Chop Chop (A #Merome Story)

By bikergal12

40.1K 911 609

Mitch is a new Junior student at Jersey Central High School. He goes through his classes without any attentio... More

New School
The Moment
Day After
Christmas Part 1
Not A Chapter but A/N
Am I Fired?
2nd Birthday
School Again
The Big Day

Christmas Part 2

1.4K 26 23
By bikergal12

[Last Time in Jerome's PoV]

"Jerome Robert Aceti, open this door right now." I heard my father nearly shout. I kept ignoring it and I think this time Mitch did as well. I heard the sound of the door being fumbled with and it swung open to reveal my mother who left right away, my father who looked at me confused and Rob and preston who just stood there in shock and whispered to each other before leaving. I'm half naked, Mitch is fully naked but being covered by me and is hermit crabbing into my chest, and my dad is just trying to comprehend the situation. This does not look good.

[Now Back to Reality still in Jerome's PoV]

"Go back to Just Dance and we'll be fine." I said, snapping suddenly at my father who jut so happened to barge into the room with my mother and my other two students.

"Jerome. What the hell on earth is this?" My dad asked.

"It's called love. And you just interupted. Did I ever interupt you all the times you tried for my sister and brother but didn't get it right? No? So why do you have the right to interupt me?" I asked.

"Well Jerome. It seems something isn't right here. That, is another male isn't it?" My dad asked. Mitch cuddled deeper into my chest, probably because he knew where this was going.

"Yeah. So what? I'll say to you what I said to Mitch's father when he went crazy. You have another son who I know for a fact is straight. You never supported me for Youtube, for my job as a teacher and what I wanted to teach, and now my sexuality? Why am I a disgrace to you? I'm the oldest of our family and you still have another son who can carry on the family name. Unless that doesn't happen, see no reason why you should get upset." I said.

"Wait, what do you mean by he went crazy?" My dad asked. I looked at Mitch and he nodded for me to tell him.

"It was two months ago when we started dating that Mitch's father didn't like it and ended up killing all of Mitch's family as well as almost killing Mitch. Mitch has two bullet wounds that are still very clear scars on his body. Basically in short, Mitch has no family except me all because of his father who was a homophobic asshole who couldn't even think straight or be happy for his son because he knew he had another one who would be straight and hopefully carry on the family name." I explained.

"Where are there bullet wounds?" My dad asked.

"Uh. Can you leave the room for just a minute?" I asked my dad.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well, to show you the bullet wounds, he needs to get up and there's a reason other than the fact that he's scared and facing de-ja-vu right now that he's like this." I hinted. My dad got the hint and left without another word. Mitch got into his boxers and nothing else since he didn't need a shirt since one was in his stomach and the other was in his leg.

"It's good now dad." I said. My dad walked in along with my mom and Rob and Preston. It was clearly seen from where we were sitting the one wound on his leg but he sat straight up so they would see the one on his stomach.

"Your dad did that to you?" My dad asked. Mitch nodded and cuddled into me. I pet his hair to keep him calm.

"As well as kill his whole family in front of his eyes. His mom, his sister, and his younger brother of only 10 years of age. He had a near death experience and survived but afterwards, he had no way to live. He didn't and still doesn't have a job since he's only still in high school. His dad is in jail for the next 15 years and it was him who did it to himself but he left my poor Mitch here basically scared for life. That is, until I took him in and promised to keep him safe no matter what the cause. I love him ad there's nothing you can do to take this true love away from us." I said.

Everyone and everything was silent. Not even the Just Dance music playing. It seemed that everyone has crowded around my door to see what was going on. As they piled into the room, I grabbed one of our blankets and wrapped it around us so we were both covered especially from my little cousin's eyes because they were only between 7 and 12 years old of age. 

"Jerome?" People were calling my name. For once, I felt scared of my family but still stayed strong for Mitch's sake. If he knew that I was scared, he would be even more scared. I felt a hand on my back and turned around to see that it was Rob's who was right behind me. Preston was also right behind Mitch. We were all close together as my family processed what was right in front of them. They all started murmering things to each other and I couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want?" I shouted and everyone stared at me. "What is it about this that makes it so weird. Most of you adults like my parents, my aunts and uncles all found true love and this is what I found so what is about this that makes it so weird? Yeah it may be with another guy but it's not like we're the only people who are like this. These two people on the either side of us are in love with each other and people at the school couldn't care less but be happy for them. I have realized that these two are two of my best students and that's why they're here today. Beside, in New Jersey I know gay marriage is legalized as well as 34 of the other 49 states avalible and like another handful more are waiting for approval. Besides, it's not like we need to breed anymore. There may be thigns like cancer and ebola and other things that kill people but that doesn't chage the numbers of 7,000,000,000 people in the world so why does it bother you that a few people are taken out of the gene pool just because they love the same sex? This all happened out of true love and I loved Mitch even before the incident with his father. Although I was somewhat my fault who caused it but I was the one to save him in time. If it would've been another few minutes at most 10 and I take off my shirts and wrapped them around each of his wounds, he wouldn't be here right now and I might've not either. We have 3 different funerals to go to in January all because his family, mostly father disagreed with what he was doing. I'm happy with Mitchell and I love him with all my heart. If you can't see that then get out of my house now." I finished. Some people like my aunts, uncles and a couple coudins left right away but it was only half of them.

"J-Jerome. I-I've never heard you speak in that kind of tone before." My mother said.

"Yeah. I'm pretty amazed you finally grew a pair and talked back to us. I'm actually quite pround of you." My dad said coming over to us. "Get up so I can hug my boy."

I felt embarressed since I was only in my boxers but 20 years ago, my dad was the one bathing me so I guess it shouldn't be too bad. My dad brought me in for a hug and I ended up letting a few tears fall onto his shoulder and sniffled a bit. "Are you crying?"

"N-No." I lied and .

"I know you are and it's ok. You and your little, boyfriend have both gotten my approval now. I'm proud of you." My dad said. This time I was for sure crying.

"I've never seen our teacher cry before." I heard Rob say.

"Yeah. It's so weird but I guess that's what happens when you come to his family's Christmas party and things get rough." Preston replied. "Mitch, have you ever seen him cry before?"

"Yeah. Only once though. I would be standing up right now but I think him and his dad need some bondgin to be done." Mitch said. I pulled away from my dad and smiled before turning around and tackling Mitch to the bed. "Jerome." 

"Mitchell, I love you." I said before kissing him. He kissed back softly and passionately as my family actually clapped from behind us. I parted our kiss and just held him close and cried some more on his shoulder and the bed sheets. I heard people leave and a door close behind us.

"I'm so so sorry about this Mitch. If only I wasn't my horny self it wouldn't have turned out this way." I said.

"Jerome, it's fine. I don't love you any less then I did yesterday." Mitch said.

"Let's get dressed and go back to hang out some more and then we can do it once everyone leaves." I said. Mitch smiled and nodded and kissed me once more before I got up and got dressed in some new clothes as well as Mitch. We went back out to the living room and watched some good old Christmas movies. During Rudolph, there was a knock on the door so I went to answer it. When I did, I couldn't believe who I saw standing there. 

"Jerome!" She squeeked and then without warning she kissed me. I pushed her away.

"Jasmine? What the hell? How did you find me?" I yelled. 

"I heard about what happened and thought I'd stop by. Also I've realized I've been feeling very lonely without. It's like my heart is breaking and no one but you can fix it." She said and hugged me. Everyone must've heard either her squeek or my outburst of anger because they paused the movie and people were staring at us. 

"Look, Jasmine. I realize that you want me back but I don't. I have the perfect life right now, the perfect family, perfect students, except for a select few, and the perfect lover. So I won't take you back." I said. 

"B-But Jerome? W-We were meant t-to be. Wh-Why would you-o do this to m-me?" She asked, nearly crying and in tears.

"No Jasmine, we were meant to be. Like I said I have to the perfect lover who loves me for me. Not for my money or Youtube fame. Sorry I'm not sorry but you'll have to leave." I said, opening the door for her.

"I want to meet her." She finally said.

"What?" I asked.

"I want to meet this perfect lover of yours. I want to meet her and see if she is the perfect one for you. What's her name?" She asked.

"Her name is Mitchell." I said.

"Mitchell is a guys' name. Seriously, what's her name?" Jasmine asked again.

"Mitch, can you come over here please?" I asked wthout taking my eyes away from Jasmine. Mitch came over to me and stood beside me, obviously confused with what was going on.

"Jasmine, this is Mitchell aka Mitch aka my lover." I said.

"You're gay?" She asked with a disgusted look.

"Yep. You have a problem with that?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. You and I were meant to be but instead you go out with another guy who isn't even buff or cute but is small and weak and ugly. What do you see in him that I don't have?" She asked.

"Well, for starters I think he's cute. He's the perfect little one that my heart truely desires. He doesn't love me for my money but for the fact that I am who I am. Plus he's amazing when it comes to all the spaces in between love." I said, hinting at the fact that I was meaning sex. Mitch blushed slightly and I just stiffled a laugh.

"Do you even have our ornament hung up this year?" Jasmine asked, pushing past Mitch and I and walking over to the tree. "You don't do you but instead you have one of you and Mitch. That's just sick."

"Jasmine, I'm over you now so I think it's about time to move on. We broke up almost 3 years ago now. You probably just got out of college and came back to take me back in hopes that I was still single but instead, I'm not so it's time to move on." I said.

"But Jerome." Jasmine said quietly with her head down.

"I know it will be hard at first but trust me, things will get better like they did for me. To be honest, the only reason why I stayed here was because of you but when you left, I knew I couldn't keep a long distance relationship so that's why i broke it off. Now that you're out of college and back in the area. you want me back but like I said, I've moved on. I actually used to cry at night when you left but I put my head up, turned my life around and this is where I am now. I believe you can do the same thing if you try hard enough and put the past in the past and look into the future." I said. She nodded and looked up at me with tear stained cheeks. She kissed me again but I let her this time since I knew she needed it. So much has happened all in one day. Once she finally parted, she left without another word.

"Well then, let' get back to the movie shall we?" Mitch asked as he kissed me and we walked back to the couch, finished the movie and afterwards, everyone left until it was just Mitch and I left in my apartment.

"Now, how about that little deal we made huh? You ready?" I asked as I picked Mitch up and he wrapped his legs around my torso.

"You bet. Let's go." Mitch said and I messed him up the whole night. Best and crazist Christmas ever.

And there's part two. I hope you all enjoyed and if you did make sure to click on the like/vote button and let me know you like the story. The video attatched is just a quick little speed build of BajanCanadian's Minecraft skin that I did and edited myself now that I've learned to use my editing program. Other than that I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all later! BYE!! :)

PS: I am hosting a strawpoll for who I should build next. Please vote :D

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