Frozen || H.S (discontinued)

By karmasfavv

792 26 5

It was the summer of 1993 and what happened between teenage love had to come to an end. And they both went th... More



22 1 0
By karmasfavv

I woke up the next morning, drenched in sweat, my fears and worries took over me.

I stood up slowly, creeping out of the room Harry and I slept in, checking the time as it read 6am, luckily Scott woke up this time to leave for work.

Maybe I should go to the house and get Harry's stuff packed first, Scott wouldn't notice, would he? He's never cared for Harry or his things, only his legos and hot wheels that he steps on all the time, then yelling at Harry and I in frustrating for not 'cleaning up after himself'.

I crept into the kitchen to find my mum unpacking the dishwasher.

"Good morning honey!" She whipped her self around when she heard the floor boards creak underneath me.

"Morning mum! I'm going over to the house in an hour when I know Scott won't be there, just to get Harry things," I smiled her way, hiding my worry and doubt of being confronted of him still.

"I hope he won't be. Also, won't he notice Harry's things have disappeared once you take them?" She questioned.

"No, he never checks on Harry nor his stuff, he doesn't care about him unless he steps on his legos or hot wheels, it'll be alright, trust me," I walked up to her, squeezing her arm in reassurance.

"Hopefully honey, stay safe please though," she said looking into my eyes, those god damn puppy dog eyes will be the death of me, everyone gives hem too me.

I let out a breathless laugh, just wanting to get today over with and finally see Harry.

Even though it's been a few hours, he's been right by my side for a week and it feels impossible to get through the day without him, wanting him to touch me, hug me, kiss me and tell me everything was alright while rubbing small circles on my back.

I smiled to myself, plopping my bread into the toaster. I sighed as I leaned back on the counter, gazing out the window into the backyard, the roses that my mum grew when I was a child, still in the same place looking as healthy as ever, she took always took good care of them, knowing that she still does made me smile.

Roses. My favourite. Harry got me roses on our first date back in Italy the summer of 1993, he didn't know that roses were my favourite, he got them because they were his favourite and I think that's what made me fall for him, why I got so in love, we had so many similarities and if we didn't we never argued or complained, our differences made us fall for each other more, learning new things and mind sets from what we liked and beliefs we stood for.

I adored Harry, with my whole entire being.

My toast was finally ready, I took the bread out and placed it on a plate. I walked to the fridge, grabbing jam.
I spread the strawberry jam on my road and set myself down at the dining table, taking a big bite of my toast.

I walked back into my bedroom where Harry was still fast asleep, I crept in as quickly and slowly as I could, luckily I didn't wake him, he did stir and mumble some things in his sleep but he didn't wake up.

I sighed, his backpack in my hands, gripping the shoulders tightly as I grabbed my keys from the dining table where I left them last night.

The time read, 7:06am, he has definitely left by now, I shook my head, trying to rid all negative thoughts and insecurities.

I walked down the hall and out the front door, I took slow steps to my car as I wanted to make sure I didn't get there while he was leaving and being confronted by him, because that wouldn't be a safe or good way to start my day.

I turned on my car and backed out of the driveway, thank god the drive was 45 minutes, I had time to rethink everything and make sure he really wasn't there still.

I turned on my Bluetooth and turned on some Queen, the only music I listened too, very underground right?

As I was listening to seven seas of rhye trying to that high note, I passed the motel Harry was staying at, I glanced trying to see if I could see him. No one was outside, he was probably still sleeping, hopefully he hasn't left to try and see me before I leave.

I gave him the address of where I lived, just in case something bad happened.

"You live there? That's like 30 minutes away, Jesus!" He said shock in his voice.

"Mhm, well I'd didn't wanna be that close to my parents," I chuckled, turning to him as he grabbed my waist pulling me into him, I rubbed up and down his arm, admiring the new tattoos I'll be discovering and memorising.

"I love you, Janina, please remember that," slightly begging, I could hear the insecurities come out.

All I did was pull him into me closer, wrapping my hands in his brown hair.

"I won't trust me, I love you too baby, forever," I smiled sweetly up at him.

He smiled down at me, our eyes looking over each other's face, trying to read all the emotions, all that I could see was love and home.

His eyes landed on my lips, suddenly he looked nervous, licking his lips, he crashed our lips together.

It was one of those kisses that was filled with love and felt like you where the only ones existing, it felt so right and at home.

Just standing in his new motel room as I was about to leave, I didn't know how I survived without this for so long, I kissed him like I was craving him more, kissing with so much love and affection, we connected like we knew each other forever and knew what we where here for, what I was here to do.

I snapped my eyes to the road, not realising tears where running down my cheeks, I whipped them away, leaguing to myself at how ridiculously in love I was with this man that he made me cry with just a little memory we had.

"Dammit this man is gonna be the death of me," I whispered to myself.

Focusing my thoughts back on to my driving, how I was about to be back at that house I called home.

The place I never realised was dangerous.


Finally updated!
I'm terrible at descriptions so bare with me pls
Hope you enjoyed this chapter though!

-Chelsea x

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