Onward "Blooming Story" [Ian...

By Katnotebooks

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Raylee Anderson is Ian Lightfoot's best childhood friend. Their there for each other through bad times and go... More

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Chapter One: Colors and Sparkles
Chapter Two: New year, New me
Chapter Three: Love, Myself?
Chapter Four: It Begins
Chapter Five: Smoke and Fire
Chapter Seven: We Belong
Chapter Eight: Almost Confession
Chapter Nine: Raven
Chapter Ten: So Long Guinevere

Chapter Six: Magic

991 27 14
By Katnotebooks

Song for chapter
  Magic: The Cars
- * -

Since diving so fast away it caused them to run out of... well, magic gas so Barley says. Around this time Raylee starts to wake up. Her eyes flutter open slowly. She hears the boy's voices and nearly forgets where she is. Once she remembers she hummed slightly in relief.

Ian is starting to get off his seat but then notices her awaking. He smiled sheepishly, "Hey, you. Are you feeling alright enough?"

Raylee slowly sat upon his lap and held her head for a second before letting go. She took a few deep breaths. The girl seems to be fine.

"Never been better!" The teenaged light violate elf grins holding up a thumbs up.

"Great! Now we're gonna need to do some magic to grow the gas dispenser or whatever. Come on." He pats her back.

She nodded and hopped off and went to the sliding door. Raylee giggled letting the pair of legs out first. Ian grabbed the gas container and placed it down.

"It's just a simple growing spell! Okay here is what you say, Marmora Gaduon."

Ian held out the wizard staff and placed his legs far apart. "Here we go, focus."

Raylee stood aside Barley and crossed her arms. She looked over to their dad but still couldn't help but to snort due to his disguise. Barely made a noise. He held in and smiled widely. Raylee gave him a strange glare.

"Something wrong?" Ian asked rather annoyed.

"Yeah, he's being weird," Raylee answered.

"Sorry, it's just your stans are..." He walked over, "Here, chin up, elbows out, feet apart, back slightly arched." You could hear his spine crack due to that pose.

Raylee made a grossed out expression and turned around, "Yeah, no." She shook her head and pulled out her phone.

"How does that feel?" Barley asked backing away.

"Great!" Ian answered in an almost pain like tone.

"Wait, one more thing." He went over to adjust his feet.

Ian looked over annoyed, "Barley!" Yet he then again adjusted his elbow. Ian did not even bother at this point and raised the staff. 
"Marmora Gaduon!" Without luck, the staff started glowing. Along with the gas container starting to grow.

Raylee turned around. She slipped her phone in her pocket and stood aside from Ian in a few distance. She was amazed at all of the luxurious blue colors. Barley of course started to mess things up for him. She looked back and forth between the two.

"Just stop talking!" She let out.

"Ray, Barley, ah! Forget it!" Ian swings the staff away.

Raylee stumbled back not wanting to be aimed at. Yet Barley was. It is quite for a few seconds before the two heard little Barley screaming with joy.

"It worked!" He exclaimed and scattered on over, "The can is huge! The van is huge! You two are also... oh no."

Raylee and Ian shared a glance at each other. She looked down at tiny Barley and awed. Pulling out her phone she snatches a photo. "So cute!" She giggled.

"No time! Gotta find a gas station!" Ian looked around. There is one not too far down the road. He snatched the can along with his dad. Raylee quickly went to the van to get her bag and caught up.

It was silence between the three for a while. The night traffic on the far high way and the crickets helped the space between them.

Ian looked at her, "Hey, I don't want you to feel like we didn't care for you enough to put you in a hospital or to at least get checked out."

Raylee shook her head, "No worries, I am fine anyway. I was just dumb to stand there when the building was collapsing." She slouched sighing.

Ian glanced at her strangely. He examined her actions and poster. "Yeah, what was up with that? Like you were a dear caught in a headlights."

Raylee looked up at the twinkling stars. She hummed holding her bag straps. "I guess I thought I was gonna die. No point in trying to escape you know? Along with-" She cut herself off. She was about to say 'Along with dying without telling you the truth.'

"Hm? What was that?" Ian looked over. Barley is surprisingly being quite in Ian's shirt pocket. If anything he is like a third wheel.

She huffed. The stars twinkled so brightly above. It made her smile slightly. "Oh, don't worry about it." Her eyes could seem as weak and cold. A purple like clouded storm.

Eventually the two, we'll four made it inside. There are pixies everywhere. Raylee sighed as she us always annoyed at these suckers. Barley had to use the restroom so Ian gave him the key. Raylee picked up some fruit, water, and sweet bread-like snacks. She placed them down on the counter as Ian was already paying for the gas and Barley's cheese puffs.

Raylee opened her bag and took out her wallet. She handed him some cash.
"Pay for mine, will ya'?" She gently creased his arm.

Ian looked over as his cheeks flushed lightly. He nods taking the cash. Raylee took off the women's key and headed to the bathroom.

"You got a problem, smart guy?" The pixie asked their father.

Raylee rolled her eyes and used the key to unlock the restroom. After she went in the stall to do what was needed she took quite a while washing her hands. Raylee realized she just could have told him everything.

"Ian must never know I love him. It will be too awkward and our whole friendship will be ruined. I will lose him." She turned off the sink and dried her hands.

Once she got out she adjusted her bag straps and realized they were gone. She stepped outside and went over to Ian as he is filling up the container. Barley is having an argument with the pixies. Well, not really an argument.

"Are you calling me lazy?" One got offended.

"I think we need to go." Raylee leaned over some.

He nods and sealed the lid. Ian got a hold of dad and rushed to grab Barley.

"Hey! I was talking to him!" The pixie barked.

"We gotta go!" Ian apologized as they dashed to the van.

Their father followed behind as his top part bent over. His arms dangling behind. Raylee took the lead running faster than Ian. They then heard the motorcycle's engine start.

"Were gonna die!" Ian panicked.

Raylee turned slightly, "I never been kissed! We're gonna die!"

His cheeks flushed to a deep red. He shook his head as he filled the tank and quickly hopped in the van. Ian took the driver's seat. Raylee took the passengers and placed her bag assure buckling up.

"Oh, no..." Ian feared.

"Your gonna have to!" Barley cried.

Ian plugged in the key and turned it. He breathed and stepped on the peddle after putting on his seatbelt. Raylee let out a scream as he took off rather recklessly.

She grabbed hold of the belt. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"Were gonna die tonight right?" He glanced over then took a peek at his review mirror. They started to catch up already! Ian quickly got on the high way ramp. Sadly it is filled with traffic.

"Yeah! Though I have never been kissed! I am gonna die without a kiss!" Raylee panicked. She panics like this in tines like these.

Ian rolled his eyes and did his best to merge in. The fast-moving cars did not help him what so ever. Eventually, he merged in.

Raylee made the sing of the cross.
"Lord, if your real, please don't let me die tonight!"

"You're not gonna die!" Barley exclaimed.

"Yes, I am!" Raylee hissed.

Their two-legged father is sliding back and forward in the back of the van. The there and a half are recklessly driving away from the pixies on a motorcycle. Raylee held her seatbelt strap so tightly as she started talking to her self. Ian had to focus the best he could on the road.

The highway is rather filled with traffic. One of the motorcycles drove up and smashed the driver's side window.

"Never been kissed!" Raylee hollered out again. scrunching her safety belt with both of her hands. Ian started to get annoyed at that by this point.

Tiny Barley sighs heavily as it still sounded like a pipsqueak. The pixies drove by the window and broke the driver's side glass. The glass flew inside casing then to duck.

"Ugh!" Ian groaned and tried to shake off any glass.

"Your gonna need to make a left!" Tiny Barely squealed.

Ian looked at the control bars. He started to panic as he couldn't find the blinker.
"Problem, there's no blinker!"

"What?" Raylee shot him a glance.

"Then just use your arm as a single!" Barley said.

Ian did just as he was told and looked at his review mirror. He is in way more under pressure then Raylee. She does not do good in near-death situations. As Ian put out his arm singling a left the pesky pixies launched over to get a hold of his arm with a chain.
They started to pull on it naturally with the way they drove.

"What do I do now?" Ian tried his best to keep driving.

Raylee watched the scene. She just stared at her worse fears were bawling out in front of her like a TV program. Sure she is frightened right now. Seeing Ian's arm get broken off is something that snapped her inside. Quickly she snatched her bag and dug deep down for her dagger. She threw the bag across the van and took her seatbelt off.

"Are you crazy?" Barely asked.

"Yeah, I am!" She answered and hopped on Ian.

He was quite alarmed as his cheek flushed slightly looking at her as she opened up the sharp switchblade. His eyes grew in shock at her for owning such an object.

"What is that?" Ian asked trying to still hold the wheel straight.

"Just keep your eyes on the road, Indore. Understand?" She asked for a demand. Whenever Raylee called him by his first name, he knew she is serious.

The teenaged elf nodded. It was kinda hard for him to do so with Raylee on top of his legs.

"Kinda hard when you're on top of me." Ian chuckled as he held the wheel tight. His cheeks gleamed to a deep red now.

Raylee got a hold of his hand as half of her body was out the window. She is sawing the chain with a dagger knife! Out of all of the things, he could have said! That had to be one of them. It is like Barley is the third wheel. Literally!

"Son... of a mother, " She paused and grinds her teeth. Raylee held his hand tightly as he did as well. This is a new side of Raylee which he has never seen before. Sweet caring Raylee never used such words, sat on top of him, almost, and well held a dagger.

"Fuckin, "

The blade slid through the metal as it is nearly being cut off.


She cried out loudly over the vehicle's motor. Raylee released from the window and flew back as she caught herself a hold of the seat. Her finger slid as the switchblade tucked quickly away.

Ian was amazed at her for knowing what to do. Though he had to merge lanes all the way to the left.

"The Mountains are north!" Tiny Barley cried pointing at the highway sing. "You need to get all the way over."

He merged one way over as their dad's disguised top body fell on top of him. His head peeked out the window as his arm was waving.

"What the?" The pixie driving behind asked. "Oh, it is on Shane!" The pink pixie pointed at him.

The whole mob of pixies filled inside attacking all three of the. It made it even more difficult for Ian to drive. Nevertheless, Ian remembered the remodeled air conditioner that Barley fixed and turned it on as they flew out the window. Raylee caught Barley before he flew out the window.

"Were not going to make it!" Tiny Barley worried as they started to run out of time to merge. 

Ian then steps on the peddle and single out his arm for a left merging though all of the lines not even stopping. They barely made it hopping over the barriers.

Raylee held on to her seatbelt panicking, "Hail Marry of Grace! That was Illegal, Ian!" She shot a glare over at him.

Barley's arm suddenly popped back to normal size. So then the magic wore off.

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