Reincarnated as a Saiyan (Dis...

By anime_girlyz

177K 4.5K 485

I was driving to my highschool graduation. I had just turned 18 two days ago. It was gonna be a great graduat... More

Chapter 1 I Actually Died?
Chapter 2 A New Adventure Starts
Chapter 3 Training with Whis, Goku, and Vegeta
Chapter 4 A Dream and a Terrible Sneeze
Chapter 5 Finally the Real Training and Vegetas shocked face
Chapter 6 Goku please don't leave me, don't leave me in the dark all by myself.
Chapter 7 The appearance of Frieza
Chapter 8 Where'd all my pizza go!
Chapter 9 The Battle Begins!
Chapter 10 A Switch Flipped?
Chapter 11 Whis Reverses Time?
Chapter 12 More training and an angry Lord Beerus!
Chapter 13 Meet the Destroyer of Universe 6
Chapter 14 A New Tournament!
Chapter 15 Earth it is!
Chapter 16 Who's you're mother anyway?
Chapter 17 The Eternal Dragon and Bulma's supreme plan
Chapter 18 Support From Bulma
Chapter 19 You Look Really Cute
Chapter 20 The Super Dragon Ball Radar
Chapter 21 My Family is Coming to Dragon Ball Super!
Chapter 22 Awkward Car Ride
Chapter 23 Swimsuit Shopping!
Chapter 24 Cuddling with my Crush
Chapter 25 Get Ready for Japan's Six Flags Great America!
Chapter 26 The First Ride and a Scream
Chapter 27 Next up, Get Ready to take on The Demon! Also you owe me Ice Cream
Chapter 28 Next up, The Raging Bull and a Terrified Vegeta?
Chapter 29 Swimsuit Time!
Chapter 30 Time to Ride the Water Slides!
Chapter 31 Detective Kat and Erisu are on the Job!
Chapter 32 Infection and an Embarrassing Accident!?
Chapter 33 "Just A Friendly Date" or is it?
Chapter 34 Kat and Bulma's Ultimate Plan!
Chapter 35 Finally the Last Ride and Tallest! The Kingda Ka!
Chapter 36 Let the Ride Commence! A Realization of Feelings?
Chapter 37 Appointment with Jaco!
Chapter 38 Off to Master Zuno's!
Chapter 39 Off we Go to the Tournament!
Chapter 40 Are you Ready For the Tournament of Universe 6 and 7!
Chapter 41 Looks Like Goku is Fighting First!
Chapter 42 Beerus, Whis, Vegeta, and Piccolo find out about my crush on Goku!
Chapter 43 Vegeta Teaches Frost a Lesson!
Chapter 44 Vegeta Vs Magetta
Chapter 45 Time-Skipping?
Chapter 46 Erisu vs Hit!
Chapter 47 Goku vs Hit! "Erisu!"
Chapter 48 Meet the Zennys!
Chapter 49 Back to Earth We Go!
Chapter 50 Time to Shop!
Chapter 51 Cooking Time!
Chapter 52 How Dare that Woman!
Chapter 53 We are Not Doing it so Get out Peeps!!!!
Chapter 54 Victory Party! Yay! The Truth of Monaka!
Chapter 55 "You have a Crush Erisu!?"
Chapter 56 Dinner Time!
Chapter 57 A Competition and Some Romance + Ghosts
Chapter 58 Get off of Me, ya perverted Saiyan!!!! Goku's Ki out of Control!
Chapter 59 Baby Pan!
Chapter 60 Baby Pan Goes Missing?!
Chapter 61 A Heart Warming Family Moment!
Chapter 62 Next up, Planet Potofu!
Chapter 63 Defeat that Fake Purple-Somewhat Slimy Troll!
Chapter 64 Kill That Dumbass!
Chapter 65 Seal the Super Human water away! "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
Chapter 66 Thanksgiving Special!
Chapter 67 Future Trunks is Here?!
Chapter 68 Rosie Black is Here! Why?!
Chapter 69 Training on King Kai's World!
Chapter 70 Vegeta's Rageful Training!
Chapter 71 'Gokus in Love with Me!' A Trip to Universe's 10 World of the Kai's
Chapter 72 "What, you too!!!!"
Chapter 73 Travel to the Future! Yay!
Chapter 74 Different Dimension? Same Results!
Chapter 75 Were Back! It's Zamasu! Destroy Him!
Chapter 76 Finally Destroy Zamasu and an Embarrassing Set up!
Chapter 77 Travel to the Future! With Bulma?!
Chapter 78 Goku has to Live!
Chapter 79 Thank God You're Alive!
Chapter 80 Erisu's Cooking
Chapter 81 Rosie and Zamette's Weakness! Goku Learns the Evil Containment Wave!
Chapter 82 To the Future!
Chapter 83 Another Trip To The Future! This Time We Will Be Victorious!
Chapter 84 The Fusion of Rozette and a New Skill!
Chapter 85 Go Guys. The Fusion of Vegito! Yeah!
Chapter 86 What he's Back! Time to Call the Zenny! Or Should I Say Future Zenny?
Chapter 87 Another Zenny
Chapter 88 A Movie Night at Bulma's to Celebrate!
Chapter 89 You've Never ate Doritos Before?!
Chapter 90 Movie Night Time!
Chapter 91 Fulfill Goku's Promise to King Kai! Or at Least try to.
Chapter 92 So im sick aye?
Chapter 93 "Thanks Goku"
Chapter 94 "So I'm a Stuffed Animal Now"
Chapter 95 The Trolls get Beat up! Rewind that Please?!
Chapter 97 Let's Play Some Ball!
Chapter 98 An Embarrassing Baseball Accident!
Chapter 99 That's One Home Run!
Chapter 100 And Victory Goes to Universe 7!
Chapter 101 I Hope He's Alright? I Really Do.
Chapter 102 Hit the Assasin appears?!
Chapter 103 You're NOT Dying On Me Again
Chapter 104 Great Saiyaman is Back
Chapter 105 An Unexpected Turn? Were in the Movie too!!!
Chapter 106 Really Goku!
Chapter 108 Trying to Hide our Secret
Chapter 109 More Friends!?
Chapter 110 The Great Saiyaman Movie Shoot
Chapter 111 Set Up?! Pan!!!

Chapter 96 A Baseball Challenge?!

667 20 3
By anime_girlyz

"You bet I am Erisu. Nothing better than a scrumptious meal to drag him out of a nap." Bulma said deviously.
"True enough, oh speak of the devil." I heard Goku jump in from behind me.
"Oh hey Goku, you scared me for a second there."
"Oh, sorry about that." Goku apologized awkwardly before Beerus the squeeny eyed kitty showed up. We watched as Beerus appeared before us and started sniffing around for the tiny chocolate-like ball. We watched as he ate it and squealed in excitement.
"Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!"
"Was that little thing just to summon him." The ghost dude asked.
"You dare question my status?" Beerus said angrily.
"Well of course, who do you think you are." The ghost said back sassily. In that instant, we watched as Lord Beerus made ghost man disappear.
"What, no. But how. I'm a ghost, you shouldn't be able to destroy me!" The ghost man complained.
"Animal, human, ghost. It doesn't matter what you are, Beerus can still destroy you." Whis commented with a bit of a laugh,
"What, no!" The ghost panicked as we watched him disintegrate into thin air.
"So what did you guys call me here for this time?" Beerus asked annoyed by our interruption of his nap. Bulma was about to answer, but Arale beat her to it.
"Kitty cat." Arale said in sight of Lord Beerus. We all mentally screamed at that one comment.
"Okay, you don't have to kill her. Just knock her out or something." Bulma said awkwardly.
"No one, and I mean no one should ever dare call a destroyer a ki.. Whis?" Beerus was cut off and started to lean down in pain, was it the food.
"Whis, take me back...NOW!" Beerus ordered, causing Whis to instantly travel back to Beerus's planet.
"Was it possible that the stomach of a destroyer wasn't even enough to stomach all the foods in the world." Bulma questioned as I started laughing.
"Maybe, all I know is that that was hilarious." I commented.
"Maybe it was because someone forgot to clean it out after it made a poop." Trunks commented.
"Oh that is nasty." Goku added awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.
Once we got Arale and the others in control....
"Man you sure were strong Arale. How about we fight again sometime?" Goku suggested excitedly.
"Yea, and this time don't make me wait another 20 years." Arale agreed as they drove off into the distance.
"Bye guys have a great day!" I shouted out as I waved bye to them happily.
"Hey aren't we forgetting about something?" Trunks questioned causing us to all look at each other in blank realization.
"WE FORGOT ABOUT VEGETA!!!" We all shouted in remembrance.
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere....
"Seriously, I'm never fighting an 80s gag manga character again." Vegeta said angrily to himself, still hanging off a cliff in the middle of nowhere.
Time skip to the next day/episode.....
It was once again another awesome day. I was bored of staying inside, so I decided to go out and do some training. I asked Bulma if I could do some simple training exercises in the back of her porch and she said yes.
"Ah, it's such a nice day today. I could train outside all day." I said as I stretched on the soft grass. I was about to put my headphones in when I felt something pull on my pants. I looked down to see it was little Goten.
"Hey bud, what's up?" I asked curiously.
"Well I was wondering, since trunks has to clean his room and all, can I train with you?" He asked me nicely with a cute face.
"Well alright. I don't know how I could ever say no to that cute face." I answered happily as I picked him up and put him on my shoulder.
"Alright so what do we do first?" Goten asked with a smile.
"Hmm, how about we do some cardio." I suggested.
"Yea that sounds like fun." Goten said happily as he put his hands up.
"Alright then to start off let's do some dancing. To make it funner, I'll put fun pop music on." I suggested.
"Wait, but don't we need speakers for that." Goten pointed out.
"You're right, wait right here. I'll be back with some speakers. Actually, do you want to come with me to get them? On the way there we could stop by the kitchen for some koolaid." I said as I halted and turned around to see what Goten's answer would be.
"Yea, I'd like to come with, for some Koo-laid." Goten answered happily as he ran over to me. I gladly picked him up onto my shoulders as I ran past the kitchen to my room. I quickly picked up the speakers from my room and ran back past the kitchen.
"Hey wait Elise, we need to get Koolaid." Goten said, causing me to halt and quickly turn back towards the kitchen.
"Oh yea, thanks for the reminder." I quickly ran to the kitchen and pulled out the pitcher full of Koo-laid from the fridge. I quickly poured it into the two glasses I had set on the counter.
"Alright here you go little man. One cup of red strawberry kool aid just as you ordered." I said with a smile as I handed him his cup. I quickly grabbed mine and ran back outside with the speakers. I put my Koo-laid down and set up the speakers.
"Is this song alright for you Goten?" I asked considerately as I played my dance pop playlist.
"Are you kidding, it sounds awesome. I could dance to this all day." Goten commented happily as he did a few funny dance moves.
"Alright then let's groove. All though I must warn you. I'm a bit of a terrible dancer." I warned modestly.
"What no you're not. Back during Bulma's Thanksgiving party, you danced so awesomely. Better than everyone else." Goten commented flattering me.
"Really thanks, you're not too bad yourself." I said happily as I started dancing along with Goten. We were dancing and laughing when all of a sudden, Goten stopped. I didn't notice because of how loud the music was. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Huh, what's up." I asked as I turned around to see Goku. When I turned around, I saw Goku's face turn a bit red. He was wearing a red and white baseball suite and it looked super cute on him.
"Oh well, Champa and Beerus are holding a baseball competition and we were wondering if you wanted to be on our team to make it even." Goku explained as he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

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