Chapter 6: The Underground

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Hello readers! i first off want to thank you for 250+ reads! thats a lot for me considering my first story only had about 4 XD Like i said last chapter, this one will be the last. However i will still be updating my oneshots and my newest story! so much for 20+ chapters on this Cx read on!

Chapter 6: The underground.

I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters.

I only own the OCs.

 Tears rolled down your cheeks as you ran down the stone steps. Your feet burned and bled. You wanted to stop, to turn back an go home. But it was too late for that. As you ran through the underground, trying to loose Eren and Levi, you began to remember bits and pieces. Allyways, backways the whole nine yards. People looked and stared. They assumed you were being chased by the regiment because you had stolen something or done some terrible crime. Yeah, I cheated. You said to yourself.

 You rounded the corner to find yourself back at home. You quickly made your way into Xaviers home, hoping he still lived here. You locked the door just in time.

 "(Y/n)! Open up!" The men you once loved yelled outside as they banged on the door. Xavier came out of the kitchen to see what all of the noise was about.

 "(Y/n)!" He hugged you. He was like your brother, and boy did you miss him. His face changed from joy to terror before you could even reply to him. "Listen sister, you need to get out of here. Out of the underground, out of Sina!" Hed began to push you towards the door.

 "Xavier! I-I... I cant go out there I-"

 "You need to go! Before they come downstairs before the get here before they-" His words were cut off by him falling to the floor, leaving you face to face with an unknown man from the Military Police.

 "Ahh, (Y/n) (L/n) is it?" The man questioned as he began to handcuff you. Levi hit the door and screamed your name again. "Heh, i guess you dont need to answer." He smirked and pushed you out the door and over Xaviers body, who had been stabbed with a knife. Two men picked him up and threw him into the MP carriage sitting outside. Before you could scream anything it rode off.

 "(Y/n)! Oh why did you... why, why are you handcuffed?" Eren asked, clearly stating the obvious as usual. The man pushed you to the ground just outside of the home, stuffing your face with rocks and dirt.

 "Levi eh?" The MP man circled him as Levi ran to your side. "Hey hey hey. Hands off, Shorty." He commented as Levi began to pull you up. The rest of the MP who came down here lifted you up and tied your hands to a rope, which was attached to a single horse.

 "Tch, whats the meaning for all of this?" Levi and Eren both crossed their arms and started at the man.

 "You dont know? (Y/n) is now in custody of the MP." He crossed his hands as well, imitating the two.

 "Under what suspicion?!" Eren yelled in the mans face. Levi began to pull him back when he realized it was no use.

 "Eh? Why do you care? What is she to you?"

 "She- Shes my girlfriend." Eren stated firmly. You lowered your head so no one could see your face.

 "So what?! Who the hell are you even?" The mans eyes narrowed at the boy.

 "Eren Jaeger." The man released his gaze and stepped back at this. His smile turned into a laugh.

 "E-Eren?!" He spoke through his outbursts of laughter. "The shifter? Oh my, this is perfect! Just perfect!" He put his hands on his knees to hold him up. "You see Eren," he put his hand on the angered boys shoulder, "she is in custody of us under suspicion of being a shifter. And the fact... the very fact. that you of all people within the walls are her man, make our reasoning even more believable." He waved his hand in the air and the MP mounted their horses. "Lets go boys."

 The man jumped on his horse, which was attached to you and started trotting down the road. You didnt get to ride in a carriage to the upper-grounds, you had to walk. Your feet left small trails of blood through the cities. It felt like hours no, days before you reached your dungeon inside of Sina.

Back underground in Levis POV:

"Dammit!" Levi screamed as he hit a nearby wall.

 "Why would they think she was a shifter?" Eren asked.

 "I dont fucking know brat!" He screeched at the boy.

 "Well... well lets go get her!" Eren pointed to you. You looked back as you were walking down the streets. A whip lashed across your back drawing blood, causing your head to turn back forward.

 "We cant just go after her!" Levi yelled.

 "Why not?!"

 "Because... because..." Levi began to walk towards the exit to the city, "because we're the Scouting Legion and theyre the MP." He sighed and approached the gate. Eren didnt speak a word after that


"Where the hell do you think your going?" A young man guarding the exit stepped in front of Levi.

"Up, where else moron?"

"Then hand us the money." The man extended his arm. Levi responded by stabbing it with a small pocket knife.

"Do you know who I fucking am? Humanities Strongest. So dont fuck with me, brat. Do you know who he is?" Levi pointed back at the shocked Eren. "Eren Jaeger, that titan-shifter. If i ask him to, he'll shift into a titan and eat every one of you little shits, right here, right now."

"I uhh.. we uhh... we still need the money Levi sir." Another man protested.

"Eren shift!" Levi shouted back to Eren.

"Corporal I dont think im actually allo-"

"I said fucking shift!" Eren then brought his hand to his mouth. He began to place his mouth over it when

"Nonono! Please, please dont Eren uhh sir. Please go right ahead." The man jestured to the steps. Levi smirked and kicked the man he had stabbed earlier before leaving.


End of the chapter!

But not the end of the story!

Theres too much more to write before I end it so the next chapter will for sure be the last.

I hoped you liked the story thus far! Oh about my newest story...

It will basically be you in Eren position in the anime and manga.

if it doesnt make sense then read it when i post the first chapter! 

Also, completely irrelevant but still worth talking about, I re watched the beginning of Episode one.

And before Eren gets up and MIkasa asks why hes crying he sees these images right? Well the last one was his mother being picked up by the titan. 

But that hasnt happened yet!

and he comments that he had a long dream! 

well not comments but thinks...

i also examined the picture of the dead squad and i dont think its anyone he knows, like i cant pick out Mikasa or Levi or Erwin or anybody really... 

idk, the conspiracies that the story might be this big dream and the manga will end with Mikasa asking why hes crying in the fields just may be right and ugh i want to cry... and die... and curl up in a ball and forget everything about AoT 

and then watch it again and ruin my whole existence.

Aot messed me up in the head man, like real bad

okay ill go, this was a long authors note so thanks for reading if you did, until next time!!

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