bruises and eyeliner Part 19

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-Selena's P.O.V-

I crawled in under the covers of my bed, trying to keep my eyes open, waiting for Justin to come in.Trust is, is that I'm scared of being alone. After what happened with Trace, once I found out the real damage he could do to me, well, it scares the shit out of my. I was fine when I was alone in my room at the hospital. At least there I know that no matter what, I was protected. But it's different in my house. I don't have the security of the hospital. I just have Madden and Justin. I know that they'll protect me. But what happens when I'm alone? They're not physic. They don't know when I'm in danger. In hospital all I had to do was press and button and there would be a nurse or a doctor in my room within a minute or two.

Finally, Justin walked into the room with a tired expression on his face. I can't blame him. He's been up since seven today to get me ready to go home and then went through all of the paperwork that the hospital gave to him. He closed the door softly behind him and looked at me, giving me a small smile. I returned the smile as my fear slowly melted away at his presence. He stripped down into his boxers before crawling into the bed. He on his side, wrapping his arms protectively around my waist, pulling my body towards his so that my head was under his chin. Our bodies fitted perfectly together. 

"Goodnight baby." Justin murmured softly, "I love you." 

"I love you too." I replied with a small smile on my lips before closing my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

* * * * *


My eyes opened as soon as I heard my name being called. I blinked a few times trying to get a grip on everything. That's when I saw him. Travis. Standing across the room with his hands behind his back, with the same evil smile he had on his lips when he attacked me the last time. My heart started pounding violently against my chest as he came closer. 

"Tr-Travis?" I stuttered. 

He chuckled as he leaned over me. 

"Did you forget about me baby?" He grinned, "Were you too busy with Justin to acknowledge my existence anymore?"

 I gulped, pushing back the lump that was in my throat and remained silent, watching as his face hardened.

 "Did you?!" He barked. 

I started shaking my head from side to side violently, "N-No, of course n-not." 

He chuckled, shaking his head, "Justin can't save you now baby." 

As he said that he removed his hands from behind him, revealing a shiny, sharp blade. Holding his to my neck and dragging the blade along the skin. I gasped as he started laughing at my pain.

"Sweet dreams Selena." He whispered. 

 I lost the ability to scream, I lost the ability to make a noises at all really and then within a few seconds everything went black

* * * * *

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly in my bed in a cold sweat. I looked around my room which was now in blackness but you could still make out bits and pieces of it. I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath and calm myself down. I dragged one of my shaking hands and brought it up to my neck, placing my finger in the same spot where Travis placed the blade. I ran my finger lightly along my neck in a line, the exactly line where Travis dragged the blade. I felt no pain, no marks or no blood and sighed with relief putting my head in my hands and continued to take deep breaths.

  It was just a nightmare. 

 That's all.

 "Selena?" Justin's voice mumbled causing me to scream in shock.

 I forgot he was beside me. I was too focused on trying to catch my breath. 

 I felt his arms go around my shoulder and his breath hit off of my cheek. 

 "Selena? Baby, what's wrong?" 

 I looked up at his face and saw nothing but worry, shock and fear. 

 "I... Travis he..." My voice broke off into violent sobs. 

 Justin picked me up and stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. He carried me down the stairs, into the living room and sat down on one of the leather couches with me on his lap and held me there as I continued to sob. We stayed in that position until the tears finally stopped and I stopped shaking and finally managed to calm down a little with Justin's help.

bruises and eyelinerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon