Miss Weirdo Is Swayed [COMPLE...

By ThePrintedScarf

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"He's hotter than Chris Evans" i thought in my mind. "cool ! you think I'm hotter than Chris Evans?" i hear... More

Chapter 1 : Meet Miss Weirdo
Chapter 2 : Guy with blue eyes and sexy smirk
Chapter 3 : The initial lie
Chapter 4 : Kevin my man !
Chapter 5 : Slutty white
Chapter 6 : My wishlist
Chapter 7 : Paying Off
Chapter 8 : Cappuccino
Chapter 9 : Those soft lips
Chapter 11 : Dealing with issues
Chapter 12 : Mission WISHLIST
Chapter 13 : The other side of Chris
Chapter 14 : A gift by someone
Chapter 15 : Jealousy
Chapter 16 : Dinner with Peter
Chapter 17 : I love you
Chapter 18: The Second Lie
Chapter 19 : Let's dance and get cozy
Chapter 20 : I want you
Chapter 21 : First Kiss
Chapter 22: Happy birthday darling
Chapter 23: Graduate
Chapter 24 : Job interview and revealation
Chapter 25 : Betrayal
Chapter 26 : Life goes on- Part 1
Chapter 27 : Life goes on- Part II
Chapter 28 : Reunited
Chapter 29 : A Deal
Chapter 30 : Let's sort the things out.
Chapter 31 : I feel suffocated
Chapter 32 : I'm back NYC
Chapter 33 : Say who's the best?
Chapter 34 : Girl's day out
Chapter 35 : Arguments And Dinner
Chapter 36 : Apologies
Chapter 37 : Workouts
Chapter 38 : Office and exclusive moments
Chapter 39 : Working for the delinquents
Chapter 40 : Friends give you the best moments
Chapter 41 : I'll be waiting for you- Part I
Chapter 42 : I'll be waiting for you- Part II
Chapter 43 : I'm Swayed
Thank You
What's up next?

Chapter 10 : Claire calling

10.9K 331 5
By ThePrintedScarf

Chris's POV

I hear my phone ring .I groan and grope it with closed eyes and in the meantime it fell down from the bed.

"shit!" i curse and finally open my eyes.It's i don't know after how many days or months i've slept this tight.I picked it up and kept it over my ear before pressing

the answer button while laying my head on the pillow and eyes closed.

"helloooo big bro"


i hate waking up when i don't want

"why sound so pathetic?" claire my sister spoke .

We share a really good bond.She's the only family member i can rely over.I'm older than her but she pretends to be like mom everytime.We really don't remember our mom as i was only 5 when she passed away and Claire was 3,but i think if she'd be here today she'd see claire as her carbon copy.But we really love each other ,we both are there for each other everytime.

I still remember she slapped his ex's sister when she was bitching about me.Although she was only 14 then,she broke up withthat boy .Also 2 years back when i lost myself completely she went all the way from Florida to spain in mid of her exams only for me.It's only Claire who can dothis.

"i'm sleeping baby sis.Why've you called?'

"huh?You mean i can't call you?"

"you can .But not in this early morning."

"are you crazy?move your little ass it's already 11 in the morning which is not early.Just a sec i thought you're a morning person.what's up with you beast,i guess it's because of that amazing lay last night." she teased me.

We both know each other's businesses very well .

"no you little witch.I've not had any lay since last 4 days." i said now opening my eyes.

"WHAT are you talking about .Am i talking to chris carter right?" she said confused

"yeah witch who else could tolerate you this long" i said smiling

"i can't believe this.You did not have sex with your bimbos for 4 days.Did all of them turned out to be HIV infected ?" she asked giggling

"why ?can't i be a gentlemen?"

"tell me what's going inside your tiny little brain,which i think isn't working right now"

""it's not what, you better ask it's who?"

"Chris your genuinly happy.Oh my gosh tell me what is it?i'm sure you and Dad are on good terms now."

she always tries to bring this topic ,both claire and dad are really eager to talk about this .I somehow manage claire but dad becomes out of my reach so i avoid talking to him.

"no it's not about Dad.However i think i think it'll happen soon.He'll get what he wants, i'm working over it." i said and sat up to continue "claire i've met a girl and she's-"

"Do not dare to say that you like this girl" she warns me

"why?what's wrong i thought you'd be happy "

"why would i be chris? i still remember what happened to you two years back.I don't want that to happen again"

"but she's not like her .She's is honest,pretty,humorous,innocent and i feel alive with her "

"god chris you sound like a girl.Aren't you happy with the amazing lays ?what else do you want?''

"i want me claire.I feel my other half belongs to her ,she makes me feel complete."

she remain silent so i continue " i'm not happy ,i pretend to be happy .Tell me how can i be ,the lays your talking about lasts only for a night.When i wake up in the morning i feel the same,alone and incomplete.I don't need sex claire i want happiness."

"your sure beast,you don't need sex?" she teased me again

"your really turning into a witch.I need it too.Come on sis anyone wants it,but more than it i want to be with Grace,She's ..really something."

"So this witch is Grace"

i smiled and said

"she doesn't belongs to your race queen witch,so don't call her that.She's an angelic beauty.you'd love her she's amazing"

"she better be or i won't hesitate throwing her in amazon. Chained"

" she is ,i'm sure you'd love her."

"how many times you guys made sex?"

"are you crazy?"

"no. Just tell me "

"not even once .I didn't even kiss her "

"then i'm happy now.You really like her, unlike any other girl it doesn't starts with a sex,so i approve it ." she said in a calm voice.

" yeah i'm glad too."

it's the first time really ,it wasn't even with Anne the bitch.

"does she likes you back?"

"haha i think she hates me with a passion.Most of the times she refers to me as jerk ,so i don't think she's very much fond of me" i said smiling

"i can't wait to meet this girl.You've got someone alike you this time"

"huh ?how like me?"

"she sounds paranoid to me just like you"

we busted into laughing.

"no really she's the first girl since our elementry school who did not go dibs for you.Can't she see what a sexy beast you are?" she said suppresing her laughter.

"i think she is better than me ,she's really smokin hot and beautiful"

"enough of the appreciations.I gotta meet this girl asap or you will start having dreams of her"

"i already have her in my dreams "

really since last days every night i've been having her dreams .And everytime she wears my cloth

"Jesus! my brother is getting insane help him"

"i think your brother is turning sane .And you should be happy for him."

She sometimes becomes really impossible

"i am Chris.I'm very very happy for you.Or why would i want to meet this girl greece " she teases me again

"she's Grace not greece and i think she's just like her name,Graceful.Come on claire "i frowned

"okay okay!big bro just pulling leg .I miss you so much" she said in a genuin voice

"i miss you more witch.If you were here Dad and me would be on a better terms " i sighed.

We actually avoid seeing each other.Dad pretends i'm not exsisting and i take it's advantage and do not calls or talks him ,I know what i do is totally unfair but i

can't do what he wants ,so i just stay at the large foyer he gave to me as my 20th birthday present.Ever since i'm back from standford after my graduation i'vbeen staying here.I rarely go to see him.Although he sometimes visit me and tries to talk with me, but with utmost unwillingness i tries to talk least.

"Chris please for God's sake don't ruin your life.Your the heir to carter's corporations which is not in monoply only in N.Y but also in three other continents.Stock market moves on every of our moves .Dad is already 55 ,he too wants to retire and enjoy his life while sitting home,go for fishing,cooking new recipes.For i don't remember how many times he asked me that if you've made up your mind to become the next CEO of Carter corporations.Just..just try Chris."

she thinks i'm not even trying .Fuck! i've been pushing myself out of the mess i've created around me.But the walls are stronger than my willingness to destroy it.But it's not fair to say that i'm not trying .I'm trying but it's not helping in anyway.

"what the hell you think of myself huh ? don't i try?Claire since last two years i've been finding one good reason to leave this secluded foyer i've been living like a mole.I got my degree from Standford and if you forgot let me recall you that i was the veledictorian.I worked hard because i've always wanted to excel in business.I always dreamed of carter corporations to be the global market leader.

But my vehemence was hampered when i saw my girlfriend making out with my best friend two years ago.That wasn't sufficient and i discovered that my best friend was never afriend of me but my money,my girlfriend never loved me but my money."

I loved anne since i got into Standford we met there we were classmates actually ,i loved her hair, she was blonde and her hair was really beautiful.She used to smile with me and the world seemed easy to me, she kissed me and my problems got vanished.But when i saw her and my best friend Fred having sex on the liabrary table one day i was beyond pissed ,I wanted to murder both of them and then kill myself too.I just asked them one single question .WHY? and got to know that they both loved my money not me.I pleaded to both of them to cease there joke right at that moment but they didn't.They turned my life into a joke.That was when we were two months away from graduating and i was supposed to join Dad's business after that.But i never gathered courage to look at myself ,I hated me for having money that drove people away from me.So when i was back from standford to home ,I declared my intentions to dad that i was not going to join his business.

That's the biggest reason why Dad doesn't talks with me like earlier.Although he's been trying to provoke me in indiscreet manner,which is Claire.Since then i've been living like this ; a jerk,sex driven jerk.

Sighing i continue " Claire i don't want to join Dad because they all love my money,not me.I end up getting hurt everytime"

I feel a lot lighter than a while ago.She always try to pull me into this convo but eveytime i flips the subject and talk about anything else.But today i don't know why i told her the reality my mind's been wandering around since last two years.

She kept silence for two minutes and continued " Chris i hope you remember what happened to those to lifeless zombies.Anne the bitch is now HIV infected whore ,who's counting her last days.Fred ended his life due to drugs overdose.You know when last year i went all the way from Florida to spain in order to kill her i found her in spain counting her valuable breath she pleaded to me for mercy and ended up asking for forgiveness.I'm glad she's away from you today you never needed her ,You deserve 100 times better than her.She's not even in the race"

Last year i was missing her too much ,my diet included beer ,dark beer only.Claire was really upset and she went to search that bitch all the way from Florida to teach her a lesson, and founded her in a brothel in Spain. When i got to know about this i was shattered but happy as well that i'm no longer in any relation with a low life bitch .

Luckily i found one real friend who drove me from all those mess ,who made me to live my life in a better way.I couldn't stay awake without alcohal but Kevin helped me a lot.He just told me ;

bro just lay and don't think of any other way.

It's Kevin's formula of happy life.And honestly it really helped me in recovering .Claire has been in constant touch with Kevin ,and i think gives him new ways to motivate me .I don't need it anymore coz i more than happy now but still Kevin's like a brother to me .He's brother to me but i guess soon he'd be the brother in law ,he blush like a girl when i see him talking to Claire.

"i love you witch" i sang

"let me finish beast " she yelled

I nodded knowing she's not seeing me currently.

"You called them friends because you're never aware about what are friends for.I'm sure you never found them by your side when you're upset or sad.Chris we don't make friends ,we own friends,because they're ready to give their life upon us.You never knew who are true friends and ended up getting hurt by some lifeless zombies who pretended to be your true friends.Dad always warned to stay away from Fred but you never realised that he was a cheater until you found him with that bitch."

she exhales and continues " Chris we all come in this world to live our life in our own way.We gain experience by getting hurt,making mistakes.But learning from mistakes is much better than staying in a secluded foyer.Accept your past ,but don't expect it to be in your future.

those who really love you will be by your side no matter what you do.I know you have trust issues Chris but you found Kevin though .He's a real friend "

"he is " i agree

"see , you've found a friend .Not all of them are farce At least try or you'll end up regretting ." she ended with a sigh

I don't know how and why but her speech really persuaded me.

"how such a motivating lecture witch?" i smiled .

My baby sis actually acts like my mother sometimes.She is much more mature than me,i think.

"yeah i was just searching some articles on google for how to move the pissing ass of an asshole" she said serious voice but i know she's smiling now.

"yeah ,but that was really really amazing"

"i know ,i practised thrice before calling you " she giggled

"Yeah and i think it's working"

"what really ?oh my gosh thanks to google and books on mads .I'll always owe them.You'll be joining Dad huh?" she squealed

"Yeah i guess,but there's another problem" i said while rubbing my nape.

"what is it?"

"Claire i told Grace that i'm a cameraman"

"A cameraman.Why?"

"i don't know ,nothing else came to my mind"

"very welldone ! you've pissed me even more .You think she'd stab your back just like Anne?What's wrong with you Chris not every girl is like her"

"i know ..i know okay.She doesn't even know who i am,money is something which is her last concern .She's full of simplicity,yet gorgeous like hell.I know she's

not like any other girl.I ..never cosidered getting just a lay from her ,i've always wanted to love her ,because she's really an angel.She idolizes the definition of

perfection .But still i don't want to get myself hurt again.What if the situation doesn't works?She doesn't even likes me,she thinks i'm a jerk"

"well she thinks absolutely right.But trust me she'll not only like you but love you eventually .And by what she sounds like ,i think she's a real keeper"

"yeah that's what Kevin said"

"see,he too is turning into a smarter ass.Just go and tell her.How long would she keep herself away from my sassy bro" she teased me

"ha ha very funny! i'll tell her but not now althogh very soon.Let me get her captivated into my love driven claw" i said with a smirk

"your really a beast.Okay but tell her soon no relation can stand on the base of lie."

"i will ,i promise"

She is right ,no relation exists on lie ,but my wimp do not allows me to tell her right away.I just want to take some of her more time and influence her,I honestly don't want me to be rejected .And by how Grace behaves with me i think she'd reject me right away.

"amazing ,now go and talk to dad .Would ya?" she asked

"i will, once you hang up the call"

"no need to be pretentious okay ,i was going to hang up already" she frowned

"yeah then go ahead ,you sound as boring as a grandma "

beep beep

she ended the call without saying bye.I love pissing her off even now.

Now the biggest task of the day.



Picture of Claire on the right (kaya scodelario)

Thanks for reading,please share

#stayawesome :) :)

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