Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Hello readers!
Im really sorry for never updating, ive been waiting for inspiration
Anyways, here you go!

Chapter 5: Confrontation

I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters.
I only own the OCs.

When you arrived at the castle, you and Levi grabbed all of the items and headed inside. You were expecting to see Eren vit thankfully you didnt. Levi left the things he brought in on the table and walked out of the kitchen, leaving you alone in your thoughts.

Your mind wandered and drifted as you put up the grocerys. You thought of Levi, Eren, the new cadets. Everything basically. You started to wander about how ypu could tell Eren about Levi, or if you even should, when you were yanked out of your fantasies.

"Y/n!" Eren ran over to you and hugged you. "Glad youre back!" He smiled and looked at your face. You could feel that something was different. It wasnt him, it was you. "Is something wrong?" Eren pulled away and stared at you, confused. You tried to fake a smile.

"Yeah! Yeah, everythings fine Eren. Im just... im just a bit tired." You grin and pull away from the grip and head towards ypur room.

"But its only 4pm, Y/n!" Eren shouted as you exited the room. He shrugged and began to make dinner.

Time skip to new cadets arriving brought to you by Plot Twists.

The rest of the time you and your squad had alone returned to normal. You and Eren were together, Oluo would tease Petra, and Levi would give you these dont forget about me glances. It was a tad bit weird but you werent apposed to it.

You and the rest of the team were all sitting in the living room drinking tea or talking when the front door creaked open. It was the new cadets. Mikasa opened the door first, then Jean, Armin, Sasha, and the rest shuffled in.

"Mikasa! Armin!" Eren ran over to greet his old friends. You knew who they were, you knew who everyone was to be honest, you just werent friends with them.

When the new additions to Levis squad were comfortable in the living room, you began to make some tea. Thats when Levi walked over to you.

"Hey Y/n." His sudden appearence behind you didnt scare you as much as it usually would. His tone was different. It was that normal yet soft tone of his you had only head once before.

"Oh hey Levi." You spun around on your heel to greet the Captain. You smiled when you saw his face, causing him to do the same. Levi gazed into your eyes for a while until you turned back to your tea. Your face was red. Like really really red.

"What is it? Any special tea requests?" You smirked at your comment.

"Im actually retiring for the night." He leaned back on the counter next to you

"Oh? I thought you wouldve wanted to see what the new recruits were like." You poured the tea into some small nearby glasses.

"Tch, like i would want to talk to them." He rolled his eyes.

"Hah, well i didnt mean you had to talk i meant you just had to-" You were cut off mid-sentence by Levis warm lips brushing against your own. It was a short kiss so nobodys attention was drawn to you two.

"Come see me tonight, beforw you go to sleep." Levi started to walk to his room.

"Levi." You replied in this whisper-yell. "Im kinda with Eren and i just.." Levi gave you a warm smile. You caved in. "Fine, fine fine." You waved him on as you finished the tea.

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