Your Melody - TaeGi


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[Completed] Suga was once a very passionate pianist, his music was like a melody of heaven. But he stopped... More

12 Last Chapter


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V was suppose to collect the Disband form 3 days ago but he didn't. Not because he couldn't but because the Pianist wasn't there. So he found himself standing in front of an apartment mentally telling himself that it was just Council work.

He took a deep breath and internally prepared himself before finally ringing the bell.

No answer.

He rang again and again and again but there was no answer. At this point V started panicking. He tried to kept calm, thinking that he might be out to get fresh air or went on a walk with neighbors dog. Did his neighbor even have a dog?  But the lights were still on! 

The doubts for negative thoughts were long planted in him, and after many more unanswered attempts at abusing the bell, he could no longer keep that optimistic approach. What if something happened to him? What if he's alone?

V didn't realize that he started banging the door hysterically, while shouting the pianist name.


He had the privilege of learning his name in bonus with his house address. President RM gave V the task of retrieving the Disband form and he had no choice but to agree.


He was in the state of panic that he didn't even mind honorifics. Maybe V had good ears or maybe he was too much attracted to other's sound. But he could hear the lazy feet dragging inside until finally with a click the door opened.

The pianist rubbed his eyes adorably while still adjusting his eyes to the sharp light, or the brightness of the boy in front of him. But all of his cells woke up abruptly when he felt the same boy hugging him worriedly.

V embraced him, panicked clear in his trembling arms and Suga didn't push him away, giving him the chance to relax. After V realized what he was doing, he awkwardly let go and rubbed his nape in embarrassment.

"H-hyung, I.. I .." suddenly V lost the ability to speak, he was still shaken up from the previous intimacy but the thing about Disband form was something V never wanted to ask. Deep down he prayed for a miracle to happen, anything that would make the Music Club from disbanding but that was only wishful thinking.

V was still contemplating how to ask about the form when the sound of a cough broke his train of thoughts.

The pianist was sick!

That would explain why he didn't visit the Music Club or why the embrace was hotter than usual.

"Hyung you're sick!" V subconsciously placed the back of his hand on Pianist forehead, measuring his temperature and concluded that  he was indeed hot.

The single cough turned into the series of cough until pianist found it hard to breath. V immediately grabbed his hand and led him inside as if owing the place.

The apartment was small but clean. The pianist's room was organized unlike V whose room was messy and huge. V went to the kitchen, filled the glass with warm water and handed it to the pianist.

Pianist grabbed his bag of medicine and V was stunned by the amount of tablets in it. Some were pain killers while majority were anti-depressant.

V could feel something break inside his heart when he saw how weekly the pianist engulfed those pills.

"Hyung have you eaten yet? I'll cook you warm soup to sooth your throat."

The pianist didn't say anything, instead he silently lied on his sofa. V took his silence as okay and begun to explore inside the kitchen.

. . .

V didn't know if he should pity the boy or praise him, after all the pianist finished his soup without complaining. If he had to be honest, V was not the best cook. In fact, his soup would barely pass as edible. Maybe he was too hungry to care? Or V killed his taste buds with his marvelous flavor combo?

Maybe he kept quite out of courtesy.

V thought while cleaning up the disaster he had made in the kitchen. He was drying the last plate when he heard the door open.

Did Hyung go outside?

V stepped out of the kitchen few moments after and the sight in front of him shook him to the core.

He was crying!

The pianist was sobbing, clutching to his friend. Jin caressed his head and his usual cheerful aura was no where to be seen.

It was the first time V heard his voice but it was the worst way he could heard it.

Jin looked at V and for a moment he paused in surprise, perhaps to see him in Suga's house. Then he gave V a reassuring smile, telling them that he needn't worry. V who was still staring at the crying pianist broke off the trance, he bowed and quickly left the apartment. It wasn't his place to be there.

. . .

"Is that Senior Jin? How handsome!" the room was filled with gasp and praise when schools most handsome boy entered a specific class.

V didn't know that a strong presence was towering over him, he was too busy thinking about what happened last night. He was unable to get that picture out of his head but mostly his crying sound was etched into his heart. Stringing pangs of pain every now and then.

"Why would you need to stare into the moon when the real one is standing in front of you?" Jin followed his line of gaze which was beyond the cloud, above in the sky.

"Jin Hyung!" V got up in an instant. He didn't realize how much he was spacing out.

"Come with me, little bear." Jin said and went out of the class and V followed him obediently leaving all the students whispering to each other.

. . .

How much a person's presence can change the atmosphere? V was standing inside the Music room, staring at Jin who was sitting on the piano.

He played the only notes he knew, V waited for the spark to hit him and he waited and he waited but the only one capable of burning his insides was the Pianist, he himself realized only then.

"Are you serious?"

"Pardon?" V didn't realize what he was asking.

"Are you serious about Suga?" came the unexpected question.

"I'm talking about your love letter, It was quite passionate if I say so myself." Jin chuckled and V felt his face burning. He didn't even know what was written in the letter yet he wanted to dig a hole and hide.

V decided it was best to clear the misunderstanding and apologize but before he could speak, Jin spoke again,

"I was surprised when I saw you in Suga's apartment last night." Jin mused remembering how shocked he was.

"Suga doesn't talk to anyone, let alone welcome them inside his apartment. You can only guess how shocked I was." Jin laughed without humor. V didn't know if he should feel honored or sad but one thing was sure that he wanted to hear the pianist voice, he wanted to talk to him. He wanted him...

"If Suga doesn't push you away, then I'm no one to interfere" Jin got up and stood face to face with V, staring into his eyes.

"besides I think its about time that he moves on."

He left him in the empty room with the sound of his own thoughts. How loud it was.


Sorry for errors and thank you for reading.

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