Horse Academy (2)

By _infinity_06

16.1K 816 138

After successfully transferring to Elliot Falls Academy, Taylor Hastings has everything she could possibly wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chpater 34

Chapter 33

299 12 12
By _infinity_06

Chapter 33

It was early morning and school wasn't starting for another few hours. After yesterday's drama and a bad session with Storm, I felt rattled. Kit had been suspended from all extracurricular activities until further notice, as well as Scarlett.

Everyone else had received a warning.

It was a scary to think about being suspended from riding. Although the school couldn't stop us from seeing our horses, I don't know if I could handle any more breaks from riding. I knew Scarlett would be furious about the ban. Kit was a mess when she returned to the dorm, not knowing what to do while she was banned from swimming.

I drag my feet along the ground as I go into the barn. We had a lesson this afternoon and I was hoping to have a short ride on Storm beforehand. As much as I hated leaving our last session on a bad note, we weren't making progress. Hopefully this morning, we could have a fresh start.

As I walk down the aisle, I nearly bump into someone.

"Hey!" It was Stephanie once again.

I frown, a little irritated by her presence after the fiasco she caused yesterday.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, unable to hide my stand offish voice.

She shrugs. "Just taking Ellie for a ride before class"

"I didn't realise you had a horse" I said, crossing my arms.

Stephanie raises her brows, mirroring my stance. "I've had her for years, problem?"

I sigh, rubbing my tired eyes. "Sorry, I'm just a little sleep deprived"

She shrugs, moving over to a particular stall door. "EFA can do that to you..."

A bay horse who I presumed was Ellie, stuck her head over the stall door.

"So do you compete?" I ask, moving over to greet the mare.

Stephanie shakes her head. "No, horse riding is more of a relaxing activity for me. It's a nice get away from hockey training"

I nod, fidgeting.

The brunette glances at me. "What is it?"

"I'm just curious as to why you had to tell us about Scarlett? Everyone already knew Kit was hanging by a thread, and you still did it?" I glance at her expectantly.

Stephanie shrugs. "Consider it a favour... It gets Scarlett out of your hair for a while. You should take advantage and get ahead while you can"

Shaking my head, I lean against the stall door. "I don't believe for a second that you did this for my benefit, so just be honest"

There's a pause, before Stephanie releases another sigh.

"I don't know, Scarlett gets under my skin sometimes... I thought if I told Kit, maybe she'd get put in her place..."

"-had I known that Kit would do that, I wouldn't have said a word" she continues.

There was a long silence afterwards.

Her dilemma had reminded me of a past experience, something I had pushed far away from my conscience.

Stepping back, I cross my arms. "Although I understand your perspective, you need to promise me you won't do it again. Next time you could get someone into even worse trouble"

She shrugs. "Why should I promise that? Scarlett deserves a reality check, she's not the queen of this school"

"Again, I know, but Kit doesn't need to be set up like that. She's a little more sensitive... Not to mention how hard she's worked to get where she is. She doesn't need to be apart of your games. It's selfish of you" I state strongly.

Stephanie rolls her eyes but gives me a reluctant nod. "Fine, I'll try..."

"Thank you..." I said sincerely, beginning to turn around.

I add "-And next time when you're not learning everyone's secret in this school, you should actually sit with us. It'd be nice to have you as a friend"

As I continue to walk towards Storm's stall, I don't hear Stephanie respond.

Although she acted selfish, Stephanie's facade crumbled when she was around her horse. My gut instinct told me she was a good person, but I was still weary. Stephanie knew everything about everyone, and could use it against them. I didn't want to be on her bad side, but I definitely wanted to get to the bottom of her actions.

Shaking away all the distracting thoughts, I take a deep breath.

A gentle nicker greets me and I smile.

Storm always made me feel better, even if my mind was a complete mess with all these distractions.


"Now back into a three loop serpentine" Mr Reynolds calls.

It was early in the afternoon and our advanced team lesson has just begun. Storm's elastic trot had me smiling from ear to ear. Ever since we started at EFA, I could feel Storm benefiting from the lessons. His floaty trot was constantly improving and his form was changing for the better.

However, it only take five minutes before the smile vanishes.

Since we were a class of four until Scarlett returns, Mr Reynolds was focused on fine tuning our skills for this weekend. The first team show was closing in and none of us were allowed to take it easy. Seth and Dante were working on their rhythm. Ebony and Danny were working on collection. Sienna and Remi worked on flexion. As for myself and Storm, I was working on my position.

"Taylor, make sure you're keeping that knee released" Mr Reynolds critiques.

My position was horrible today and I found myself at square one.

What is wrong with me?

"Good... Make sure your not nagging him, otherwise he'll start ignoring those aids"

I tried so hard to do what the coach asked, but I felt so distracted. Today felt no better then yesterday, a complete catastrophe. There was a maths quiz I forgot to study for, and now an upcoming exam. I thought after I returned from the clinic that everything would come together, but the truth is, it was falling apart.

"Good job Seth, do you feel Dante's rhythm?" Mr Reynolds asks.

Seth who was riding infront of me, nods his head.

Then there was the Seth issue, my twin brother who I never knew existed.

I clench my jaw and shove away the thoughts, irritated by how distracted I felt.

Get it together Taylor!

But how could I? Scarlett and Mia had turned into complete divas, Ebony was breathing down my neck in every lesson, I had a brother that I didn't know about, there's girls plotting against me, and on top of that, I couldn't even ride my horse properly!

Those thoughts alone had my mood change in a beat. I could feel tears beginning to fill my eyes, threatening to pour. My emotions were getting to much and a lump built in the back of my throat. Taking shaky breaths, I try to keep a calm expression as I continue with the lesson. However, the longer the lesson went, the more defeated I felt.

Unfortunately, a single tear betrays me and falls down my cheek. No one seems to notice and it takes all my power to not cry. I sniffle quietly and struggle to swallow the lump in the back of my throat.

Storm snorts, sensing the change in my mood.

Stop being such a cry baby and ride your horse.

Another tear follows the first, but I hide it, refusing to humiliate myself any further infront of my teammates.

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