Pregnant? [ON HOLD]

By likethecolour

80.3K 2K 375

Sequel to Adopted? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

5.1K 174 22
By likethecolour

Chapter 6

"I can't believe I even suggested this idea." I whined as I looked down at my attire. I was wearing a short red dress that stopped at my thighs. It made my fiery hair more fiery. Jenny rolled her chocolate brown eyes. She was wearing a sky blue dress that reached above her thighs.

"Don't sweat it, you look hot." Jenny said applying lip gloss on her lips, as she looked into the mirror hung on the wall in my room. We were in my room, at my house. Chris was downstairs watching the game with some friends he made at one of my dads business thingy.

Sam was getting ready at her place. I have no idea why. Jenny walked over to me and smirked, "For a pregnant lady you sure wear the hell out of that dress." She said, and I laughed. Thankfully Im not showing. I have no baby bump...yet.

And Im taking advantage of that by going to clubs and shiz. Yes I said shiz. Jenny held out her arm, "Ready?" She asked and I nodded hooking arms with her. We walked out of my room, and walked down the stairs. I almost ran a hand through my hair. Almost.

But it was in long waves, reaching my back. And if I touched it, I would mess it up. And Jenny would slap me. We reached the bottom step at the same time the three guys occupying the living jumped up yelling, "Touchdown!" I flinched and raised an eyebrow.

Chris looked over, and his eyes immediately got wide. He shook his head and I raised an eyebrow,

"Change. Please." He pleaded and I shook my head. He walked over to me, while his friends were staring at Jenny. She waved flirtatiously at them, resulting in me rolling my eyes. She wouldn't, she said herself she's seeing someone. While I was thinking this, I haven't noticed that Chris was standing right in front of me.

"You look amazing. But Im afraid that those guys out there, will get a little handsy." He said and I rolled my eyes,

"Don't worry about that. Anyway, Im really doing this so I can wear all my dresses before I grow out of them." I said, and Chris looked me over again. Lust in his eyes,

"Just please wake me up if Im sleep when you get home." He winked and I rolled my eyes, "And please don't even talk to a guy. Don't even wave at the guy that let's people into clubs. Please?" He asked and I rolled my eyes but nodded anyway. I kissed him, and we continued to kiss until a gagging noise echoed through the room.

"If you want to kiss, get a room! But until then, we have to go." Jenny said walking towards the door. And again I rolled my eyes. Suddenly my stomach felt as though it was full, and I felt the need to clamp my legs shut.

"Wait!" I shouted and Sam and Jenny turned around confused. I blushed,

"I have to pee."

"Were standing in that?" I asked, and Jenny nodded. We walked over towards the line that went from the entrance doors to the side of the building. I silently thanked the lord, that I decided to wear flats and not heels. We got in line, behind a bunch of college looking guys.

I didn't look, because I would somehow, someway feel guilty for looking at a guy. Just kidding, but if they didn't talk to me I wouldn't talk to them. I guess Jenny felt the complete opposite,

"Hey! Why are you guys out tonight?" She immediately asked the group of guys. It was four of them. One of them, a tall blonde with grey eyes immediately answered,

"We just wanted to go out to a club, and check out the ladies." He winked at me, and I looked away. Oh how I want to be home, curled up on Chris eating nutella covered bacon.

"What's your name?" He asked, and when I looked up I noticed he was looking at me. Well I guess there's no harm in saying hello and telling someone your name.

"Jamie. What's yours?" I asked back, and he smiled a smile that would charm any girl. Well you know, except me.

"Ashton." He said, and I nodded. Sam and Jenny started to converse with the other boys, but Ashton seemed to be interested in me. It's actually refreshing that I still got it.

We moved up in the line, close to the entrance. Ashton turned to me,

"So, are you single?" He asked, and I gave him a small smile and shook my head no,

"Nope." I would've added that Im married, but you just don't go around telling strangers that you're married. You do? Oh, oops.

"Aw. Lucky bastard." He said and I laughed. We finally reached the entrance and we all walked in. The music instantly hit me, and I suddenly got worried. Can I be in a place like this pregnant? I mean the music wasn't that loud, but just in case. I turned to Sam,

"Do you think I can be in a place like this? You know, pregnant?" I asked, and then her expression matched mine. Worried. She scratched the back of her head,

"This means so much to Jenny." She said pointing at Jenny who already had a drink in her hand, dancing around. Woah that was fast. How does she have a drink anyway, were only nineteen.

"Yeah, but maybe we could go to those small bars where bands play, you know?" I asked, and Sam nodded. She sighed and looked over at Jenny one last time. She then turned to me,

"Okay, I'll go tell Jenny. You get in the car." I nodded but then I grabbed her arm before she could leave,

"I'll meet you guys at the car." I said, and she raised an eyebrow,

"Why?" She asked, and I blushed,

"I have to pee."

"Im really sorry." I murmured to Jenny again, and she glared at me,

"Jamie I swear if you say sorry one more time, Im going to slap you. I said it's okay, and it is. You're preggers and you were just looking out for Jenny Jr." She said and I raised an eyebrow,

"Does everyone want me to name the baby after them?" I asked. Chris wants the baby to be named Chris Jr., Sam wants the baby to be named Sam Jr. And now Jenny. If it's a girl, her names going to be Teagon. And if it's a boy, his name is going to be Chris Jr.

"Yes." Jenny and Sam said at the same time. We were in Sam's car, driving to a small bar. I was sitting in the back seat looking out the window at the moon. It was shining down on me.

My phone buzzed and I raised an eyebrow pulling it out. I pressed talk and pressed the phone to my ear, "Hello?" I asked.

"Jamie, I know what you're doing." I rolled my eyes, as my dads voice came out. Is he serious? And that's just creepy.

"And what am I doing, dad?" I asked, and I heard a scoff,

"I know you're out clubbing with your friends." I raised an eyebrow, did he call Chris?

"Okay, I am out clubbing-"

"And that's why Im here to remind you to NOT drink. Just don't do it. I know for a fact that it affects the baby. And you can't drink, you're not even twenty-one," That never stops Jenny. I wanted to say.

"Dad I already know not to drink." I said, and I could feel my dad smiling,

"Good. At least I taught you something. Anyway I called to remind you of that business meeting that's tomorrow. I want you to be up and ready so you can experience what it feels like to be in a business." I frowned and rolled my eyes,

"Okay dad." I thought the conversation ended but Nooooo, my dad had to just keep going.

"And to be up and ready, you cannot have sex with your Chr-"

"Okay, bye dad!" I yelled fast, and quickly hung up the phone. I frowned, did my dad just tell me I couldn't have sex with Chris? Im already married and out of the house, I think it's too late to tell me what to do.

My phone ringed again and I groaned answering the phone, "Me and Chris are not going to have sex! Okay?" I yelled and Jenny turned around amused from the passenger seat.

"Aw. I was hoping we would, since you're wearing something extremely sexy." I blushed as I heard Chris answer.

"Im sorry, I thought you were my dad. And he told me not to....yeah, what's up?" I asked and Chris laughed. I noticed Sam turn into a parking lot, in front of a place called, 'Leo's bar.' Original.

"I just wanted to check on you. Are you in the bathroom or something? I don't hear the clubs music." He said as I got out of the car along with Jenny and Sam. We walked over to the building,

"Oh, we decided to go to a small bar instead. We just got there. Were about to start our girls night out. I have to go babe." I said, and I heard Chris sigh,

"I just want to talk to you. The games over with and Im so lonely." He said the last part huskily and I rolled my eyes,

"You'll live. I gotta go. Love you." I said, and Chris sighed again,

"Love you." He said back. I was about to hang up, when Chris said something else,

"Can't I just, come over there. I know it's a girls night out. But I miss you." He said softly, and my heart fluttered. I can't really say no, can I? Jenny is probably going to be angry.

"Were at a place called Leo's Bar-"

"I'll be there." He said quickly, and I heard some keys and a door being shut. I smiled into the phone,

"But if Jenny asks, you just came along and I never told you to come." I said, and I could feel him rolling his eyes,

"Sure whatever." I hung up the phone, and noticed that I was inside the bar. The sound of glasses clinking entered my ear, and I saw a group of people in a booth having a toast. I followed Jenny and Sam over at a booth. The guilt was eating me alive that I invited Chris to a girls night out. But, I couldn't help it.

We all sat close to one another in the middle. A candle lit at the center of the table. Just like I suspected, a band was over on the mini-stage playing a slow smog. Coupled were all over the bar, dancing. I glared at the couple envious. A girl, with her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail walked over. She looked like she just turned twenty. She smiled at everyone,

"Hi, Im Elise. And I will give you guys drinks. What are you ordering." She said clicking her pen, and Jenny piped up, "I want three shots of tequila." I raised an eyebrow at her. Sam was next,

"I'll have a Shirley temple." The waitress wrote it down, and then turned to me. I smiled,

"I'll have water." I said, and the waitress raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. She walked away. Jenny hopped up and grabbed both me and Sam's hand and forced us on the dance floor. The band that was playing before was now playing a fast song.

We danced around laughing. Sam suddenly started doing the robot and me and Jenny joined in. We started to jump and the waitress walked over surprisingly without dropping outpour drinks. She handed it to us and Jenny gulped down all three shots in seconds.

I grabbed the bottle of water and started taking sips. Sam grabbed her Shirley and took a sip. We were just jumping around and sipping our drinks. Some guys started to join in. One guy, got a little too handsy with me. I was going to turn around and slap him, when he was suddenly jerked away.

I turned around to see Chris giving the guy a few heated words. Chris was taller than the guy and that made him look more intimidating. The guy looked ready to pee his pants. That makes two of us.

Finally the guy ran away, literally, and Chris was angry. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his back and laid my head on his chest. Chris seemed to cool down and hugged me back. He kissed my forehead, and I pulled back a little to see his face. Chris smiled and leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"You came." I said, and he shrugged,

"Wouldn't miss a chance to dance with you." I smiled, and on cue the music turned from fast to slow. Jenny winked at me, and gestured for me to dance with Chris. I thought she would be angry. Guess I was wrong.

Chris held my hand and we walked towards a spot and started to sway. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I missed you." Chris said, and I smiled,

"I've only been gone for like an hour." I said, and he sighed,

"I know, but it felt like forever." I rolled my eyes smiling. He's just too sweet.

"You're so cute." He kissed my forehead again.

"No, I think Im just in love. In love with you." I blushed and we continued to dance.

"I love you too." I said, and I could feel him smile,

"I know."

"Aw. Look at the cute couple." Jenny slurred as she smiled at us. Woah, she only had like four drinks. Including the one from the club. Chris raised an eyebrow. I raised an eyebrow, What shall we do with Jenny.

I turned to Chris, "I think this girls night is over." I said and Jenny pouted,

"Aw. So soon I only had like five drinks." She said holding up four fingers. Im guessing that Jenny can get drunk easily. What do you call that? A lightweight? Whatever. Sam grabbed Jenny and smiled at us,

"I'll take her home. You two can go." She said winking at us. Chris rolled his eyes, and grabbed my hand. We were about to go when I stopped. Chris raised an eyebrow and I smiled blushing slightly.

"I have to pee."

___________________READ ME IM SMEXY______________________

See I updated...again. Two chapters in one day. I deserve a cookie. Right? Anyway Chris is just so sweet. Maybe too sweet. What's with Jamie and all that pee? Comment guys. It helps me update more.

You guys know the drill...





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