Its Not A Cinderella Story (1...

By shayelee8

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Emillia is not an ordinary Cinderella girl. She is a girl with powers possessed to destroy evil that has been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Special Chapter)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Epilogue and sneak peak at book 2

Chapter 23

29 0 0
By shayelee8

After Mary had vanished, Emillia thought that it was over until a something happened making an explosion appear out of nowhere making Emillia fly backwards until she was flying over the cliff and hanging onto the edge for dear life.

Whimpering, she felt her strength go slack because of so much power that she had used to put into that spell and accepted the fact that she will fall to her death and die like Theresa had died because of her mother.

Feeling her hands slipping, Emillia used her final thought saying I love you Nathaniel.

Her hands slipped from the edge and she was falling until someone grabbed her arm with both hands, stopping her from falling to her death.

She looked up and saw Nathaniel there with Haline at his side holding a rope that she tossed down to Emillia for her to grab.

Grabbing it, Emillia held onto the rope, and Nathaniel's hand, for dear life as both Haline and Nathaniel pulled her up to safety.

Soon enough, she was on top of the rock and hugged Haline saying "Thank you Haline."

Coming out of the embrace, Emillia went over to Nathaniel and smiled a little at the prince, who returned the favor by leaning forward and kissing her on the lips again.

Emillia out her arms around Nathaniel's neck as he placed his arms behind her back as to protect her from falling backwards.

They broke the kiss apart, looked into each others eyes, and smiled.

Someone coughed and the two of them jumped apart, only to see Lillian standing a few feet behind them with her hands covering both Clancy's and Tyto's eyes in order for them not to see the two lovebirds kissing.

"Clancy!! Lillian!! Tyto!!" shouted Emillia enthusiastically as she ran over to the three of them and gave them each a bone crushing hug.

"Emillia you did amazing back there with banishing Mary to who knows where!! It was awesome!!" exclaimed Tyto after Emillia finished hugging all three of them.

Emillia smiled and looked down cause that was the first praise that she had ever heard anyone say since Mary came into her life.

"Thank you Tyto," she says while looking back into her adopted sons eyes and hugging him once again.

Tears leaked out of her eyes yet again and this time they were tears of joy as she was so happy to have almost all of her loved ones saved from her evil stepmother.

Speaking of which...

"Hey Emillia," asked Clancy, "where's Theresa?"

Hearing those words, Emillia pullled out of her embrace with Tyto and looked at her adopted daughter with sad eyes.

It was all Lillian needed to see, because as soon as she saw the tears in Emillia's eyes, Lillian broke down weeping for her dead twin sister.

Lillian cried her heart out for Theresa cause she had sacrificed her life to save everyone from Mary's evil plans.

Emillia put her arms around the weeping Lillian and was trying to calm her down using a soothing tone that she would use on either Clancy or Tyto, but it didn't work at all.

She felt a hand clamp down nicely on her shoulder and looked up to see Kathen looking all right and fully okay.

As if understanding what he wanted her to do, Emillia let go of Lillian and stepped back to allow Kathen-Lock to put his arms around her and comfort her in the fatherly way that he would use on both Lillian and Theresa when they have gone through a tough time.

Soon enough, Lillians sobs became more and more quieter until they were just tears with soft sobs of knowing that her sister was dead.

"You know Lillian, I think that Theresa is okay because my mom died and she had wings of an angel. So that must mean that Theresa will become an angel for sacraficing her life to save us all," said Emillia thoughtfully as to try and help Lillian calm down.

Nathaniel came over to her and put a right hand on her left should while saying "I agree with Emillia cause her mother never gave up on her daughter so maybe we will see Theresa when she chooses to appear to us sometime soon."

"Really?" asked Lillian as her sobs began to clear up while Tyto rubbed her back gently with tears running down his face and Clancy hugging Emillia with tears also running down her face.

Emillia nodded her head saying "Yes Lillian. She wouldn't want us to mourn for her death forever. We should bury her and I will grow a special flower out of the ground for her to signify where we buried her. Does that sound like a plan?"

Lillian let go of Kathen and wiped her tear streaked face while nodding her head yes as to say Yes let's do that for my sister.

Kathen gently places a hand on her shoulder saying "Your father and sister would be very proud of the bravery you have done today with protecting your siblings."

"It wasn't easy because they both had been wounded hard that they almost wound up losing a lot of energy for powers so far," explained Lillian sheepishly while looking down at her hands that were now wet due to wiping the tears from her face.

Her mentor/father figure smiled at her and said "Just the same because you saved them from near certain unconcious state."

Clacny looked up from burying her head against Emillia's dress, and crying in it, and smiled at Lillian saying "Yah thank you Lillian."

"Thanks Lillian," Tyto said after her.

"Lillian, I don't know if we will ever get things back to going the way they were. But at least I want you to run my home and its lands for me," said Emillia.

Her older stepsister looked up at Emillia and asked "Really?"

She nodded her head while smiling.

"But it all belongs to you!! It was all left to you by your father in the will before he left because of Mary and all that!! It simply states that...."

"Lillian, I'd rather not hear about it because I choose who I want to be running my lands for me while I got some catching up to do in this world today," said Emillia clearly not wanting to hear what her father's will said.


"Lillian, just take the offer!!" shouted Tyto enthusiastically as he was growing tired of all of this.

Lillian sighed and said "Okay, I will take up on your offer underneath one condition."

"What is the condition?" Emillia asked very confused on what Lillian wanted her to do to either work for her or live in the attic.

"When you get married, you have to promise me that you will take care of Clancy and Tyto and you have to never forget who you were before you got married," Lillian replied back while getting up with her head held high.

"First off, that's two conditions and secondly, you won't have to worry about me changing who I am in the first place Lillian. Because I already know who I am. A powerful, cute, Whitress who is going to need some assistance from her long-lost cousin to help me out when I need it," said Emillia while looking at Haline.

Haline smiled and nodded her head yes while jumping up and down before regaining composure of herself to act regal around the prince of Townheights.

Soon enough, Kathen told them to enjoy the last moments of the ball, and to gets some sleep, as it was winding down to be one o'clock.

About to join them as they left, Emillia was stopped by Nathaniel as he grabbed her arm gently while asking "Can I talk to you please?"

Turning around to face him, she nodded her head yes because she was at a lost for words to say whenever Nathaniel was touching her.

"Listen Emillia, I know that you have just accepted yourself as to not being a Worken, but I was hoping that maybe you could just try on this slipper that I found on the doorstep," Nathaniel said with a little bit of fear mixed into his voice as if he was afraid of Emillia saying no.

"Of course I will try on the slipper Nathniel," replied Emillia smiling with a bit a mischevious gleaming in her eye.

Nathaniel ignored that as he took out the glass slipper from his pocket, kneeled down, and tried it on her left foot.

It was a perfect fit and Emillia took out her other glass slipper and tried it on her right foot while holding onto Nathaniel's shoulder.

That too, was a perfect fit.

They both stood up and took each other's hands as love bloomed between the two of them.

"Emillia, I love you dearly with all of my heart and I wish to ask you if you would love to become my wife," said Nathaniel as he took his right hand and cupped her cheek with it.

Emillia smiled very happily and said "Yes, YES, YES!! A thousand times yes Nathaniel!!"

At that moment, she wrapped her arms, while letting go of his hands, around his neck and kissed him.

Nathaniel was shocked cause he usually made the first move, but then he accepted it and placed his left hand around her waist to show that he will catch her if she faints.

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