076: Hey, you finally got your first question!

Author: I hope that this isn't the last one. Yes, I do remember how it all began. It was, if I am not wrong, in 2015, when I found out about the game SCP: Containment Breach. However, I wasn't as fascinated as I am now. The real journey began after SCP: Secret Laboratory got released and I started sitting more in the SCP canon. And the second question, if I could work for them in my universe and not be forced to travel here, then I would take the job before you could say Pizza Friday.

682: Pizza?! Where?!

5205: Nowhere. Better calm down 682.

682: Grrr, fine.


939: Honestly, I haven't met the first 939, so I don't know if that's true or not, so I won't say anything, unless there is a prove for that.

106: *Sits drunk in a corner* Wh-What? They *hic* did?

Author: I wanted to tell you that, but you wouldn't listen.

106: *Hic* Great! G-give me *hic* some time t-to *hic* get sober again...

096: Not really... I don't... Remember any tips...


Author: Hard question. It all began with an idea in my head for a love story between reader and SCP-953. When I felt that I am ready, I created an account on wattpad and started writing. I also started reading other stories to see, how should I write mine. And after that I had another idea of SCP reader, on which I am currently working on. I have few other ideas too, but we will see if I write them.

953: Wait a second, you made a love story between me and you?

Author: Between you and reader.

953: Can I check it?

Author: Uhm, sure, it is somewhere on wattpad on my profile.

Bright: I am one of O5s and I am immortal, they wouldn't be able to get rid of me even if they tried.

5205: Get married with Lucy, get two or three children and die peacefully after a long, good live.

Lucy: Oh, I also want to get married and have children with you!

Author: A lot. You could give him a small house of food and he would still be hungry.

076: This piece of shit killed me long time ago! *Tries to cut off 073's head, but dies and changes into dust*

073: I tried to make up with him so many times, but he doesn't want to forgive me.

1471: Yes, he was amazing! I would love to be examined again!

Bright: Well, we could for example...

Author: *Hits Bright with a pan*. No. Just no.


Bright: Then just do it for fuck sake! Release me!

Author: Don't do that.

5205: Yea, sell the rights to the amulet to me, I will gladly use them.

Bright: Will you release me?

5205: Sure.

Bright: Thank you!

5205: In... 100 years =D

Bright: ...

Bright: I have answered on the first question earlier, and I love this ship!

106: *Hic* Nobody.

682: North Americans, South Americans, Europeans, Asians, Africans, Australians, Oceanians, humans in Arctica, humans on Antarctica and humans in space.

Author: ...

1471: Of course, I love Bright!

682: Nobody!

5205: Mine is Lucy and 173 doesn't have any crush.

096: Nobody... Who would love me back anyway?

Author: Oh don't say that! Everyone in the comment, write something nice to 096!

035: Well, there is one scientist in that facility. Her name is Ellie.

Ellie: What?

035: Uhm. Sorry! *Runs away*

106: *Hic* As I said earlier *hic*, nobody

073: Uhm, Iris.

105: Oh, you know that you are my crush too Cain?

073: Really? Then maybe we should go somewhere after this ask ends?

105: Sure!

076: *Comes out from the coffin* Nobody!

079: Love=(unidentified)

811: Non. (No one)

939: 939-62, she is cute.

953: Uhm, I will keep it as a secret.

Author: But you have to say that.

953: No I don't have to bye! *Runs away*

Author: Hey come back! Ugh! 5205, you can read in minds, who is her crush?

5205: I promised her that I won't tell anyone.

Author: Damnit!

999: I don't have crush, I love everyone!

1471: Bright.


682: They are... Interesting. Weak, but I like their cooperation.

106: Darkness. He *hic* tortured me for a long * hic* time. A lot of *hic* strong acid. That's all *hic* I remember.

096: Th-Thank you... I... I used to draw...

5205: Good to know, it may help during the therapy.

049: If you know how to work with chemical elements between 214 and 246, and you have knowledge about biology, cryptobiology, chemistry and anatomy at the level of university, or at least high school with advanced level, then I will consider that.

035: I would love to, but I can't leave this place.

5205: Most of us would hide in this place and wouldn't leave the facility, but author...

Author: I would hide in my house, hide from the sun and try to survive. And with this question we are ending this part, see you again soon!

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