Second Chances (Zeldris x rea...

By Mesaandme01

45.3K 1.3K 318

(Y/n) was a soldier along side her trusted military k9 partner, but after a raid gone wrong, her and her furr... More

A Worthy Death
The Inbetween
One Legend Meets Another
Two Princes
Three Demons Walk in a Bar
Strange Energy
Little Demon
A Demons Hound
Camelot Castle
Pre-Dinner Practice
A Royal Midnight Garden
Falling Evermore
The Enchanted Red Wood Forest
Emerald Eyes and Golden Skys
Envy and Gluttony
Hells Dinner Bells
Promises, Promises

Old Habbits Die Hard

1.4K 49 14
By Mesaandme01

   The night air was cold on your skin as you stand on a cliff over looking a deep hole in the earth. Exley stares down into the hole with you before he looks over at you with worried eyes. "I know bud. Something isn't right about this place..." you say to him before you hear something behind you. You spin around only to find a shadowy figure so huge it was almost unbelievable. A gasp escapes you as it brings down its giant hand towards you. The force of the blast sends you and Exley down into the abyss of darkness. As you scream, you find no sound can meet your ears over the ear piercing, head splitting, ringing of the blast, before you slam into an abyss of black liquid.

Splashing to the surface you gasp for air, you look up to find no sky and complete silence, which was absolutely head spinning. Confused you spin in circles while treading the black water, frantically looking for Exley. "Exley!?" You yell making your voice echo in the cold abyss you were in. He was no where in sight and you panicked state only intensified when some unseen force drags you beneath the surface of the black water. You fight, struggle, and swim up as fast as possible to no avail.

The air within you lungs bubbles out of your mouth harshly as you scream in pure rage and frustration, once again completely silent to your ears.
The darkness swallows up all sound, noise, and time almost. The only sensation is the steady pressure closing around you as your dragged deeper, and deeper into this freezing abyss of blackness. It feels like you head is going to explode and your chest burns with no air in it. That's when you see it. A single bright white light in the abyss of nothingness.

Your fingers reach for it as your dragged down at what seems like even greater speed. It seems to follow you just out of reach, as if it wanted you to grab it. Your lungs burn for air as your vision stars to fade to black. You feel your fingers brush the warm light just as you lose consciousness, your ears pick up an eerie howling, not of your beloved Exley.


You spring up with a gasp. Panting heavily you find relief in gulping down the air around you. A whine catches you attention and you look over to Exley who's also panting. His eyes were sad as he lays as close as he can to your body. Your hand makes its way to his head and he closes his glowing eyes finding comfort in your contact. "Sorry Ex... I know that dream is scary isn't it." You whisper to him making him huff in agreement.

It wasn't the first time you'd had that dream. Through out time you figured out that every time you had it, Exley had it too. It was a shared dream and it baffles you every time you have it. You knew it meant something but what? You groan in frustration as you flop back against the pillows while keeping your hand on Exleys soft head. Part of you thought that it was a sign from the goddess that gave you this life, but how were you to know? It's not like you'd heard of her since you got here. You didn't even know her name...

Your mind was racing and your nerves were still on edge, looking out at the still night sky, you sigh again and jump out of bed. Walking over to the glass doors of the balcony, you open them and walk out. Exley stays beside you the whole way. That dream always shakes him up just as much as you, and he won't calm down until he senses your nerves calm. With a sigh you summon up a single cigarette before lighting it, with a small flame around your thumb. A small fire spell that comes in handy some times. Taking a long drag of it you feel your nerves calm slowly but surly as the smoke rolls lazy out of your mouth in the blue moon light.

Exley shoves his head up under your arm not holding the cigarette for the comfort of your hand on him again. You hum lightly at him scratching his ear a bit before letting your hand rest in his soft black fur. "It's okay Ex. We're okay." You whisper as you both stare at the full setting moon in the sky as you finish your cigarette. Exley finally sighs deeply at your calmness, feeding off it, calming his own nerves and forgetting about the nightmare behind you both now.

Flicking the butt of the finished cigarette off the side of the balcony you turn to Exley. He stands tall over you before leaning his head down for you to hug. You hug his face gently for a moment before he licks your cheek gently making you giggle at him. "Thanks bud, I love you too. Let's go see what Zeldris is doing before we head out, hm?" You question making him just blink at you, ready for whatever you two would do today. He and you share a few more moments of the chilly morning breeze as the sun starts to lighten the sky slowly. Only then do you and him walk back into the room to get ready.

After you'd dressed and gotten ready for the day, you and Exley walk out of your bedroom in search of Zeldris. Exley stays close to you at all times with the amount of demonic power with in the castle. It makes you smile as you continue walking through the castle halls, the same way Zeldris had taken you yesterday, in order to get to the throne room, where you presumed he'd be. You round the final corner to find the throne room doors open surprisingly.

Zeldris was sitting on the throne as he listened to Galand speak. Estarossa was also in there, he leaned against the throne with an unamused look that only darkens at the sight of you. Zeldris looked annoyed in his eyes, as he stares at nothin in particular. Your movements catch his eye as you walk into the throne room making him stand immediately. Galand stops talking at this, making you smile up at the prince on the throne that suited him so well. "Good morning, Prince Zeldris." You say formally as you bow deeply before looking up at him with a smirk.

"Good morning love." He says back to you softly as he steps towards you, only smirking at you once Galand and his brother couldn't see. Galand excuses himself making Zeldris staring him down coldly, along with Exley as he walks past you and out of the room. You hold back a laugh at Zeldris and your wolf before Estarossa pipes up boldly, "What the hell is she doing here." He snaps as he pushes off the throne he was leaning against.

"Whatever she damn well pleases. Mind your tone brother." Zeldris snaps back as Estarossa stares Zeldris down almost challenging him as he steps down the steps towards you both. You were about to snap at Estarossa as well before Exley bares his fangs at him, growling making him freeze in his tracks. "Control that thing would you." Estarossa snarls as he stays still not daring move. You giggle as Exley snarls back at him with a deadly low growl while licking his fangs, ready for him to move the wrong way, so he can eat him alive.

"Oh he won't hurt you again... unless I say. So be a good boy and behave Clearance?" You ask sweetly only earning you a glare from the tall demon still slightly afraid to move. Estarossa's gaze moves to Zeldris as if saying for him to do something. Zeldris just crosses his arms before gesturing with his head for him to leave the room. Estarossa huffs out an annoyed breath before cautiously walking past his brother, you, and Exley. Exley stares him down the whole way and right before Estarossa is past you he mumbles under his breath, "Damned mutt..." making Exley lurch towards him some.

Estarossa sees this and jumps forward out of fear before rushing out of the throne room. Once he's rounded the corner Exley turns around to face you and Zeldris proudly with a slightly wagging tail. You and Zeldris share a look before you giggle at Exley while Zeldris chuckles, "Good boy  Ex. He's terrified of you." You say happily before scratching his head again lovingly while Zeldris watches with a soft expression.

"Would you like for me to accompany you on your search for your sacred treasure today?" Zeldris asks as you finish scratching Exleys head. You smile up at him, "Id love that! Only if your not busy today though, I don't need the commandments getting pissed at me anymore than they already are." You say to him making him shake his head with a small smile of his own as he walks right up to you. He pauses, his body barely a few inches from you, and leans down in your ear, "They'll just have to deal with it." He says in your ear softly, making you blush at this. When he leans up he has a smirk on his handsome face as his dark maroon eyes stare into your (e/c) orbs.

His eyes flick from your lips your your eyes as he slowly leans down towards you. Your heart skips several beats as you close your eyes waiting for his soft lips to meet your. His scent is strong, he smells of cinnamon and cherries mixed with the wind before a thunder storm. It's intoxicating for you, almost as much as the heat radiating from his body mere centimeters from yours now. You feel the cold metal of his gloved hand gently caress under your chin lifting your head towards him.

You then feel his breath in a whisper against your lips before a voice makes him freeze, "We have a problem Zeldris." Galand says making you snap your eyes open and Zeldris drops his head on your shoulder. You turn your head to see Exley standing in front of you and Zeldris to block Galands view. "What is it?" He questions coldly, harshly as he grips your hips and pulls them to his own forcefully while keeping his head on your shoulder. "It's the King..." was all Galand said making him raise his head with a sigh. "Alright, I'm coming." He says frustrated before placing a kiss to your glowing cheek.

"Sorry love... I-" He starts only for you to cut him off, "It's okay Zel. Go do what you need to. I'll be back later." You say with a soft blushing smile. He only nods slightly before walking past Exley, being sure to scratch his ear as a thanks, and following Galand out of the room, to where he was needed. Exley watches him leave the throne room with you before looking down at you with smugness in his eyes. "Oh hush..." you giggle at him which earns you an eye roll from the wolf.

Exley follows beside you all the way out of the castle glaring at everyone you pass in the halls. Once you step outside, your taken slightly aback by all the red and grey demons floating around lazily in the morning air. Exley stops beside you and growls slightly not liking it at all. You place a hand on his side as he glare up at them before he leans down some. You pat his shoulder before jumping on his back for him to carry you. "Alright bud. Let's just take this easy. I don't think they'll attempt to attack us." You tell him softly as he stands tall.

You pat his shoulder again as he starts walking forward towards town slowly going into a trot. You take in the town as you and him finally start seeing people. Granted they were all looking at you and Exley like you were a monster or had two heads, but humans have always been strange towards you two. Even when you were one, you never really understood them.

You hop of Exley only once your in the weapons strip of the market so you could walk into the shops to hunt for your sacred treasure. If Exley could have it his way, he'd of carried you all day, just so he knew you were safe with all the roaming demons around. Unfortunately he was considered a "Pet" and most shops wouldn't let him in. The first three shops were a bust, but you did get another wet stone for your daggers which was plus.

Walking around the fourth shop you didn't see your treasure and with slight disappointment you ask the shop owner, "Is there by chance a Wolf sword here? Or any wolf armor?" You question the old man. He gives you a strange look, "No here there isn't, but the shop down the road got a wolf sword and matching wolf armor about three weeks ago." He says before glancing outside at Exley sitting patiently. "Is that beast yours?" He asks curiously making you hold back a glare at the word beast to describe Exley.

"Yes sir he is." You respond with a fake smile. "My gods. He's magnificent." He says making your fake smile turn into a real one that's much softer. "He is. Thanks for the info sir. Have a great day." You say gently to the old man. He just waves wishing you a good day too as you walk out of the shop. Exiting the shop you start to Exley who has a little girl directly in front of him staring up at him in awe. You giggle as he lowered his head for her to touch his great nose with her tiny hands. Her crystal blue eyes light up brightly, standing out against her long, curly, fiery hair that blew in the wind slightly.

"Hi puppy!" She giggles happily as you walk up to her and lean against Exleys shoulder casually. "Hey sweetie! What's your name?" You question making her step back shyly. "Lyra ma'am..." she says softly before looking up at you. You smile down at her, "Hi Lyra! I'm (Y/n), and this handsome boy is Exley." You tell her making her eyes light up again as she looks up at Exleys soft yellow eyes. "Exley! Who's a good boy?" She questions making him wag his tail and lick her cheek gently.

She squeals out a giggling laugh before a woman walks up behind her calling for her. "Coming momma! Bye (Y/n)! Bye Exley!" She says with a huge grin before slipping off to her mother who waves at you politely. The mother mouths a 'thank you' to you before turning and walking away with her daughter making you smile as you lean against Exley still. You weren't sure why she thanked you for being nice to her child but you narrowed it down to she finally smiled since the demons took over. Or because you let her love on Ex for a bit. Either way it was nice to see the little girl smile at Ex and not be absolutely terrified.

With a small sigh you walk towards the last weapons shop. Your hoping that your sword was there, it would mean the end of hunting for it. Walking up to it you spot a 'Pets Welcome!' sign making you grin. "Okay Ex. You can come in, but stay close, and no knocking anything over." You tell him making him cock his head to the side as an answer for you. Walking in you hold the door open for Ex before letting it close behind you.

"Hello welcome to-Holy shit! W-What kinda dog is that!?" The shop owner greets as he turns around, only to be taken aback by Exleys great size. "He's a Wolf actually. Don't worry, we're just looking." You say with the politest voice you can muster. "O-okay. Um anything in particular?" The shop owner asks, unable to take his eyes off Ex for more than a second. "Yes actually, a Wolf style sword and-"

"The armor that goes with it?" He asks finishing your sentence making you smile and nod as you walk up to the counter he was standing behind. "O-One moment please." He says as he cautiously walks past Exley who sat down beside you. The man disappeared into the back, making sure to glance at you and Ex three times before actually disappearing. You slyly look over to Exley, "Humans... am I right?" You ask with an amused tone making Exley just look down at you with unamused eyes. "It's funny..." you counter at his look making him roll his eyes at you as the still very nervous shop keep comes stumbling back around the corner. "S-Sorry... it's a little heavy..." The shop owner says nervously.

You just smile at the sight of the familiar white gold wolf armor and familiar sword you hadn't seen in years. "That's quite alright. May I?" You ask as he finally drags Exleys armor in front of the desk. "Of course." He says as he watches you place the armor on Exley piece by piece.
Once he's in full armor, Exley sighs and stands tall before looking behind himself at his body. "Yeah! Looking sharp Ex!" You comment as he looks back to you with approving yellow eyes. Exley huffs a deep almost growl as he nods at your sword on the counter beside the Shop owner. You turn with a smile to grab it but the shop owner is already handing it to you respectfully.

"I- I believe this belongs to you." He says to you still in awe of Exley. "It dose indeed... god how I've missed it." You say as your hand meets the soft black leather handle. You sigh at the feeling as you hold it up to inspect it. It seemed in good shape still considering you haven't been able to take care of it like it should be. "I've had this for a while and I could never figure out what kind of teeth and fur was made into it. It's got a wolf head for a handle, but the teeth are too big and fur too long to be of a REGULAR wolfs... Unlike this handsome devil here..." the shop keep says as he eyes the sword then looking at Ex.

(Exley's Sacred Treasure Armor)

(Total credits to the artists of these pictures btw. Absolutely inspired by them!)

(Your Sacred Treasure)

You grin as you draw your other sword and place it on the counter before sheathing your sacred treasure. "This is true, the fur is Exley's and the fangs are from the first hell hounds. The leather, steel, and ruby's were all gathered in purgatory, where this sword was created for me. It's name is 'Bloodlust'." You explain to the shop keep. "Amazing. It obviously belongs to you so please... take it." He says with a smile. You hum at the kindness of the man before you. "I appreciate that, but here." you say snapping your fingers making a pile of gold coins in a leather bag appear on his front counter. "Take this, and keep the sword. It's good steal and has been well taken care of." You say before turning to walk out of the shop.

"T-Thank you! I can finally move to Liones and open a shop there!" He exclaims as you walk out of the shop with Exley trailing behind you. As soon as you step out into the streets again you see that the sun was setting. "Damn! Been out here all day! Well at least we finally found our stolen sacred treasures." You say to Exley who just shakes his head at you before kneeling down for you to hop onto his back again. You giggle at him before hopping into his now armor clad back. "Alright Ex lets go see what Zel n them are up too." You say as he stands and starts back for the castle.

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