Unexpected love | A VSOO FF |...

By kpopieeee-

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Vsoo *under editing* "I guess I'll just have to do it. I'll have to go on a date with him. Kim Taehyung, the... More

Taehyung's P.O.V
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11??
Chapter 11( Part-2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 1

1K 46 22
By kpopieeee-


I can't believe I lost the game. Why does the universe have to conspire against me. Since I don't want to be a spoilt sport I will have to complete this, this stupid dare. Did they have to keep a dare for the loser? I guess I'll just have to do it. I'll have to go on a date with him. I am not proud of this but I guess I am going on a date with the school nerd, Taehyung.

I might as well get going I guess. Whoever decided on the loser having to do a dare. I don't see why I need to put much effort into doing this since I know for sure he won't accept me.

I can't ask him in public since that would be extremely embarrassing. I should go find him though. I will probably find him in the library, like Jennie told.


There he is. Being the nerd he is he's probably reading something smart and informative instead of something trendy. Imagine the embarrassment I will have to face, not knowing anything about the topics he likes. Anyways I am still have to approach him. I pick up a book I was currently reading.

As I walk closer I actually notice something. He isn't wearing his usual attire, well at least what I've seen him in, which is his school uniform. He is wearing only a plain button up and his hair are also unkempt. I have got to admit he looks decent. (You want me to admit the guy looks cute? ). Also he isn't reading something nerdy, he's reading a book from my favourite series. He seems so much more laid back and casual outside school he almost feels like a different person.

He notices me coming and lowers the book and smiles at me. I finally get a good look at his face. His eyes are actually really pretty and his smile is relaxing and seems so genuine (And contagious. But you didn't hear it from me). Without realising I smile back. I sit down next to him on the bench. He scoots a little away to give me more space. Usually sitting next to an almost stranger would be awkward but with him unknowingly it felt normal and comfortable. Maybe it was this new aura surrounding him here. Maybe it was because there weren't so many eyes on me. Whatever it was I felt so much more relaxed.

Suddenly I heard a snap and looked the direction of the sound. It was him. He was looking at me concerned. "Are you ok? You looked dazed. Is there something bothering you?" He asked. It was only then I realized I was zoning out. "I am fine." I said, smiling. He then returned his gaze back to the book in front of him. I needed to bring up the topic of the date without it seeming sudden. I look at the book in my hand. I open it and pretend to read it. All while all that goes in my head is how do I bring up the topic without sounding weird.

After all the mental debates going in my head I finally decide how to start. I decide to finally break the ice, "What are you reading there?" I ask casually. He lowers the book and looks back at me. "(Name of book)" he replied, smiling. That's when I decided, he smiles a lot. He looked at the book in my hand. "That book you have got there, how much of it have you read so far?"

"Oh, this? Not much. I just started reading it. A friend of mine recommend it to me so I decided to check it out" I replied.
"Take my advice, save yourself the hassle. It's really boring. It has a good enough plot but it has zero twists and is so predictable it takes out the fun of reading it. I don't know what type of books popular kids like you read but I don't think you would actually enjoy it that much." he said, his face serious. I guess he takes reading really seriously. Even though I was happy that he gave me advice but I didn't like the fact that he addressed me as one of the "popular kids". He said that with a kind of annoyance that since his tone was over all sweet it stood out and rang in my head.

Nonetheless I replied back sweetly, "Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for giving me the heads up."

"You don't have to thank me. It's just that I thought it's stupid to waste one's time on something that boring" he said, with a small and sweet laugh, indicating he wasn't trying to be offensive. " He went back to reading. His comment about me being one of the popular kids still ringing in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It even made me kind of angry.

I noticed something changed in my surroundings, snapping me out of my daze. Taehyung had gotten up and was making his way to the book shelves. I guess he wanted to keep his book back. Wait!-.
He went to keep his book back!? I need to break the ice and ask him out this week!!! I can't let him leave!! I hurriely ran behind him.

Sure enough he was keeping his book back and probably heading home. I went up behind him. Nearing him I realized he is kind of tall but that was totally irrelevant so I chose to ignore it for now and think about it later. I tapped him on his back. He turned back, smiling. I'd heard from everyone that he rarely ever smiled. Did they misinform me? There's no way this is the same person they told me about.

"Are you leaving?" , I asked, slightly pouting . Jennie always told me that it was my best manipulative tool and I plan on using it. "Yeah, I have to go somewhere. Plus there's a test tomorrow so I have to study." he said. "I thought you would stick around and help me find a good book.." I said softly, still pouting. Who on earth would believe that excuse, I have no clue.
On hearing that he said "Well I could always help you out tomorrow. Or whenever you are free to be honest. I come here everyday. So whenever you feel like you need a good book to read you could always ask me. " He replied with a smile and twinkling eyes.

He patted my head softly. I felt a slight heat rising to my cheeks but I decided to shake it off. I felt relieved and nodded my head mumbling a thank you. He walked towards the door. The little bells above the door tinkling when he opened it. Just as he was about to head out, he turned back and looked at me with the same relaxing smile and waved goodbye, then made his way out.

My gaze followed his receding figure for as long as I could. I unknowingly sighed after he was out of sight.
Something told me this date thing might be honestly the worst thing I've gotten myself into

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