Dragon Ball Oneshots

By BlueTimber

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Just something to try out. Enjoy! 😊 Accept: Character X Reader Character x Character Boy x Boy Girl x Girl M... More

Cooler X Saiyan Soldier Reader
Zamasu x Goddess Reader
Frieza X Soldier Reader
Jiren x Nurse Reader
Piccolo X Saiyan Reader
Hit x Reporter Reader
Frieza x Child Saiyan Reader
Frieza x Soldier Reader Part 2
Goku Black x Caulifla

Captain Ginyu X Elite Soldier Reader

389 14 8
By BlueTimber

An Unexpected Gathering

"But... Lord Frieza, surely you can find some other loyal lackies that can represent you!" The captain of the Ginyu Force proclaimed.

The Lord has tasked them with a 'mission' that none of them have any knowledge or experience with.

"Unfortunately Ginyu, no I can not. My, good for nothing, brother will be attending the same Gala and I have every right to believe his Squadron will also be there so I must balance the scales and bring my most trustworthy adversaries along with me." Lord Frieza grunted.

He despsied his brother but attending such gathering will give him the oppotunity to persuade his father into handing over the rights to many contracts that Frieza has requested for a while.

"But Sire... we don't know anything about attending such things. This is not for us!" The red magma begged their Lord to reconsider.

Just then, he along with everyone else heard giggling in the background; directing their attention to the sound of origins.

 A female elite was enjoying this way too much.

"What are you laughing at (Y/n)?!?!?!" Burter yelled at the female elite.

She is close friends with the Ginyu Force; many view her as the unofficial sixth member of the Ginyu Force since she hangs out with them so much; so it was no surprise that she also trains with them on a daily basis.

"The Irony of it all." She teased. "The Ginyu Force, one of the most powerful and loyal warriors in the Frieza Force are afraid of attending a little meet and greet session."

She finds the overall scene extremely humerous...much to everyone else's dismay.

"Shut it, (Y/n)! Like you have any experience in such things" Guldo fired at her, which caused (Y/n) to calm herself but she still bares the jester smile on her face.

"Actually I do... back on my planet, I've been at too many of these Galas since I was a hatchling. My family were snobs and only cared about wealth, so public appearances was essential for them." (Y/n) spoke as memories of her boring, luxuries life flooded her mind.

She was glad Frieza destroyed her planet otherwise, she would've died of boredom.

"For real!?!?" Recoome was surprised that such a smart-ass of an elite used to live in luxury.

It made some members wonder why she is even on this ship to begin with.

Whilst that was happening, Jeice turned to their Lord once more. "Sire please... we beg you to reconsider."

That so called whining reached the Lord's boiling point as his tail hit the metallic floor, hard; getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Enough! I have made mind and I will not amend to change it! You 5 shall attend the Gala along with myself, Zarbon and Dodoria! I expect you all to be wearing you finest armour and be at the main hanger in 75 hours, approximately at 1700! Do not make me wait! understood?" Frieza yelled out in the entire room; making everyone wince at his sinister and booming voice.

"Yes, Lord Frieza!" the Ginyu Force exclaimed as they saluted to their leader.

"Good."  The lord turned on his heel and was about to leave until he called out once more in his soothing venom tone "Oh and (Y/n)...."

"Yes, Lord Frieza?" (Y/n) leaned off the wall and saluted at his Lord.

"I expect you to attend aswell" The Lord spoke. This shocked (Y/n).

"Wait.. what?!?! But Sir..." She proclaimed but was stopped by Frieza's raised hand.

"My word is final. I shall hear no more of this." He answered. 

"Yes, Sir" The elite replies with respect as their leader finally exits the training facility.

Once he left, (Y/n) sunked to the ground with her back against the wall.

"Ugh.... me and my big mouth" She groaned, placing with her hands on her head as she hears snickering in the background.

"Haha, serves you right (Y/n)! Karma is a bitch!" Burter yelled out with a smirk on his face.

The same smirk was seen on most of the memebrs of the Ginyu Force.  (Y/n) couldn't help but smirk back at them, they treat each other like family.

All for fun and laughs, no one stays a grump for long with them.

"Oh shut it, Stormy! Lord Frieza probably just wants me there because I'm an elite and I have more experience in this than you bozos do." Her reply was laced with sarcasm.

"Hey!!!" 4 out of 5 of the members exclaimed at the same time, overexagerating. (Y/n) merely chuckled at their reaction. 

"She ain't wrong." The leader, Ginyu spoke up, causing everyone to look at him. "She has more experience at this than we all do. What do you say (Y/n), care to give a few pointers for us for this 'Gala'?" He asks (Y/n) as he walks up to her.

"Don't know, what's in it for me?" (Y/n) queries as her hands are now flopped on top of her knees.

She doesn't do things for free, especially when it invovles the Ginyu Force.

Ginyu pauses for a moment to think of a composition. "We'll deal you in on our Poker nights." His reply sounded less confident than usual, much to (Y/n)'s amusement.

"Oof, that desperate huh? Your Poker nights are sacred. Members only, right?" She queries him as she looks across the room with a smug look on her face.

Ginyu rolls his eyes in return. "Would you rather we embarrass Lord Frieza infront of his brother?" Ginyu spoke as he stuck his hand to (Y/n).

"Fairs. You got a deal." She reluctantly accepted his offer as she took his hand and was pulled onto her feet by Ginyu, who bore a light blush in the process that was barely noticeable.

(Y/n) merely smiles as their eyes met for a moment.

"Alright. Where do we start?" Burter pipes in, breaking their moment unintentionally. (Y/n) directs her attention to Burter and the rest of the force.

(Y/n) merely smirks as she crosses her arms over her chest. "A shower. Get washed up. You stink after your vigurous training. Meet me at your lounge in 20"

The Ginyu force look at each other and shrugged.

"Sounds fair. Let's go" Recoome spoke as they left the training room to their rooms. Leaving (Y/n) alone with Ginyu.

"Thanks (Y/n), we owe you, big time" He spoke, getting her attention as she turns to look at him with a genuine smile.

She and Ginyu grew quite close than the rest, (Y/n) admits she has a crush on the Captain but she knows that there is no place for romance in his or the force's life so she keeps her crush hidden.

"Don't thank me yet, Captain. We all got a long way to go. See you in 20." She said before exiting the training room.

"Ditto." Ginyu replied as he watches her leave the room.

Timeskip (1 hour)

(Y/n) and Ginyu have been sitting on the couch in the Ginyu Force personal lounge, waiting for the rest of the force to arrive, who were running late - as per usual.

Whilst waiting, Ginyu's arm was on the backside of the couch as (Y/n) stretches her arms and yawns before instincantly lays her head back onto backside of the couch, not realizing it was his arm, drifting off ever now and then.

(Y/n)'s actions made Ginyu blush more than usual.

He too has a crush on (Y/n) and he wants to admit his feelings for her but he never found the perfect opportunity to do that.

He looks at her calm face as he lightly moves his arm and wraps (Y/n) around her shoulder; bringing her body closer to his. She seems unaware  as she now lays her head against his shoulder.

Ginyu merely watches the scene, she looks so calm and peaceful. He can look at her all day if he could.

Just as he was about to lightly stroke her cheek, (Y/n) shifts herself to her side, leaning toward Ginyu's chest - still drifting calmly.

Ginyu blushes more, not wanting this to stop.

Suddenly, he heard noises from the outside hallway, indicating someone's coming.

He lightly nudges (Y/n) to wake up, which she did as she immediately sat up realizing she was too close to the Captian and gave him an apologetic look whilst blushing as everyone else walk in the lounge. 

"Took you long enough. What were you doing in there? Grooming yourselves?" (Y/n) looks at them with an annoyed look.

Most of the chuckle at her greeting. "Not us. Jeice maybe.." Burter replies as he pointed his thumb at a very annoyed Jeice.

"Oi! You know how long it takes to untangle this?!" He backfired as he swifts his pure white mane to the side.

Ginyu shakes his head in disapproval as he stands up. (Y/n) follows suit with a wild smirk on her face.

She has something evil on her mind.

"Let me put you out of your misery then..." She said as she produces a Ki blade and walks slowly upto Jeice.

He begins backing up from her, frightened of her next action.

"(Y/n) no. (Y/n)!!!!" Jeice yelled out as he is backed against the wall as (Y/n)'s free hand slams against he wall; trapping Jeice as their faces are inches apart with (Y/n) still baring her wild grin.

"Just kidding..." she chuckles. Jeice pouts as he pushes her away with his hand.

Everyone else snickers; finding the situation comical, except for the Captain who looks at Jeice with slight jealousy and envy.

After everyone finished having a laugh.... and getting a back slap by Jeice, (Y/n) turns to the group.

"Ready to learn?" She spoke as they all nodded.

(Y/n) began explaining the basics of how to behave in the Galas, from common greetings to mannerism.

Jeice wasn't too fond of the whole manners rule. His race speaks slang as a formality, this caused him to get a head slap by the Captain for interupting (Y/n) and being sassy about it; which many found interesting and strange.

Usually the Captian wouln't mind Jeice's sassiness and even laugh about it, but they shrugged off the wierd behaviour after the Captian said that he doesn't want to look like a fool infront of King Cold and Cooler.

After the interruption, (Y/n) continues with her sessions, until she recalls their signiture poses."Oh and your dance poses, not allowed."

This caused all of the Ginyu Force to groan in annoyance like 5 year olds. 

"What but why?!? Thats how we present oursleves all the time." Guldo spoke as they all did their signature poses infront of (Y/n).  

"Cute but not at Galas. Its considered informal and inappropriate in such places. Simply gestures such as bowing lightly or hand shaking is your only option." She facepalm as she sighs heavily.

"What about females? Do we bow to them aswell?" The Captain queries.

The sudden question made everyone look at him with a confused glare. Since when is the Captain so intrigued about mannerism??

"Why you ask Captain? Got a girl to impress?" Recoome scoffs as everyone else snickers lightly, except (Y/n) who merely looks confused.

"No!! Just mere curiosity, if we were to ask a female to a dance, we should greet them properly. Right (Y/n)?" Captain rebelled, giving Recoome an annoying glare before turning to face (Y/n).

"Uhh... yea, small gesture like kissing her hand is permittable." (Y/n) replies honestly, still confused at the question.

The Captian nods as he walks upto (Y/n), gently takes her hand into his. "So like this?..." he kisses the palm of her hand.

"Y-yea, that works..." she blushes madly.

"Oooo... got a crush on her Captain?" Jeice spoke as everyone else began to make howling noises at them, making both of them blush even more than they already have.

"Shut it, Jeice!  Would you rather I kiss your hand?" Ginyu backfired, death glaring at Jeice.

"As much as I would enjoy to see that. We're on a time crunch here, maybe another time." (Y/n) butted in as she composed herself, whilst Ginyu returned to his post.

"Anyway, as Lord Frieza mentioned, his brother and his Squadron will be there. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll try to make us look stupid. As much as it would pain us all, we can't engage into a fight, verbal or physical. Simply swallow your pride and the urge to fight and excuse yourself. If anything, feel free to pull me aside and talk to me about anything during the Gala; whether it relates to a situation or if you feel the need to punch someone. Got it?" She explained her plan as everyone listened and nodded in agreement.

"What about if we politly backfire on them? Can we do that?" Burter asked, empathizing the word 'polictly'.

(Y/n) nods. "Yes, just keep your voices down and your composure. They may have more than one thing to say about you all and I'm sure most of those things is so that they can get under our skins. Don't succumb to your desire to punch them in the face when that happens, just excuse youself and find me. I will be able to calm you down. Sounds fair?" She asked.

"Yup." Burter replies.

"Alright. Now I will pose a scenario on each of you and I want you to respond as formally as you can. If you make a mistake, I will correct you on it." (Y/n) spoke as she calmly walks up to Jeice. "Ok Jeice, pretend I'm Salza." He nods.

"So 'Juice', was it? I heard you were second in command in your force, too bad your so called Captain doesn't trust you as much as my lord, otherwise we would be considered equals." (Y/n) mimicked Salza's voice as she was pushing Jeice's buttons, very effectively.

"Equals!?!?! I'll show you!!!" Jeice yelled as he began to charge to (Y/n) but instead of punching her, (Y/n) moves away from his attack and stuck her foot out - causing Jeice to trip on it and fall.

This act made Ginyu facepalm himself whilst the trio laughed uncontrollably.

"This is going to be a long day...." (Y/n) murmurs and rubs her temples.

Timeskip (Day of the Gala)

"Come on (Y/n)! Lord Frieza will have our heads if we are even a second late!" Ginyu yells outside (Y/n)'s room.

Today's the day of the Gala and everyone was dressed up in their finest armour apart from (Y/n).

During the second day of the announcement, Lord Frieza said that she should wear something suitable for the Gala instead of her armour, which was slightly unusual of him but who is she to disrespect him so for the last 2 hours, (Y/n) was picking her outfit and getting herself ready for the Gala... until Ginyu started to bang on her door.

"Chill Captain, I'm coming" (Y/n) calmly replies as she opens the door.

The Captain was captivated by her looks. She wore a long, purple shaded 2 piece dress, which was cut in her mid-section; showing her toned waist.

It had sleeves with patterns embedded within them and a medium v neck along with a long slit down the dress. Her hair was down and curled along the edges as she bore light makeup to look natural.

"Wow.... (Y/n), you look.... beautiful" Ginyu spoke as he lightly blushed at the goddess in front of him.

"Thank you, Captain. You look dashing yourself" (Y/n) complemented to her Captain.

He wore the usual standard armour but the shoulder blades were a lighter shade of gold than his usual ones.

"Why thank you. Shall we?" Ginyu smiled as he extends his arm towards (Y/n), which she accepts and links her arm with his.

"We shall." She smiled back at him.

Both made their way into the main hanger like a married couple.

Time-skip (Main Hanger)

"About time, you guys. Lord Frieza is on his way down here as we speak!" Jeice spoke as the duo arrive at the main hanger.

"Good, atleast we are early. Remember what I taught you all. Let's make the Frieza Force proud." (Y/n) faced the Ginyu force, who all nodded.

"Well, well. It would seem that your punctuality is still intact. That's a pleasant sight to behold on." Frieza spoke as he arrives to the main hanger with his henchment.

"Lord Frieza, sir!" The Ginyu Force bow in respect whilst (Y/n) curtis.

"Ohohoho. I must confess, you have officially made this journey less of a worry for me, Ginyu Force. I sure hope you shall keep this up." Frieza laughs as he proceeds to walk past the force and onto his travel ship.

"Yes, Lord Frieza!" They chanted.

"Good. Now shall we depart? I have a Gala to attend to after all."

The travel was a bit boring but thankfully, the Ginyu Force sure know how to keep each other company.

This even pondered Lord Frieza to engage in a bit of their conversation.

"So tell me, Captain Ginyu, how did you and your force managed to aquire such standards within such a short period of time?" The Lord queries the Captain with an amused look.

"Well you see, Lord Frieza.." The Captain spoke "We asked (Y/n) to give us some lessons on how to behave and act in such gatherings and it would seem to be working quite well on all of us." He turns to face (Y/n) with a warm smile.

"I see. Well (Y/n) it would seem that you have grown quite an attachment to this force." He gives her the tiniest smile "You have my thanks for whipping the Ginyu Force into shape for such gathering." The Lord thanks (Y/n).

This caused the others to look at each other in slight shock and surprise.

"Thank you, Lord Frieza." (Y/n) replies with shock from the sudden compliment.

The conversation was cut short when Frieza recieves a call on his scouter and excuses himself.

"Wow, appreciation from the Lord himself. You must feel honoured (Y/n)." Burter spoke as he pats (Y/n) on her back gently.

"Y-yea, I never expected such gratitude from him." She replies, still in the shock.

"Tch... big deal. You managed to tame these animals for a bit, but we all know that it won't last long. Once an animal, always an animal." Zarbon scoffed at (Y/n) as he gives each member of the force a disgusting glare.

"Is that jealosuy I sense in you, Zarbon?" (Y/n) questions Zarbon's actions.

"No! I am merely stating facts." He backfires at her.

"Well here's a fact, 'mate'. You aren't the most glamorous here today." Jeice spoke up who had his arms and legs crossed.

"What was that, Juice?" Zarbon walks upto Jeice and insulted him.

(Y/n) expected Jeice to punch him in the face... but he didn't. He merely sat there and looked at Zarbon with a neutral look.

"I agree. (Y/n) is far more beautiful today than you ever have been." Guldo spoke up, agreeing with Jeice.

"Is that so, Pipsqeak?" Zarbom turns to look at him, annoyed.

"Yes. She is quite an attractive woman in her attire today. Right, Recoome?" Burter replies as he gives (Y/n) a small wink.

"Yup. She bested you in the looks department, Zarbon." Recoome answers as he looks at an insulted, red-faced Zarbon; who looks ready to punch someone.

"Why you!...."

"Temper, temper Zarbon. We don't want to upset Lord Frieza now, do we?" Ginyu finally spoke up with a smirk on his face.

Zarbon scoffs as he leaves the main room with a snickering Dodoria following him.

"Bravo boys, I am truly impressed. Not only did you backfire on Zarbon's insults but you also made a mockery out of him. Well played." (Y/n) claps lightly as she compliments the Force's slick back talks.

"All thanks to you, (Y/n). You taught us well." Ginyu replies as he, unconsiously, places his hand on her open waist.

(Y/n) blushes from this but pretends not to notice it.

"Yea, sweetheart. We have every right to back you up. After all, we weren't lying either." Jeice smiles as he smirks at the Captain's gesture.

"Huh?... which part?" (Y/n) queries Jeice.

"All of it. You are truly a beauty (Y/n)." Jeice replies, winking at her.

"Yea (Y/n). We all admire you in your attire." Guldo agrees, smiling. The other 2 nod in agreement.

"I... I'm lost for words. Thank you, all of you." (Y/n) was loss for words. She really appreciated the compliments, even if she wasn't used to it. "I guess I can rely on you all to help me when things become unbareable for me." She smirks at them.

"Of course, (Y/n). You can count on it." Burter gives her the thumbs up.

Just as the conversation was finished, they began to land and make their way to the luxurious building to meet King Cold and everyone else in the main hall.

"Remember our training." (Y/n) whispers to the Ginyu Force as King Cold approaches them.

"Ahh, Son. On time as usual I see." King Cold greets his son, patting his shoulder.

"Hello father. Where's Cooler?" Frieza greets him, coldly as he shoves the hand off his shoulder.

"Your brother is running late as per usual. In the meantime, why don't you introduce me to your accomplices." King Cold spoke, trying to avert the conversation of his eldest son.

"Certainly. Zarbon and Dodoria are my top henchment. The rest are members of the Ginyu Force, except the female. She is an elite." The Lord introduces his accomplices to his father, briefly.

"Pleasure to meet you King Cold." The top henchment, Ginyu Force and the Elite chanted quietly as they either bowed or curtis in respect.

"Ahh, quite mannerable soldiers you have, Frieza. I'm impressed. It sure seems like they are extremely loyal to you." King Cold looks pleased at their greeting.

"Of course they are, Father! Was there ever any doubts when it comes to my choosings?" Frieza spoke, feeling slighlty offended.

"Certainly not, son. Certainly not." King Cold reasures him.

"Good." Frieza calmed himself.

Just then, Lord Cooler shows up and approaches his father.

"Apologies for being late, father. There was some business I needed to attend before this gathering." Cooler apologies as he bows in respect.

"Hmhmhm.... Always with the exuses brother. No wonder father favors me more." Frieza chuckles, smirking at him.

"Frieza.... Always with the sly remarks, its a wonder your tongue is still intact. I would have expected someone to cut it by now." Cooler glares at him, trying to push his buttons.

"Is that a threat I sense in your tone, brother?" Frieza spoke up, giving a death glare at him.

"And what will you do if it was such case?" Cooler dares his brother, smirking at him.

"Now, now boys. We're here for a gathering, not a battle royale. Please behave, both of you." King Cold spoke calmly, breaking the 2 brothers apart.

"As you wish, father." The brothers spoke, following their father's orders.

"Good, now then. Let's proceed with the gathering." He spoke as he dragged his two sons to mingle.

Zarbon and Dodoria followed them, whilst the Ginyu force and (Y/n) take a breather elsewhere.

"Damn, that's Frieza's brother? No wonder our Lord hates him. He is a jerk." (Y/n) broke the silence as she takes a glass of wine from the server.

"Better get used to their outbreaks, sweetheart. This happens almost constantly when they are in the same room. Although this one is a bit calmer than others." Jeice replies as he grabs a snack from another server.

"Probably because there are high-notch commanders and royals from other planets who have contracts with the our Lord and his family." Burter spoke up as he keeps an eye on their Lord.

"At least we can acknowledge the fact that King Cold can defuse a situation when needed." The Captain said as he grabs the same glass of wine (Y/n) did.

"Yea. Lucky us..." (Y/n) murmurs as she proposes a toast with Ginyu who happily returns the favour and clings their glasses before taking a sip.

"Speaking of Lords, guess who just showed up?" Guldo moves his eyes to the other corner of the building.

"Cooler's Squadron. Great, more problems?" (Y/n) sighs before swirling her glass in circles.

"Not yet, they seem to linger near their Lord, but I wouldn't hold our breathes for it." Guldo spoke up, still watching them.

"Well, we all know what to do when they'll try to mock us. Backfire or leave." (Y/n) says calmly, avoiding the gazes that are on her.

"And remember, see (Y/n) if you feel like punching either one of them. She'll help you. Right (Y/n)?" Ginyu breaks her thoughts with a comforting smile.

"Correct, our Lord's force is more valuable than our individual pride. Don't make a mockery out of us all." She returns with a smile to Ginyu.

"Well then, let's proceed" Ginyu chuckles.


Through out the Gala, most of the Ginyu Force behaved well. There were a few incidents where Salza and the rest of the Squadron tried to wind the force up. Thankfully they composed themselves.

At one point, Recoome nearly yelled at Doore for insulting him until (Y/n) pulled him side and calmed him down.

Right now, (Y/n) was merely observing the Gala with an almost empty wine glass in her hand, until someone else's hand reached out towards her.

"May I have this dance, (Y/n)?" It was Frieza with his sinister grin. He was looking at her with a small bow, awaiting her answer.

"L-Lord Frieza?! Certainly." (Y/n) replies almost instantly as a server collects her empty glass and they both made it to the centre floor.

After the slight bow and curtsy as an introduction, Frieza places a hand on her open waist, (Y/n)'s on his shoulder, both hand in hand as they began to waltz.

"You seem surprised at my gesture, (Y/n). Should I be concerned?" Frieza whispers as he leads the dance.

"Not at all, Lord Frieza. I just didn't expect it. You just don't seem the type for dancing." (Y/n) replies honestly, making eye contact with her Lord.

"I am a ruthless emperor (Y/n), I see no need for such petty skills. But, I do wish to impress my father and make a mockery of my brother, since they would never expect this." He spoke as he twirls (Y/n).

"How cunning my Lord. I hope not to disappoint you." (Y/n) giggles lightly, enjoying the dance.

"I assure you my dear, I would not have invited you to this gathering if I thought any less of you." Frieza smirks as he glances slightly at his father and brother. Both looking at them.

"I am honored, my Lord." (Y/n) nods lightly as a 'thank you' as they continue to dance.

In the end, Frieza ends the dance with a perfect dip, as the entire room began to applause the dance.

Yet the Squadron and Cooler were reluctant to do this but had no choice in the matter.

"Thank you, I enjoyed it." (Y/n) replies as she curtsy one last time.

"As have I." Frieza bows before he walks to his father.

Y/n returns to the Ginyu Force who were still clapping lightly at her.

"Woah (Y/n), you even had Lord Frieza entranced tonight. Who's next?" Recoome comments with a grin.

"Oh hush, Recoome. I merely did it to impress King Cold and embarrass the other Lord under Frieza's instructions." (Y/n) brushes off Recoome's comment.

"Come now, Sweetheart. You can't just deny that our Lord merely did it to impress. I saw him staring at you for a while now." Jeice mentions the Lord's observation. (Y/n) looks at Frieza who was busy talking to King Cold.

"Be that as it may be, it is merely for tonight. Next day, our Lord will merely see me as a ordinary Elite. Just you wait." (Y/n) replies with slight sadness as she looks at Jeice.

"Who knows, Sweetheart. Who knows...." Jeice shrugs.

"Trouble, 3 O'clock." Ginyu whispers to the force as everyone turn their head to see Lord Cooler approaching them.

"Why hello there, you must be (Y/n). My brother talks alot about you." He introduces himself as he takes her hand and kisses it gently, his lips linger longer than it should be.

"And you must be Lord Cooler. I wish I could say the same but my Lord does not mention much about you." (Y/n) replies as politely as she could, even though she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I expected nothing less of him. He is spoiled little brat after all. Anyways fancy a dance, my dear?" Cooler requests a dance whilst he still has her hand in his.

"I'm afraid I'm going have to deny your request and for your information, my Lord may act like  spoiled child at rare moments but he has the decency to act like a gentlemen when required, unlike you." She calmly declines his request and swipes her hand off his.

"I would watch your tone, young lady. I'm not as merciful as my brother when it comes to females." Cooler threatens her as the Ginyu Force watch the scene closely, trying not to butt in unless its needed.

"Atleast my Lord has equal respect for females. After all, I am an Elite who also has close relationships with Lord Frieza's personal force." She spoke. At this moment the force linger closer to (Y/n) from every corner, glaring at Cooler.

"Listen here, you whore...." Cooler snapped as he grabs her arm, harder.

That was the queue for the force to step in.

"Hey come on, mate. Let the lady go." Jeice spoke up as he grabs Cooler's arm, trying to pry it away from (Y/n)'s.

"You heard him, Cooler. Let her go." Ginyu grunts at him.

"No, a lesson is in order for you, (Y/n). And I assure you, I will make you think twice before disrespecting me." Cooler whispers harshly at her, gripping her hand even tighter.

"LORD COOLER COLD!!!!! GET YOUR TAIL OVER HERE!!!!"  King Cold yelled out, causing everyone in the gathering to look at him then at Cooler.

"But father-..." Cooler tried to explain.

"NOW!!!!" King Cold commands his son, whilst Frieza was trying his hardest not to grin or laugh from this.

"I would go if I were you. It's never a good sign when parents call you by your full name." (Y/n) spoke innocently and smirks at Cooler's shocked expression.

Cooler gives her a death glare and squeezes her arm more before letting it go and follows his father's orders.

"What a gentlemen..." (Y/n) murmurs and scoffs, rubbing her bruised wrist.

"You alright, (Y/n)?" Ginyu queries as he strokes her bruised her wrist.

"Yea sweetheart. Cooler sure had a strong grip on you." Jeice checks for any other injuries on her.

"I'll live, thank you for being here." (Y/n) smiles at each one of the members.

"We promised we would protect you (Y/n). We owe you that much." Burter smirks at her, trying to loghtne the mood up a bit.

"Yea and it looks like our Lord is enjoying the performnace" Guldo said as he looks to see King Cold scolding Cooler in a harsh but barely hearable tone, whislt Frieza was grinning and barely able to contian his laugh. 

He noticed the sudden eyes on him and merely winks at (Y/n) with his smirk, a sign that it was him who tipped off King Cold. (Y/n) curtsy as a sign of gratitude before facing the force.

"I guess we officially made a mockery out of Cooler. Mission accomplished." (Y/n) says.

"Not yet. There is one last thing you and I need to do." Ginyu says.

"And what is that?" She turns to face him, only to be surprised with what she saw.

"May I have this dance, (Y/n)?" Ginyu was bowing slighlty, his hand out, asking for her's.

"Captain..." (Y/n) blushed

"Please (Y/n), you and I have known each other for a long time. I think we can skip the titles. Just Ginyu." He insisted

"Ginyu.... Yes you can" (Y/n) accepts his offer and his hand as they make it to the dance floor and begin to waltz, hand in hand, just like with Frieza.

"I never knew you can dance like this, Ginyu." (Y/n) whispers, trying to avoid his gaze so he wouldn't see her blush.

"It was before I joined the force, I was always interested in dancing, but I kept it hidden as I saw no need for it. Until now..." Ginyu replies honestly as he twirls her.

"Well it is a nice surprise but surely you haven't just asked for a dance just to relive old memories." She explains as she shyly looks up to meet his gaze.

"No I haven't. (Y/n).... Since I first laid my eyes on you, I had feelings for you. At first, I thought it was just a fling but as time went by, I saw you more frequently. That feeling progressed and when you were promoted, I knew it was a sign that I care about you as a lover. (Y/n), I love you." Ginyu confesses as he blushing madly.

"Ginyu.... I...I  love you too. I always have been but I never thought you would return my affections." (Y/n) blushes madly too as she intertwines her fingers with his.

"Well allow me to prove you wrong." Ginyu smirks as finishes their dance with a dip and kisses her on the lips.

(Y/n) was surprised at the gesture but then relaxes and accepts the kiss, whilst the room was filled with applauses and congrats from the force.

"Way to go, Captain!" Burter cheers.

"About time if you ask me." Guldo mumbles before getting a head slap by Jeice.

After that gathering, Lord Frieza was in a good mood so much so that he rewards (Y/n) with a promotion of becoming the official sixth member of the Ginyu Force to which no one had any objections - especially the Captain.

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