Breaking For You *|A Niam Fan...

By Belle33_NIAMshipper

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He watches him. And every time he does, his heart does a little leap. He looks away, hoping he didn't notice... More

Chapter 1: Strange Feelings
Chapter 2: What Are You Talking About?!
Chapter 3: My Little Snowflake
Chapter 4: Silence Is Sometimes A Good Thing
Chapter 5: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 6: It's A Start, At Least
Chapter 7: Some Saving Needed While Complications Arise
Chapter 8: I Guess I'm Happy For You (Some Larry)
Chapter 9: At Least I Got It
Chapter 10: A Mistake?
Chapter 11: All Touchy-Feely (Larry)
Chapter 12: Tear-Stained Lips
Chapter 13: So Sick Of It
Chapter 14: I'd Never Let You Go
Chapter 15: You what?
Chapter 16: I Love You, Too
Chapter 17: You're Beautiful
Chapter 18: Carnival Fun (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Carnival Fun (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Carnival Fun (Part 3)
Chapter 21: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 22: Cupcakes With Icing On Top...This Should Be Fun
Chapter 23: All Tingly Inside
Chapter 24: You Just Don't Understand
Chapter 25: F**k You, Louis
Chapter 26: I'm. Not. Jealous.
Chapter 27: What The Bloody Hell?! (Some Larry)
Chapter 28: I'm Yours
Chapter 29: This Aching Feeling
Chapter 30: Same Mistakes
Chapter 31: So. Much. Confusion.
Chapter 32: I'll Always Love You
Chapter 33: He's Torn
Chapter 35: Delusional
Chapter 36: The Ice-Breaker
Chapter 37: Simply Niam
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: Anything But Normal
Chapter 40: We Have Each Other
Chapter 41: I See Life In You
Chapter 42: Something Good
Chapter 43: Home Is With You
Chapter 44: Pancakes, Oatmeal, And a Muzzle
Chapter 45: I'll Give You All My Love (Some Larry)
Chapter 46: Nice? More Like Amazing
Chapter 47: Three Little Words

Chapter 34: Far from alright

13.7K 207 51
By Belle33_NIAMshipper

Okay I feel like an absolute jerk for making you guys wait so long for this chapter. I feel terrible :( and I so can't help but realize how many times I've aplogized for it :(

Please, just once more, forgive me and understand that high school is pretty hectic right now. Being a junior is no fun and I just feel completely wiped out and stressed. I'm also sorry if this chapter is icky.

So...please comment and vote? (:D I hope...hehe



Louis’ POV

Niall, finally aware of our presence, brought his eyes up to look at us. Another stream of tears poured from his eyes as he took sight of the fact that we were crying as well. He said nothing, though. Only kept his eyes on us and continued to rock Liam in his arms, trying his best to calm him. To perhaps repair him. Do something.

Nothing was needed to be said, though. The silence was all it took for so much to be understood.

Liam was torn. Just like our song.

I smiled bitterly as I remembered my previous thoughts from earlier. How I believed that silence was ridiculous and shouldn’t be bothered with. How being silent doesn’t solve anything. Though, now as I do realize…silence doesn’t solve your problems…

…but opens your eyes to them.


End of Recap

 ** ** **

Liam’s POV


I couldn’t stop shaking.

…couldn’t stop…remembering…

A spasm, a jerk, every movement I made caused a whimper to leave my mouth. Body trembling, heart clenching…it was too much to bear. I couldn’t breathe.

“It won’t hurt a bit.” He laughed darkly.

Another sob, another tremor through my body and I almost lost it. I could still feel those hands…tracing their way roughly between my legs, groping and tormenting the flesh, forcing them apart—

“N-no!” I sobbed, unable to cope with the memory. I could feel warmth surrounding me; the familiar, comforting scent of someone I loved holding me in their arms. A voice made its way past the darkness, the soft tone easily pulling my attention to it.

“Liam…? It’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay...” The voice whispered, repeating the words over and over as if to believe just saying them would bring them to life. I clutched tightly to whatever I was holding. The tears wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t help the words that stumbled past my bruised lips.

“It won’t…it WON’T!” I screamed, my hoarse voice making me wince at how it got that way. I shook harder, begging for the throbbing pains shooting through my body to disappear. Every single bruise, every sore spot…I knew exactly how it got there.

I felt disgusting.

Harsh gasps escaped my chest, making it harder and harder to concentrate. To gain any control. I wanted to continue screaming, echo my pain to every corner of the Earth. I wasn’t able to, though. My mouth sealed itself shut again, only allowing my cries to come out. Either way, I would struggle to utter coherent sentences even if I did speak.

Liam.” A new voice broke quietly, the edges to it sounding desperate and caged. I felt something soft and smooth run itself through my knotted hair, making me flinch without warning.

Did I say you could move?” He snarled, his big hand clumping around my hair to yank my head back.

Pain ripped through my neck as the memory ran itself in replay through my mind. I shook my head, trying to rid of it but failing miserably.

What did I do?’ I thought to myself. ‘Oh hell, what did I do wrong?’

“Can he open his eyes?” Someone asked, entering my mind as well. I shrunk at the sound and willed myself to bury deeper into the black abyss surrounding me.

“We’ve tried everything, doctor.” Another sighed. “He’s too shocked to do anything right now.” A slight shuffling sound caught my attention and not a moment later I felt another warmth place itself somewhere along my cold, used body.

Open your eyes!” He screamed, not caring that my head smacked against the floor with every violent thrust.

I recoiled from the touch, whimpering and sobbing away into the darkness. My body ached again, my stomach clenched painfully, making me succumb to the endless misery of the spiraling dark around me.

“It’s alright, Liam.” The voice soothed. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

I tucked myself tighter into the void.

If you would stop squirming maybe I wouldn’t have to hurt you!” He roared, gripping my hips so tightly I was afraid his big hands would crush my hip-bones. I sobbed uncontrollably as he continued to ravage my body with his own.



“P-please stop…”

“You’re scaring him.” Someone growled. I sucked in a sharp breath and gasped at the cool air that iced my lungs.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to frighten him but if you want me to help him then something needs to be done. We have to check his body.”

I choked back a cry. Thoughts and images swirling my mind just thinking of people touching my body. Studying it…inspecting it…violating it…

A dirty moan came past his lips as he slammed himself harder into me. Tears trailed down my face at the pain that tore through me every second.



“So tight.” He moaned again.

“Well what do you want us to do? Force him to cooperate?” A voice snapped. “If you haven’t noticed, he’s in no condition to be forced to do anything!”

His cold, dark eyes peered down at me in twisted amusement. Quickly, he snatched one of his hands away from my hips and used it to grip my cuffed wrists.



“Little slut, now aren’t ya?” He sneered, leaning down and forcing his lips onto mine. They were rough, dry, and unpleasant. It only added to my horror and revulsion.

“No, all I meant was that we need to check if he’s been fatally wounded as soon as possible. We can’t do that if he won’t help himself—”

“Say that again, doc.” A voice threatened, sending chills through my bones. “Fucking say that again and I swear I’ll break you—”

“You’re MINE!” He laughed evilly. “I’ll break you, slut. Whatever it takes I will break you.”





“Louis please—”

Don’t, Harry. Don’t tell me not to yell at this ‘doctor’. He should fucking know better than to try and force a victim to do anything considering what they just went through.” Louis snapped. “Just fucking look at him, Haz. Do you really want to force him?”

I heard Harry clear his throat, the sound loud enough to be heard right next to me. I let out another sob and felt more tears escape down my cheeks. The hand that was in my hair gently moved again, pushing back strands and massaging my scalp soothingly. It almost helped me stopped crying. Almost.

“Don’t fucking ask me that question, Lou.” Harry growled back at him. “Of course I don’t want to force him but for fuck’s sake we have to help him! I don’t want him to get sick with whatever that bastard had or—”

Shut up.” The hand in my hair stopped moving and something around my tensed. I held my breath, knowing that it was the person who held me that said it.

“Shut up the both of ye. Don’t you fucking speak another damn word about that fucking bastard.” The voice hissed, so much malice and hate in the words. I winced from it and was about to shrink away when I felt the hand to move again in a much softer motion. I allowed myself to sink into the embrace, wanting to feel safe…loved…

I heard Louis sigh. “Niall…Ni…we’re sorry. W-we only—”

“G-go. Please j-just leave…” Niall whispered, defeated. I could feel his body slump around me, the simple action making me feel defeated and tired as well. I wanted to sleep…so badly…

“Niall please, mate. We’re sorry. We don’t mean to argue. We’re just tired and stressed is all. I know that’s not a good enough excuse and we should know better than to act like this. Please let us stay, mate. We want to help.” Harry begged desperately. Hearing the sound in his voice made a fresh wave of tears spill from my eyes and I let out another sob, burying into Niall’s arms.

Niall sighed and I felt him press his cheek into my hair, hugging me closer to his body. “Shh, love. I-it’s okay. I’m here, right here. I’ll never let you go ever again.” He murmured, kissing my forehead.

With that, all my emotions piled up in one heap and that’s all it took for me to start shaking again. I pressed closer to him, wanting to feel more of his love, and began to cry violently. I heard him let out a broken gasp and start to rock me against him.

“No, love. P-please stop crying…it’s o-okay…it’s gonna be okay…” He wept quietly into my ear. I shook my head and curled up into his arms, letting the darkness cover me like a blanket.

“N-Ni…” I stuttered, using my hand to clutch his arm. I felt him run his fingers through my hair and down my neck, pressing his face into my skin. Something soft pressed against it sweetly and that’s when I realized it was his lips.

“You don’t have to s-say anything, LiLi…it’s okay, love.” He breathed into my neck. I whimpered again and nuzzled myself further into him, loving the way he welcomed me.

I let out a sniff and sat there for a few seconds…contemplating on what to do. After about a minute, I drew in a shaky breath and took the courage to slowly open my eyes. At first, everything was hazy and all the colors were blurred together. It wasn’t until I blinked and let all the tears flow out that everything came clearer.

I was in a white hospital room. The whiteness of it hurt my eyes enough that I had to blink a few times to re-adjust. I carefully traveled my eyes around the room and noticed Louis and Harry standing next to the bed, watching me with worried looks. When they saw that I had finally opened my eyes, a relieved smile made its way to Louis’ face and he hesitated before getting closer to the bed.

I took the chance to look to the side and was met with a forest of blonde hair. Niall’s face was still buried into my neck and looking from where I was, I could see how puffy and red his face was from crying. He also had a large, purple welt just below his right eye. I flinched and slowly brought one of my hands up to gently trace it.

“Stop! Get off him!” Niall screamed, flinging himself onto the man and smacking him in the jaw. A loud grunt of anger escaped past the man’s lips and he brought his body around to swing his fist back and punch Niall in the face.



Niall toppled to the floor, unconscious. His body sprawled helplessly across the carpeted area, making him look so vulnerable at the moment. A vicious and perverted glint shined in the man’s eyes as they raked shamelessly over my boyfriend’s body.



“Good meat, I bet.” He smirked, bringing his eyes over to examine my tied up body. “You wouldn’t mind if I snuck a few on him after now would ye?”



My eyes widened with fear at the thought of his disgusting hands roaming my Niall’s innocent body. I wouldn’t let him do that. I wouldn’t let him hurt my sweet little Niall in the same way he was about to hurt me.



He chuckled dryly. “Let’s see if you’re as good as I paid for.”






I shivered in disgust, wanting to rid every single moment of what happened from my mind. It had all been much much disgust...and hatred. I hated the man who did this to me.





 A few more tears slipped down my cheeks. What did I do to deserve it?

Cautiously, I pulled my hand up to bring it into Niall's hair and softly running my fingers through it. A small sigh left his lips and he turned his head a little so his cheek rested against my shoulder. He brought his eyes up to look at me and when our eyes met...the entire memory of what happened flashed between blue and brown.

I bit my lip roughly when my eyes blurred over, making all the colors mix together. A sob left my lips and before I could start crying out again, I felt his hand gently wrap around the back of my neck so he could press my face into his chest. I clutched to him again, silently expressing my distress and shame through my tears.

"Oh Liam..." I heard Louis whisper, pain evident in his voice. I turned my face over to bring my eyes up to meet his and he was looking at me with such sadness that I had to close my eyes for a second. When I opened them again I found him turned away, facing the doctor and Harry with an unreadable expression.

"We'll do it when he's ready." He stated bluntly, obviously not willing to take no for an answer. Harry clenched his jaw in aggravation but knew Louis well enough to not argue with him. The doctor, on the other hand, didn't really know better.

"Mr. Tomlinson," He started, eyeing Louis in quiet irritation, "I understand your concern for him and, to be honest, it pains me to make any patient feel uncomfortable with the thought of being evaluated in...certain areas. But, as my duty as a doctor, I don't want to risk him getting any diseases. So please let me do my job--"

I didn't even have a second to utter a sound when I found Louis flinging himself towards the doctor and pinning him up against the wall. Harry let out an annoyed groan before rushing over and trying his best to pry Louis off. I sunk further into Niall, eyes wide with fear and shock as I watched the event.

I didn't realize I was making little sobbing sounds until I felt Niall press his lips against my ear and hush me gently, rocking me steadily in his arms. I licked my lips and allowed the calming sound of his voice to relax my tensed muscles. When he saw that I had relaxed, Niall pressed a quick kiss to my forehead before snapping his head up and glaring darkly at the three men.

"Oi! Knock it off the lot of ye before I go over there and make you!" He barked, his hand continuing to run gently through my hair in order to keep me from shrinking in fear. I sniffed as I watched all three of them freeze and turn their eyes over in sync to look at us.

Harry immediately released his grip on Louis' biceps before stepping back and turning his head to the ground. Louis gave the doctor one last shove and mimicked Harry, although bringing his body near the bed to stand next to us.

The doctor slowly ran a hand through his hair as he glared angrily at Louis, obviously ticked off over the fact that the lad had tried to attack him. Louis huffed in irritation, bringing his gaze towards the window on our right.

"Look," the doctor sighed, "I'll give it 24 hours, alright? 24 hours so he can adjust but that's all I can give. I'm not trying to sound cruel. It's just how things need to play out if you want to make sure Liam is 100% okay." He tried to reason, shooting me a sympathetic glance before turning and leaving the room.

I winced at his words and stared down at the hands in my lap with bitterness. Okay? Am I okay? I don't think I'll ever be okay again.

"I'm going to make sure that you never have another day of happiness ever again." He grinned mockingly, pounding relentlessly into me. I held back my cries of pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. Though, I couldn't help tears that slipped from my eyes. Couldn't help but feel empty at the words he threw at me.

"From now on, every time you try to find an ounce of happiness," He started, reaching his hand up to grip my hair. "You're going to remember this, Liam Payne. You're going to remember every single moment of my little visit..."

A gasp left my lips when a stinging sensation shot through my backside, making me bend over. All three boys turned their eyes over to see me holding back my groans of pain. Niall sucked in a sharp breath and rubbed my back carefully, murmuring comforting words in my ear.

"Liam...Li, are you alright? Come one, love, please tell me you're alright." He begged, holding me close when I began to cry pitifully at the spasms of pain that wracked my body. Harry and Louis shared a worried look and were about to  turn to leave the room and grab the doctor when my spasms stopped.

I leaned heavily into Niall, breathing deeply and feeling a shiver run through me when a soft breeze blew against my sweaty forehead. Niall let out a breath of relief and kissed my neck once more, holding me tighter and tighter.

"Fuck Li, you had us scared there for a second." He said, bringing his face back to look at me in concern. I tried to smile at him, to show him that I was alright, and that I could at least hold up any form of strength.

But that would be a lie.

I wouldn't lie to him or any of the others. I couldn't nor wouldn't do that to them. Most importantly...I couldn't do that to myself. Hadn't I already been through enough? Because let's face it...

 I was far from alright.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Niall's POV

I felt panic rise up in me when I saw Liam bending over and gasping for breath. I watched helplessly, my eyes roaming over his matted hair, flushed face, and scrunched up eyes. I brought my hand up to run it carefully along his back, rubbing slow circles in order to get him to relax. I leaned my face forward to breath calming words into his ear, wanting to comfort him in any way I could.

"Liam...Li, are you alright? Come one, love, please tell me you're alright." I begged him, pulling him closer to my body when broken, pain-filled cries left his lips. His body shuddered in my arms, slight spasms running through his body. My eyes widened and I felt myself begin to shake in desperation. I felt so utterly helpless just sitting here watching the love of my life gasp out in pain.

I tore my eyes from his shaking form and brought them over to Louis and Harry, both of which were staring at Liam with worry. Louis' eyes turned slightly so they met with mine and I jerked my head towards the door, mouthing the word 'doctor' so he could go get him. He made a quick face but didn't protest and was about to go when Liam all of a sudden stopped shaking in my arms.

I looked over to find him breathing heavily, body slowly relaxing as he slumped into my embrace. I brought my hand up to wipe away a few strands of hair that stuck to his sweaty forehead. His skin felt cool to the touch and I sighed in relief before leaning over again to press my lips quickly into his neck, snuggling him to me.

"Fuck Li, you had us scared there for a second." I murmured, pulling my face back so I could look at him and give him a small, relieved smile. He only looked at me, a blank look crossing his face, and my smile dropped. He let out a tiny sigh and buried his face into my chest again. I bit back a sob and leaned my head on his, inhaling his scent and feeling sticky tears trail down my cheeks.

We sat there for a while, wrapped up in each other, trying our best to get over what happened. But I knew that this wasn't ever going to go away. Things would be different...Liam would be different. All because of that...that bastard...


He grinned wickedly at us, holding the revolver in his hand proudly as if it were a prize. Liam clutched me tighter against him, keeping his gaze steady and vicious on the large man stalking towards the bed.

"My, my, don't you two look so...ready." He chuckled, his left hand sneaking down to the belt on his jeans, tugging on it lightly. Liam's eyes dropped to his hand, I could feel him tense up next to me. His breath became uneven but I was certain the man wasn't able to detect it.

"Who the fuck are you?" Liam snarled, glaring daggers of hate towards him. The man only laughed, a dark, gritty sound. I flinched from it and Liam ran a soothing hand over my hip, tugging the sheet more to my body so it wouldn't slip any further. The man, noticing my covered body, smiled. A cruel, dark smile that sent a harsh shiver all the way through my bones.

I felt a wave of disgust run over me when his coal black eyes raked over the exposed spots of my pale skin. Liam noticed this as well and a vicious look ran across his face.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He screamed angrily, his entire body vibrating from the effect. The man stopped for a moment, bringing his eyes up to look into Liam's. Then, without warning, he lunged forward onto the bed, using both hands to shove me and Liam apart.

My body flew with such force across the bed that I smacked into the headboard, a groan of pain leaving my throat. I brought my hand up to clutch my head and was a bit shocked to find tiny beads of blood there. I watched as the beads of blood quickly trailed down my fingers and dotted onto the white sheets that covered me.

It was only until I heard a loud shout of fear echo through the room that I snapped out of my daze in time to find Liam being pinned to the carpeted floor by the larger man. A sick feeling of dread trickled through me when the man used one hand to hold Liam's wrists above his head and used the other hand to trail it down Liam's tan body, sneaking it in between my boyfriend's legs before stretching them apart.

A broken sound made it's way past Liam's lips as the man began to molest him. It felt too horrible...too sadistic to be true. I was frozen by fear, watching the man abuse my boyfriend sexually. When another one of those fearful sounds left Liam's lips, I couldn't take it. I leaped up from the mattress, ignoring the searing pain shooting through my head, and ran at the man.

"Stop! Get off him!" I screamed, bringing my fist back in time to connect it with his jaw. A growl of anger left the man's throat as he stumbled back a bit. I was only able to take a quick glance at Liam, his face a mask of horror and fear, when I felt something hard punching into my face. I flew back against the ground, my mind growing hazy and head pounding with agony.

The last thing I remembered was hearing Liam's scream of pain.

*End of Memory*

I bit my lip to prevent any more sobs from escaping. I needed to be strong for Liam. I couldn't risk having him fall apart because I was to scared or weak. I had to be his everything from now on...and I was going to do a damn good job of it.

Yet, even though I knew I had to do this for thing was clear in my mind. And I'm sure that it was pretty obvious to everyone else.

Things were never going to be the same.


2 Months Later

"How the hell are we going to keep doing this?"

"Look, I know it's been tough, alright? It's been tough on all of us but you gotta give it time--"

"I'm not trying to be cruel here, okay? I know he needs time but how much time is he really going to need, Niall? We all know what he went through, we know he was...assaulted...but honestly. How are we going to keep it up--?"

"Don't you fucking dare say you know what he went through, Harry Styles. You have no fucking clue what happened to him so don't even try to say you understand, do you hear me?" I hissed at him.

Harry gave me a pleading look. "Niall, look, I'm sorry, okay? It's just that I want him to get better and I want him to go back to being the Liam he really is--"

I growled at him. "He's never going to be the same, Harry. Get that through your head. Liam went through something very traumatizing and all I hear coming from you and the others is  that you want him to come back to himself. He's different now because of what happened so why is that so fucking hard for you guys to see?! You're only making it harder on him!" I threw my hands up in the air, exasperated and suddenly tired from all the arguing I'd been doing lately.

Harry let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Niall--"

He didn't get to finish what he was saying when a loud crash from the kitchen startled the both of us. I jumped up from my seat on the couch and immediately headed for the kitchen, hearing Harry following close at my heels.

When I entered the room, my eyes instantly landed on the broken plates scattered over the floor and a frightened Liam curling into himself against the counter. His face was pressed into one of his hands while the other was wrapped tightly around his torso. Even from here I could see the furious shaking of his body and the tear marks staining his cheeks.

I felt my heart lurch at the sight and struggled to keep myself from lunging at Harry when I heard him sigh behind me. Upon hearing our entrance, Liam brought his face up only to wince at the expression of worry on my face. I opened my mouth to speak but was silenced by the whimpers coming from his mouth.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I-I...I didn't m-mean to--"

In less than a second I had crossed the kitchen and was now standing in front of Liam, pulling him into my arms. He let out a tiny sob and held onto me for dear life, his tears dampening the spot on my shirt where his cheek rested.

I ran a hand through his hair, kissing the soft strands that slipped through my fingers, and hushed him gently when he began to cry. I hugged him tight to me, shutting my eyes and thinking back two months ago before...what had happened.

The police still hadn't managed to catch the man who assaulted us. In fact, they had even come up with the theory that he had escaped the country and was now in the states. I had come up with my own theory that the man had been hired by someone to do this. To mercilessly wound Liam and even hurt our band. And who, do you presume, I believe is the one that hired him?

If you guessed Kale then you're absolutely right.

I had told the police about him, making him a potential suspect as of now. I still hadn't heard back on what they were finding out but I wished they would find out soon. It killed me to think that the bastard could get away with something like this and leave us with no justice whatsoever. The prick needed to be taught a lesson, thrown in prison, sentenced to death--whatever. I didn't care what as long as it was bad.

I pressed a sweet kiss to Liam's temple, running my hand up and down his back to comfort him, when I heard Louis and Zayn enter the kitchen. I turned my head a little to look and found them speaking with Harry in hushed tones.

My eyes ran over Zayn for a moment, taking the pink scar that rested just above his left eyebrow. When he had been released from the hospital, his concussion had gone away after a couple days as well as his bruises. Though, I couldn't say the same for the new scar due to the fact that Liam had unknowingly scratched a piece of glass over Zayn's face when he knocked over the glass sidetable.

Feeling my stare, Zayn brought his eyes up to meet mine and I grimaced at him. He shifted awkwardly where he was at and I saw him bring his eyes down to the boy in my arms before casting them away somewhere else. A flicker of irritation went through me when he did and I couldn't help but glare at him. I was getting sick of the way they'd been acting lately. I mean, it's only been two fucking months! What, did they think he'd just be fine right after it happened?

Harry and Louis both brought there eyes to rest on me and Liam. I gave them a curious look and watched as Harry discreetly nudged Lou forward. I raised a brow at him and he cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone, including Liam.

"E-erm...Niall, Liam...we erm...need to tell you guys something..." He said nervously, wringing his hands together. I felt Liam stiffen next to me and brought my eyes down to look at him. He only buried his face into my neck and let out a deep, shaky sigh.

"What is it, Louis?" I asked, a hard edge to my voice. Lou winced and took a quick glance at Harry--who, in turn, only nodded in encouragement--before looking back at me.

" know about Brayden...right? Kale's...cousin?" He hesitated, noticing the way I narrowed my eyes and gave him a dark look.

"What about him?" I asked, coldly.

Louis bit his lip. "Erm well...uh...he's...well you see--"

"He's going to come over to talk with us." A new voice entered the kitchen. I stiffened again and watched as Dani pushed her way through the Louis and Harry to go over and stand next to Zayn. She wrapped an arm around his waist in a side hug and leaned against him, sighing softly. Zayn held back a tiny smile as he brought his hand up to run it through her long, brown hair.

Just so you're wondering, yes. Danielle and Zayn are slowly getting there to the couple stage. All I needed to do was get them to admit their feelings so Zayn could finally move on from whatever conflicted feelings he had about me.

I clenched my jaw. "He's coming here? When and why?"

Harry coughed awkardly. "Well you see...that's the thing. He's not coming over to see us--"

"--we're going over to see him." Zayn finished, hugging Danielle to his waist. My eyes widened once the words left his lips and I swear I would have exploded if Liam didn't mew like an adorable kitten in my arms.

"Look, mate, calm down." Louis said to me, giving me a look. "I don't mean go over to his house--fuck no. What I mean is that we're going out to meet up with him because he wants to talk about something."

I glared icily at him. "Fuckin hell--do you honestly think I'm going to let Liam near him or his bastard of a cousin? If that's what you think then you're fucking deluded, Louis. Deluded. I'd rather cut off my own limbs than left my Liam anywhere near those two." I hissed at him, squeezing Liam gently when he let out a whimper of fear.

Harry sighed. "Niall, don't worry, okay? It'll be fine. Kale isn't going to be there. Brayden is going alone and all six of us--that includes Liam--are going to go. We'll all be there in case something happens--which it won't." He added quickly when I glowered darkly at him.

I shook my head and indicated towards Liam. "What about him, huh? Why doesn't he get any say in this? You're not going to force him to do anything he doesn't want to because if you even think for a second that he's gonna do what you want them you're in some deep shit." I warned, giving each of them a threatening look, holding my boyfriend protectively against my chest.

Zayn raised an eyebrow and sighed in exasperation. "Niall, that's not what we mean. We didn't say we were going to force him to do anyth--"

"Then why the fuck did Harry say that Liam is going to go? He didn't even think about asking him first!" I snapped, throwing my eyes towards the youngest of the band and giving him a cruel look.

Harry glared irritably at me and snapped right back. "If you don't push him to at least help himself, Niall, then he's not going to fucking learn! I'm just trying to be a good friend and encourage him to go out more so he can get better, alright?! Fucking hell!"

I was so ready to turn around and just lunge at him, beat him to the ground and make him understand that he couldn't control everything. I was so ready to do that when I felt a small grip on my shirt pull me back from my violent thoughts and wide, brown eyes gaze up at me innocently.

All my anger instantly disappeared when I looked back into the eyes of the boy I loved. I gave him a curious look and he tentatively bit his lip before darting his eyes between me and the others.

"I...I want to..." He whispered, loud enough so that only I could hear.

I gave him a soft look and used one of my hands to cup his cheek and stroke it with my thumb. He leaned into my touch when I did and I felt my heart flutter at the simple action.

"Li...if you're not ready you don't have to go, okay? They can't make you go if you don't want to. Not if I have any say in it." I stated firmly, giving him a loving look and leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his nose.

He blinked a few times, his long eyelashes brushing against the skin. "It's alright, Ni. I-I want to go. I want to get..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "G-get better..."

With that said, I felt a small weight being lifted from my shoulders. I couldn't help but feel a little happy that Harry was at least trying to get Liam to help himself but also a little hesitant to push him so quickly.

I looked deeper into his eyes, staring straight into the soul that was Liam, trying to see if this was really what he wanted. I can't really say that I didn't find anything because I did. His eyes said it all. He truly wanted to get better and if I really loved him...the I would help him through this transition.

I sighed, giving his face one last inspection. "A-alright."

He smiled then. A large, happy grin that lit up his whole face and pratically had me melting at the knees. I hadn't seen him smile like that in a while. He looked so an innocent, bright-eyed puppy. I knew I wasn't ever able to deny him anything if he was going to use that look from now on.

"Thank you." He whispered, hesitating for a moment before leaning down a bit to softly press his lips to mine. I gasped quietly in his mouth, feeling a bit surprised at this because he wouldn't let me kiss him in a while either. It felt like such an I didn't realize how much I really missed kissing him until that moment.

He pulled back to gaze into my eyes, a shy look crossing his face. "I-I love you."

If it was possible, I just died right there.

I leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips again, loving the way our lips molded together perfectly. I pulled back to give him a sweet smile. "I love you, too."

I heard someone clear their throat and turned my eyes over to see the four of them giving us looks of happiness, playful-disgust, and tenderness. Liam quickly ducked his head and buried it once again into my chest, pulling me against him so my body hid his. I chuckled quietly at his bashfulness and placed a kiss in his hair.

"You two are adorable." Danielle cooed, smiling sweetly at our reunited moment. I felt a light blush pool in my cheeks but only ignored it and used my hand to cup Liam's face again and lift it so we were face-to face once more.

"Let's get started on this road, shall we?"


There it is. Chapter 34. Geez I'm tired haha <:) I'll try harder to get in future chapters but please don't be mad if they don't get in as fast as I'd hope. Thanks guys :))

Vote, comment, and enjoy :)

♥♥♥Lots of love♥♥♥


October 29, 2012

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