Crossover Story

By whatever1401

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Barry Allen aka The Flash went to National City working with Supergirl aka Kara Danvers or her alien name was... More

Chapter 1: The Flash aka Barry Allen
Chapter 2: Get to know Barry Allen
Chapter 3: Earth-X
Chapter 4: Star City
Chapter 5: Central City
Chapter 6: Bring Back Barry pt.1
Chapter 7: Bring Back Barry pt.2
Chapter 8: Iris West Allen
Chapter 9: Legends
Chapter 11: Jackson went to Earth-1
Chapter 12: Trouble in the Wave rider
Chapter 13: Oliver Queen met Jackson Lance
Chapter 14: New life
Chapter 15: Nate and Zari
Chapter 16: Bruce Wayne meet Jackson
Chapter 17: Red Kryptonite
Chapter 18: Recover Injured
Chapter 19: A new member of Team Flash
Chapter 20: Daisy and Rex new in town
Chapter 21: Lena Twins
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve party
Chapter 23: Married

Chapter 10: Get to know Jackson Lance

27 1 0
By whatever1401

Jackson follows Ava at her director's office and talks about his family with Sara's sister.

Ava: Are you ready Jackson

Jackson: yes I am

Ava: okay please tell me about Lauren Lance and why she must ask Sara to take of you

Jackson: because she promises me something that anyone knows about my secret identity

Ava: what is your secret and about what at exactly

Jackson shows off his metahuman power with inhuman plus super strength to lift both of the chair and table with his hands later Ava was a bit of a shock on her face that why Sara like his nephew he is so special son.

Ava: how did you do that??

Jackson: I was born in krypton with a superpower that I can only control my power at the age of 14 years old

Sara came inside saw his nephew is having fun with his power on Ava and Sara.

Jackson: hi sis check is out

He can use cisco Vibe power and open a gate and go into a different Earth.

Later at Earth-38 Kara saw the same power as Cisco and she looks like Cisco's son but his hair we're blonde like mine.

Ava: where did Jackson go??

Sara: different Earth

Ava: what did you mean different Earth

Kara: Hey kid are you Cisco, son

Jackson: No I'm not Cisco son but I'm Sara Lance nephew, okay and I am not a kid anymore I am grown, adult

Kara: sorry but your face looks like younger age

Suddenly, Sara connected to Jackson's comms at DEO.

Sara: Jackson...can you hear me

Jackson: yes I can hear you, sis

Sara: where are you right now??

Jackson: I'm right at Earth-38

Sara: can I speak to Supergirl for a while, please

Jackson: sure

He passes the comms to supergirl and she put on her ear.

Sara: hi Supergirl can you watch my nephew brother for me

Kara: sure of course

Sara: thanks later I will pick him up at the DEO

Kara: okay

Supergirl passes back to her comms to Jackson.

Jackson: sis is there something wrong

Sara: nothing wrong buddy but supergirl is watch you while I do my work at the headquarters later I will pick you up at the DEO

Jackson: okay sis

Sara: good take care I will see you later

Jackson: bye Sara

Sara: bye Jackson be good to Kara

Jackson: okay sis I will

They ended their call and Kara ask him to train his power with brainy.

Brainy: so what power did you have Jackson

Jackson: super-speed like Barry Allen and Kara super strength and others

Alex and Lena came into the DEO saw a teenager we're talking with brainy and Kara but Lena was jealous of him and try to steal my girlfriend.

Alex: Kara who is he??

Kara: he is Sara Lance nephew brother plus he has the same power as me, Alex

Alex: power??

Lena: this kid has power the same as Kara

Jackson: how dare you calling me a kid!!

Brainy: Uh...Lena, you shouldn't say that to him at the way

Lena: why not??

Jackson uses a heat vision on Lena and Kara protects Lena and he flies out from the DEO balcony.

Kara: Jackson comes back!!

Lena: what just happened did he trying to kill me with a heat vision

Kara: he just can't stand that you saying him a kid he looked like a kid but his age is not a kid he is a grown adult

Lena: sorry I don't know

Supergirl goes after Jackson and to find him later Sara will piss off at me.

Kara: Jackson where are you

Jackson: right here

Kara look everywhere and Jackson at the C.A.T.C.O rooftop sitting down on the ground and was upset with Kara's girlfriend saying that he is a kid at him.

Kara: please come back at DEO later Sara will pick you up

Jackson: fine but sure your girlfriend will not be rude to me went I return back to the DEO

Kara: I promise

They finally return to DEO but he just walks at the practice room and closes the door behind him.

Lena: did he still mad at me

Alex: Give him a minute to really calm down

Lena: alright

Kara: I go check on Jackson

Alex nods and Kara goes to the practice room and opens the door saw Jackson was lying on the floor and stare at the ceiling.

Kara: Are you okay Jackson you still mad at Lena

Jackson: just thinking about my family from krypton and I miss them so much

Kara: yea I also miss them so much Jackson

Suddenly, Sara connected to Jackson's comms and he answers her back.

Jackson: hi sis are you here to pick up me at DEO

Sara: yes and right now I at the DEO balcony

Jackson: okay I will be right there

Sara noticed that Jackson's tone we're so sad and she felt that her nephew is going too much pain on his life without someone to talk to.

Kara: Jackson is that Sara to pick you up

Jackson nods and stands up the walk towards the door and open saw Alex, Brainy, and Lena were looking at him.

Alex: is there something we can do to help with

Jackson: no need my sister is already here to pick me up

He walks to the DEO balcony and stands there later Sara use teleport on Jackson back at the wave rider back to the headquarters.

Sara: Jackson are you okay

Jackson: I'm fine just need a minute inside the med bay

Ava: don't worry babe I will company him to the med bay

Sara: thanks Ava

Meanwhile, at the DEO Alex talks to Kara about Jackson.

Alex: Kara what did Jackson talk to inside the practice room

Kara: he just misses his family at krypton

Alex: wait did he from krypton the same as you

Kara: yea I and he just friend until that day he disappeared when I was only 9 years old

Alex: where did he go right after this year's

Kara: I don't know but I know his name was Jackson Kor-El but Sara sister adopted him and give his name was Jackson Lance

Alex: I didn't notice that he is living with Sara sister until Sara is taking care of Jackson

Meanwhile, at the wave rider, Ava talks to Jackson alone at the med bay.

Ava: Are you hurt?

Jackson: No just pain inside my chest feeling my real parents is dead on my planet of krypton

Ava: don't worry you got us to protect you at any cost

Jackson: Thanks Ava I felt better to talk to someone about something

Ava: Hey if you want to talk to someone my office is open

Jackson: Thanks for the offer

Ava: anytime Jackson you need to rest and later Sara will check on you and she will train you to fight plus control your own power

Jackson nods and goes to sleep at the med bay.

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