Fight For You [Levi x Reader...

By onikisu_

33.1K 1K 489

You spent your life yearning to live outside the walls and to do that, you join the Scouting Legion. There yo... More

Your Story...
Chapter 2: The Attack
Chapter 3: Recovery
Chapter 4: Thoughts
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: The Underground
Chapter 7: Ending

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

5.4K 154 64
By onikisu_

Edit/Update: I have recently ended this story, it goes downhill pretty quickly. If you do not want to waste time reading something you hope to be really long, i suggest you dont read this.

So... if you just want to read some basic beginner fanfiction go right ahead, no ones stopping you

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters.

I only own the OCs

 You wake up to the sun shining in your face through the window of your small room. 'This is the day' you thought. You slowly rise from your bed making your way over to your wardrobe and pick out your outfit for the day. Once you're dressed, you make your way downstairs. When you walk into the kitchen a wonderful smell fills the room. You walk over to the table and sit down.

 "Good morning (y/n)!" Xavier exclaims as he sets a plate of food in front of you. You look down at the plate, examining the food.

 "Bacon?" You pick up a slice of the meat and place it in your mouth. "H-how did you even get this?!" You begin to eat the rest of your meal.

 "Well..." Xavier began, " since this is the last time I'll be seeing you for a while, I thought I'd splurge and but you some meat. Plus you need the energy for your walk to the training grounds."

 "Oh right..." you finish up your meal and place the plate in the sink to be washes. You walk over to Xavier and wrap your arm around him. " Thank you so much for breakfast. It was delicious." xavier was like a brother to you. He taught you how to read, how to fight, how to craft and anything else you wanted to know.

 "Oh (y/n), you are so welcome. Anyways," Xavier handed you a bag of your clothing and pushed you out the door. " if you don't get going you may not make it there in time. Be safe out ther (y/n)."

 "I will! I'll come by and see you when I can!" And with that ou exchanged smiles and he closed the door. You sighed and began your walk to the training facility. 


It was about 8:30 when you reached the grounds. You walked up to what seemed like the office and went inside. Behind a desk sat a tall man with blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He lifted his head and stood up, extending his arm over the desk.

 "Hello, I'm Commander Erwin. Pleasure to meet you." You walked up to the desk and weakly shook his hand.

 "H-hello Commander. I'm (y-y/n) (l/n)." He sat back down and wrote your name on a sheet of paper. "Looks like you'll be staying in cabin two. Go ahead and leave your luggage on your bunk. There should be a pile of uniforms in the cabin. Find one that fits and make your way out to the field." You nodded your head and walked out of the office and towards cabin two. You were a shy girl, so whenever you spoke you always seemed to stutter. Once inside you left your bag on one of the bottom bunks and selected a uniform from the tabled that seemed to be your size. When you were ready you made your way out to the field. Several structures could be seen in the middle. 'Ah, 3d manuvering gear training' You walked over to a man with a clipboard.

 "Name and age!" he shouted. Nearly causing you to fall back. "Uhh.. uh.. (y/n) (l/n), age 15 sir!" You responded along with a salute. '15... Wow that just seems young' You thought to yourself, 'Well by the time I finish here I'll be 18' 

 "15? Why the hell didnt you join in the last group 3 years ago?" He squinted his eyes at you.

 "Ohh umm... I-I... I was working at a job sir!" Why didnt you join last time though? He sighed and waved for you to head to the training area.

 When it was your turn you hooked yourself in and the man lifted you up. You spread out your arms yo keep your balence. For about 2 minutes you hung there. Finally he lowered you down and signaled for you to return to the loud man with  the clipboard. "Uhh... I-I passed sir." You said. The man looked at you and wrote something down. "You may head back to your cabin." He told you. You nodded and ran off.

 When you opened the door to your new home there were about 4 people in there. You made your way to your bed when someone tapped you from behind. You spun around to see a girl about your age with long black hair and blue eyes. "Hi there! I'm Lilyin buuuut you can call me Lil" She beamed. "Oh hi. I'm (y/n)." You fiddled with your hand and stared at her face. You had never talked to soemone your age before. Just officials who you were selling the gear to.

 "Come on we're going to be late for lunch!" Lilyin grabbed your wrist and ran over to the mess hall. You were glad she took you here because you had no idea where it was. You both got your food without saying a word. Kinda awkward... You both sat at an empty table and started to eat.

 "So (y/n), do you have any other friends here?" Lilyin questioned.

"Oh um no... I-I dont to be honest." You looked out the window, embarassed you didnt know anyone.

"Well then, that makes me your first friend then." Lilyin just smiled at you, truly pleased with her self.

"Heh I guess that d-does make you my first friend." You smiled. Thus whole training thing wasnt as bad as you thought. You already made a friend.


Your life continued like clockwork for the next year or so. You'd get up, put on your uniform, head to breakfast and eat with Lilyin. Then you would go to your morning activity, which was usually 3dmg practice. From there you would eat lunch alone, continue to your evening activity, eat dinner with Lilyin, head to your cabin, take a shower and head off to bed. Everything was perfectly fine until the day you began to train for fighting.

 You made your way out that morning to the field. One of the instructors announced that today you will be testing your hand to hand combat. You realized you hadnt fought since you left Wall Sina but that didnt cause you to forget how to fight.

 The instructor told everyone to partner up and begin fighting. Everyone ran around trying to find their friends. You walked outside of the field and noticed that everyone had partnered up and that you were the odd one out. You made your way over to a tree and sat at the base of it. You sighed and watched Lilyin fighting with one of her friends... Meghan was it? You cleared your head and closed your eyes when...

 "What the hell do you think you're doing out here?!" A young man called standing over you. You scrambled to get on your feet and stood almost eye to eye with the man, who turned out to be Captain Levi.

 "Oh uhh, there wasnt anyone that i could fight with so I-" before you could finish your sentence the man grabbed you by your shirt.

 "Then you go stand and wait for your turn you idiot." He released you, you stumbled back into the tree. "How do you think you're going to learn to fight?" 

 "I... umm. I already know how to fight sir!" You responded. Your voice was shaking, why did you say that?!

 "Oh really?" Captain Levi took a step back. "Then show me you know how to fight." He walked back so that there was enough room between you and the tree so you wouldnt hit it. You nodded and took your stance in front of him. Your hands were shaking badly. You could feel everyones eyes land upon you.

 Levi cracked his neck and threw the first punch. You ducked towards the left, letting his fist fly by your ear. You went in for a kick but he grabbed your leg and threw you on the ground. He looked as if he was going to go for your face so you used this oppurtunity to swipe his legs from underneath him. When he hit the ground you stood up and took your stance again. He stood up and wiped the dirt from his pants. While he wasnt looking you tried to punch him in the face but he instead uppercutted you, causing you to step back a tad bit. Levi was about to kick you when something interupted him

 "Levi! What on earth do you think youre doing." It was Commander Erwin. He motioned for Levi to follow him and the two walked off. You rested your hands on your knees, trying to get your breathing back to normal.

 "Wow (y/n)! That was awesome!" Lilyin nearly screamed. 

"Oh uhh thanks Lil." You rose up to see nearly every, no... every soldier looking at you. You gasped and ran out to the mess hall.

 While you were eating it seemed like everyone came up and congratulated you. Someone tapped you on the shoulder. Startled, you looked up to see a green-eyed boy stareing at you. He sat across from you.

 "Hi I'm Eren." He smiled. It reminded you a bit of Lilyin when you first met.

"I'm (y/n)" You returned the smile.

And that was that. You both talked for the rest of lunch, but afterwards you barely spoke. Over the next two years you found yourself looking at him from afar, stareing at him during lunch, and constantly thinking of him. Did... did you like him?

Authors Note: I hope you liked chapter 1!! Chapter 2 should be up within the next few days. I want for there to be at least 20+ chapter to this story so make sure to message me if you have any ideas~ Also, dont forget to ask if you have any questions about well... anything. I may have a photo of Lilyin in the next chapter so you can picture her better while reading. Thanks!!

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