Dragon Ball Oneshots

By BlueTimber

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Just something to try out. Enjoy! 😊 Accept: Character X Reader Character x Character Boy x Boy Girl x Girl M... More

Cooler X Saiyan Soldier Reader
Frieza X Soldier Reader
Captain Ginyu X Elite Soldier Reader
Jiren x Nurse Reader
Piccolo X Saiyan Reader
Hit x Reporter Reader
Frieza x Child Saiyan Reader
Frieza x Soldier Reader Part 2
Goku Black x Caulifla

Zamasu x Goddess Reader

593 17 0
By BlueTimber

Kindred Spirits

It was a peaceful day in the Realm of Kais, as the Supreme Kai of Universe 10 was enjoying the beautiful scenery with a cup of tea and the company of his apprentice, Zamasu.

"It is beautiful, is it not, Zamasu?" Gowasu stated as he sipped his tea silently, whilst watching the sunsets.

"Yes, master. The scenery is... quite ravishing. All the colours merging together to form one, cohesive view" Zamasu replied as he too stared at the beauty of the sky. "It is a shame mortal cease to destroy such beauty though" Zamasu mumbled as he sipped his tea.

"I heard that Zamasu! You should know by now that it is not up to us to judge mortals' actions; we must create and observe mortals' lifestyles. Destruction is the duty of Lord Rumsshi, not Kais. Let it go, Zamasu and embrace what you have in front of you." Gowasu stated the same speech for the millionth time, it sickened Zamasu to hear the same rant over and over again, but he couldn't do much about it. Not yet anyways.

"Apologies, master. I... slipped up" He bows regrettable as an apology. 

"You are forgiven, but please erase those beliefs from you mind. A Kai like yourself does not require such thoughts to cloud your judgements." Gowasu sighs heavily as he desperately wishes that his apprentice would banish such sinful thoughts as it could be the end of him.

It all happened when they visited a newly created planet with new mortals that are early in development. Due to that, they are known for their barbaric conflicts at this time and it somehow inflicted into Zamasu as a sin as he single handily ended a life of such mortal. Even though, it was a self of defence, it was wrong. The Kais could've easily teleports away from the mortal but instead, he took drastic measures that could've changed the entire history timeline.

Their silence was interrupted when both Kais sensed 2 different Ki signatures approaching them. One of them was recognisable, it was Cus, the angel of Universe 10 yet, the being that was next to her was a mystery.

It was another deity, a Kai to be more specific, but that wasn't what stunned the Kais the most, that Kai was a young female! Probably around the same age and stature as Zamasu, with her own Kai uniform that showcases her role and the responsibility she withholds in that role.

In Zamasu's eyes, she was gorgeous. The colour of her eyes, her silky hair, her stern yet calm figure. He was mesmerised by her. How can such a beauty only entitle a mere Kai role?

"Greetings Cus, how have you been?" Gowasu greets his guests by bowing in respect, Zamasu follows suit.

"Salutations fellow Kais, I am well, thank you. How are you yourselves? Still training your apprentice I see." Cus giggles lightly, a habit this angel possesses. Always in a positive mood, no matter the circumstances.

"We too are well and to answer your question, yes. Zamasu is still undergoing his trainings to take my role. He still has a long way to go but he is making remarkable progress..." The elder Kai replied as he and Cus continued to engage in a friendly conversation whilst Zamasu's eyes continued to drift on the mysterious Kai.

Her eyes evaded his as she merely focused on the green grass below them - she looks calm and neutral, but he senses that she is hiding her boredom in the whole situation. Zamasu saw minor pity in her as he too was bored at the whole situation. 

Even though he has never met her before, he desperately wishes to get along with her. Why does he feel such attraction towards her all of a sudden?

"....Isn't that right Zamasu? Zamasu!" He was forced out of his thoughts when he heard his name projected by his master.

"Y-yes master" the apprentice replied with a slight stutter, unsure of what he just answered.

Zamasu's reply caused the elder deity to shake his head in disapproval whilst 2 giggles were heard from a slight distance, angel's and the mysterious kai, causing Zamasu to blush slightly out of embarrassment as he directed his attention to the origins of the giggling.

Hearing the Kai's feminine giggle made him feel accomplished in a weird way. It sounds so soothing and angelic and that expression she makes when laughing, almost too angelic for his taste...

"It would seem that some observational training is in order as well" Gowasu sighs as he mentally notes the training he needs to go over.

"Speaking of training, I have a favour to ask Gowasu." The angel chirps as she directs her attention to the mysterious Kai. "This is (Y/n), Kai of Eternal Creation. She is here because we believe that she requires some training about mortals and being acquainted with them. Will it be alright with you if you train her for a while? Lord Rumsshi would very much appreciate it." As (Y/n) was being introduced, she proceeds to bow in respect for the 2 deities.

"It would be an honour to train under you, Master Gowasu" She spoke sternly. Both male Kais gave each other a look of approval.

"Very well, you will train with my apprentice Zamasu. Is that alright with you?" Gowasu repleis as he directs his question to Zamasu, who nods in approval and approaches (Y/n). Zamasu proceeds to take (Y/n)'s hand and gently brings it to his lips, kissing it. 

This was a common gesture when meeting a female deity but considering that there aren't many female high ranked deities in the universe, it may look slightly unusual for the inexperienced or uneducated deities.

"I look forward training with you, Lady (Y/n)" He gently spoke. 

The way he addressed her made (Y/n) blush lightly as she looks at Zamasu who gives her a gentle gaze, making eye contact whilst her hand still lingers near his lips. It lasted more than a few moments before (Y/n) replied to his gesture. But it was enough to see through it - that spark of fire and mischief.

"Likewise, Zamasu" she replied softly.

That gesture along with her smile can fool many deities, but not Zamasu. He saw in her eyes that she isn't as innocent as many would believe. She has a dark desire of some sort and she hides in quite well. Zamasu must admit she is sly, and he likes it.

Zamasu proceeds to remove her hand from his lips as he gives her a sly smirk before turning his heel and return to Gowasu's side, making (Y/n) slightly amused as she gives a small sly smile to herself. 

Maybe this trip won't be a waste of time after all...


Gowasu suggested that Zamasu should give (Y/n) a tour of the planet, whilst he had some documents to attend with at the temple. This gave Zamasu the perfect opportunity to get to know this Kai. 

It seems like she is hiding a dark secret under that neutral expression of hers. If Zamasu knew any better, she is masking her true intentions, just like he does by stating that mortals are normal creature when in reality he despises them and wants nothing more than get rid of them.

The young Kais have been walking around the planet, engaging in little conversations as standard procedure. Asking things like: 'what is your rank?', 'How long have you been in this role?' Etc. 

When answering, (Y/n)'s eyes were cold and emotionless, completely the opposite of that spark of fire and mischief he witnessed when greeting her. He wants to see that again and he knows just how to do it. Zamasu smirks to himself as his plan begins to unfold.

"I heard that deities under your rank must observe mortals and judge them. Is that correct?" Zamasu asks ever so innocently. He mentally smirks at (Y/n)'s surprised expression as she turns to look at Zamasu.

"Yes that is correct but why would you ask that? You should know this information from your basic trainings, centuries ago." She queries with that emotionless tone of hers, much to Zamasu's disapproval. 

No matter - he likes a challenge.

"I am merely confirming my knowledge, it has been a while since I studied deity ranks. Currently I am more focused on a less amusing subject" Zamasu answered with a glee of venom in his voice.

Talking about his training relating mortals sickens him. (Y/n) seems to notice that.

"I see, well I hope this training of yours will be beneficial in the end, even if you despise it so much" (Y/n) replies with a smirk as Zamasu gives a fake surprised look at her reply.

"I...I... forgive me. I did not wish to sound ungrateful. I just do not see the reason to observe mortals that do not deserve to live for their sinful acts." Zamasu proceeds to bow lightly as an apology.

 She doesn't see his face as he is looking down but in reality, he is smirking in anticipation, his plan is working perfectly.

Zamasu's answered stunned the female Kai as she never expected him to feel the same. She too despised mortals and doesn't approve of them to live freely as they continue to commit sinful acts. 

She approaches Zamasu was still bowing as she lifts him gently by his chin. As she does that, she becomes shocked as she notices that same gaze he gave her from their introduction.

 Mischief and justice. 

But that wasn't all, instead of showing sadness and guilt on his face like she anticipated, he was smirking. 

'That sly Kai.'

Zamasu couldn't stop himself, he simply couldn't. He wanted her to see it all, his true side and he knew she felt the same as moments later, she returns the same glare and proceeds to smirk back at him, reigniting that fire within her fully. She finally found someone who has her beliefs, she saw no reason to pretend anymore.

"You sneaky Kai. Have you no shame for these thoughts?" She teased him.

"And you, you practically have the same thoughts? Should you not feel shame too?" He replied, still smirking.

"Why should I? Mortals are a sin and they should be purged from existence!" She backfires, still holding that smirk of hers as she reveals her real side.

Hearing her say that confirmed everything to Zamasu. He now understands why he felt such attraction to her, they are kindred spirits. Both having the same thoughts and perspectives. Their mind and soul have the same belief.

 Zamasu starts chuckling at the whole scenario, making (Y/n) weary and confused.

"What are you laughing at?!" She replied, feeling slightly insulted.

"Oh just the irony of it all! Here we are, 2 Kais who see the exact same belief and for some reason faith has allowed us to find each other. Do you not see?! It's a sign! A sign that we should take action and follow our beliefs by wiping out all mortals!" Zamasu continues to chuckle whilst his gaze drifts to (Y/n), who's expression changes from confusion to satisfaction in seconds. Her smirk, her wild eyes. Everything she does is captivating to him, almost like a drug.

"It would seem so, but we must not be haste. If Gowasu or anyone else finds out, it is all for nothing." She spoke with concern as her smirk turns into a small smile as she walks up to Zamasu.

"Of course my dear. But I have been isolating my beliefs for such a long time. It feels right for me to express them to someone who returns my beliefs" he smirked as he wraps an arm around her waist bringing the female deity even closer together.

 He doesn't know why he did it, but it felt right to do so.

"I understand your sorrow, I too had to isolate my thoughts and document them in my diary but no more. For the first time, I feel free and spiritually satisfied to express my thoughts vocally to someone." She replies as she embraces the comfort, leaning her head on his chest, enjoying the warmth. 

She doesn't know why or how but she feels connected with the apprentice. Never wanting to leave his side or the comfort he gives her. Zamasu feels slightly surprised that the female deity accepted his gestural comfort so quickly, but he is glad she did.

Being spiritually conntected means that no words or a form of communication is required to understand what each other feels and wants. This form of action makes them feel more connected and subconsciously unafraid to comfort each other, even if they are complete strangers.

He kisses her forehead as he proceeds to place his head on top of hers, his other hand touching the side of her face; almost shielding her from the outside world as he whispers comforting words to her. "One day, I will find a way to make our belief into a reality. I will reject Gowasu's trainings and when I am through with him, I will come and find you, my goddess. Together we will rid the world of mortals and create a utopia that we will rule together."

(Y/n) proceeds to place her other arm on the back of his head as she feels more relaxed with Zamasu's soothing voice. 

Zamasu closed his eyes and allows the embrace to drag on for several minutes which felt like hours. (Y/n) closed her eyes too as she enjoys embrace even more. "Together for our justice" she whispers.

"Together for our justice" he whispers back

Time skip (Few decades)

(Y/n) was back at her post, as she was sitting under a tree with her diary on her lap as she documents her thoughts and emotions into the pages. It's been a few decades and yet she still can't forget the promise she made with Zamasu. 

Parting with him after the so-called training was painful for both of them, but they knew it had to happen sooner or later.

'Together for our justice...'

That phrase stuck with her and it gave her comfort that soon Zamasu will fulfil his act and commend The Zero Mortal Plan.

It's Something they came up when spending time together. In their spare time, they have been planning ways of fulfilling their wish to eradicate all mortals and they gave a name for this plan: The Zero Mortal Plan.

That name stuck with her and probably with Zamasu too. She only wish she can start the plan soon; this waiting is killing her.

"So this is where you've been hiding?" An unknown voice struck (Y/n) as she turns to the direction the voice originates.

 She was shocked to see a mortal with black clothing and wild hair. His arms are crossing his chest as he bears a wild smirk on his face.

"How dare you invade this sacred land you filthy mortal?" (Y/n) shouted as she stood up and faced the mortal. 

She was more than unamused to witness a mortal who has invaded the only closure she gets from them. This mortal will die for trespassing.

"Is that any way to address your kindred spirit, my goddess?" The mysterious mortal spoke.

The female Kai froze upon hearing him say that. That name. There is only being in the entire universe who ever called her like that, but can't be him, can it?

"Zamasu?.... Is that you?" She whispered in shock. She wasn't sure if it is him or if it's all an elaborate trick, so she kept her distance.

"Yes it is. I've kept our promise, I rebelled against Gowasu and now we are free to create our utopia" the mortal spoke as he starts walking towards (Y/n), still smirking. 

"But you are a mortal, a sinful mortal. Why give up a beautiful body that you had for this, hideous creation?!" She spoke with venom as she began backing away from him.

"Because my love, I needed a stronger body to end my so-called master. My old body was sufficient, but it wasn't strong enough for our plan. This body, a body of a mortal has the mind and soul of a God. Isn't that enough? Besides this body isn't that different from the old one." The mortal whispers as he backed the deity up against the tree bark.

He began to lightly traces his fingers on (Y/n)'s facial features. It felt nice and weird for her, she still can't get over the fact it's a mortal body that's touching her and not Zamasu.

"It feels weird, Zama. I understand why you did it, but it doesn't feel right for me." She whsipers, lowering her head in the process.

The mortal notices this and feels slightly disappointed.

'where is her confidence? That sly smile of hers? That fire in her eyes? Does seeing him as a mortal really bothered her?!..'

The mortal proceeds to place his hand on her chin, lifting her head lightly so she can lock eyes with his, gazing at him. That gaze..... it is the same as Zamasu's.

"My dear, I would have never done that if it wasn't necessary, I understand it bothers you but trust me, it will all be worth it. Together for our justice?" He whispers and places a gently kiss on her lips.

(Y/n) blushes from the gesture but accepts it as he proceeds to step back and extends his hands outwards: inviting her into his embrace.

(Y/n) had doubts but after hearing what he said, those doubts were gone in an instant. 

It was Zamasu. Her Zamasu.

She gave him a small smile as she walks towards him and accepts his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck, his were around her waist, their foreheads touching each other as they closed their eyes enjoying the comfort they longed for so long. He was right. This body is not that different from his original one.

"Together for our justice

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