Right Realm, Wrong World (Boo...

By QueenieCalista

28.6K 1.1K 714

Lloyd makes a wish, and not to y/n's surprise, they end up somewhere other than Earth. They get sent to a dif... More

The Wish
The Streets of Ninjago City
Sensei's got the Munchies
Meeting Lloyd on the Bus
Beating the Bully
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 1
Chomped on by a Hungry Hippo
Uh, Oh
The Ice Emperor
An Unexpected Return
The Really Bad Idea
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 2
A Painful Aftermath
Bad Dreams
Strangers in Paris
Holding Out For a Hero
Love and Hate
Going Home
Thank You!

What a Mess

918 53 31
By QueenieCalista


I'm sorry to all of those people who don't like Jumanji or haven't seen it yet (spoiler alert). Don't worry, I promise y/n and Lloyd won't stay here much longer.

———-Series y/n's POV———-

"You brought this on yourself, you know," Nadakhan says. "You made the wish yourself."

"Don't remind me," I groan.

"Could either of you tell me what's going on?" Akita asks me.

"Hi," I say, holding out my hand. "I'm y/n, and this dingus over here is Nadakhan."

She shakes my hand, and looks around at the city. "What is this place? And how did I get here?"

"Ninjago City. And that stupid genie misinterpreted my words and brought basically all of the Never Realm to this universe."

"Well, what did you mean, then, y/n?" Nadakhan asks.

"All I wanted was to get the whole Akita thing over with so I wouldn't have to worry about losing Lloyd! But it would be pretty much impossible to get to the Never Realm without Aspheera, and she's currently in the dinosaur ages, so what you just did was a freak of nature!"

"Calm down, y/n! I didn't mean to upset you," he says.

"Um, yes you did."

"At least now you have something to do."

I groan and facepalm. After looking up at the mountains in the distance, I realize we have another problem to take care of:

The Ice Emperor.

——————-Movie Lloyd's POV————-

Y/n and I are both relatively short compared to the rest of our new friends, so, to all fit in the weird guy's car, I sit on Spencer's lap and y/n sits on Martha's. It's a little uncomfortable, but we don't really have a choice.

"Here is the jewel that you must return to the statue," the weird guy says, handing Spencer a large green gemstone. "Return the jewel and lift the curse. If you wish to leave the game, you must save Jumanji and call out its name."

The car comes to a stop as everyone thinks about those words.

"Right, then! Off you go!" The weird guy says, but nobody moves.

"Is anybody else thinking that maybe it would be safer to just stay with the weird guy?" Y/n asks.

"Right, then! Off you go!" The driver repeats, but when we still don't leave, our seats catapult us out of the car.

"Ouch," I mumble as I pick myself off the ground. Y/n lands beside me, and I help her up, too.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But I'll be better once we can get out of here."

————-Movie y/n's POV————

We spend the next ten minutes running away from these crazy doofuses on motorbikes. It also turns out our new friends all have strengths and weaknesses, just like a video game.

"Why am I running so slow?!" Fridge yells as we all somehow end up outrunning him.

"You've got cake listed as a weakness. I wouldn't argue with the absence of logic," I shout back.

We make it to the line of trees and split up. Martha and I run together away from a couple motorcycle people, and we both scream as they charge at us full-speed. Martha grabs my hand as she flips over them, and I get tugged along with her.

"Whoa!" I shriek as we land. "That was awesome! Let's do it again!"

"No time!" She replies, and pushes me to start running again.

I can hear Fridge and Spencer yelling at each other; something about getting on somebody's back. Everyone else runs towards the sound of their argument, and eventually we make it to a cliff.

"What do we do?!" Bethany demands.

"Jump!" I respond immediately, and take a leap of faith.

"Y/n!!" Lloyd cries over the edge.

I hit the water below with a splash. I scramble up to the surface, and by that time, everyone else had already jumped.

"I took in a lot of water," Spencer states worriedly as we get out of the water. I see Marty stagger and hold her chest.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"They got me," she gasps, turning around to reveal a bullet wound. A few seconds later, she disappears into thin air.

"Okay, did not see that coming," Lloyd mutters.

A loud chime rings above us, and Martha comes crashing down on top of Fridge.

"Ow!" He shouts. "Get off me, woman!"

———————Series Lloyd's POV————-

"Lloyd, come with me," Other Sensei says. The rest of the ninja just stand their gawking, still shocked that I know Spinjitzu.

I follow Other Sensei into the garden, and wait nervously for what he's going to say.

"How do you know Spinjitzu?" He asks me.

"I... um..." I start. Damn, I wish y/n were here to tell me whether to lie or not.

"You aren't really Lloyd, are you?" Other Sensei guesses.

"Well, actually..." I start, rubbing the back of my neck. "I really am Lloyd, I'm just from another reality."

Other Sensei blinks. "What?"

"Y/n and I got sent to this world by accident when we were trying to go to the earth."

"Who's y/n?"

I smile, thinking of her. "The most amazing person you'll ever meet."

"That's impossible," Other Sensei says. "I am the most amazing person you'll ever meet."

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