District Transfer - The Hunge...

By bridgetwynneb

451 20 10

Ailbe Javal has a new life in district 2 where she has a new family and friends. But how can her life go on i... More

District 13
District 2
The reaping
A fancy capitol train
The capitol
Kiss-ass dinner
Boot camp day 1
Boot camp day 2
The competition
Time to prove my skillz
Free day dinner
And we're live!
Let the games begin.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Home free
And we're live!

Another outcast

40 1 0
By bridgetwynneb

Over the next hour, Aden told me about a girl who was apparently on fire. Katniss Everdeen. She attempted to start a revolution but was killed and everything went back to normal.

As we talked about this girl, Aden was
Fiddling with my hair. This was odd so odd to me. Back home, no guy would bother with anyone's hair, especially some girls' if he didn't even bother with his own.

But when I sat up and looked in the mirror, my hair was in a nice bum wrapped in a braid. A gasp slipped out of my mouth, "this is beautiful Aden! How'd you do it?"

Aden shrugged, "just a talent I picked up, I guess." He grabbed my hand and lead me out into the beautiful town square of district 2. There were flowers of silver and gold and perfectly trimmed hedges.

"They just finished preparing for the 99th hunger games, it's always a huge deal for the careers."

"And we can't be careers?" I guessed. Aden nodded, "but who would want to be a career! The games are stupid as it is."

We walked past two huge glass bowls, filled with papers. "your name is in there quite a few times from being transferred here but your chances are slim. Most years there's a volunteer."

We slipped past a tall building, when suddenly, a muscular boy addressed us. "But if you are picked, you'll most likely have to go because no one likes the transfers." He grunted, "they are major a-holes,"

He held out his hand, "The name's Sid, 95th victor of the hunger games." He said with a smirk, mimicking the obnoxious capital accent, "most recent victor and envied by every district 2 member because they let me go!"

I grasped his hand tightly, "Ailbe, and sadly I have no grand title." Sid's laugh echoed through the empty streets. In the distance you could here a door slam. "Well, Ailbe with no grand title, welcome to your new home." Sid led the way to a smaller steel building with small windows and one entrance/exit.

"Here you'll be making weapons and living, pretty much the most amazing life with the most amazing people." He grins.

Two more transfers walked up behind Sid laughing about something. This was some intense laughter as well. Obviously they hadn't expected me because both transfers got serious when they saw me.

The boy was average, there's no other way to describe him. Average height, average weight, average looks, average everything. His name tag read "Reed M. Age - 16"

The girl on the other hand was taller than him by at least 4 inches with light silver hair, with gleaming, soft blue eyes. Her name tag was pinned to a light pink blouse and read "Phoenix H. Age- 16"

As I looked at her, she seemed more and more familiar, even though there's no possible connection between us. Right?

"I'm Phoenix, from 13, and this is Reed from 4. He's weird." They laughed and slowly turned to look back at me. "I'm not that weird" Reed countered, "but I'll most likely be your teacher, since I'm the most skilled crafter here!" Aden punched him in the shoulder and Sid ruffled his hair, "whatever floats your boat, dude."

"I'm Ailbe, district 13. I'm 14 years old but I feel too grown up." Phoenix's face went ashen. Although I'm not sure why.

She stepped in, closer than an inch away from my face, pinning me against the wall, and whispered deadly, but barley audible, into my ear, "13's been gone for years. How are you from there?"

I scoffed, "how would I know dumbbell," a word I used quite often back home, "should I go outside and ask a peacekeeper. I'm sure they'd tell me anything!" I threw away her arm and returned her intensified glare.

But then, Pheonix's face softened and she said, her voice quivering, "Grace? I thought you were dead. The explosion! It blew up your mom's shop!"

I simply laughed. Of course I knew her, how could I forget. "I thought you were dead too, Sophia." A tear slid down her face as she jumped into my arms. "But I suppose it's too hard to separate the Disastrous Duo."

After thinking my best friend was dead, I was too overcome to say anything else. She was alive and well! Actually, as good as it gets in this gods-forsaken place.

None of the boys questioned it, which was nice. I didn't want to answer questions. At least not now.

Reed gave me a room and showed me where I would work. My station was small and I had nothing important to do yet so I pulled out some light wait metal string and begin to play around with it.

Slowly they bean to take the shape of a blade that is easily contractable. I fashion a handle out of wood and a small gem for a button. I forge the two together and viola! My first weapon. A measly, flammable, detectable sword that isn't worth much. I mess around with it until it's something of use. I attach it to a rope so it looks like a charm bracelet.

After and hour, or 4, I have a full anklet with charms that change in to weapons. Everything from a sling shot to a bow with arrows. I feel eyes on me as I test each weapon. When I'm done I receive a round of applause.

My new found family stared at me in awe, "how'd you make that!" Pheonix gasps, "it's amazing!" I show it away in a small metal box, "I don't know, I just started messing around." I laughed as they all walked away, ashamed of being showed up by the newbie.

I continued to make random things from metal claws for hand to hand combat and fangs, if things get serious, to light weight armor that is nearly impenetrable. All are stored in my metal box that I fix a lock onto so no one can got to my special little trinkets.

As it gets closer to night time, Aden taps me on the shoulder, "would you come out to town with me. I need some stuff for the reaping next week." I nod and take his hand. He guides me to the door and hands me a jacket.

"I see you kept your hair in its place." Aden says, admiring his handy work. I laugh, tucking back a loose stand of smooth red hair, "how could I ruin something as beautiful as this!"

We wonder into the market place and I buy a few necessities since I came here with nothing. As soon as I have bought one last pair of fuzzy socks, since it's always cold here, Aden pulls me over to a table where a gift box sits, waiting for us.

"It's for you," Aden blushes, "in the past day I've become closer to you then any of the other transfers and I want you to know how special you are to me."

I smile grateful and turn to the package. Inside there are smaller wrapped gifts. One is a beanie which I instantly put on because my ears are freezing off. Next is a pair of matching gloves and a ginormous sweater, which I instantly fall in love with.

Finally there is a small object. At first it look like a ball but with further examination it's a ring. It's woven out of wood with the engravings of fire on it. "It's from 7." He explains, "I thought you might like it."

I pull Aden into a tight hug, "thank you so much!" I kiss him on the cheek and his face turns a beautiful shade a crimson. I laugh and pull him over to the half frozen pond.

We take a seat on a small bench and just talk.

I get to know Aden and him, me. We talk and talk until there is nothing left to know. Aden and I are now as close as it gets. Which is weird since I only just met him.

"You never actually told me," he says glancing at my wrists, "what are your tattoos? I've seen them but they confuse me." I chuckle. "Well one is a lion. And I've always loved lions. When I was back at 13, my older brother got me a lion skin once. It was the most amazing thing ever."

I sigh and pull up my sleeve, "this on is a heart, crossed out." Aden appears confused. "Back in 13, I believed that if someone betrayed your trust they are as good as dead to you. As I still believe this."

I sighed, thinking back to when my brother committed an awful crime. "My brother attempted to steal a precious artifact from the government and he was hung. He betrayed out district and most importantly, me."

I shudder at the horrific memory and Aden gives me a squeeze, "no worries here. None of us would ever betray you. Ever."

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