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Chapter 22


I can't tell where I currently stand with Julian but I feel like we've progressed. We talked over breakfast everyday before he left for work. I found out that he lacks a favorite color and he prefers cake to ice cream. I can't even choose between the two because they're both my favorites. He also has a sister who is in Europe traveling. He enjoys traveling, swimming and he's a Cavalier fan. I know he's angry that I keep sleeping in the guestroom but the nightmares are back.

They keep me awake and I didn't want to bother him. I pushed away those scary thoughts and welcomed happy thoughts only to get a vivid memory of Julian in his towel. I had woken up early to prepare his breakfast since he had stayed up for long the previous night and we had run out of juice. I had barged in without knocking at the same time he was just exiting his bathroom.

I could see and count the water droplets that were on skin. I was very jealous and riled up looking at his body. He was broad and aligned with well defined abs.His chest was designed by hair that was tangled and it went down to beneath his towel. I could see the v shape on his lower torso as well. He flexed his arms and I could feel the drool. His deep rich laugh snapped me out of my daze and I was beet red. I had never been so embarrassed. Breakfast was torture that day.

He had gone for one of those business trips or whatever. The house felt so lonely without him but blue eyes and Adam kept me occupied during the day. I had sneaked into his bedroom for two nights now hoping to get a whiff of his scent.

I was currently watching The Witcher when I heard the door open and close again. "Blue eyes! I'm in the living room." I shouted to him. "I hope the popcorn is sweet this time."

There wasn't any response except for shuffling. "Blue eyes, hurry. I'm starving."

"Now now darling I don't even know any blue eyes." My back was stiff at once. Fear shuddered through my body. How did he find me?

"Don't you want to see me, darling?" The voice was on my ear now and I jumped away.

"What are you doing here, Jackson?" I spat with all the venom I could gather.

"Of course I'm here to finish what we started. Those wolves might have stopped us but now we're all alone; no one can interrupt us." He laughed and started to walk to me.

I tried to run away, call out to Julian but my body was dormant. I tried to summon my wolf but she too was nowhere. Jackson came up to me and started to tie my hands and legs. I was screaming and crying as he ripped my clothes but he wouldn't stop. My body did nothing to stop him. He began to kiss me; sloppy wet kisses as his hands roamed my body. I hated that my body reacted when he touched my sensitive area.

"Naughty girl. You're already wet for me." He nibbled my ear and in a flash his clothes were gone. "This will hurt a little, darling." He positioned himself at my entrance and plunged in while I screamed.

"Raine? Raine come on-" I felt like my body was alive again and with all the hate I punched Jackson. "Jesus Christ! Your fist is even harder than most warriors."

Blue eyes was here too? I looked around only to find myself in Julian's living room drenched in sweat. Blue eyes was coughing blood as Adam wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Luna? Are you okay? I phoned the Alpha. He's on his way. What happened?" Adam's voice was tinged with worry.

"Hey I got punched. Can I get some ice?" Blue eyes whined and if it wasn't for my bad mood I would have smiled.

Adam handed blue eyes a pack of ice and gave me a handkerchief because I couldn't stop crying. The door swung open and I was in Julian's arms in a moment. "Everyone leave. Lucas go tend to that broken nose."

Immediately the door was closed, he turned to me. "What's wrong,love? Adam said you had a nightmare." His face screamed worry. Although I wanted to tell him, I couldn't get myself to say the words.

"I don't want to talk about it. I just want to sleep." I hoped he would buy my excuse and take me to my room.

"Fine. But you're sleeping with me. I can't let you sleep alone." I was too weak to protest as he carried to the bed I'd spent the last few days sleeping in. He gave me his shirt and boxers to wear then we went to sleep. Julian put a protective arm over me just so I wouldn't slip away.

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