Seto Kaiba One-shots BOOK 1

بواسطة dani_sd

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♥♥♥ Seto X Diana Kaiba (Father-Daugther) ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Duel City Blimp Love ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto X Diana Kaiba (brother-step sister) ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Blaze: The Strongest Woman In The Men's Eyes ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Gardner ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto: Stronger Then She Seems ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba x Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana West ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Valentine ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Sennen ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Rogers ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Diana X Barry Allen X Seto Kaiba ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Kaiba ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto (YU-GI-OH + WINX CLUB CROSSOVER)♥♥♥

338 6 0
بواسطة dani_sd

As the Battle City Finals were finally coming into view and everyone gathered at the stadium Kaiba had one more thing on his mind that quickly melted his worries as soon as his one and only best friend Diana Muto came towards them without anyone else but him being informed of her arrival

Yugi, Joey, Trsitan, Tea, Mai,... eyes widen upon seeing the familair female.
Kaiba on the other hand smiles upon seeing her.

Diana however was extremely happy upon seeing Kaiba which caused her to break into a run as soon her eyes connected with his

Kaiba smiles more and opens his arms for her ready to catch her and hug her tight.
Yugi: what the...
Joey: Diana?
Tea: what is she doing here?
Tristan: and how come we didn't know she was coming?

Diana bursts into giggles as she does that with her arms snaking around his shoulders while her nose hides in his neck

Kaiba: i'm assume your just as happy to see me as i am about you?

Diana: Sure am but I would have been happier if you actually picked me up when I arrived originally Seto

Kaiba: i know, sorry about that...Mokuba was kipnapped so i coudn't come and pick you up.

Diana: Again? For the 3rd time this month?

Kaiba: yeah, it seems to happen more and more sins so many people are after my company.

Diana: Sign him for karate lessons instead of violin then. At least in karate classes they will beat him up his bare hands, while on violin they will beat him with the violin as well

Kaiba: good point...wonder why i haven't tought of that.
Joey: um hello? Are we invisible or something? *asks getting annoyed*

Diana: Not at all pup but I'm busy at the moment

Joey: pup? Really? *asks annoyed*
Tristan: be glad she didn't call you a mutt like kaiba does.
Joey shoots Tristan a glare/look saying "your not helping"

Diana: Sorry *says as her grip on Kaiba tightens with her lips now brushing against his jaw line*

This time its Kaiba who sends Joey a warning glare as his grip tightens on Diana
Tea: Okay, this is not gonna end well.
Yugi: guys, lets not start fighting.
Bakura: i'm sure she wasn't insulting you Joey.

Diana: He just can't take a joke I see *says as she tries to get back on the ground*

Kaiba doesn't allow her and keeps her feet of the ground.

Diana: Oh come on Seeto, I need to stretch my feet

Kaiba: No, i'm not letting you down yet. I don't want you running of or going to far away from me.

Diana: Even to my brother to annoy his ass?

Kaiba: *actually considers that* as much as i would allow you to that...your not leaving my side.

Diana: And why not?

Kaiba opens his mouth to awnser that but Yugi beats him to it as he explains the whole situation to her.

Diana: And you think my life is safer than yours on that matter? *asks as she hints she's done scarier things*

Yugi: good, point still...
Kaiba: there is no harm in being carful.

Joey: to carful is more like it.

Diana: Unless your going overboard like the 3 of you at least

Kaiba and Yugi: that's just because we care very deeply about you.
Joey: i am not going overboard. I'm just saying that Rich boy is being to carful.
Tristan: its like he'll lose her to moment he sets her down.

Joey: my point exactly Tristan.

Diana: That's highly unlikely

Kaiba: you never know Diana, anyway lets focus on something else...the tournement.

Diana: Fine but let me walk or else

Kaiba: okay, okay, fine. I'll put you down but promise you'll stay close to my side. *says slowly putting her down onto her feet*

Diana: I promise but you also need to learn when to not forget things *says as she pushes his face to the side to show him in secret how flames in her palm can come alive*

Kaiba: trust me i wont forget about that. *says having put her down like she asked*

Diana: Good *says as she slips her other hand in his*

Kaiba smiles giving her hand a squeeze as he starts walking and guiding everyone inside the blimp.


After a few duels however as Marik reveals his true evil nature right after Joey's duel he tries to attack Diana only to be stopped midway by the Pharaoh and Kaiba

Yami: hold it right there Marik.
Kaiba: your not hurting Diana in anyway.
Yami: you'll have to go threw us first. *says as him and Seto glare with hate and anger towards Marik*

Marik: That wouldn't be hard but not that I get why you are giving all your might to protect a weak link anyways

Diana: WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY? *screams out as a magical wave of dust begins mpving from her feet up towards the rest of her body*

Everyone's eyes widen as they jump in surprise by Diana's yelling as they take one step away from her not wanting to get hurt while Kaiba and Yami stay were they are as they watch this with wide eyes as well.

Diana backs away from everyone however and jumps overthe edge of the blimp only to let a magic wave out as her voice s heardeverywhere as if she was rising from an abyss

Mythix, Mythix
Mythix, Mythix

Everyone's eyes widen even more as they quickly move to the edge to see if Diana is okay

Diana tho comes flying over the other side in amagical wear 

with a huge golden dragon growling and getting ready to jump on Marik
Marik: OOkay now I may have went too far for once *says as he was preparing to use the rod as a defence weapon*

Diana: *sings* Sparkling and invincible the power of
Mythix, there's a magical dimension
Mythix, full of fairytale adventures
Locked within the pages of the Legendarium World

everyone lets out a breath of relief seeing that Diana is alright
Yami prepares himself to use his puzzle/ Power/magic if its needed
Kaiba relaxes just a bit he's still worried even thou he know she could take care of herself.

Diana: The power of
Mythix, yeah, we're feeling it together
Mythix, it's the wildest journey ever
Fly with us inside the book of endless mystery
Mythix is the key

everyone watches and listens to her.

The dragon then lets out a roar as it charges and grabs Marik by the cape as it take off and flies with a wild speed around with a freaking and sscreaming vilan at it's claws

at that everyone yes even Seto Kaiba try not to burst out laughing as they watch that.

Diana: We're on a mission into all things mythical
The universe is stranger and stranger
We'll be ready for the danger
We'll live the stories that once were fictional
Well beyond imagination
Mythix, Mythix *sings as she lands on the raised platform*

Kaiba smiles his eyes don't leaving Diana's form for even one second.

The dragon then return with Marik and shakes him around before swinging him at the metal doors and making him slam face against them

that's when everyone burst out laughing.
Kaiba: never call Diana a weak link but i'm sure you know that now. *says to Marik his eyes watching Diana*

Marik then black out as the dragon becomes small and flies to Kaiba where it lands on his shoulder

Diana: Sparkling and invincible the power of
Mythix, there's a magical dimension
Mythix, full of fairytale adventures
Locked within the pages of the Legendarium World

The power of
Mythix, yeah, we're feeling it together
Mythix, it's the wildest journey ever
Fly with us inside the book of endless mystery
Mythix is the key

Kaiba smiles and looks at it and gently pets it.
Tea: that dragon...
Joey and Tristan: just landed on Kaiba. *say with wide eyes in shock and bit of awe*

The dragon: Be glad I didn't eat your heads instead gentlemen. If had options after all I would think of plenty of ways to cook you instead of trying to stay put on this hero's shoulder

Joey: that dragon...
Tristan: just talked... *say sharing looks with each other*
Kaiba rolls his eyes and shakes his head a bit at that.

Diana: We're feeling stronger, faster, we're invincible
Ready for the mission
In the new magical dimension
We've got the power of this ancient energy
There's no limit to the magic
Mythix, Mythix *sings as she flies into the sky again*

meanwhile all the others continue to watch and listen to Diana.

The dragon: To be honest it's good to see her having fun for once

Kaiba: your right about that. *says his eyes on Diana once more*
Tea: wait...what do you mean by that?
Bakura: doesn't Diana have fun much?

The dragon: Hardly. The woman is a guardian of a new world and rarely has time to relax and if she does she misses her best friend dearly

Yami: that explains it...It must be difficult to be a guardian of a whole world.
Kaiba: *smiles at that as his eyes stay on Diana* and i miss her just as dearly every time she's not here. Sometimes i wish i could stay with her forever...

The dragon: We can solve the problem if you wish Master Kaiba. After all I have an invite for you the principal of the most modern knightly school in the dimension to become one of his students

Kaiba: *his eyes widen upon hearing that* me?...become a knight and be able to be with Diana...*lets it sink in*

Diana: Sparkling and invincible the power of
Mythix, there's a magical dimension
Mythix, full of fairytale adventures
Locked within the pages of the Legendarium World

The power of
Mythix, yeah, we're feeling it together
Mythix, it's the wildest journey ever
Fly with us inside the book of endless mystery
In the magic world of

Mythix, Mythix
Mythix, Mythix *ends the songs as she relaxes in the air*

everyone claps for her as they continue to watch her.
Kaiba: i would actually like that...but what about Mokuba, my company...*asks the Dragon thinking about accepting the invite*

The Dragon: Saladin is in difficulty sir. He needed to train a man worthy of wielding a legendary sword and Diana suggested it be you

Kaiba: I see, do you really think i'm the one to wield it? *asks ignoring everyone except for Diana and the Dragon*

The Dragon: According to the way the sword will react, I have no doubt. See, the power sword can be held by a man faithful to the woman who created it, and since Diana is her descendant, therefore, sir, you are the only possible possessor of the ancient blade in the modern world

Kaiba takes it all in as he still feels like he still wants to accept it after hearing everything.

The Dragon: Besides what is there to fear from a few months working to become a hero with your closest friends, Brendon, Sky, Riven, Timmy and Helia?

Kaiba: *smiles and closes his eyes for a sec* now you convinced me, your right. There is nothing to fear with them there as well.
meanwhile everyone else share looks trying to understand whats going on and what their hearing.

Diana finally returns after that and lands before Kaiba as she flashes back to her normal outfit

Kaiba: *smiles at her* well done Diana, i'm glad your not hurt.
Joey and Tristan: here we go again.
this only earns them a smack on the back on the head from Tea and Mai.

Yami smiles and chuckles at that.

Diana: I could never get hurt by a vilan with magic bellow my talents

Kaiba: *chuckles* True, can i ask you something?

Diana: Fire away *says as she giggles in return*

Kaiba: *smiles* what would you think about me becoming a knight? *asks wanting to know what she will think*

Diana: Well I would say that you will be the first one to not get a makeover from Stella

Kaiba: like i'm gonna let that happen the only one i'm gonna allow to give me a makeover is you and none else. *says meaning it* But seriously do you like the idea?

Diana: in my opinion the specialist uniform will show off your muscles and I wouldn't mind having to view that

Kaiba: *chuckles* well then that settles it, i'm coming and staying with you.
Joey: is he serious?
Tristan: he can't be right?
Tea: is he really gonna leave his little brother behind...just like that...
Yami: guys, that's enough, This is Kaiba's decision and we have no right to interfere in his business.

Diana: Well said brother because you will be coming as well

Yami: wait what? Me too why? *asks eyes wide a little*
The Gang: you can't be serious?! *shocked and surprised*

Diana: Because my brother needs to learn how to hold a weapon and speak Latin for the sake of our home

Yami: and why do i need to learn that? I think i can take care of myself sis.

Diana: Look rookie, if a dragon can convince a billionaire to become a knight, then I don't see anything difficult for a fairy to teach a 500 year old amnesia pharaoh to read ancient scriptures that he will one day need to know. So knock your pride down a bit and sit on your ass for once

Yami: okay, okay, I'll go as well
Joey: dude, you cant.
the gang: what about us?

Diana: If you think you caan last a day in boot camp then you are welcome to come along

The gang: *gulps at that* boot camp?
Kaiba: yeah no, unlike me and Yugi they wont survive even a day there. *says to Diana knowing all to well that the gang heard him*
Joey: hey, watch it rich boy.
Tristan: yeah, you can't underestimate us.
Joey: you better watch it cuss i'm gonna kick your butt again and again.
Kaiba: *scoffs* as if but suit yourself, Wheeler it's your funeral. *says without looking away from Diana*

Diana: Do you want to pause the tournament then? We can freez time and I can show you what it's like to live in my world

Kaiba: that's a good and great idea Diana, lets do that. *says with a smile*

Diana: You ready for an adventure as well Mokuba?

Mokuba: You bet i am. *grins rushing to his brothers side*

Diana: Good because there is no way you are staying alone here

Kaiba: *chuckles* well, Mokuba what do you say that?
Mokuba: as long as i can to stay with you and Diana i'll go anywhere and be fine.
Kaiba: *smiles ruffles his hair affectionately* like i promised you that nothing is gonna separate us and i still mean that.

Diana then does a little magic before everyone appear in Alfia where Sky, Brendon, Timmy, Riven and Helia were waiting with the Winx who as soon as they arrive run over to greet their friends

Sky: well, look who came back. *smiles wide*
Brendon: good to have you back Seto.
Timmy: its bin a weird time without you around.
Riven: ready to train and spend time with us guys again, Seto? Cuss if you are you better be ready cuss we haven't bin sitting still while you weren't here.
Helia: welcome back, Seto. Were all very glad to see you returned here and you better not leave cuss else were gonna have to hunt your ass down and drag you back here. *Winks teasing him*

Diana: A welcome home dude would have been enough gentlemen but still *says before she squeals when the boys hug her and spin her around while the girls run over to save her*

Kaiba: *chuckles as he watches* you know how they are. *grins a litttle*

Diana: Maybe but I could use a hero at the moment *says as she tries to reach for him but Bloom and Flora pull her away from the boys just in time*

Mai: Oh...My...Gosh. *takes in the fashion they are wearing*
Kaiba: *walks over to Diana's side* you okay?

Diana: Now I am *smiles as she turns to the girls* Thanks ladies, think you can help my friends settle in with our world why I tend to my now two brothers and best friend *says as she point to KAiba and Yami and Yugi who were separated by magic*

The Winx: Sure, leave them to us. *say as they head over to the gang to help them out*
Yami: okay, i did not see this coming. *meaning getting his own body*
Yugi: you have your body back Pharoah. *says with a grin*
Yami: your right, i guess we have the magic to thank for that. *smiles back as him and Yugi join Kaiba*

Diana: Anyways boys do you think you can handle my brothers as well? Not that they will be a problem but those two will be a major brain melter *says as she motions to Joey and Tristan* Now Duke on the other hand I don't doubt on the field

Duke: thanks for the compliment...i think.
Tristan and Joey: Hey!
Sky: i think we can handle them just fine Diana.
Brandon: *nods* just leave them to us.
Kaiba: good luck with the annoying duo, guys cuss believe me you'll need it.
Timmy: i'm sure they wont be that bad.
Joey: um hello...
Tristan: were right here. *say both annoyed being ignored again*

Diana: So are we and we do hope you left stupidity as home cause our guys fight more than they run

Joey: now that hurts.
Tristan: did you seriously just call us cowards?
Joey: cuss last time i checked were are NOT cowards. In case you don't know we saved yugi's life a few times.
Kaiba: *scoffs* I believe Yugi has saved you two more times then he can count.
Joey: *growls* watch it rich boy. *shoots him a glare*
Yugi: guys, stop...
Yami: *sighs* let me handle them, Yugi. Joey, Tristan that's enough, come on you two, Lets go.

Diana: Yami for once just shut up and let an actuall man handle them. Riven boot camp will be yours to handle. I don't know a better trainer than you to whip them into shape

Yami does just that.
Riven: i'll make sure to whip them into shape, when i'm done i don't think you'll recognize them anymore.
Tristan and Joey: *glance at each other thinking* that can't be good.

Diana: And add Duke to that list as well *says as she points to the said guy flirting with the winx*

Riven: *growls softly seeing the way hes flirting with Musa* You bet, if he thinks i'll go easy on him he's dead wrong. *growls out as he stomps over to the Winx, grabs Duke harshly and starts dragging him of* Come on casanova. *says with gritted teeth as he drags Duke off while the other boys start to follow them*

Diana: Sky could you and Timmy handle Yugi and the Pharaoh please?

Sky and Timmy: sure, Diana.
Timmy: let us get going as well.
Sky: come on you two *says to Yami and Yugi who nod and follow behind*

Diana: And since Helia is a sweet talker I'm sure Flora could use his help with Serenity and Tea

Helia: *chuckles* i'll do that with pleasure Diana.

Diana nods as she smiles before turning to Brandon
Diana: Okay you know the drill. we will meet later for practice but for now settle Mokuba would you? I need some time with Seto on my own

Brandon: i knew you were gonna say that but sure. Come on little guy.
Mokuba looks at his brother silently asking if its okay and if he should go with Brandon.
Kaiba: *nods* go on Mokuba, you can trust him. Take good care of my litttle brother Brandon if he's hurt in anyway i'll hunt and kick your ass so hard you wont forget. *says giving him a warning glare*
Bradon: *chuckles* Relax, Seto. You know he's in good hands with me.
Kaiba: *scoffs* Of course i know that.
Mokuba smiles, nods and chuckles and goes to Brandon allowing him to take him away and help him settle in.

Diana then turns to Kaiba and magics him out of hisbattle gear and into normal wear 

Kaiba: *smiles* now that's much better, thanks Diana. *says taking her into his arms*

Diana: You should wear this more often. You look fresh *says as she hugs his chest*

Kaiba: that can be arranged *kisses her head as he hugs her tightly*

Diana: I really missed you Dragon Boy

Kaiba: i missed you even more my golden fairy, there is only one girl for me and that's you.

Diana tears up at that as she gets on her toes and presses her lips against his

Kaiba smiles and kisses her right back feeling like the happiest guy in the world.


The next day however as everyone got up and met outside of Red Fountain the boys bursted into laugther from Riven's work as a boot camp trainer as she whiped the floor with the former duel monster lovers

Riven: what did i tell ya. I mean what i say. *smirks feeling a bit satisfied*

Diana: I got to hand it to ya Riven, you really do know how to clean home *says as she pats his hive fives him before heading to Kaiba who was still in casual wear which all the boys just now notice*

Riven grins even more at that.
Sky: Seto...
Brandon: why are you wearing your casual cloths?
Timmy: *nods* yeah, shouldn't you be wearing your combat wear?
Helia: well, that's a bit unusual to see him wearing that.

Diana: Today is a weekend boys. We will be off work till later this evening

they all grin at that

Diana: You should take a shower anyways Riven before the water runs out

Riven: *scoffs* i was going to but getting those idiots in shape took longer then i thought.

Diana: Tomorow is a new day as well for that. Let them live for now at least

Riven: okay, okay, i'll allow them to live...for now. *gives the gang a evil smirk and a mischievous look*
the gang gulps at that while the boys try not to burst out laughing at their scared and worried faces

Diana: I heard your phone a while ago anyways. I think your woman was looking for ya

Riven: why didn't you say something sooner? *yells rushing off to get his Phone*

Diana: Cause you looked mad and I know better than to run on your nerves

Riven: sorry cutie, you know how i can be sometimes *says being back quicker then he thought*
Sky: that was/is a smart move princess.
Timmy: *nods* he can be a pretty mad and even beat someones ass if he wants to and feels like it.
Brandon: don't forget he's trying to control himself.

Diana: Care to drag these three to the showers as well you guys? Me and Seto have plans for lunch anyways

the guys: our pleasure. *say as they do just that*

Diana smiles at that as she takes Kaiba's hand where they run into Yugi and Tea who were on a date with Yami spying who Diana quickly pulls away from the scene

Kaiba: spying really?
Yami: just making sure things go well. *says allowing Diana to drag him away*

Diana: Now why do I have the feeling you want to prank them instead?

Yami: Diana, i'm shocked, I would never do something like that.
Kaiba: *rolls his eyes* just admit it.
Yami: your brother made me do it.
Kaiba: *raises an eyebrow* Nice try, but that's not Mokuba.

Diana: I think it;s both of them actually *says as she pulls an ear piece from Yami's ear*

Kaiba: well, that smart/clever little brother of mine. *says taking it from Diana*

Yami: okay, your right, you got us, were guilty.

Diana: Mine too *says as she hooks her arms with both of them* Btw Seto we should tell Yami beore Yugi about us

Yami: *his eyes widen for just moment* I should have seen that one coming, It was pretty Obvious that you two are into each other. Anyway i'm happy and glad for the both of you. *says meaning it*

Diana: Great then we are happy to inform you we are getting married in a month

Yami: *his eyes widen again* okay, that one i did not see coming...your both really going to marry?
Kaiba: you bet, like heck i'm living the rest of my life without her.
Yami: *sighs* okay, congrats then you two.

Diana: My only worry now is how will we tell the others, saving the world seems like an easier job at moments like this

Yami: *chuckles* i wouldn't worry to much about it, I'm sure some of them will react postive just like i did.
Kaiba: he's right my love, i'm sure everything will be fine. Know that you'll have me by your side for the rest of your life and there is nothing that the two of us can't do. As long as were toghether we can face anything and everyone that comes our way. *pulls her close as he kisses her deeply*
and just like Yami said the Winx and specialist reacted postive to the news as for the Duel moster gang well that is another story.

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