1000 Ships, 1000 oneshots, 10...

By LaurenABlack

14.1K 428 669

Multi fandom oneshot book! I'll be writing a oneshot for most of my ships in honor of the fact that I reached... More

*General Stranger Things
General Grievous x Obi Wan Kenobi (Joke)


566 19 25
By LaurenABlack

Cliff and Auklet had been dating for years.

It was all very secretive, of course. They talked mostly between letters, and the occasional visit to the beaches of the Sky Kingdom when they could both escape the duties royalty required of them, but the little contact they had was enough for them to fall in love. 

Nobody knew, of course. The point of a secret relationship was that no one had any idea it was going on. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for them to have a relationship in public, Cliff and Auklet knew. They were royalty, from two Kingdoms who did not have a history of good relations. The Skywings and the Seawings disliked each other almost as much as the Nightwings and Icewings or the Nightwings and Rainwings. Cliff thought it was because of the death of Princess Sunset and Eagle, way back in Albatross's time, whereas Auklet believed it was because of the attack on the Seawing Palace during the war.

But whatever the reason, the tribes didn't like each other, so for the Seawings youngest princess to be dating the Skywing's only prince? It was impossible. But Cliff and Auklet didn't care. They loved each other. And if Queen Thorn and Queen Glory could be with Nightwings, then why couldn't they be together? It wasn't like their relationship would affect the throne too much. Auklet had no intention of becoming queen, and Cliff had a younger sister so the Skywings crown was of no importance to him.

They were going to live their own lives together, away from royalty for the most part. They weren't concerned about how the tribes would react to them, so when Cliff asked Auklet if she wanted to marry him, of course she said yes. How could she not, when they loved each other so dearly?

But then came the problem. A secret dating relationship was one thing. A secret marriage? That was even more impossible than the tribes approving of their relationship. Someone had to officiate a wedding, and they knew news would get out once a third dragon knew. 

The secrets in their relationship had to end, and both Cliff and Auklet knew it. So they decided at one of their visits that they would tell their families about their engagement, and await the reaction. If Coral or Ruby disapproved, they would run away and elope. If one Queen approved and the other didn't, they'd move to the approving kingdom. They had a plan for everything, except, of course, the possibility that Coral would keep Auklet tied to her again and forbid her to see Cliff. But even Auklet was starting to craft an idea for that one.

They would be together. They promised each other that. It was a matter of when, not if, and it excited them both.

But while he was thrilled that Auklet had agreed to marry him, Cliff was still a bit afraid to tell his mother that he was engaged. He and Ruby were so close. He didn't want this to ruin their relationship.

He approached her quietly in the library of the Skywing Palace, while Ruby was writing letters to the queens regarding their upcoming meetings. 

"Mother?" He started carefully, even though he was bouncing with excitement. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Ruby looked up at him, smiling.

"I'm engaged." Ruby dropped her pencil.


"I'm engaged." Cliff repeated confidently. "To Princess Auklet of the Seawings." Ruby stared.

"You were DATING Princess AUKLET?"

"I have been for a number of years, yes. We just kept things secret because we worried about how you and Coral would react. But we're happy together and I love her and I asked her to marry me and she said yes, so we're engaged and I wanted to tell you."

"Does Coral know about this?"

"Auklet should be telling her as we speak, but.... What do you think?" Ruby got up and walked over to him.

"Well, for starters, I'm a BIT MAD THAT YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE DATING." Cliff grinned sheepishly.


"But if you love her, and she loves you back," Ruby smiled. "Then I'm happy for you." She hugged him tightly. "Of course this also means I owe a LOT of gold to Queen Glory and Queen Thorn for losing a bet, which is also VERY INFURIATING, but fine."

"So.... You don't mind that I'm marrying a Seawing?"

"Well it's a BIT out of the ordinary, but you're happy so that's what matters, and if anyone here has a problem with it then I will destroy them!" She said cheerfully.



"That went better than I expected it to."

"Well how did you expect it to go?"


Auklet charged into the Throne room of the Seawing Palace, knowing that if she didn't do this fast, she'd loose her nerve and never be able to tell Coral. But Cliff needed her to tell her family, so she was going to do it. Rip it off like a bandage.

"Mother!" She declared, standing defiantly while Coral sat on her throne. She noticed at the last second that Anemone was there as well. Tsunami wouldn't be- she hadn't visited the palace in months. But oh well. Auklet thought she might as well tell her sister and mother at the same time. 

"Yes?" Coral asked. 

"I'm engaged to Prince Cliff of the Skywings." A few of the guards in the room gasped before nudging at each other to shut up. Anemone stared at her with wide eyes, speechless, and Coral froze entirely.

"What did you say?"

"I'm engaged," She repeated. "To Prince Cliff."


"Yes." She held her head a little higher, not caring what her mother had to say. She loved Cliff. She would not budge on this.

"Absolutely not!" Coral insisted. "You can't marry him!"

"Why not?"

"Why- because he's a Skywing prince! Your daughter would be an heir to two thrones- do you know how much chaos that would cause? And no one would ever approve. It's out of the question! How are you even engaged- you've barely met Prince Cliff!"

"Actually I've met him several times, and we've been writing to each other for years. We meet up a lot more than you would think, too."

"That's impossible. You hardly ever leave the palace." Auklet rolled her eyes.

"You're overprotective and strict, Mother. Do you honestly think I haven't found a way to sneak out of the palace by now?" Coral opened her mouth to object, but no words came out.

"This is absolutely out of the question," She finally said. "You can't marry Cliff."

"Why not? He's a wonderful dragon. He's kind, generous, and he makes me happy. I love him, and he loves me. What more do you need to hear?"

"It's just-" Coral struggled to find words. "It's wrong! You can't marry him. I won't allow it. It'll cause too many problems between the Skywings and the Seawings, and we're in rocky territory as it is."

"Did you ever think that maybe it would HELP relations with the tribes?" Auklet asked. "Cliff is beloved by the Skywings. He has been since he was a dragonet. If he marries me, then perhaps the Skywings will look at us in a better light. Our marriage could actually help you."

"Or it could be the last straw that leads to war or something!" Coral retorted. "Do you not remember that they attacked us without remorse in the war? Why would you want to marry a dragon from a tribe like that?"

"That was war, mother. That was different. And Cliff is not some soldier ready to attack. He's kind, and I am going to marry him."

"I won't allow it."

"I'm not asking for your permission. I'm simply informing you of my plans." Auklet looked to Anemone, her sister still frozen. When it came down to it, Anemone and Tsunami's opinion meant so much more to Auklet. She was a bit nervous about what her sisters would think. "Anemone?" She asked carefully. "What do you think?" Her sister stared at her.

"I suppose this means you won't be wanting the throne," She said quietly.

"It does," Auklet agreed. "And with Tsunami sacrificing her spot for Riptide, I guess that means it goes to you." For some reason, this news seemed to sadden her sister. "Or, there's always Moray, of course." Anemone smiled.

"You're right." She agreed. "I'm happy for you, Auklet, but I better be a bridesmaid at the wedding or we're gonna have a problem." Auklet grinned.

"I think we can do that."

"There will be no bridesmaids because there will be NO WEDDING," Coral cut in. 

"Would you like me to take her focus off of you?" Anemone asked.

"Please," Auklet insisted. Anemone turned to her mother, smiling.

"Mother, I'm going to ask a Rainwing girl to marry me."


Auklet fled from the room, Anemone quickly following as Coral continued to yell her objections, not realizing that neither of her daughters were listening.


A few days later, Auklet and Cliff met up on the beach again, smiling at each other.

"How did your mother take the news?" Auklet asked.

"Beautifully," Cliff insisted. "She's happy. What about your family?"

"Anemone and Tsunami want to be bridesmaids, so they're arguing about that, but they're happy for us. My mother is furious and doesn't want us to get married at all, but I really don't care what she thinks."

"Neither do I."

"Good." Auklet smiled wider. "I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait to marry you either. I'm composing a ballad of us as we speak."

"You're going to sing at the wedding, aren't you?"

"Of course I'm going to sing at the wedding."

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