Ishqbaaz one shots

By transient-bliss

9.1K 517 33

One shots. More

love, healing and other sappy shit
dear superman
the family
aftermath of a drunken rendezvous

the night that changed things

2K 154 10
By transient-bliss

Author's Note

hi, please ignore the weird title. this one shot is something that randomly popped into my head. it's fun to read (i hope!). please let me know what you think about it. love x


"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT," Anika grumbled as she pushed back her damp hair away from her face. They were soaked to the bone and as they entered inside the hotel building, the rush of cold air made Anika shiver. "Don't know why I agreed to come with you," she cribbed to herself as she dragged her suitcase behind her.

Shivaay followed her with a scowl. "Yeah, Anika, why did you agree? If you hadn't agreed then you could have saved both of us some trouble," he replied in a terse tone that made Anika glare at him. He spoke like he hadn't agreed when her parents asked him if he would drop her to Pune or not. And yet, here he was, pretending to be innocent when he was anything but.

She angrily walked up to the counter with Shivaay on her heels and the man behind the counter switched from his bored face to an amicable one. She was glad he was smiling or she was at least seventy percent sure she would sock him in the face.

The only person who Anika wanted to hit at the moment was Shivaay Singh Oberoi. It was his goddamn fault that they had to search for a hotel at two in the fucking night in the harsh downpour.

It was because of him that Anika had to open the trunk of the car and dig around in her suitcase for her power bank because, oh, the mighty Shivaay didn't believe in charging his phone for himself. He grumbled about Khanna being irresponsible as he fumbled with his phone to get a signal and turn on the navigation. And since he had never known how to be okay with not getting his way, Shivaay had thrown his phone in frustration. Along with the car keys.

Anika had just shut the trunk and since the car auto-locked, she heard the unmistakable sound of it being locked.

Fifteen minutes later, they found nothing but dust and stone. They were locked out of their car and just their good luck, it started pouring.

"Well, fuck my life," Anika had grumbled.

So they were here now. With everything damp from head to toe. Anika felt sorry for the carpet the water was dripping onto.

"A nice room, please," she said to the manager or whatever John's--the name tag read--position was.

"A minute, mam," he said and began to work on the computer screen in front of him. Anika leaned over the counter and threw a quick glance at Shivaay who was standing two feet away with his hands shoved in pockets.

He was wearing a light pink shirt and after being soaked, it clung perfectly to his muscles. No matter how much the guy annoyed Anika, she could never deny that he didn't have a body to look at. He was, undeniably, sexy. It was almost impossible to not feast her eyes on him because Shivaay Singh Oberoi looked delicious.

Anika shook her head as the thoughts of doing things to him, new things she hadn't tried the last time, filled her mind. No, she was not doing this.

Shivaay had been way too much to handle the last time. After the drunken one-night-stand, they had a couple of months ago, he had turned even more obnoxious. The guy seemed to think she liked him! As if! It was outrageous how cocky he was about everything. It was the reason Anika despised his guts.

They had never had a good relationship despite their parents being the best of friends. They were acquaintances, at most. Anika wished to keep it that way, thank you very much.

So she cast her eyes down and busied herself with finding her credit card.

"Right, sir, your card please?" John requested to Shivaay and Anika whipped her head up. Her face was one of disbelief as she slammed her credit card over the counter. Her credit card had been in plain sight of John and yet, he had asked Shivaay. The misogyny made Anika want to puke.

"I can pay my bills, thank you very much. And please," she said in a mock-sweet tone as she smiled at him, "ask the one with the credit card to pay."

"Right. Sorry, ma'am," the guy looked ashamed and Anika smiled. Good. it was a lesson he needed to learn. "Here's your room key card," he slid the green card to her and she snatched it up. She was ready to call it a night because she was exhausted. Anika had had enough of Shivaay for a day. While she had enjoyed looking at him, she definitely didn't enjoy the times he opened his mouth.

His mouth wasn't made for talking. Other things, he was good at.

"A room for me too, please," Shivaay said to John as he sidled up to the counter. He didn't play the subtle card as he checked her out.

Anika looked damn hot and she knew it. So did Shivaay.

However, as much she enjoyed his eyes, she did not appreciate John glancing at her the same way. God, that guy was creepy and misogynistic.

"Uhhh, didn't I mention that was the last vacant room?" John asked and Shivaay's mouth fell open.

"What do you mean?" Shivaay questioned John and Anika grinned slyly. Good. Shivaay had turned her day awful, he deserved it too.

"I thought that you two are together that is why I didn't mention it before? I am sorry for the inconvenience, sir," John apologized profusely and Anika chuckled to herself. She sauntered to the elevator and smiled in pleasure when she heard Shivaay curse.

The guy followed her and stepped inside the elevator. "Anika, look, I know you are mad at me--" she cut him off.

"That's one hell of an understatement," she replied but Shivaay continued to talk. He ran a hand through his hair and made water drops splash over her. She had to look away because her body was suddenly feeling hot.

Anika realized why she began disliking Shivaay. Ever since he returned from Boston, he had changed. The sweet boy Anika had fallen for when she was fourteen was lost somewhere and what was left was someone she didn't recognize. He had changed so much it was hard to believe she ever liked him. She wondered what would have happened if she had moved away.

Maybe she wouldn't be stuck with a broken heart and despising the man who did this to her.

She had no right to feel this way. Shivaay wasn't in the wrong, Anika grudgingly admitted. She had never shared her feelings with him so she couldn't feel bad about him seeing other girls. Anika Trivedi had no right over him but the stupid heart didn't seem to understand. And Anika didn't understand her own heart.

It was stuck between hating and loving everything Shivaay Singh Oberoi was.

"Will you let me stay?" he questioned and Anika snapped back to reality. She was confused for a moment until she put pieces together. He was drenched and had no place to go. He was asking her if he could stay in her room.

Much as she pretended that Anika disliked him, she wasn't heartless and she had a huge soft spot for him. Scowling, just to keep her cover, she agreed.

"Thank you. You aren't totally cold, I guess," he added just for good measure and she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

The found the room quickly: 403 and entered inside. Anika put her suitcase over the bed after cleaning it with a towel she found in the washroom. She pulled out her cotton shorts and a t-shirt. She was about to close her suitcase when he changed her mind and searched for a particular hoodie and sweatpants.

She threw it to Shivaay who caught it with a baffled look.

"Here, you can wear those," she said with a shrug and Shivaay raised an eyebrow but he inspected the clothes regardless. "They'll fit you."

"Why do you, Anika Trivedi, have an extra-large hoodie and sweatpants?" Shivaay questioned amusedly and Anika glared at him.

"Do you want to sleep in damp clothes? Because I'll lose no sleep over not giving you those clothes," she told him as she made her way to the washroom to change.

"Fine," he drawled with a laugh as he unbuttoned his pants. Anika gave him a look. She was having enough trouble keeping her hands to herself looking at Shivaay in his way too snug t-shirt and pants. She was going to lose her mind completely if she saw him half-naked.

"I do not want to see you naked, Shivaay. Let him go inside first," she said as she pushed past him but he caught her wrist and Anika swallowed. Oh boy, it was hard to keep herself straight.

"As if you haven't seen all my assets already," he smirked and Anika scowled.

"Yeah, that's why it was a one night stand," she smiled and was pleased to see his smirk drop. Anika shoved him away, making him drop his pants but she just hurried inside and locked the door behind her. She leaned against it, needing the support because her knees felt jelly.

Fuck, he made her feel so much.

After calming her erratic heart rate down, she blow-dried her hair and changed to her clothes. She stepped out of the washroom, ready to go to sleep but she was surprised by Shivaay sitting on the edge of the bed, with his hands in his hair. He looked up when she padded across the room.

"Why do you hate me so much, Anika?" he questioned as he stared at her. He looked defeated and it made Anika bite down on her lip. What was going on?

"Hate is a strong word," she said, cleverly evading the question. Anika didn't want to have this conversation after the hell of the day she had. His expression was solemn as she chuckled to herself on seeing him wearing the unicorn girl hoodie.

"Look," Shivaay sighed as he tugged at his roots. "I am not sure what I am doing wrong./ it's so tiring to see the girl I like barely be civil to me," he replied with frustration lacing his voice. Anika had to take a step back.

She was mishearing him. There was no way he had just said he liked her.


"It's tiring, Trivedi," he said and he got up, taking a step in her direction. Her breath hitched in her throat. She was hallucinating. She had to be.

"You don't like me," she said, just to prove to herself that he was lying. She wasn't going crazy.

"I like you so much it hurts. What am I doing wrong, Anika?" he questioned and his voice was hoarse.

"Why were you so obnoxious after we slept together?" she asked and my voice was vulnerable. After they had slept together, Shivaay had almost made her regret doing so. It was amazing but the aftermath, not so much.

"I don't know," he cried, "You make me nervous and I am obnoxious when I am nervous. Sorry for being human."

Fuck it. Maybe she would regret it later but it was what she wanted right now.

She kissed him and she held nothing back. She pushed him on the bed and felt his arms wrap around her, desperate to get closer to her.

But when he asked her if she really wanted to do this and she said yes, the smile on his face was worth it. She knew itr wasn't a one night stand anymore. His eyes said way more than words could ever and she reiprocated it by placing a kiss on his jaw.


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