Secret Red

By AngeliaNyo

22.1K 1.4K 77

Alison moved to a new town as her father got a new job, simultaneously, she decided to hide her dark past, st... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 15

388 31 0
By AngeliaNyo

Chapter 15

Zoe and Layla came to visit Alison straight after school once they heard on what happened to her. They were greeted by her mother who then told them that Alison was still fast asleep so they left leaving the box of donuts they brought.

The next day, she went to school hoping that news had not broken out about her fainting incident. Luckily, aside from her close friends, there were no rumors regarding yesterday's event. She was squished by Layla and Zoe who were equally concerned about her. After making sure countless times that she was fine, only then, they let her go from their hold. Rob, Shane and Corey were also looking equally worried.

"Sorry that I didn't stay back with you as well yesterday, the nurse only allowed one person to accompany you, Jason insisted that he should stay behind." Rob patted her shoulder while Corey squeezed her hard that she almost fainted again the second time, thankfully Zoe smacked his head just in time to release her from his deathly hug.

"I'm fine, thanks guys." She gave them her best smile, overwhelmed and grateful for their concern. Eventually, they went to their respective classes while Rob walked together with her to Chemistry class.

"How are you feeling? You really scared us yesterday." He said gently bumping her to the side.

"I'm great, seriously. I'm fine, Rob." She smiled.

"Lucky that me and Jason were just outside when Anna came out of the bathroom."

"You and Jason? Walking together? Should I be worried? Don't tell me you're walking hand in hand too." She asked surprised.

"Yeah, we actually walked hand in hand, just not Jason's hand but his sister's. Jason already blessed my relationship with Loraine now." He wriggled his eyebrows with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Wow, I'm so happy for you. I assume, Loraine is Jason's sister? I hope your friendship with Jason would go back to how it used to be. No more Mr. mean Jason. It's weird that I haven't met her in person although we went to the same school. What grade is she in?"

"She's a sophomore student. She usually sits with her friends during lunch. I'll introduce her to you later. You'll love her. She's just amazing." He explained.

"Alright Romeo. You're definitely very much in love with her, huh?" She teased looking at her love-struck friend.

During lunch time, she was walking towards the cafeteria with Zoe while Rob walked towards her with the same beautiful blonde girl who went home with Jason the other day. Oh my gosh, is she actually Jason's sister?

"Hey Ally, Loraine this is Alison, Ally, this is Loraine, my girlfriend." He introduced them, Loraine blushed at the word girlfriend.

"Hi, nice to finally meet the girl who stood up to my annoying brother and defended my Rob. I'm your number one fan." She smiled as her pretty face lit up.

"Thanks. You're so pretty and sweet no wonder this guy here fell over heels for you." She responded.

She really is his sister. Gosh, I thought they were a couple! Ha!

They were sitting together at the cafeteria talking about the upcoming game night this Friday. Layla wanted to watch Shane play so she asked Zoe and Alison to come along with her to the game.

"Oh, come on! I thought we're friends but you're not even going to watch our game." Corey whined pouting.

"Come on girls, we could get dinner together after the game, pretty please?"

"We'll be celebrating our win. You'd support us, right? By going..." Corey trailed raising his eyebrow with a wide grin on his face.

"Ah, of course, Corndog. Make sure you guys win the game, then." Alison sighed in defeat giving them a small smile while Corey scowled at the nickname.

The days passed until it was the game night, Alison and Layla agreed to meet at Zoe's house where her brother will drop them off at school later for the game. Alison was standing in front of the full-length mirror in her room in a white baggy short sleeved shirt where she folded the sleeves, paired with black jeans and sneakers. Her hair was tied in a bun, not forgetting to put on her glasses. Stepping down the stairs, her mother was already waiting to give her a lift to Zoe's house.

"You sure you don't want to wear something more... you, Ally dear?" Her mother asked, missing her old daughter.

"This is me, mom." She shook her head with a soft smile.

"You know, you are allowed to move on, Ally. You don't have to change yourself, you can't blame yourself for what happened. It is not your fault. She made a decision. Don't be too harsh on yourself, alright Ally-dear?" Her mother tried to comfort her only daughter and gave her a hug after she parked the car in front of Zoe's house. She kissed her mother, went out of the car and pressed the doorbell. Zoe's brother opened the door, ushered her to come in and she went straight to her bedroom.

Layla and Zoe already changed in the room, Layla was wearing a cute white sweater and plaited skirt paired with white sneakers while Zoe was wearing a high waisted jeans with short sleeved crop top. She helped Zoe and Layla's make up as usual. They were all ready to go when Zoe insisted to change Alison's outfit and hair.

"I feel more comfortable like this. And we are done." She smiled, leaning back to look at her masterpiece on Layla and Zoe. She knew how to use make up, it was easy as pie since she used to wear them every day and liked to experimented on them with Leah on the weekends during their sleep over.

"So, are we ready to go?" She asked sitting on the bed.

"No, we are ready to go. You, however, are not ready to go. We have to do something with you. At least let your hair down and take the glasses off. We'll guide you all the way." Zoe insisted.

"Don't be ridiculous, she'll trip and fall, dumb ass! You may keep the glasses, for now. We'll have to get you contacts, soon! But loose the hairband. And we need to change your clothes." Layla added.

"No, no. it's fine. I feel good in these. Isn't that what matter. We're going to miss the game. Hurry!" She pulled her two friends out the room, went into the car with Zoe's brother and was dropped off at the school.

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