Je t'aime soul mate.

By angelheaven101

1.4M 6.9K 1.1K

Halynn is the type of girl all parent wish for. Student Council president, French Club Member, Volleyball Pla... More

Ch. 1 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 2 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 3 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 4 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 5 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 6 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 7 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 8 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 9 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 10 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 11 How I fell for him. Literally.
Ch. 12 How I fell for him. Literally.
Ch. 13 How I fell for him. Literally
Ch. 14 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 15 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch.16 How I fell for him. Literally.
Ch. 17 How I fell for him. Literally...
Ch. 18 How I fell for him. Literally...
Part 2 Prolouge
Part 2 Ch. 1
Part 2 Ch. 2
Part 2 Ch. 3
Ch. 4 Tattoo
Ch. 6-Yacht
Ch. 7 Tribal Friends
Ch. 8 Flight Affairs
Ch. 9 Home sweet Home
Ch. 10 Cinnamon Rolls
Ch. 11-The Queen
Ch. 12 Unapproved
Ch. 13-The break in
Ch. 14 Death and Birth
Ch. 15 Preparations
Part 3 Prologue
Ch. 1-Missing
Ch. 2-Tala Akia
Ch. 3-Cravings
Ch.4 Theresa
Ch. 5 Lasagna
Ch. 6-Pool
Ch. 7-Two Cherries
Ch. 8-Beautiful Nightmare
Ch. 9-Release
Ch.10-Mates Forever

Ch. 16 Wedding

26K 97 19
By angelheaven101

Enjoy it! Sweet and Simple! Oh and read the message at the bottom please!


Haylynn’s POV

Everyone stepped away to reveal the mystery person. I gasped when I saw the blue polo shirt wearing man and his coach purse wearing wife. “What are you doing here,” I asked my mother’s sperm donator. Why in the world was my father standing in front of me with a smile and suitcases?

“For the wedding of course! We had to see if this was real of if Rose was just lying to make you seem more appealing,” Dad said. I shot Nana a death glare and she shot it back. I hate when my emotions don’t work on Nana. “Well since you’ve seen you can now both go,” I said. “You didn’t even introduce us to your friends. Very rude on your part I must admit,” Tracy said.

I scruntched my nose up in disgust to the sound of her voice. “Drew can you take everyone to the hotel,” I asked ignoring Tracy’s comment. “Yeah. When you’re ready take the car,” Drew said while handing me the keys. Drew led the group away leaving my mother’s sperm donator and his slutty wife.

Dad was giving a disapproving look to Drew and said, “He’s very obedient for a man. Obviously he doesn’t know how to take charge.” I rolled my eyes at Dad’s obvious sexiest comment. I always knew dad wanted me to be controlled but I’m not the scarred little girl from my past.

“He’s more man than you ever were,” I said and Dad narrowed his eyes at me slightly. “So where have you been staying? In his house being his whore,” Dad asked. “No I’m not like your wife,” I said. “Are you really going to walk down the isle in white,” Tracy asked. “I’m glad you can think of your own comebacks since I know that’s hard for you,” I said. “You want a fight child,” Tracy asked. I clenched my fists and started to take my earrings off.

Luckily my hair was already in a ponytail so I cracked my knuckles. “I’ve waited years for you to say that,” I said. “You ungrateful girl doesn’t deserve parents like us,” Tracy said. “Say one more thing slut and I can guarantee that your face will be on the ground,” I threatened. “Don’t talk to your mother like that! Do you know all the sacrifices we made for you,” Dad asked.

I laughed and I felt the mood change. Should I have been happy that my mother’s sperm donator came for my wedding with his slutty wife? Should I have been happy that this pathetic excuse for a man standing in front of me kicked out the only mother I knew and loved? “In case I didn’t make myself clear at the hotel , I don’t want anything to do with you! I left because I couldn’t stand you and both of you are the lowest of low if you even think for a second that you were good parents to me,” I exclaimed.

There was a shocked expression on dad and Tracy’s faces and I’m smirked. I turned around and started to walk around until dad called out to me. “Then you don’t want to hear what your mother said about you,” dad said. I stopped in my tracks but refused to look at him. “I’m listening,” I said. Dad laughed and said, ‘The bitch is in rehab. I was surprised that she was alive but she asked about you.”

I turned around slowly to read dad’s facial expression. He was telling the truth with a grin plastered on his face. “What did you say to her about me,” I asked with my voice un-even. “Look honey she needs us,” Tracy said with a grin. I held back my anger because my mom was alive in a rehab center and asked about me. She remembered me.

“I see that honey but she doesn’t want anything to do with us,” dad said. “Maybe she should beg for it,” Tracy said while giggling. “I can just figure it out myself,” I said dismissing the idea of me begging for that information. Drew can help me find her. I don’t need them.

“How long would that take sweetie? Your mother could relapse in the time it takes when all you have to do is ask us nicely. Beg for our forgiveness daughter,” dad said and I snapped. “I am not your daughter,” I exclaimed and attacked him. Dad was in shock as I picked up a suitcase and threw it at his head. The suitcase hit his stomach and Tracy screamed. “Stop it! Are you out of your right mind,” she asked.

I turned around and punched her in the nose. “Maybe,” I replied and kicked dad in the stomach. “I just got this fixed,” Tracy exclaimed while holding her bleeding nose. Dad started to cough up blood but I wasn’t finished. “Calm down miss,” an officer said trying to pull me back. “No you’re going to pay! Where is my mother,” I exclaimed as two officers tried to pull me away.

“I’ll never tell you now! I really hope she dies on the street like the worthless scum she is! Like mother like daughter,” were the final words I heard from my dad as three officers managed to pull me away. I looked back at the officers and one of them let me go. “I’m not losing a finger over this one,” the man who let go said. Smart man. “Let me go! I am a bride and I have the freedom of speech! My actions just speak louder the words! Where are you taking me,” I exclaimed.

“Calm down miss we’re just taking you to security for now until someone claims you,” the officer said. I tried to break free for the longest but the man holding me the tightest was a werewolf. He had to have been because he wouldn’t let go for anything. I even bit his hand!

The officer pushed me into a chair and said, “Don’t move.” I crossed my legs and glared at the officers. “So the girl see’s her parents in an airport and beats them up. I hope this doesn’t end up on yahoo,” one of the officers said. “Are you kidding me? With all this vampire stuff going on that should be in the news,” another officer said. “Shut up idiots! That girl’s human,” the officer who I suspected to be a werewolf said.

The three officers looked my way and the one who made the biting comment said, “You’re kidding. The way she attacked those two is just ridiculous.” “Well believe it Junior,” the suspected werewolf officer said. “I thought she was cute back there,” the other guy said. “She still is,” the officer who was scared I would bite him said.

“Excuse me but I can hear you and I’m off the market. I’m getting married to Drew Brentwood in less than two hours and you are holding me up! Where is my phone call,” I asked. The suspected werewolf officer handed me the phone while laughing with the other officers. I didn’t know what was funny as I dialed Drew’s number. “We have another Mrs. Brentwood guys,” the officer said as the other two laughed harder.

“Sorry princess but you’re Mrs. Drew Brentwood number 32,” the officer who was scared I would bite him said. The officers continued to joke when Drew answered. “Drew it’s me and you need to get me now before the FBI wants me,” I said. “What happened,” Drew asked calmly. “I beat my mother’s sperm donator up and Tracy and three officers had to bring me into the security area! Do you realize that the wedding is less than two hours away and I’m stuck here until you get me! Why didn’t you feel me being upset,” I asked.

“Well I felt something but upset wasn’t the right word. I actually thought you were having fun or something. Don’t worry I’ll be there in twenty minutes,” Drew said. “Better make it ten because if these officers don’t stop laughing I’ll shove my foot up their-.” “Calm down I’ll be there. Please don’t make a scene where everyone can see. Talk about embarrassing the pack,” Drew said as I hung up the phone. At that moment I couldn’t care less about the pack.

“We have ears,” the other officer said as I rolled my eyes. I sat back and watched the clock tick by slowly. Five minutes passed and then ten and the officer who was scared I would bite him spoke up. “I guess your Drew isn’t coming,” he said. “Say that over here and you’ll lose a finger,” I threatened and the officer rose up his hands in peace.

“Please do not kill the nice security,” someone said and I jumped up. I ran up to Drew and gave him a big hug. I looked at the clock and he was late by two minutes. “I still love you,” I said and gave Drew a hard kiss. I looked at the three officers and their moths were open. Take that!

When I pulled back Drew wrapped his arm around me. “Ready to go love,” he asked. I gave the officers another look and they were trying to look anywhere but at me. “Do I have to sign you out or something,” Drew asked and looked at the officers. “No that’s ok Mr. Brentwood,” the officers said in harmony. I smiled and we walked out of the airport.

I decided to drive and Drew didn’t complain. “I ran all the way here you know. I deserve a little reward,” Drew complained. “You’re marrying me. What more do you want?” I looked over and Drew had his bottom lip poked out. I sighed and gave him a soft peck on the lips. “Even,” I asked and Drew grunted. Oh well.

“Your nana is getting ready at the hotel with everyone else, Victor agreed to pick them up in an hour, mom is waiting to do your hair, and Lisa is freaking out,” Drew filled me in. I looked at the clock and shrieked while making the car swerve. “Both hands on the wheel,” Drew exclaimed and reached over.

“I thought we had time! We only have an hour and ten minutes! Drew how cold you,” I exclaimed as Drew was trying to drive. “Put your hands on the wheel,” he exclaimed and I took control over the wheel. “Don’t be so demanding,” I grumbled as Drew tried to calm down. “What the hell Haylynn! Are you trying to kill us,” Drew asked. “I’m just emotional and it’s not even me! It’s Amy’s fault because she’s trying to jump you,” I said without thinking.

“I’m not doing that,” I said quickly and saw a little disappointment in Drew’s eyes. “Maybe it’s because of the full moon tonight,” Drew said. I forgot there was a full moon tonight. “Did the food arrive,” I asked and Drew nodded. I asked a few more questions and to everyone Drew nodded. I sighed as we pulled up to the house.

“If you come inside the house and see me in my dress I will kill you,” I said seriously. “That’s why I have my tux and everything in the car,” Drew said. Oh…well good. I got out of the car and ran inside the house. “Haylynn go upstairs and shower right now! We have a lot to do,” mom said as she kissed my cheek. She was trying to do something with Hailey’s hair.

“Sis Derek won’t share,” Hailey said. I looked around and Derek was eating a box of animal crackers. “Share Derek and then go to Drew with the rest of the guys,” I said. I ran upstairs and heard giggling. I opened the door and it was Abby and Nick. “Get out right now Nick or I will personally throw you out the window,” I said and the couple separated with a final kiss.

“Abby said to calm down and is there something you need her to do,” Nick said on the way out. “I need you to put your dress on, do your hair, help mom, and just make me happy,” I said and took a quick shower. I came downstairs in my robe and heard a camera flash. I looked around and it was Lisa. “Sorry but you need a shot for the photo album. Now can we please get you ready,” she asked.

I was pushed into a chair so that mom could do my hair and Abby could do my make up. “Hailey go get sis’s shoes,” I said as Hailey ran upstairs. “Done,” mom said and put a mirror in front of me. It looked really pretty and professional. “Don’t thank me yet honey,” mom said and started on her hair.

Abby took a step back and I looked in the mirror. I had a red lipstick on and everything else was done to look natural. “Thank you,” I said and Abby walked away. I made sure everyone was doing okay and when everyone else was approved, I was helped into my dress. With my shoes and veil on, I put on my lace fingerless gloves. “I wish we would’ve had time for that bachelorette party. I can throw a party,” Madison said.

“Thank you for being here,” I said. I refused to look in another mirror because I knew I would cry. Everything is a dream come true and everything’s perfect.


Drew’s POV

After my tux was on and everyone else looked presentable Haylynn’s guests arrived. I half expected her dad to have the nerve to show up but he didn’t. I hope Haylynn didn’t hurt the man that much. I didn’t want him to press charges. “Ready for married life man? All the restrictions and what not,” Eric asked. Eric was the beta of another pack and I guess some people could call us friends.

Eric also hasn’t found his mate but he’s only sixteen. “Yep. It had to happen sometime,” I said. Eric gave me a supportive pat on the shoulder and I looked at the alter. The pastor was waiting up front while checking his blackberry. I  hoped Haylynn didn’t see it because it had a red cover.

“Ready for this man,” People started to take their seats and look around. Nana Rose was in the front row taking lots of pictures. Haylynn’s friends were all around Nana Rose and were talking about this and that. I looked around and the sun was starting to set. Haylynn’s late.

“If she stands you up I will kill it man,” Eric said and I growled. “I’m serious! The last wedding I went to the bride was pregnant with the fiancé’s daddy’s baby! It was so funny that even the pastor was laughing,” Eric said and I shot him a death glare. “Thanks for the support man,” I said and Eric held up his hands in defeat.

I saw Hailey run around and Derek was trying to catch her. Will someone please play the music before I lose my mind? I walked up to the alter and Hunter stood next to me. The music started and Eric walked down the isle with his sister. Then Abby and Nick walked up. Lisa walked up the isle alone and then Hailey followed.

Finally the music changed and everyone stood up. “There’s your bride,” Hunter whispered and I gasped silently. Haylynn walked up the isle and Derek held her train. Haylynn looked beautiful and that couldn’t even describe how amazing she looked. She was smiling brightly and all for me. I offered my arm to her and she accepted. We stood in front of the pastor when she whispered, “Do I look okay?” “Gorgeous,” I whispered.

We kept everything traditional and when it came to the I do’s Haylynn was staring into my eyes. “Haylynn do you take Drew to be your husband,” the pastor asked again. Haylynn snapped out of the trance and blushed. “Sure. I’m here right,” she asked and I smiled. Haylynn was blushing and she couldn’t have been more beautiful to me.

“Well then I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride,” he said and I leaned down the kiss her when something flew past us. People gasped and I looked at the pastor. He was shot and fell to the ground. I grabbed Haylynn close and looked around. “What the hell,” Haylynn exclaimed and covered her mouth. “Watch your language granddaughter,” Nana exclaimed but I was focused on one thing.

A woman with caramel skin and long wavy hair was holding a gun. “This kills wolves but what about humans,” she asked with a grin. That’s when I saw her fangs. “Good shot dear sister,” a man with eyes the color of the midnight sky and pale skin said. “What are you doing here,” Haylynn asked. “I came to collect you love. Remember I said I would be back for you? I keep my promises,” he said and then realization hit me.

“You’re Trey,” I asked in shock and he smiled showing off his fangs. “You have something of mine and well…we vampires know how to make an entrance,” he said and more vampires appeared. “Attack,” Trey said and the vampires started going crazy. People screamed but luckily for us it was a full moon. Most people shifted as I held Haylynn close.

“Why does this freaky stuff have to happen on my wedding day,” Haylynn exclaimed. “Hunter take the humans to the attic,” I said as Hunter shifted. I couldn’t shift because then Haylynn would be vulnerable. “Drew do something,” Haylynn exclaimed and I thought on my feet.

“Let’s go,” I said as I pulled her hand. “Where are you going mutt,” the lady asked as she shot a few werewolves. No one got close to her without dying and I didn’t want to find out why. I ran as fast as I could with Haylynn but the screams were still ringing in my ears. “Stop looking back,” I exclaimed as we continued to run. “Found you,” Trey said as he aimed for me.

“This way,” Haylynn tugged as the gun went off narrowly missing me. I ran faster but Haylynn couldn’t keep up. “Let go and get away! Then you’ll be safe,” Haylynn said while crying. “Don’t be stupid Haylynn. I’m not losing my new bride,” I said trying to keep the same attitude as usual. I heard screams and smelled smoke.

I few more gunshots went off and I was shot in the leg. I pulled the bullet out quickly before the venom could be released but it still stung. “You’re bleeding,” Haylynn exclaimed as I continued to pull her. Maybe if we could get across the boarder, we could get help. I started to stumble but wouldn’t let go of Haylynn’s hand.

“You need to let go love. Just shift and I can keep up somehow. I don’t want you to get hurt Drew,” Haylynn exclaimed. “Never! I’ll never leave you! I love you remember,” I exclaimed. I looked back at Haylynn and gave her a smile as the tears ran down her face.

We heard another scream to our right and Haylynn stopped running. “Please do it for me Drew! If you die because of me I could never forgive myself,” Haylynn said. “I won’t now just keep running! We’ll be alright,” I exclaimed. I couldn’t argue anymore because I heard a loud scream. “That was Abby,” Haylynn said stepping closer to me and looking around. I pulled her closer and tried to get her to calm down.

“It couldn’t be. You know how she’s been. That’s just your mind playing tricks on you now let’s go,” I said. “Ok,” she said and we started to run again. Trees blurred past me and Haylynn was picking up the pace. I cursed when we came to a cliff. I could jump in wolf form but Haylynn would never make it. “Drew you need to let me go,” she said as she looked at the cliff.

“Be reasonable Halo because this isn’t the time for you to flip out. Just calm down so that I can think. We’ll get out of this together. Promise,” I said. I didn’t have much weight on my end of the promise because we were suddenly surrounded by four vampires. The girl with the brown hair stepped out of the darkness with a smirk and said, “Hand her over. Now.”

“Never,” I said as the girl’s eyes turned red. She flicked her wrist at me and I flew to my left and my upper back was hanging over the edge. I couldn’t breathe and I felt like chains were wrapped around me that was impossible to break. “Drew,” Haylynn exclaimed and I looked over just in time. Haylynn ran toward me but a vampire attacked her. “You fool,” the girl exclaimed and flung the vampire over the cliff.

The girl caught Haylynn and smiled at me. “Don’t worry she’ll be safe with us,” the girl said and then gave her attention to Haylynn. “We have plans for you dear sister.” The girl started to turn into a cloud of smoke and I screamed. “Stop! Where the hell are you taking her,” I exclaimed. “To the palace where she belongs,” the girl said disappeared.

I let out a final scream as I heard all the vampires laughing. They started to creep closer to me but the invisible chains around me weakened. I snapped them and lunged for the four vampires. Free to shift I took them all done easily enough. I ran back toward the alter and saw all the vampires dead. I ran toward Hunter and my whole world seemed like it was crashing around me. “That man from the beginning. Please tell me someone killed him,” I demanded. “Sorry but he was the only one that got away. Something about he collected his prize,” Hunter said.

I looked at the moon and howled. My love was gone and I failed to protect her. My one and only mate on her one special day was taken from me. I shifted back and cried my eyes out. This couldn’t be happening to me. I was going to get my Haylynn back if that’s the last thing I would ever do.


So yes this was the end of Part 2! Don’t worry there will be a part three (the final part!). Please leave all comments below!

Oh and I was wondering if yall liked this writing style. Sure it’s easier to write but it all comes down to the reader (the buyer) in the end so please leave those thoughts as well. I expect long comments since this chapter was SO epic. LOL!

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