bruises and eyeliner

By SarajensDesir

688 26 0

its about a girl who wants to get out of her abusive relationship but her boyfriend won't let her until she g... More

bruises and eyeliner chapter 1
bruises and eyeliner Part 2
bruises and eyeliner Part 3
bruises and eyeliner Part 4
bruises and eyeliner Part 5
bruises and eyeliner Part 6
bruises and eyeliner Part 7
bruises and eyeliner Part 8
bruises and eyeliner Part 9
bruises and eyeliner Part 10
bruises and eyeliner Part 11
bruises and eyeliner Part 12
bruises and eyeliner Part 13
bruises and eyeliner Part 15
bruises and eyeliner Part 16
bruises and eyeliner Part 17
bruises and eyeliner Part 18
bruises and eyeliner Part 19
bruises and eyeliner Part 20
bruises and eyeliner Part 21
bruises and eyeliner Part 22
bruises and eyeliner Part 23
bruises and eyeliner Part 24
bruises and eyeliner Part 25 The End
Author's note

bruises and eyeliner Part 14

24 1 0
By SarajensDesir

-Justin's P.O.V- 

I paced around the waiting room in the hospital waiting impatiently for someone to come out and give me a update on what's going on.So far all I knew is that someone found her passed out on the side of the road. That's it.

"Justin, she'll be okay... Everything will be ok." Dugan mumbled, looking up at me from his spot on one of the plastic chairs. 

 I stopped and looked down at him. 

 "How do you know that Dugan? Do you know what happened to her?"

"No. I don't." He sighed and looked down at his hands.

 "Then how the fuck do you know she's going to be ok?!" I snapped. 

 Dugan stood up and frowned at me, giving me the daggers. 

 "Ok listen Justin, I know you're upset about Selena and all but do NOT take your anger out on me, ok? I'm trying to make you feel better, Selena's a strong girl, she's a survivor and she's going to survive this so sit down and shut up!"  

We glared at each other for a few minutes before I let out a sigh and sat down, letting my head fall into my hands. 

 "I'm sorry, ok?" I mumbled. 

 Dugan sat down beside me and patted my back, "It's fine man, just... Relax, she's going to be ok." 

"I hope you're right." 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After about another two hours a doctor finally updated us on Selena's condition.She has to stay in hospital for a few more days for observation but other than that, she's going to be fine.Thank fuck.

Dugan looked at me and smiled, "You should go see her man, she'll probably want you to be there when she wakes up."

I nodded and stood up. I looked down at Dugan and smiled. 

 "Thanks for waiting with me man.. Thanks for everything."

 Dugan grinned and rolled his eyes, "Don't get all sappy on me Justin, I was hardly going to let you wait here alone. Go and see her, I'm going to go.. This place is giving me the creeps." 

 I laughed and nodded, "Ok, see you later." 

As I said that, I ran out of the waiting room and ran to Selena's room. I took a deep breath before walking in.She was just laying there with a bandage wrapped around her head. You could see some blood seep through. I sighed and sat down on the chair beside her bed, taking her hand in mine and kissing it gently.

"I love you Selena.." 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After about an hour, I heard the room door creak open. I tore my gaze away from Selena, expecting to see a doctor standing there but instead her brother stood there.I often saw him with Selena, walking around town.

"Justin?? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, walking into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I uh... I'm here to see Selena." I replied.

Madden walked over to her bedside and stared down at her. I could see the tears well up in his eyes. 

"She's going to be ok Madden." I reassured him, "She just needs rest."

Madden nodded and looked at me, "Who could've done this to her?"

I bit my lip and looked back down at Selena before whispering, "Travis."


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