The New Commander (Azur Lane...

By Attackingoreos

459K 7.5K 16.2K

Takeo Koshiro is turning 17, but after his birthday goes terribly wrong, he ends up arriving on a harbor call... More

Episode 1: A New Life
Episode 2: The New Commander
Episode 3: The Starter Ships
Episode 4: The First Mission
Episode 5: The Classes
Episode 6: Rumors
Episode 7: The Sakura Empire
Episode 8: The return
Episode 9: The Old Commander
Epsiode 10: The Threat
Episode 11: Another Visit
Episode 12: The Royal Navy
Episode 13: The Spy
Episode 14: The Amusement park
Episode 15: The New Roommate
Episode 17: The New Rank
Episode 18: Iron Blood
Episode 19: The Psychopath
I Love Yamashiro! (Side note)
Episode 20: Sisters
Episode 21: Reunion
Episode 22: The Not-So-Royal Return
Episode 23: The Royal Meido
Episode 24: The Royal Departure
Episode 25: Another Bad Welcome
Episode 26: The Eagle Union, part 1
Episode 27: Eagle Union part 2
Episode 28: The Older Sister
Episode 29: Sleepover
Episode 30: The Girls' Slumber Party
Episode 31:The Cafeteria
Episode 32: Next Destination
Episode 33: Sneak Attack
Episode 34: The Third Welcome Back
Episode 35: More Ironblood
Episode 36: The Ironblood Dorm
Epsiode 37: Shopping for the Commander
Episode 38: The Subs
Episode 39: The Cold
Episode 40: The Northern Parliment
Episode 41: Leaving the Motherland
Episode 42: The Sakura Tree
Episode 43: Change of Plans
Episode 44: Taihou's Dream Night
Episode 45: The Misunderstanding
Episode 46: Takeo's Welcome Back
Episode 47: Decorations
Episode 48: The First French Ship.
Episode 49: The Flagship
Episode 50: The Invitation
Episode 51: The Forced Sleepover
Episode 52: The Photographers
Episode 53: The Photo Shoot (Eagle Union)
Episode 54: The Photo Shoot (Royal Navy)
Episode 55: The Photo Shoot (Ironblood)
Episode 56: The Photo Shoot (Sakura Empire)
Episode 57: The Bad Fox
100k Special!!! Author Q&A!
Episode 58: Dido's Date
Episode 59: New Royals
Episode 60: A Night With Dido
Episode 61: The Dragon Empery
Episode 62: The Double Region
Episode 63: The Exaggerations
Episode 64: The Deep Talk
Episode 65: The French Dorms
Episode 66: Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion
Episode 67: Time to get Serious
Episode 67.5: The Commander's Birthday
Episode 68: The Night Before the Storm
Episode 69(Nice): The start of the battle
FINALE Episode 70: That's All There is to This Story
Outro: My Thoughts on Azur Lane

Epsiode 16: The Promise

7.2K 112 288
By Attackingoreos

Narrator:Takeo's got Dido as a maid now, and accepted her into his house, against his will. Now they are going to have breakfast with the others.

*Takeo and Dido spot Javelin, Laffey, Ayanami,  Unicorn, and Z23 waiting for them*

Takeo:"Hey girls, sorry for taking to long."

Javelin:"Hey, Takeo! You came just in time, Z23 was getting mad."

Takeo:"R-Really? My bad, Z23."

Z23:"Hmph! Next time, try harder to be on time."

Takeo:"A-Alright, I will."

Laffey:"Takeo...bring Dido?"

Takeo:"Uh...yeah, I did."


Takeo:"...A-Alright. Let's go eat!"

*They have breakfast in the plaza*

Takeo:"Alright, so we've got to check with the Royal Navy again today."

Unicorn:"A-Actually, big bro. Big sis told me that Queen Elizabeth doesn't need our help for now."

Takeo:"Huh? Really?"

Takeo(mind):Does she think I'm that useless? I swear, it's as if this girl thinks my entire existence is useless.

Takeo:"Ugh...oh well. If she doesn't need us, then we don't have to go."

Z23:"Great, I've got a schedule for you then, commander."

Takeo:"Huh? A schedule for what?"

Z23:"W-Well, you've been to the Sakura Empire, and the Royal Navy. I was just considering you to visit Iron Blood with me."

Takeo:"No, thanks."


Takeo:"I just got back from the Royal Navy, how about we take a little break from traveling?"

Z23:"Erg...absolutely not. We are gonna be scheduled to go there tomorrow! And..."

*Z23 throws a book at Takeo*

Z23:"You need to study too! You aren't gonna come up with a strategy for any battle just by messing around."

Takeo:"Ugh...alright then. I'm sure it won't be that bad."

Laffey:"Take all of Laffey's Iron Blood..."

Javelin:"Yeah, can we join?"

Z23:"What? You guys have already seen Iron Blood."

Laffey:"Laffey wants to go with Takeo..."

Takeo:"Huh? W-Well, it's up to Z23 to decide, right?"

Z23:"H-Huh?! W-Well..."

Takeo(mind):Was she planning to drop me off at Iron Blood, and just leave me there for a couple hours?!

Z23:"I-I guess you guys could come with us, but from now on, you have to study with only me. Alright, commander?"

Takeo:"Uh...o-ok then."

Takeo(mind):So study time is basically Z's time with me? Why did that sound weird in my head?


Unicorn:"B-Big bro?"

Takeo:"Huh? What's up, Unicorn?"

Unicorn:"T-That girl over there has been looking at us..."

Takeo:"Huh? W-Who?"

*Unicorn points to a ship with white hair, and blue eyes, holding a bottle in her hand*

Takeo:"Uh...who is she?"

Unicorn:"I don't know, I've never seen her, big bro."

Takeo:"Hmm...let me ask her."

Unicorn:"Oh, o-ok."

*Takeo gets up and starts walking towards the girl*

Takeo:"Excuse me?"


Takeo:"Uh...are you new here?"

???:"...Wait a minute, are you the commander here?"

Takeo:"Y-Yeah, that's me. You need something?"

???:"...Oh yeah! Here."

*The girl hands Takeo a certificate*

Takeo(mind) this point, I'm not even surprised if a random girl goes up to me, and hands me their certificate.

Takeo:"You want me to sign this?"

???:"верный, I join fleet."

Takeo:"Uh...o-ok then."

*Takeo looks at the name*

Takeo:"I'm guessing you're name is Avrora."

Avrora:"Name, Avrora. Ship, light cruiser. Nation, North Parliament. Warmth of Avrora's vodka can even last through worse of winter, you try?"

Takeo:", thanks. I'm not 18."

Avrora:"Suit yourself."

Takeo(mind):This girl's English is pretty poor.

*Takeo signs the certificate, and hands it back to Avrora*

Avrora:"Great, now I must go."

Takeo:"Uh...ok, where?"

Avrora:"To motherland, where else?"

Takeo:"What are you?! A Russian?!"

Avrora:"Yes, I am. Hehe."

Takeo:"Wait, so this North Parliament region is like Russia?"

Avrora:"North Parliament is motherland, Russia is motherland, so North Parliament is Russia."

Takeo:"Ok, I can agree with that logic."

Avrora:"Now I must go."

Takeo:"O-Ok then. See ya, I guess."

*Avrora leaves, and Takeo goes back to the others*

Takeo:"Not the weirdest person I've met, but definitely up there."

Z23:"Not even close to the weirdest, trust me."

Takeo:"Oh boy...I don't wanted to meet the weirdest, if I haven't already."

Javelin:"Anyway, what should we do now?"

Takeo:"I don't know, I don't have any plans."

Javelin:"Well...I want to chat with the commander for a bit, ok?"



Javelin:"Is that ok, Ayanami?"

Ayanami:"...Yes, that's fine."

Takeo:"Huh? Wait, what do you need to talk to me about?"

Javelin:"Ayanami...thank you."

Ayanami:"Of course, bye, commander."


Z23:"Alright, come on guys, let's leave them."

Dido:"What? B-But I can't leave master's side."

*Z23 grabs onto the back of Dido's shirt, and starts dragging her*

Laffey:"Ok...have fun...Javelin...commander..."

Unicorn:"B-Bye, big bro."

Dido:"Master! Don't forget about me, please!"

Z23:"Meet me at the library later, ok?"

Takeo:"A-Alright, ugh..."

*The others go around a corner, and leave Takeo and Javelin*

Javelin:"S-So commander...I have somewhere to show you."

Takeo:"U-Uh...ok then."

*Javelin grabs onto Takeo, and takes him to a spot in a little grassy area, they go up to a hill and they're able to see the whole port*


Takeo(mind):I didn't know there was a spot like this. A place this beautiful.

Takeo:"This is quite the spot, so why'd you bring me here-"

*Takeo looks towards Javelin, and sees her looking back at the port, lost in thought. He sees a frown on her face, and his mood changes to hers*


Javelin:"Ah! I-I'm fine."

*Javelin's face blushes a little*

Takeo:"Are you sure?"

Javelin:"Y-Yeah, ehehe...I guess you can just get pretty emotional here."

Takeo:"Yeah, this place has one of those feelings. A place that can make you cry without saying anything."

Javelin:"...L-Listen, Takeo..."


Takeo(mind):Wait, she said my actual name, and not 'commander'?

Javelin:"I want to know...will you ever leave Azur Lane?"

Takeo:"What? No, of course not."


Takeo:"Yeah, I've already got a home here. I don't have anywhere else I could go."

Javelin:"What I mean won't leave me, right?"

Takeo:"Huh? Javelin..."

Javelin:"Can you promise me, that you will always be by my side? Even when I'm feeling down, even when all hope is lost, promise me that you won't leave me in the dark!" *Sniff*

*Tears start rolling down Javelin's face*


*Takeo kneels down to Javelin, and hugs her*


Takeo:"Javelin, you really think I'm gonna abandon a family that was given to me?"


Takeo:"Javelin...I got here just by dumb luck, I thought I was killed, to tell the truth, I wanted to be killed after I lost Aoki. Then I woke up here, and I bumped into you, I saw...I saw Aoki again. I was under the impression that she was back."

Javelin:"Takeo...I'm...I'm not whoever this 'Aoki' girl is..."

Takeo:"No, Aoki was my sister. You're not, you're a great friend. One of those friends you make when you go through some emotional experience, something that we went through. Remember?"

Javelin:*Sniff* "Y-Yeah."

Takeo:"I will never leave you, Javelin. I will never leave Azur Lane, even after all missions are completed, and somehow world peace is achieved. I'll still be here, because it's my home, and you girls are my family."

Javelin:*Sniff* "Takeo...thank you, thank you so much!" *Sobs*


Takeo(mind):Man, this place can get you really emotional.

Javelin:*Sniff* "Commander?"


Javelin:"Just...thank you. I'm so glad you're never gonna leave me."

Takeo:"I won't. I will never leave you."

Javelin:"And I promise I will be there for you too."


*Takeo lets go of Javelin*

Takeo:"Are you ready to go back?"

Javelin:*Sniff* "...Yeah, I'm ready to head back."

Takeo:"Great, I'm sorry for getting all emotional there."

Javelin:"Oh no, don't apologize. You told exactly what I wanted to here."

Takeo."Heh...well, I'm glad it turned out the way you wanted."

*Takeo and Javelin head back to the port, and Takeo walks Javelin to her dorm*

Takeo:"Alright, I'll see ya later."

Javelin:"Y-Yeah, see ya later."

Javelin(mind):I now understand why he's able to smile all the time. It's because of me.

*Takeo head back to his house, and gets tackled by Dido*

Dido:"Master! Remember me? I'm Dido, part of the Dido class. You sign a certificate for me to be your ship you remember me now?"

Takeo:"Ow! What the hell, Dido?!"

Dido:"You remember me!"

Takeo:"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

Dido:"I'm so happy, master. Please don't leave me again."


*Takeo tries to get back up, but falls back down due to Dido's weight*

Takeo(mind):God, I'm weak.

Takeo:"Dido, can you please get off?"

Dido:"O-Oh, does master not want me around anymore?"

Takeo:"I didn't say that, ugh..."

Takeo(mind):l should've just went to the library...

*Takeo manages to get up*


Dido:"Master, you seem exhausted. I can help you if you want."

Takeo(mind):You were the one who made me exhausted.

Takeo:"No thanks, I need to go to the library."

Dido:"O-Oh...master is leaving Dido again..."

Takeo:"Don't! Stop, don't make me feel bad! I need to go."

Dido:"Ok...I get it, I'll just be here..."

*Dido goes to sit in the corner of the living room*

Takeo:"Dido, I'll be back by dinner, ok? You can make me dinner if you want."

Dido:"R-Really? Yes, master. I will do my best!"

*Dido springs back up, and goes into the kitchen*

Takeo(mind):Alright, that worked out.

*Takeo heads back outside, and starts heading to the library to meet up with Z23*

Narrator:Takeo now has a Russian ship, and promised Javelin that he will never leave her.

Hey bros, it's the author. Take that FBI! You can't arrest Takeo for his relationship with Javelin, if he only sees Javelin as a friend! Haha, now you just have to arrest him for everything else he's done...once he's 18. Anyway, sorry this part has been a little late. If the next is even more late, I'm just gonna say that I'm gonna be busy at home this weekend. Aside from that, no other news aside from RIP my cubes because I've got bad RNG for days! I'll see you guys next time, here's a meme to describe my pain.

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