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Harry and I were heading over to the nearest motel in town, that he could stay for the time I pack, so we could leave back to Italy.

He grabbed my thigh and gave it a squeeze, looking at me with reassuring eyes. I nodded at him, knowing I'll be fine, I just needed to stay strong, for me and my son.

"You sure you're ready for this?" He questioned still worried for me.
"Harry, I'm sure, I just need to know you're okay with it and not mad at me for not telling you when I should have," I asked frowning at him, disappointed that I knew I lied to him.
"I totally get it, I'm not mad. At least you ended up telling me and I love you for opening up like that because it's hard to do that, I love you and could never stay mad at you, remember that please," looking at me with puppy dog eyes, a little pout formed on his mouth.

"I won't, I love you too, don't forget that please." I chuckled at his adorable look he gave me.

"I won't either." He smiled at me, looking back to the rode as I pulled up into the motels entrance.

The motel was nice three out of five stars was good enough, I didn't know if Harry would be okay with it though. Hopefully if I picked where he stayed then he wouldn't mind a bit.

"This place looks nice," I heard him whisper, looking out the window admiring everything outside, like he was reading my mind.

"I know, it's not five star quality but it'll do," sending a smile his way.

We hopped out the car, walking up to the front desk.

"A single room please," he asked politely.

"Double bed or single," she looked between both of us, thinking we were going to share a room.

"No, just single please, he smiled looking down at me.
I smiled back up at him, I wasn't that much shorter but he found it cute how he always purposely looked dramatically down at me like I was three feet tall.
I chuckled at him, he smirked down at me giving me a wink.
We looked back at the lady and smiled, grabbing our keys and walked off clumsily, we giggled as we stumbled down to our room.
"She must think we're crazy," I heaved out, barely breathing.
"Well stuff her, I don't care what we do together, at least we're having a good time." He always knew what to say in the moment, to reassure and make me feel more and more comfortable around him each day thinking it couldn't be possible, he always did.
"You always know what to say, Styles. I think that's why I love you," he blushed, arriving at his new room for the next few days.
"You think? Because I KNOW I love you and I can give you the longest list of why I love you so much," he smirked at me.
"Ok fine, I KNOW I love you, and there isn't anyone in this world I would rather be with than you because you make me feel important, you're my other half, and I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're perfect in so many ways that I can never make a list that long, it's impossible."

"Wow, Janina, you really know how to make a man feel special," "I don't even know how to top that, my list may be impossibly long as well, but I just want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I love you with my whole entire heart." We fell onto the bed and lay there cuddling each other, looking into each other's eyes, my eyes wondered to his lips. I hadn't kissed him since the plane ride and I craved a kiss from his red plump lips. It was like he was reading my mind.

He leaned down quickly smashing his lips into mine, our tongues fighting for dominance, I let him win feeling a smile form on his lips, we laughed against each other. Savouring the moment we didn't break apart, moving in sync as our lips fought with each other.

Soon enough I broke the kiss, smiling to each other, knowing we had each three and that's all that matters. I laid my head on his chest as I breathed out a shaky breathe.

I stood up needing to get ready to leave, wanting to avoid Scott and get out of New York as soon as I could.

"Where are you going?" I heard Harry whine, turning around he had the biggest pout on his face and sad droopy eyes.

"I need to pack so we can leave as soon as possible, I'm sure you won't want to stay in this room forever," laughing at his childish complaint.

"Fine, I want to see you tomorrow at least," he questioned, I know I had no other choice, so I simply answered with a maybe. I knew I probably couldn't but I didn't want him to get mad or be sad.

"Bye love," he said as I walked to the door, turning the knob.
"Bye Harry, see you soon." I quickly not wanting him to say anything else, leaving Harry for these next few days seemed not that bad but for me I couldn't deal with it, I never wanted to leave his side, I felt protected, safe and loved around him, now that he won't be here next to me, made me want to cry.
I don't know how I'll cope without him but I have my son, so I'll charge through it with high hopes.

I quickly ran out of the motel, sobbing into my hands as soon as I sat down in my car.

This was going to bed so hard, no Harry, Scott finally seeing me, knowing he might hurt me again just broke me, I didn't want to do this.

Too many memories flooded my mind as I thought of all the outcomes. Back when we first met he was so sweet and loving, I fell so in love with him, he always knew what to do and say to me to make me feel so good. All the fun and sweet moments we had, having Harry made him turn into an alcoholic, a verbal and physical abuser, yet I felt like I still loved him, like that good guy was still in him and I needed to let him out again.

I couldn't though, people never change like that, he abused me and there wasn't any going back with forgetting about the past.

Harry was the one I loved and I knew that, I still had doubts about Scott.

He could change, I could change him.


Took me a while to update but I'm here to give you more chapters!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-Chelsea x

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