bruises and eyeliner Part 23

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-Selena's P.O.V-

This is what I get for being stupid enough to stay at home alone and refused Justin's and Madden's offers to take me with them to the game.




That's all that ran through my head as I stood in front of Travis. I saw that familiar sly smirk form on his lips, sending shivers down my spine.I was frozen with fear. I wanted to scream for Justin but I know that it would be no use. He was at a football game with Madden, apparently it was a big deal.

"I miss you, y'know." Travis smirked, moving closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. 

"You gotta go." I told him, trying to sound confident but it came out as a whisper. 

He chuckled, moving his face closer to mine, "I don't have to go anywhere baby, it's just you and me, the way it always should have been."

"J-Justin will be home soon. If he see's you here, he'll kick your ass." I replied.

 "Do you think I give a damn about Justin?!" Travis yelled, slamming his fist into the wall behind me.

I flinched. 

 Of course, I would have to be the only person that would be stupid enough to open the door when nobody else is in the house and your psycho ex boyfriend is still a free man. 

"Why are you doing this to me Selena?" Travis whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. 

 I shuddered, "Doing what?"

"This!" He snapped, "You leaving me for that piece of shit! Then getting me arrested! Why are you doing it, Selena?!"

 He really has to ask?

 "You abused me for months Travis.." I murmured, ignoring the fact that my heart was about to beat out of my chest.

"Fuck sake Selena! I said I was sorry!" He hissed, "What more do you want me to do?!" 

 I heard a car pull into the drive and silently and prayed that it was Justin. Travis didn't seem to notice, he was too busy shouting at me.

"I want you back Selena." Travis frowned, "I don't know what has gotten into you lately, but I know you still love me."

 I shook my head, "I don't Travis." 

 He punched the wall out of anger and glared at me, "Don't say that!" 

"It's the truth Travis, I don't love you anymore."

 He pushed me harder against the wall and put his hand on my throat. I gasped. I heard the door open and Madden and Justin's laughter. 

"What the-" Madden began but stopped himself. 

Before I knew what happened, Travis got pulled away from me by none other then Justin. Travis fell to the ground while Justin punched him and kneed him in the gut.Madden ran to me and pulled me into his chest.

"Justin stop!" Madden snapped, "Just get him out of here, NOW!"

Justin pulled Travis off of the floor and glared at him. 

 "You're lucky I didn't put your ass in hospital." Justin growled.

He was starting to scare me now. He looked so angry right then that it terrified me.

 "Do you understand Travis?"

 Travis nodded quickly, his face already starting to swell. Blood running from his nose.

 "Good." Justin spat before pushing him out through the door 

"Don't think that the cops wont know about this Travis! I'm going to put your ass behind bars no matter what. I'll see you in court tomorrow."

 Justin slammed the door closed and took a deep breath before turning to me. His expression softened when he looked at me. I ran to him, jumping into his arms and sobbing onto his shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry Selena." He whispered over and over again, digging his face into my neck.

 "Don't be." I croaked. 

The last thing I wanted was to know that Justin blamed himself for leaving me here alone.

 He tightened his grip on me, and pressed his lips to my neck. 

 At that moment, I never wanted to leave his arms.

bruises and eyelinerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora