bruises and eyeliner

By SarajensDesir

688 26 0

its about a girl who wants to get out of her abusive relationship but her boyfriend won't let her until she g... More

bruises and eyeliner chapter 1
bruises and eyeliner Part 2
bruises and eyeliner Part 3
bruises and eyeliner Part 4
bruises and eyeliner Part 5
bruises and eyeliner Part 6
bruises and eyeliner Part 7
bruises and eyeliner Part 9
bruises and eyeliner Part 10
bruises and eyeliner Part 11
bruises and eyeliner Part 12
bruises and eyeliner Part 13
bruises and eyeliner Part 14
bruises and eyeliner Part 15
bruises and eyeliner Part 16
bruises and eyeliner Part 17
bruises and eyeliner Part 18
bruises and eyeliner Part 19
bruises and eyeliner Part 20
bruises and eyeliner Part 21
bruises and eyeliner Part 22
bruises and eyeliner Part 23
bruises and eyeliner Part 24
bruises and eyeliner Part 25 The End
Author's note

bruises and eyeliner Part 8

30 1 0
By SarajensDesir

-Selena's P.O.V-

Travis ditched me to go hang out with his followers.Leaving me on my own. Needless to say that I didn't exactly fit in. A group of loud, ignorant, stuck up their own ass kids. Ugh.

I walked outside and sat down at the bench at the back of school. I stared down at the ground, letting a few tears escape my eyes, thinking about every bit of pain and suffering that Trace caused me over the past few months.

I don't love him.At all.

Someone sat down beside me, I sighed, thinking that it was Travis. 

"Hey Selena."

I looked up in shock. Justin sat there, staring at me, his hands shoved into his hoodie pockets.

"Oh uh.. Hey." I muttered in confusion.

"You're crying." He stated. 


"No shit." I frowned.

He chuckled, "What happened?"

"Nothing actually..." I sighed, "I just.. Don't understand what I did to deserve the abuse.." 

Justin looked at me as if I was insane.

"You didn't do anything." He said, "Selena, you're a nice girl, nobody deserves to get hit by their boyfriend, it's just not right, he's not right."

"Why do you care about this Justin? Why did you help me yesterday.. Why are you helping me now?"

Justin took his eyes off of me and looked straight ahead, "I'm not a bad guy, I wasn't going to leave you there crying in pain and now... Well... Girls like you don't deserve to be crying."

I raised an eyebrow, "Girl's like me?"

"Pretty.." He mumbled, then let out a sigh, "Beautiful." 

I could've sworn my heart stopped for a second as he said that. 

"Beautiful." I repeated under my breath, "Look who's talking."

Justin looked at me and smiled, "I heard that." 

I felt my cheeks burn, "Erm..."

"Travis doesn't deserve you." Justin stated.

"Yeah?" I asked, pushing Travis to the back of my head.


"Then who does?" I asked again.

Justin grinned and moved closer to me.

"I do." He whispered.

Then just as simple as that. We closed the gap and kissed.It lasted no longer then ten seconds but it was perfect.The entire moment was perfect.Just us.Me and Justin.

When we pulled away I could see the worry in Justin's eyes and I'm pretty sure he could see the worry in mine too.We both know that we were dead if anyone saw.

Justin smiled at me, as if it was his way of telling me that he didn't care.To be honest, I didn't either.Not at the moment anyway.

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