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"Love, wake up! We've arrived."

I was woken up by Harry shaking me excitedly. I huffed our and rolled over facing my back towards him.

"Baby get up we're about to land!"

"I will," I let out a frustrated whispered, still really tired.

I didn't want to get up and face what was about to happen. All I wanted to do was stay by Harry's side and never leave and face negative and dangerous situations, I didn't have to ever but right now, I had to. I couldn't leave my son in the arms of my mum and dad, especially Scott, I never would let him touch my baby boy ever again, he was my angel and I needed o keep him safe.

I wiggled trying to get in a comfortable position to fall back asleep, but not succeeding. I rose up, slowly blinking facing towards Harry, I smiled softly, while he looked at me longingly.

The plane started to tip meaning we where landing. "Here we go!" He said, holding my arm trying not to fall out of his chair, even though his seatbelt was in. I looked at him and chuckled.

As soon as we landed he shot up like he was on a mission to get eighth out of here. "Settle down," I laughed at him. "Sorry I just really want to get out of here," his eyes darted around the plane for any signs of doors opening or people moving to leave.

"Don't get too excited ok, this isn't going to be as easy as you think," I warned, I know I didn't tell him about how abusive Scott was, for me this was going to be hard, I don't feel like I wanna leave Scott, we have too much history and we know each other too well, at least he knows me really well.

"Why?" He frowned down at me.
"I don't know but it'll be hard."
"There's gotta be a reason," he looked at me disappointedly knowing I'm not being honest to myself.
"Well don't get mad because everyone knows you get mad real easy," I liked at him sternly.
"I can't promise but I'll try."
"That's good enough," signing out, knowing I'll have to tell him because he'll fight to the deaths to get it out of me.

"My husband, he's, well he's. Abusive," I cringed knowing I hated being so vulnerable that I would let someone do that.

"What!" He screamed, I could see he's face become red as a tomato, angry and upset he sat down. "Verbally? Mentally? Or physically?" He tensed up at that word, hoping it wouldn't be true.
"All, he would beat me sometimes but mostly he would just verbally abuse me. Saying how bad of a person I was and how I disrespect him all the time," I never talked about this with anyone but talking it too Harry felt so nice, well at least for me it did. I saw fire in his eyes, furious from rage, shaking his head, crying and looking the other way.
"I'm so sorry, sorry that I wasn't there or we never fought for our love," he cried out.

Why was he sorry, he didn't have to apologise for anything. "Harry you did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing! I was a fool to ever let him further in my life and most importantly marry, the only thing I don't regret is having my son. But Harry, you did nothing, I wouldn't change anything else because I'm back here with you, I don't care that it took 16 years but I'm back with you and that's all you should worry about, the present and that we ended back in each other's arms," I stated, at this point I was crying too.

"I'm happy about that but it disgusts me how anyone would treat someone like that, especially you," he looked up at me, eyes red and puffy. He smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek, whispering in my ear. "I'll never those things happen to you again, I'll protect you forever, till we die," he's voice cracked and he hiccuped from the tears, he was in pain from my pain and that's why I love him, he got me, he felt my emotions and my pain and that's why I adored him so much.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too."

We smiled at each other, admiring this moment. "We have to go," he whispered to me. Looking around the plane, everyone was filing out of. I stood up slowly, taking Harry's hand grabbing our bags from up top. Hand in hand we walked out of the airport, trying to regain and recover from that emotional event. I truly loved him for supporting me, having sympathy and getting what I had to say. He was feeling the pain that I was and that's what I held close in my heart

We called for a cab, sitting down and waiting for it to arrive I looked at him, studying his face trying to figure him out and see how he was feeling. "What?" He laughed at me.
"Just admiring you, can't I admire the love of my life?!" Defending myself. "You can, I was just surprised" "So you think I'm the love of your life," he beamed.
"Of course!" I stayed hitting his chest, he should know that by now, he was just playing dumb. "Good, because you're the love of MY life." He smiled down at me. Giving me a strong passionate kiss, it felt like heaven, a sense of comfortableness washed over me, this moment felt so right and so beautiful I wanted to cry again.

We parted when we heard our taxi pull up beside us, beeping at us to get in. As we stood up, he took mine and his bags and put them in the boot. "You didn't have too!" "You're such a gentleman," I teased sending him a cheeky smile.
"That's me! I'm a gentle man." I chuckled at his joke, he was in hysterics thinking it was the funniest thing ever, he was about to trip when he caught himself on the side of the car. Making me laugh even harder.

I opened the door knowing he was unable to since he was still laughing at his stupid joke, it was cute though, how much he loved his jokes, not caring if anybody judged him. He plopped himself down in the seat. I took lead and told our driver where to go because Harry could barely breathe, he reached into his pocket pulling out a inhaler. That's the other thing I forgot about him, he had bad asthma, causing bad attacks at certain circumstances. I smiled at him, knowing I had so much more to learn about him again.

Reality hit me again as we drove off.
I didn't want to face Scott, being abused by him made me feel so vulnerable and down right terrible. All I wanted was to be frozen, frozen in time with Harry, the love of my life, my soul mate, someone I could always trust with anything and everything.


I'm getting into more detail now
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-Chelsea x

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