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Chapter 18


"What the hell are you doing here?"

I was lounging in the sofa eating some popcorn and cracking up because of Trevor Noah. I had returned to the apartment when Liam was still asleep.

"Good morning to you too, brother." I spat emphasizing the last part. Liam walked infront of the screen and crossed his arms.

"You haven't answered my question."

"Er....this is my home too. I guess I'm supposed to be staying here." I said in a duh tone. He only gave me a glare. What was his problem? He should be happy I returned home safe. What if something bad happened to me?

"You wish."  Liam said invading my thoughts.

"You know it's rude to listen on on people's thoughts." I returned his earlier glare.

"As much as I love you Rai you're not supposed to be here." He suddenly turned to a serious tone.


"You know there's a reason I didn't meddle in your rescue." He  continued.

"You knew where I was this whole time?" I was seething with anger now and his shrug only made it worse. How could he let me suffer? "You idiot-"

"In my defense, this wasn't my job. I gave your mate all the info and he successfully rescued you." He said with nonchalance."You found your mate, Rai. Now my part is done; he's your new protector."

"But you know I don't like this whole idea of mates and commitment and whatsoever." I pouted.

"Why? Why are you so hell bent on running away. If you weren't interested, you would have rejected him. Stop toying with him; either you accept him or reject him."

"I haven't got the chance-"

"Oh please, Rai. You had time at the lake, the restaurant and even his room. Why didn't you do it? You hate mates after all so why didn't you?"

I couldn't utter any word. Liam was right; I had no excuse for failing to reject Julian. A part of me deep down had accepted him already. I just didn't want to say it out loud.

"For once don't think about your selfish self." At this I glared at him. I wasn't selfish just a little bit scared to trust. "Go."


"Go to him. If you reject him fine; just don't keep running away and giving him false hope."

"Go like right now? Can't I stay the night." I was nervous suddenly. What if he hates me now and doesn't want to see my face.

"Right now. Get it done with. It's either rejection or acceptance." He said pushing me out the door.

Gulping I started my way back to where I'd come from.


She didn't come. Some part of me hoped that she would come to me. After all she's my mate and we belong to each other. I was depressed; very sad and disappointed. She didn't stay to even try. She never wanted me. Right from the day she discovered she never wanted me.

The pain and torment choked me that's why I was in this meeting. I needed to distract my mind from these painful thoughts. Was I not good enough? Was it my background? Maybe she didn't like rich people or well known ones. Maybe if I was like that Liam guy she would accept me.

The fact that everyone's gaze was on me told me I needed to say something. I really did not know what to say. I cleared my throat and turned to Adam. "I would like to hear from my beta first before I conclude."

"I would much rather keep my opinions to myself." Adam said letting me know this was a deadly deal.

What are we talking about? I asked through the mind-link.

Alpha Richard wants some of his warriors to train and live with us. But remember he is a sneaky bastard I wouldn't recommend.

That's why you're my second in command and a trusted friend.

"I need to thoroughly think this through and also consult my council. I'll keep in touch gentlemen." I watched them exit the room. Jesus that had been so frustrating.

"I don't mean to pry but what's going on? You've seem distracted." Adam walked to my alcohol cabinet and poured each of us a glass of bourbon.

"It's just pack business, nothing at all." I dismissed the subject quickly. Right now was not the time to wallow in my misery.

"I hope you get better soon. I need some wit out of you." He threw his whiskey down his throat in one gallop then left me. I took some more glasses before heading home.

Now all I needed was a run. I bolted to my room to change into comfortable shorts but I froze at the door. Sitting on my bed was my mate. I could get that torturous scent of hers that sent my wolf to overdrive. She sat cross legged and looking straight at me. Maybe I had taken a lot of alcohol and now I was hallucinating. Sheesh! I know the mate bond is strong but I didn't know it could make one imagine things.

"Alpha Julian, I guess we need to talk." Oh great! Now I was hearing things too. Way to go Julian, way to go.

"I shouldn't have taken all that alcohol?" I muttered under my breath

She took a few steps closer to me."Huh?"

"The alcohol. It's making me imagine things." I said to her shaking my head."Why am I even telling you this? You're just a figment of my imagination."

I expected this hallucination to disappear but not laugh out. That laugh plugged at my heart; it was like a particular melody.

"You're cute, you know." She wiped a tear and held my cheek. Electric shocks were present where our skins touched. "This confirms that I'm not an imagination."

She was back? What for? To finally reject me and get this torment done with. Hell! I wouldn't show her how much she affected me.

"Yeah sure. What do you want? Why are you here?" I crossed my arms and gave her a stern look. Hurt flashed through her eyes but she quickly covered it.

Nevertheless she cleared her throat and spoke out."I'm here to apologize for being selfish. I've not been one to lean on others well except Liam but that doesn't mean I should have run from you. I apologise for not giving us a chance and getting to know you." She finished her mini speech and looked at me.

"Is that all?" My eyebrows were raised and the words came out colder than I intended.

"I guess so." She mumbled fiddling with her- my shirt. I felt a ghost of a smile on my face because she'd worn my shirt and boy did it look so much better on her.

"Okay. Well I think you should seal this apology." She had a confused look on her face. I think I'll just do it myself. Closing the distance between us, I pulled her to my chest and leaned in to kiss her.

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