Strings Attached

By realbadass

8.3K 302 157

Celeste Lucas Fischer was a brilliant and intelligent witch of her time. She had the same ambition as her bro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chap 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

108 1 2
By realbadass

Celeste was standing near the railing of the french ministry thinking about what this ambush means. She had an unsettling feeling about it, but she pushed the feelings down as she turned around to catch her brother and Theseus whispering to each other before Gilbert pulled him in a breathtaking kiss. She smiles before turning around, chewing down her bottom lip.

And that was when she noticed another Theseus Scamander with Tina. She looked at the real Theseus before looking down, her mouth open in shock. Even the fake Theseus noticed her staring at him. His face brightened up before a realisation set on his face, making him panic.

He pulled Tina alongside somewhere out of her eyesight. "Fuck." She whispered under her breath before she approached Theseus and Gibert. "Disaster incoming." Celeste whispered to them. "What do you mean?" Theseus asked.

Celeste looked around before whispering. "Newt is here. Disguised as you. No wonder he is not an auror." Celeste said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Merlin's beard. What was he even thinking." Theseus grumbled under his breath.

Their conversation was cut short as French aurors gathered where everyone was at standby. "Damn it." Celeste swore under her breath. "The meeting starts in an hour at Lestrange tomb which lies in Père Lachaise. He is rallying for support." The French head of auror informed them.

"Why there?" Celeste wondered before it clicked to her. "Credence." She muttered under her breath. As everyone was getting ready to leave for the location, Celeste looked around to find Leta, to tell her to be vigilant but she was nowhere to be seen.

Celeste just let out a long sigh and led the team towards the exit so they could apparate to Père Lachaise. "Why do you think Newt was here?" Theseus asked in a whisper. "I have a hunch but that doesn't mean this is less complicated for us." Celeste whispered back, stepping into the elevator.

As soon as they apparated to Père Lachaise, the aurors and hit witches and hit wizards sprung into action. The groups were made, walking to the place separately . Celeste was leading a team of twelve aurors as she approached the auditorium where the meeting was held. She knew it was a trap, but she knew he didn't know about aurors and hitwitches and hitwizards.

"Remember, use minimum force on civilians. Do not spare the acolytes but do not use the killing curse." Celeste commanded as she halted near the opening of the auditorium. "And remember, We try our best to capture Grindelwald." Celeste said before entering the auditorium.

To her horror, there were hundreds of civilians and tens of acolytes listening to Grindelwald intently. He was in the middle of showing the effect of the last war and scary possibilities of potentially another world war.

Celeste signaled the aurors and hit witches and wizards to spread out and blend in. Celeste quietly walked down the stairs and stood between a French lady and a German man. She took in a deep breath as Grindelwald started to speak again.

"Do nothing when I speak of this. You must remain calm and contain your emotions." Grindelwald addressed the crowd, playing with his wand. "There are Aurors here among us. They wish to capture us, and end our motives to turn this world around for good." Grindelwald continued. Celeste's eyes grew wide as she turned around to look for her colleagues. They were grossly outnumbered. Celeste knew that this crowd was hostile and that her team was not safe.

"Celeste Scamander, I know you are here. I know you have your team here. Come forward, join us." Grindelwald spoke up. All blood drained from her face, but she stepped outside of the crowd and stood on the flight of stairs. "You are feeding your poison and sadly they are drinking it like an elixir." Celeste said, discreetly slipping her wand through its holster.

"I speak nothing but the truth. You know how the last war devastated you and your colleagues. Why do you not see that muggles need magical intervention." Grindelwald questioned, making Celeste scoff. "All you want is supremacy. To enslave wizards and muggles. The world saw your face back in New York. So kindly patronise someone else." Celeste replied, coolly.

Grindelwald chuckled, moving his gaze from around his supporters to Celeste, who held his stare with equal power and effectiveness. "They disagree. These people disagree." Grindelwald said, spreading his arms wide. The crowd cheered for him. Celeste just shook his head.

"They are the same people who would hunt muggles for sport. Their word is not holy grail." Celeste said, folding her hands behind and descending down the stairs. "They are the people who thinks half bloods and muggle-born are not witch or wizard enough." She continued before stopping in front of the circle of white flame.

"So tell me, why should I waste my time on mundane talks?" Celeste asked, staring directly into the wizard's mismatched eyes. He chuckled, tilting his head like he knew something that nobody knows. "Your mother's fire. I always liked that about her." Grindelwald said, before walking to the right side of the stage to address people. How did he know her mother?

"The Aurors murdered us- who want nothing but freedom- and tortured me because i have desire to express myself and not hide." Grindelwald said,. Celeste gritted her teeth as she drew in a deep breath.

"No one tortured you, Grindelwald. You destroyed an entire city in your pursuit of power. You want nothing but power over people who can't stand up to you. So, spare us the energy and surrender." Celeste growled, lifted her wand in an offensive position.

Grindelwald chuckled and shook his head as if he found this humorous. "Oh sweetie, this meeting has everything to do with you. Do you think you have everything under control or you know everything?" Grindelwald asked, moving back to her.

He had a smirk on his face as he approached until it was only white flames separating them. Celeste kept glaring at the man who kept smirking. "Who are your parents?" He asked, and as if his words held some gravity the entire auditorium was silent to let Grindelwald speak.

"Resorting to stupid questions? I thought I would never see that day but here we are." Celeste commented, not lowering her wand. "Do you think Stephanie Fischer gave birth to you?" Grindelwald asked, tilting his head in amusement. "Everyone, take your position. He is trying to distract us. Nobody leaves this place."Celeste ordered.

Her eyes inspected the white flames, trying to come up with a plan to cross the flames. "Do you think people around you are telling you the truth?" He asked, stepping closer. The flames separated to let him walk a little bit further.

Celeste did not budge and kept her wand trained at him, ready to utter knockback jinx. "You are not their daughter. They just raised you, but you do not share the blood relation with them." Grindelwald said. The whole auditorium looked at each other and whispers broke out.

"Petty moves, Grindelwald. That's pretty low blow if you want to recruit me." Celeste said, her grip on her wand tightening. "Why would I need to lie to you to get you on my side? You are not a fischer, Celeste. You are a Grindelwald." Grindelwald said, and it was all needed for Celeste to let it all lose.

She fired a knockback jinx, knocking Grindelwald back to the stage with a loud thud and everyone started to shout and scream. "SILENCE! ABSOLUTE SILENCE!" Celeste screamed, making the people rushing towards her halt. She is scary when she's angry. She sent two hexes at the lady inside and a man near Grindelwald, knocking them back as well.

Nobody dared to move, Noone dared to raise their wands, not even the acolytes. Celeste looked around with wild anger dancing in her eyes, sending shivers down everyone's spine. Gilbert and Theseus shared a look before trying to look for a way out from the crowd.

"Nobody moves if you don't wish to die in this graveyard tonight." Celeste growled, making a way through the flames as she simply controlled it. She crouched before the fallen Gellert Grindelwald with a menacing look.

Newt was watching everything with a shocked look on his face. He has seen his wife angry, but this degree? Never. "She is scary. Never piss her off." Tina muttered as she saw how she controlled the fire.

"Lies? That's what you resort to? You lie about my parentage so they can lie too? My parents are Albert and Stefanie Fischer. Do not ever speak of that lie again." Celeste spat, her wand pointed to his face.

Grindelwald chuckled loudly at that. "Why do you think the entire Fischer family is raven headed? Your mother is brunette. No one in your family is blonde. Have you ever questioned that?" Grindelwald questioned.

Celeste narrowed her eyes, but before she could respond Grindelwald muttered a spell and Celeste was thrown into a memory? An illusion? But she was in a room with a woman who looked eerily like her glaring at someone.

She turned around and there stood a young Grindelwald. "You lied to me, Gellert. You are a fraud." She cradled her bump, walking backwards. "I did not lie to you, Lorelie. I just withheld some information." Gellert said, looking at the woman in mild annoyance.

"Du hast mich nie geliebt." Lorelie whispered, her eyes watering. "Du bist ein Monster." Lorelie hissed, before conjuring her things. She left without waiting for Grindelwald to explain.

Grindelwald growled in frustration, shattering a glass vase. The scene changed to Lorelie looking at Grindelwald with a blank face. "You will not find my daughter here." Lorelie said.

"You know you can't hide her from me. I will find her one day." Grindelwald said, lifting a photo frame. "She is your splitting image of yours. No wonder she is going to be like you. Feisty." Grindewald commented, turning his head a little to look at her.

"She is far away from my or your influence and is in great hands." Lorelie spoke up, defiance radiated from her body, Celeste moved to see the frame where he said that the unnamed child is her spitting image.

Celeste stumbled back a little as she saw the child in the photo was her. This was her as a child. Was Grindelwald right? Was she really her daughter? Before she could process the information, green light filled the room and thud resounded in the empty home. Celeste whirled around just to see Lorelie dead on the floor.

Celeste was pulled back to reality. She blinked thrice before tightening her grip on her wand. "What was that?" Celeste asked, now looking at recovered Grindelwald. "That was Lorelie. Your dead real mother. And that was the proof of me being your real father." Grindelwald said, a small smirk on his face. "That was a lie. That is a lie." Celeste said loudly, her wand ready to attack.

Grindelwald was a man of thin patience and it seemed he ran out of it as he sent Celeste flying back out of the circle with a hex. She Collided with the stairs with a loud thud. "Celeste!" Multiple voices exclaimed, and everyone jumped into action. Hexes flying left and right with people disapparating to spread the word of meeting.

Celeste stood up, her head throbbing as it was the body that hit the floor first. She took in a shaky breath and jumped into action with a purpose to end Grindelwald right there and there.

The auditorium was cleared soon, with just aurors and hit witches and wizards remaining, ready to attack. Celeste stood in front of them, glaring at him. "Why did you do that? Why did you destroy a woman's life?" Celeste asked, as she glared at the man. Her eyes were red, tears at the bay as she had no idea what was right or wrong.

"Your mother was one of the most powerful witches of her age. Sharp mind and one of best combative skills? She was the perfect woman to create a perfect prodigy. I had to have a prodigy to keep my legacy safe." Grindelwald answered, his tone amused.

Celeste giggled, making the whole team uneasy. "Grindelwald, that sounds so ridiculous. 'I wanted my own prodigy, so I will procreate with a powerful woman.' How did that intelligent mind thought of something so stupid?" Celeste laughed, her mind was foggy as she felt overwhelmed.

Grindelwald tilted his head, amused. "Why do you think that despite everything, I would be at your side? You revealed that information in hopes of me turning against my team and ministry?" Celeste inquired, playing with her wand.

Grindelwald's silence was all Celeste needed as she shook her head. "This makes me more bloodthirsty for your blood. You killed an innocent woman for your stupid agenda. You ruined my life for your propaganda, if any of your bullshit is true. I will kill you if you don't cooperate." Celeste threatened.

Grindelwald waved his wand around, knowing he was not getting through. The fire rose high in the air before approaching the aurors and hit witches and wizards. Celeste raised her wand, her gaze not leaving Grindelwald's as she effortlessly controlled the fire.

"Aurors and my team, apparate back to ministry. We do not want our graveyard here today." Celeste exclaimed, keeping the fire at bay. Majority of them hesitantly nodded and disapparated from there leaving Charlus, Newt, TIna, Leta, Jacob, Queenie, Credence, Nagini, Gilbert and Theseus only people remaining here.

"Answer one question. Did you ever love Lorelie?" Celeste asked, her voice calm. It was like a calm before a storm. Again, no answer. A humorless laugh left Celeste's lip before Celeste collided the fire with the ceiling before running upstairs. "EVeryone, out!" Celeste exclaimed, her eyes meeting Newt's in midst of chaos.

He reached out for her as the remaining eleven people ran for their life from the uncontrollable fire. They made a quick exit by disapparating outside the auditorium. "We cannot let this fire be unattended!" Celeste exclaimed as they rushed outside towards the courtyard.

"Why did you let that fire there?!" Charlus asked, his voice came out panicked. "Because it was not my fire. That fire only obeys the conjurer. I only had a moment of control" Celeste exclaimed as they all reached the opening.

To their surprise an old man was waiting for them. "This fire will engulf Paris in its wake! Everyone wands into the ground quickly!" The man asked for their help to which everyone nodded their head quickly.

Celeste raised her wand in harmony with others and with the timed aim, all sank their wands into soft ground exclaiming "FInite!" A red glow spread through the ground before the red flames rose into the air attacking the white flames and started to engulf the rapidly spreading fire.

Celeste watched the fire as the whole event came back hitting her like bricks as she watched the last of white flames dissolving the white flames. She collapsed on the ground breathing heavily. "Who am I?" Celeste whispered, tears making their way down her cheeks.

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