bruises and eyeliner Part 10

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-Selena's P.O.V-

Justin stared at the gashes along my stomach in complete horror before looking at me. I sighed, avoiding his eyes. I already knew what he was going to say. He's told me enough times in the past couple of weeks that we've been seeing each other.

"Why do you take this shit Selena?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper.

I let out a sigh and stared at my stomach that was now covered in nothing but cuts and bruises. 

 "You know why Justin." I muttered, "I don't have a choice."

"Everyone has a choice Selena.. Even you." 

"Oh yeah? What choice's do I have Justin? Break up with Travis and get the beating of my life?" I asked coldly, rolling my eyes towards him.

He sank back on the couch and stared at me giving me a look that screamed You Know What I Meant.

"Don't go there Justin." I frowned.

The cops are around for a reason Selena, they're not getting paid to wear a fucking uniform, they're there to protect people." Justin mumbled. 

I'm not stupid, I know what they're there for." I replied, "I just cant do that to Travis."

Justin scoffed, "That's rich since he seems to have no trouble kicking the shit out of you nearly every night."

I sighed, trying to blink away the tears that started to well up in my eyes. The memories of what he does to me breaks my heart. I never thought that someone could be so cruel but never the less I couldn't put him in prison, everyone would be talking, they'd take his side. I just knew they would.

Justin crawled over to my side and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I took it too far, I know." Justin mumbled against my skin. 

 I smiled slightly and nodded, "It's ok, I know you mean well."

 "I hate seeing you like this... Broken, bruised and beat up."

 Justin replied, "You don't deserve it." 

 "I know you're right Justin... It's just everyone will be-" 

 Justin cut me off by a light kiss on the lips. He put his forehead against mine and looked me in the eyes.

"You shouldn't worry about what everyone else thinks, put yourself first Selena, I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He whispered, "I love you."

 I allowed my body to stiffen as he said those three words, I love you.

 He noticed how my body stiffened and pulled back, a bright pink blush crawling across his cheeks.  

"I'm sorry.." He mumbled, shifting uncomfortably. 

 "Don't be." I replied and looked at him, taking a breath before speaking the three words that I never thought that I'd say to anyone else but Travis, "I love you too."

 I knew it was wrong but it felt so right. I meant every word. Travis was at the back of my mind now. It was just me and Justin. 

Really?" Justin chripped. 

 I giggled and nodded, "Yeah, really."

 My heart melted as his usual, cute boyish smile spread across his lips. He leaned in a kissed me. It was soft but full of love and lust. Sending a warmth through my body.

 * * * * * * * * * * 

 Needless to say that me and Justin had a very interesting couple of hours that all began with a kiss.I had my head resting on Justin's chest, running the tips of my fingers along his abs.

"Selena..." Justin whispered after a few minutes of silence. 

 "Yeah?" I replied.

 "I can't do this if..." Justin's voice trailed off and he took a deep breath. 

 I looked up at him in shock, anger and sadness.He screws me and what now? He's going to end things? He said he loves me. He made me fall for him and now he's ending things? 

 "I should of known that you were using me fo-" 

 Justin put his fingers to my lips and raised a eyebrow at me.

"Whoa, first, I'm not using you Selena, I wouldn't do that to you." He frowned, "Second, let me finish what I was going to say before jumping to conclusions, ok?" 

 I took a deep breath and nodded, preparing myself for what he was going to say.

 "I can't do this when I know that you're letting yourself be used as Travis's punching bag, it hurts seeing the cuts and bruises that cover your body.. Do you understand what I said?" Justin continued.

 I nodded slowly, curious to see where this conversation was leading. 

 "Ok.." Justin sighed, "I can't do this unless you promise me that the next time Travis even does so much as slaps you, that you'll report him to the cops, either that or else let me kick his ass, and don't hold me back."

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