wild_flakes द्वारा

7.2K 75 8

It's said that everyone has their soulmate out there somewhere. You can't resist your soulmate and you're def... अधिक

Liam to the rescue.
Loosening up.
Meeting the man.


197 3 0
wild_flakes द्वारा

Chapter 15


The hunt was much harder than I expected. We couldn't trace the place it was like there was some sort of blockage.

I was worried my ass off; knowing well that whatever psycho was looking for my mate kept awake. It had been several days and nothing had turned up.

I was on my way from having a glass of water when I heard a knock on the door.

"Could someone get the damn door." I yelled out to anyone that was hearing.

The knock resounded making me groan. I guess everyone was hiding from me since I was acting like I had a tree shoved in my ass. Don't blame me blame my wolf.

I opened the door with so much anger. "What?"

The female just stared at me with an envelope in her hand. I raised my eyebrow in question but she didn't blink back.

"What do you want?" She didn't reply me. "Well if you're not going to say a thing I think we're done here." I shut the door and walked away.

A knock sounded on the door again and this time it was persistent. Muttering a number of curses, I opened it.

The same girl was standing there unmoving. Her black eyes seemed to be in a trance. My eyes landed on the envelope.

To whom it may concern. It read. I opened it and perused through it.

To whoever,
I am not accustomed to revealing my identity but I know where the she-wolves have been kept. Listen to the girl and use the coordinates at the bottom to locate that place. Don't be rush, go with your Alpha friend and some warriors too.

What the hell? I looked around to see if anyone was there but there wasn't a soul. How was I supposed to trust this girl? I guess we'll just have to see what she says.

"Come in." I motioned and she entered without a word. I took her to the living room. "Now what is it that you have to tell me?"

"Find Liam tell him Jackson is with me. I guess he knows the big secret. The other she-wolves have been saved. Basement, dark house, magic or a block around most probably deep in the forest you have to find me. Don't tell my mate."

It was like she was muttering some sort of chorus or crammed message.

I was trying my best to interprete it but I failed. "Adam, Lucas I need you down here." There was shuffling then I heard feet on the stairs.

"Julian, I know you're grumpy but why are you baking cinnamon rolls." Lucas said as he entered the living room. "What is it you need me-"

I turned in his direction only to see his eyes darken. There was a gasp from behind me. "Mate!" They uttered in unison.

Suddenly the girl was off the couch and into Lucas' arms. He inhaled her scent. "Mmmm."

Something tugged at my heart at their sight. My mate hadn't even acknowledged me for the times we had met. I cleared my throat.

"Back to business. You were saying something?" I looked at Lucas' mate.

"Er...where am I? Last I remember.....oh my God." I gave her a quizzical look but she turned to Lucas. "You've got to help me ummm-"

"Lucas, my name's Lucas."

"Right. Lucas, my friend you see...I mean there were so many of us. He let us go but she...I think she stayed. She had these weird eyes." The mutt was ranting about things that didn't even make sense.

"Come down, mate. We're going to help you but we need to understand what you're saying."

"We were captured by some guy and then he let us go but only if we shifted. He said he was looking for someone. My friend- I mean Raine, she refused to shift or something. When we were leaving I looked in her eyes and they were swirling between gray and green then I ended up here. Can we rescue her?" She had a pleading look but that didn't concern me.

"Are you sure her eyes were swirling?" I was trying to clarify a theory. Could it be hypnosis? Back at school, we were taught that a few wolves mastered this art. But it was ignored when the last descendants of the white wolves were killed.

What did this mean? Was there another white wolf or was it my mate he had? I hope it was the former or else I was going to rip his heart out if he'd even touched a single hair on her skin.

"Of course. You see the man gave us an injection to forget the location." Her eyes bulged out. "How am I even remembering this? Look you've got to get her back she took my place when they'd come for me. I would probably be dead now but she saved me."

I needed to speak to Alpha Dennis. I dialed his number and he picked up so fast. "You won't believe this, J. The she-wolves are returning, it's incredible. Er....J? You're quiet..."

"I need your help. Those wolves have been released but he's kept one with him. He thinks she's the white wolf. I've got the coordinates, I'll meet you at the pack house."

"Well hurry. We need to skin that bastard. He's really psycho if he thinks there are white wolves."

Alpha Dennis was leaning against a tree when we reached.

"Took you so long, lazy oafs." He motioned to the forest as went ahead to shift.

"He's deep in your forest closer to the humans. We should surround the place for a better ambush. I guess they'll be some guards out front."

When all of us had shifted, we sped off. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that filthy bastard. He was definitely in for some action and he better not have my mate.

We moved in the woods for a while trying to sniff out the hide out. All we got were scents of she-wolves; I'm assuming they had passed here.

I moved ahead trying to get the exact location they were coming from but then a strong scent hit me.

Shit! Not again. We needed to get there right away. He had my mate I was sure of it and now she was in heat. I knew that when we met her heat would be twice as bad frustrating the both of us until we completed the mating.

Trudging on faster than earlier I collided with a hard surface. I looked up to air: nothing unusual just the tall trees and shrubs plus whatever else was in a forest.

Alpha Dennis gave me a quizzical look and I gestured to ahead of me. He too bump into whatever invisible force was there.

Magic. Adam said through mind-link. It's a barrier spell; no one gets in or out without permission.

I was restless; stupid magic was hindering me from getting to my mate. I snarled at whatever barrier was there.

I guess I needed to make my presence known. Throwing my head back, I let out a vicious growl only for it to be counteracted by a more fierce and powerful one.

Don't worry, love. I'm coming to get you. I'm here to save you.

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