Journey of Trust | A Narnian...

Galing kay Lolasue

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This is the tale of a journey that takes Luna not only to discover the world beyond Narnia's borders; she wil... Higit pa

Welcome & Trailer
~ ACT I ~
Chapter 1 | Healing Cordial
Chapter 2 | The Dawn Treader
Chapter 4 | The Lone Islands
Chapter 5 | Separated
Chapter 6 | Gone
Chapter 7 | The Market
Chapter 8 | The Battle on the Main Square
Chapter 9 | Of Feasts and other Inconveniences
Chapter 10 | A Night to remember
Chapter 11 | From the Calm
Chapter 12 | Into the Storm
Chapter 13 | A turbulent Morning
Chapter 14 | Thirst
Chapter 15 | Sailor's Speech
Chapter 16 | A scaly Adventure I
Chapter 17 | A scaly Adventure II
Chapter 18 | Crossing Swords
Chapter 19 | Suspicions
Chapter 20 | The Undoing
Chapter 21 | A mild Sentence
Chapter 22 | Hairy Affairs
Chapter 23 | Heather Hill
Chapter 24 | Goldwater
Chapter 25 | Profundity
Chapter 26 | Restless
Chapter 27 | Keeping Watch
Chapter 28 | Of Beetles and Voices
Chapter 29 | Coreakin
Chapter 30 | A Target hard to miss
Chapter 31 | The Ocean's Roar
Chapter 32 | Bites
Chapter 33 | A Table of Stone
Chapter 34 | Light and Fear
Chapter 35 | Preparations
Chapter 36 | Nightmares
Chapter 37 | Together
Chapter 38 | Where Dreams come true
Chapter 39 | (Bitter)Sweet Waves
Chapter 40 | The End of a World
* ACT II *
Chapter 41 | Private Conversations
Chapter 42 | Known Shores
Chapter 43 | A surprising Visit
Chapter 44 | Of Dresses and Doves I
Chapter 45 | Of Dances and Dilemmas II
Chapter 46 | Of Dinners and Disputes III
Chapter 47 | Aftermath
Chapter 48 | The Hearing
Chapter 49 | The last Evening
Chapter 50 | Onwards
Chapter 51 | Tricky Peace
Chapter 52 | Whatever it takes I
Chapter 53 | Whatever it takes II
Chapter 54 | Whatever it takes III
Chapter 55 | Alone
Chapter 56 | Coming Home
Chapter 57 | Abyss
Chapter 58 | Call
Deleted Scene I | Caspian's Nightmare
Deleted Scene II | Sanna's Choice
Deleted Scene III | Trumpkin's Welcome
Alternate Scene I | Multitasking
Chapter X | Tying loose ends
Character overview
Extended & explained Playlist
Incorrect Quotes

Chapter 3 | Talks and Teasing

1.2K 33 5
Galing kay Lolasue

On the next morning after breakfast, Reepicheep and Luna sit outside on the front deck as usual. Lucy joins them with sewing utensils in hand to stich the clothes Luna gave her a little tighter as her figure is less tall and more fragile than the warrior's. Not long after, the kings step to the merry party as well. They are animatedly talking about the Dawn Treader and Narnia's rebuilt navy. Eustace is nowhere in sight. He showed up for breakfast but disappeared soon after, grabbing some bread and fruit with the excuse of not feeling well. After he left, Lucy told the friends that she worries about him. Edmund just sighed at that.

» You know how he is, « the King of Old said,

» The more we try to be nice to him, the more miserable he'll be. « Caspian had his fair share of complaints from Eustace already. At least, the boy accepted that Caspian as king holds the most power on this ship and his word goes. Theoretically, the captain would be second in command but now the King and Queen of Narnia's Golden Age fill these ranks. These hierarchies are unnecessary most of the time, though.

» Now, Drinian said we'll reach the Lone Islands soon, « Edmund speaks up, leaning against the railing next to his sister,

» But where are we headed then? What are we here for if there's no trouble in Narnia? « Good question. However, everyone is happy to have them. There is a saying that, once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia. As far as Luna knows, every queen and king of Narnia is fondly remembered, always holding a place in the Narnians' hearts.

» Well, that's a rather long story, « Caspian clears his throat. He stands next to Edmund, arms crossed in front of his chest.

» You may remember the oath I swore to Aslan on my coronation day, « he begins,

» To find seven friends of my father, lords of Telmar, who were sent to explore the unknown Eastern Seas beyond the Lone Islands by my uncle Miraz. « His eyes wander over the deck and come to gaze out at the water. A thin veil of haze lays over its surface this morning which seems to swallow some of the early light.

» I swore to sail east for a year and a day to find them or to learn of their deaths and avenge them, if I can, « Caspian continues. He seems absent, as if reliving a memory. Luna remembers said oath well. It was right after the coronation, back at Miraz' castle, that the young king sought out Aslan to talk about his father and the authority now given to him. At the time, Caspian was still unsure about himself being a leader. Luna didn't participate in their talk, she was to keep watch over the king, out of earshot, Edmund keeping her company. As Caspian got down to one knee, Aslan called her over to bear witness to the young king's oath.

» However, Reep hopes to find something else on our journey, « a smile flickers over Caspian's face as he turns to the mouse. He shall speak for himself. Reepicheep takes the opportunity with an appreciative nod in the king's direction. He rises from his spot to stand on the railing.

» I heard stories about Aslan's Country, « explains he,

» As the Great Lion always comes to Narnia from the East, I believe this country could lay at the utmost end of the sea. « He looks at the king and queen of old expectantly. His whiskers tremble from excitement.

» The end of the world, you mean? « Somehow, Lucy seems captured by the idea, her sewing work long forgotten in her lap,

» Do you really think this country is a place where we can sail to? « She seems elated at the thought of reaching Aslan's Country. The youngest queen of Narnia's Golden Age always has had a special connection to the Great Lion, the son of the Emperor beyond the sea, the Lord of lords.

» Well, I don't know, « Reepicheep glances at the horizon,

» But we do have nothing if not hope. « He is right and earns approval from all sides with nods and quiet hums. Luna doesn't really know what to make of the idea of this Aslan's Country. Of course, it's interesting and if they reach it, it surely will be a sight to behold... But it's said, too, that Aslan set a place for the dead to go after they pass over into the spirit world. So, if that is Aslan's Country, the warrior feels unsure if they should set a foot there. Not yet. Not that she would be afraid of death or the dead, but their rest shouldn't be disturbed. If His country is something else, a place 'where one can sail' as Lucy put it, Luna fears that Reepicheep will want to go discover. She shakes her head slightly in an attempt to chase away those thoughts. They are far away from the end of the world and there is a very long way ahead of them until they reach it – if ever.

» A compelling thought indeed, « Edmund meanwhile agrees. The discussion continues for a bit as Lucy speculates there might be an edge of the world where the ship could fall into an unknown abyss. Luna certainly does not hope that to be true.

A while after their conversation, Caspian and Edmund start a sword fight for training. Both kings move with precision and seeming ease. That is necessary, though. In a real fight or battle even a blow that is not carried out well enough ends with injuries and probably death. Therefore, soldiers and fighters of all kinds always need to stay in excellent condition. It surprises Luna a little that King Edmund is in such a good shape after spending some time without regular training. He said, for them, one year passed since their last Narnian adventure. The training fight ends in a draw and the sailors standing round them cheer and clap at the show. Drinian grants it to them before shooing them off to work again. He is a strict captain and a dutiful man, showing his soft spots quite rarely.

After the fight, Edmund joins Lucy and Luna at the railing on the middle deck. The queen watches her brother take a sip from the cup in his hand before tilting her head to the side.

» Ed, « she addresses him,

» Do you think that, if we keep sailing to the end of the world... we'll just tip off the edge? « That's an interesting thought. The kings and queens once told Luna that their world is supposed to be round like a ball while this world is more... flat, like a coin perhaps. But nobody really knows for certain as no one searched for the 'ends of the world'. Edmund regards the young women thoughtfully.

» I can't imagine that, « he then answers and his sister smiles slightly,

» But don't worry, Lu, we're a long way from there. «

» Well, I hope we'll meet Aslan soon, « she speaks again, and her smile brightens. Her gaze wanders out on the open sea, and Luna follows her lead. The haze cleared about two hours after breakfast. It always stays longer as it would on dry land. Rynelf says, that is because of the higher amount of water in the air.

» If I may, « Reepicheep walks towards us on the railing, balancing with ease. He hops on a barrel next to Lucy to settle down. There are lots of those stored on deck, tied down and safely secured, of course.

» I don't think that He will just let us sail over the edge, Your Majesty, « the mouse tells Lucy and leans his back on the wooden rail. Luna shares his opinion. However, their attention is claimed by the smaller hatch opening to reveal a frowning Eustace climbing up the final stairs on deck. He is really frowning already, before even reaching the deck. Maybe he was eavesdropping?

» You're still talking nonsense, aren't you? « He says as he reaches the top and straightens his clothes. Edmund rolls his eyes and hides his frown behind the cup. Lucy seems to battle with herself, if to scold him or leave it be. Reep regards the blond boy with narrowed eyes as if he is considering calling him out on his dishonourable behaviour. Luna is spared as someone calls her name. She turns at once to find Caspian and Drinian on the other side of the middle deck, standing just below the stairs up to the poop. The king waves her over to them and the warrior follows suit immediately, ignoring Eustace's complaining after Lucy asks him, if he's feeling better.

Caspian smiles at her as Luna joins the two. She bows her head at them and waits for them to explain what they need her for.

» We were just discussing how to approach the people of the Lone Islands, « the king says,

» I'd like to wait before we let them know who we are and... what we are. « He casts Drinian a look. The captain nods once and crosses his arms behind his back.

» Do you think they don't accept Narnia's supremacy anymore? « Luna inquires, wanting to understand his intentions. Caspian tilts his head to the side, pressing his lips together. That's a yes then. He seems a little tense, like always when he is unsure of something.

» We can't be certain, « Drinian answers as the king doesn't say anything and casts Luna a knowing look,

» They could welcome us, but they could be... not so friendly as well. So, we should prepare for anything. « She nods to signal that she understood and rests her gaze on Caspian. Something seems to trouble him. This matter maybe? It would be obvious but, knowing him, it could be something else as well. Lightly, she touches his arm as he continues to just stand there and stare in the distance over Drinian's shoulder. The king seems to return from his thoughts and turns his head in Luna's direction. She tilts my head to the side just as he did before, returning his gaze.

» If that's all, I'll take my leave, « Drinian murmurs, hesitating to wait for the king's permission. He sure must feel a bit awkward.

» That will be all, « Caspian confirms without breaking his gaze away from Luna's. Drinian doesn't even raise an eyebrow or shrug at this, he's used to Caspian and his Crown Shield communicating like this. Silently, only by looking at each other. It is a result of spending a lot of time together over the past years. They became a rehearsed team.

» Everything alright? « Luna asks softly. A smile flickers over his features and he holds eye contact for a moment longer before dropping his gaze to the floor.

» Of course, « he answers and doesn't sound very convincing, but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it either. So, she will drop it for now and try to get him on other thoughts instead.

» Well, « says she and draws the word out to get him to look at her again. It works and she smiles teasingly,

» If His Majesty is sure. « At that, Caspian laughs softly.

» He is sure, « he replies, getting in on her teasing. Luna joins in his laugh. Caspian lets his eyes wander away from her and over the deck. As he looks over her shoulder at something behind her, the warrior turns to look as well and finds Eustace tormenting the others with his constant complaints.

» We should probably get over there, « she suggests, suppressing a sigh. Where, by Aslan's mane, is it going to end with the boy? Hopefully, they will receive the answer to this question. As she faces Caspian again, he nods slowly, probably thinking the same. So, Luna moves to walk over to Lucy, Edmund, Eustace and Reepicheep, just for a gentle hand on her elbow to hold her back. Caspian steps next to her and catches her quizzical gaze with a serious expression.

» Thank you, « he says quietly, taking her by surprise. The question escapes her lips before she can stop it,

» What for? « They keep looking at each other for a moment, a warm feeling spreads in her chest. Suddenly, someone bumps into Caspian, causing him to let go of her at once and break the eye contact. For a split second he keeps holding out his arm in front of Luna before dropping it.

Eustace stopped his rant as he ran into Caspian – which can happen if one doesn't look where one is going. The blond stares at the king.

» Nobody kidnapped you, Eustace, « Edmund tells his cousin and tries to force the annoyance from his tone. Eustace merely huffs.

» Kidnapping, is it? « Caspian narrows his eyes at the smaller boy in front of him,

» Funny, I thought we saved your life. « His teasing seems to be the drop to overflow Eustace's stored barrel of complaining.

» You're holding me against my will! « He squeals, throwing his head in every direction to cast everyone an outraged look. Reep lets out a stifled laugh and Caspian raises an eyebrow, not hiding his smile. He seems more amused than troubled now, a good sign. However, Eustace isn't anywhere near done.

» In, what I must say, most unhygienic quarters, « he points accusingly at the hatches leading down to the ship's belly,

» It's like a-a zoo down there! « At that, a smile crosses Luna's lips as well and she doesn't hold in a soft laugh. Eustace's eyes fixate on her. He already opens his mouth to retort something as he looks her up and down and hesitates. His gaze stopped on her hand which rests on the hilt of her sword. Luna didn't even recognize that she took hold of it as it became an instinctive reaction as soon as someone comes too close to Caspian, the king who she is trusted to guard.

» Wha- What are you doing? « Eustace asks, ignoring Reepicheep.

» He's quite the complainer, isn't he? « The mouse asks the King and Queen of Old in the background. Now it's Lucy who sighs and Edmund answers rather casually,

» He's just warming up. « At the blonde's question, the general attention turns to Luna. She glances down at her sword, then back at the boy and chooses not to say anything. Caspian stays next to her and folds his arms.

» Are you trying to kill me?! « Eustace cries and looks around as to find someone to protect him or to look for an escape. Luna notes the change in his stance. So far, he stood straight and proud with his chin lifted a little too high to not look arrogant. Now his posture slumped, making him seem smaller than he is. The expression of his eyes changed as well. Luna thinks to see something like fear in them but doubt at the same time. He probably does still not believe whatever he witnesses in this – for him – foreign world. Thus, he may be thinking that Luna carries that sword for fun. Reepicheep's words woke her mischievous side. So, she keeps her face as blank as possible.

» Depends, « she finally answers, and Eustace visibly shrinks even more. His pride didn't allow him to take a step back until now and he still doesn't. Brave, that's a point for him.

» What's that supposed to m-mean? « He asks, staring up at the warrior. She exchanges a brief glance with Reep who smirks, paws folded in front of his belly. Edmund is the first to blow his cover. He laughs and tries to drown it with his drink at first, but bursts out laughing anyway. Lucy follows with a giggle, for once not caring about the dirty look from Eustace who called their bluff by now. He pouts and looks about ready to stomp his foot like a child. The deep chuckle next to Luna causes a bright smile to bloom on her face. Caspian sends her a smirk, nudging her shoulder with his.

» You all are unbelievable! « Eustace complains, trudging away from the friends while mumbling something about that British consul again. Luna makes a mental note to ask what it means on the next occasion. For now, they leave the blond boy brooding by himself and enjoy the beautiful day.

Hey guys,

I am curious: How do you like this story so far? If you have a little time after reading this chapter, I would love to read from you.

And lets just appreciate Caspian's hairdo in this scene for a moment, please ^^



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