๐ƒ๐‘๐„๐€๐Œ๐„๐‘ แต‡แต—หข

Por K_nayee

36.8K 893 1.1K

๐ƒ๐‘๐„๐€๐Œ๐„๐‘ โ” โI-I CAN'T! IT'S IN MY KNEES, 80% OF THE FEAR IS IN MY KNEES! THEY FINNA BEAT OUR ASSES!โž โI... Mรกs

00 | Lets Get It!
02 | Sex Positions
03 | First Impressions
04 | Hybe High
05 | Contact Names [1/2]
06 | Contact Names [2/2]
07 | F-R-I-E-N-D-S
08 | Cookout
09 | Cutie Patootie
10 | Forever Right?
11 | Dis Is Live!
12 | Growing Pains [1/?]

01 | Picture Worthy

5.3K 133 247
Por K_nayee

⭒❃.✮:▹ Dreamer ◃:✮.❃⭒

Chapter 01 - One shot | Taehyung

ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ

"𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 is it? Goddammit!" You bite your lip as your fidgeting body zooms around the room, easily ignoring the curious looks thrown your way.

Minutes have passed of you trying to locate your precious camera after misplacing it the other day with no luck.

"Hey ____ I need a fav- what's wrong?"

You quickly turn towards the source of the voice. The moment your eyes lands on the familiar face they fill with unshed tears before you finally snap.

"S- Sujin !"

Jumping on the unprepared woman, you wrap your arms around her smaller frame, the sudden action forcing her to take a few staggering steps back.


"I-I lost it Su," you blubber through your tears as you lay on top of her, "It's gone! They're gone...all of those memories...are gone!"

She pulls away from your grip with furrowed brows, dark eyes studying the tear streaks along your skin. "Memories?"

"T-the present m-my parents gave me all those years ago!"

A moment passes before her pink lips formed into a circle of realization and stares at you in sympathy. "Oh, honey."

" Whyyy lord! I'm sorry I skipped church this past month when I promised to go. Please don't do this to me! I swear I won't act up again!"

You begin to fall on your knees to pray but are quickly caught by an embarrassed Sujin once she noticed the amount of attention you were drawing.

"____ I swear if you don't get your shit together! How'd you expect to be a member of the team when you're being so dramatic all the time? The boss will never take you seriously!" She harshly hisses before plastering a strained smile.

Your body shakes from the soft tremors of your stuttering breath intake. "B-but-"

"But nothing! You're a grown-ass woman, it's time to act like it! We all lose something precious but that doesn't give us an excuse to start bawling out in public. Especially in a potential job."

'She's right,' Your head bow in shame, 'now is not the time ____. Woman the fuck up.'

Wiping away the leftover tears, you lift your head high as you give her your most determined look.

"You're right, now is not the time. I'll just have to push through...that's all."

Sujin smiles at your uplifting attitude and pats you on the back in satisfaction as you make your way towards the storage room. "Now that's what I'm talking about! You'll find that camera, and if not we'll just have to make more memories."

Your step falters once those words were processed. "Make...new...ones?"

"Well yeah? What did you expect would happen? If it's missing for more than a month, the chances are that it's either stolen or thrown away."

'I know momma ain't raise no weak bitch...but she did raise one that'll cry when losing something like that camera though.'

And just like that, you quickly crumpled to dust.

Sujin quickly catches on to your mood. "No! We are not going through this again ____!"

You lean against the wall, face frozen with a cry as you slowly slide to the floor.

"Can you just-ugh!"

*Ten Minutes Later*

Handing you a tissue with a smile, Sujin gives you a soft pat on the shoulder. "Are you okay now?"

"Y-yeah. I kinda got it all out of my system now. Sorry you had to go through that." You look at the floor to avoid her amused gaze.

"No problem Toots. You would've done the same for me if the roles were switched."

Wiping away the remaining evidence of your crying fest, you take a deep breath of air and close your eyes. 'No worries. You'll find it, whether today or next year, so no need to cry over it. You have a job to do.'

"Now that you're stable enough, do you think you can pick up some more donuts for the team? They've been under a lot of pressure this week, especially with BTS coming for their photoshoot."

You scoff at the puppy dog expression she was displaying, cheeks puffed out with a pout as big round eyes pleadingly stared at you. "Yeah yeah, I'll get going."

A squeal of delight leaves her jumping frame before she engulfs you in a tight hug. "Ah! Thank you so much!"

Running off before you could get a word in, she quickly turns and throws a bright smile and energetic thumbs up in your direction.

You pick up your purse with a sigh and begin your way towards the lobby, dread filling your being at the thought of the long waiting lines. "Man...the things I do for these people."

════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════

"The things...I do...for these fucking people!" You hissed with a huff, eyes slightly narrowed in irritation as your cramped arms held up the countless boxes of the donuts.

Of course, there were moments of a kind passerby offering to help, but you politely decline for the fact of them possibly freaking out once they saw who was at your workplace at the moment.

Countless warnings of the unpredictable acts that obsessive unstable fans of idols, other known as Sasaeng fans, were capable of committing floated around your workplace.

So you decided to not take any chances and do the daunting multi-person task alone.

Passing through the front desk with a strained smile, you quickly flashed your badge and move towards the elevator before your arms gave out.

You lean against the cool metal surface as the tempting pile of steaming hot boxes sit at your feet.

The smell of fresh out the oven donuts surrounded you, its intoxicating scent causing your stomach to grumble.

'I missed my lunch break already. So...maybe just one?'

"No..." You snap out of your trance with a head shake, the persuading thoughts of devouring the pastries causing your mouth to itch with want, "It's not for you ____...Not. For. You."

'Bitch you bought it with your own damn money! If anything fuck them people and take all of this shit home. Just think about it...You could be feasting on these...all alone.'

Moments pass of your internal struggle before you give in to the gluttony. "Ah, fuck it."

Quickly opening a box, you pick up a glazed donut and bite into it causing your eyes to roll at the taste.

They were quickly filled with tears as you stare at the bitten dessert in adoration. 'Is...is this what falling in love feels like? Can this be a relationship that the world would accept with open arms? Finding Love in a Single Bite: A woman and a donut.'

The shrill ding of the elevator causes you to flinch out of your daydream before its door slowly opens.

"The...fuck?" Mouth dropped open in disbelief, the donut you held silently falls to the ground as you witness the chaos before you.

"____!" A shout over the multiple screams around you shifts your attention from the bodies zooming in different directions until they finally land on a frantic Sujin.

" Sujin ?!"

A smile appears on her face as she speeds into the elevator and pulls you onto the bustling floor. "Wha-"

"Oh ____, thank god I found you! You don't know how downhill everything's been."

"But the donut-"

"No worries, that's already been covered~" You turn towards the elevator and watch as bodies fill the metal space and tear through the boxes with a look of hunger.

Seconds passed before empty boxes liter the floor, not a single pastry was left behind.

Even the half-bitten donut seemed to have disappeared which cause your mouth to twist in disgust and anger.

" Sujin !"

"No time to talk! Our best photographer in the building came down with the Flu, and now we don't have anyone to take pictures of the group."

You look at her in confusion. "So...why am I brought into this?"

"Oh, you're just gonna take their photoshoot for the day."

"Well that's good 'cause someone needs to-WHAT?!"

She scoffs at your panicked state with a shake of her head. "Now is not the time to play around ____! This is BTS we're talking about, one of the biggest idol groups in the world."

Blinking at her words, you allow her to drag you towards the big closed door.

Regaining your senses in time you stop before she could open it. "I-I can't go in there Sujin! Why am I even doing this? What did the boss man say about it?"

"It was his choice in the first place. And before you ask me, no I don't know why."

Your mouth closes at her words before staring at the metal door.

"Look ____," you feel the lightweight of her hands as she places them on your shoulders, eyes gazing straight into yours, "just remember one thing before you go in there...If you mess this up the entire company will be the laughing stock of the photography network."

Frozen as the countless amount of scenarios fill your mind, your body trembles in fear of making a fool of yourself.


Forcing a very expensive-looking camera into your hands, she gives you a wide smile. "Good luck!"

"Wait I need a transla - "

And with that, you are pushed through the door, facing the moment of your life of whether you make it or break it.

All eyes are on you causing your heart to race at the heavyweight of their gazes.


Wincing at the crack in your voice, your palms began to sweat as a tall intimidating man walks towards you with furrowed brows.

"Are you ____ [Last Name]?"

You mentally let out a sigh of relief at the perfect English escaping his mouth, body slightly relaxing in the reassurance of actually making it through.

"Yes, that's me."

With a sharp head nod, he pulls you by the arm and drags you to the other side of the room where the group patiently waited. "Now hold up a minute! I-"

"No time to talk. We only have a time slot of only one hour to get this thing done. Let's go people!"

Placing you in front of them, you fight the urge to run out of the room once seven pairs of eyes observe your stiff figure.

"Um, Hi? M-my name is ____ [Last Name], and I will be your photographer for today. So...yeah."

Almost as if noticing how uncomfortable you were, a man- who you assume to be the leader of the group- steps forward.

He quickly holds up a hand causing the others around him to get in a formation.

"Dul, Set! Bangtan! Annyeong Haseyo Bangtan Sonyeondan Imnida!" Their voices echo around the room as they move in sync, everyone's focus shifted from you and to their small performance.

Not a single one of their bodies shifted from the newly acquired attention, posture still as calm and collected as before.

The group leader nods his head while giving you a small dimpled smile of reassurance.

'These guys...they're one of the most known faces in the entire world. If they're able to get on a stage and face millions of people at once, then I could do this photoshoot.'

"Alright!" Your confidence-filled voice causes you to be the center of attention once more, but this time you don't shy away. "Let's begin."

1 Hour Later

"You did an amazing job ____! I'm so proud of you."

You break away from your water break as Sujin walks up to you with a proud smile.

Even though it won't show from your complexion, the skin on your face begins to heat from her compliment.

"Thanks Su! It means a lot, but all there I had to do was take pictures of simple poses. I tried my best, that's what matters at the end of the day."

She scoffs at your humbling words. "Oh please! If it wasn't so good, then why would Hybe want to hire you as one of their traveling photographers?"

"Wha-" You stop at the sight of the contract papers in her hands, along with a camera that was even more expensive than the last, their logo proudly displayed on its shiny surface.

"Please say sike right now and tell me this is a joke."

"Nope! They wanted me to personally ask that you join them." Her face softened at the look on your face. "I know it's hard for you to believe it, but you do have talent ____. Don't waste it all away by staying here to be an intern. Go out and show them what they missed out on."

You shake your head at her words. "I-I can't! What about you? I've made so many memories with you and this company, to just up and leave would mea-"

"They'll pay you three times the amount of a full-time employee here if you go."

"Where should I sign my name again?" Pen already in hand, you take the camera and contract out of her hands.

After a few minutes of reading through and finding the rules and regulations acceptable, you sign and hold the camera with a smile.

Sujin claps her hands in excitement as you get acquainted with the device before stopping at the sight behind you.

Her eyes slightly widen, eyebrows raising once a few moments pass.

"Um ____? I'm just gonna go and...get something from the fridge! Yeah, see ya!" Taking the papers and camera from you, she speeds away from your confused face.

"Wha-but we don't even have a fridge here!" You call out to her shrinking frame.


You jump at the deep voice, quickly turning towards the source.

A smile appears once you realize it was one of the members from earlier. "Hello! What can I do for you?"

A light blush coats his tan skin, heartbeat racing as he stares into your eyes while they send a warm gaze towards him.

"M-my name is Taehyung...and I...want...give...c-camura...to you." He lifts a camera to your line of vision, large hands cradling it with the up-most care.

You freeze at the sight of the familiar device and slowly grab it from his hands. Your eyes begin to mist over in relief as you trace the handmade initials that were placed on it from so many years ago.

"Where...where did you find this?"

"Umm" His eyebrows crease at your words as he hesitates, mouth pursed in frustration from the struggles of finding the right words to say in English.

A few moments pass before the frustration was replaced with a bright look.

Gently grabbing your arm Taehyung pulls you out of the room and into the sea of moving workers.

You slightly hide behind his frame and away from the prying eyes as he continues to hold on to you without a care, a wide boxy smile gracing his face.

After almost ten minutes of the two of you dodging and avoiding getting caught, you finally stop.

He lets go of you and opens his arms in a way of saying 'tada!'

You take a step back in the realization of where he had taken you: It was the empty room you stumbled upon after being a newbie intern for about two months.

The giant window that took up most of the wall was what caused you to come back every chance that you had.

It had a perfect view of the city, the sunlight shining off the buildings during the day and thousands of lights flashing like a party at night.

But you had to stop coming as often when more assignments were added to as a helper to the staff and others.

"We got here...and photo taker was sick."

You break away from your thoughts and stare at Taehyung while he avoids your gaze and he looks at his feet instead.

"We about to go...but I wanted to stay. So I ran and hid so they not take me back. I was about to go, but stop when shiny hit my eyes," walking over to the window with a giddy bounce, he points at its sill, "This where camura found!"

His smile drops for a moment causing you to step up to him in worry.

You reach your hand out to touch him but stop when he suddenly gives you a ninety-degree bow. "I'm sorry!"

Your head tilts giving him a push to explain himself in hopes that you won't get angry or upset.

"When I found it, I was gonna give to worker. My finger made mistake and hit button and got on. I was awe and start to look in camura even when it not mines. I was c-curos?"

You chuckle at his attempt at saying the words, but immediately stop when he leans close.

"I saw pictures...some easy and some very not easy. I like ones that show your skin and sun most. Like now..." The heat from Taehyung's hand feels soothing as he softly caresses the side of your face, eyes taking in the way the sunlight caused you to glow.

"Very pretty chocolate."

Your breath hitches at his words, body shivering at the intense air surrounding him.

Looking deep into your eyes, his nose brushes against yours. "Can I taste it?"

"T-taehyung?" You squeak his name causing the idol's eyes to darken even more.

"Say my name again?"

'Oh Lord! What is this man trying to do to me?!'

The sudden shrill ring of a phone causes the tension to break.

Reluctantly moving away from you with a sigh, Taehyung pulls out his phone with a glare at whoever disturbed the moment.

"What is it?"

"Taehyung where are you?"

The male runs a hand through his hair once he recognizes who the voice belongs to. "Yoongi? Why are you calling me? You need something?"

"What I need is for you to come to the first floor. We've given you twenty minutes to go and talk to that girl you like. Now it's time to go."

Taehyung sneaks a look at your dazed face, lips stretching into a smirk at your adorable reaction. "Can't you just give me a few more minutes? I didn't even get to-"

"Tae I swear if you don't get your ass back here, I will find you and drag your ass in front of her."

Taehyung childishly stomps his foot at the threat with a pout. "Why would you say something like that! She won't look at me like a man if you do."

"Then get to the lobby before we pull a Hoseok and leave you behind. We have too much stuff to do with this upcoming album."

"That's fine, I'll just stay with ____ then."

A tired sigh is heard on the other line. "I doubt it she'd wanna stay with you...especially when I get Namjoon to tell her that you got a laptop full of porn like the pervert you are."

The maknae's eyes widen. "N-no! I'm on my way right now."

"Uh-huh, you better...and let me use your laptop when we get back to the dorm."

The phone cuts off before he's able to reply, leaving him with the monotone dial sound.

You finally break out of your trance in time to catch the sad pout on his face.

"What happened?"

"My band say I must go. Too late, we busy schedule this week."

You frown at his answer before looking at him with a sly smile. "Well, I guess I'll just have to see you tomorrow. Especially since I'm working at Hybe now."

Taehyung's heavy heart is lifted at the words work and Hybe. "You work at Hybe now?"

"Yup, now all I have to do is-"

Your words are cut off by the sudden attack of his arms pushing you to his chest.

"Yay! This is great! We get to see much often!" He bounces up and down with you in his arms, causing you to hop along with him.

You join in with his joy, the room filled with the laughter of two adults. But the happiness didn't last long when he pulled away with a smaller smile, yet his eyes still shining as bright as ever. "I must go now."

"It's okay, wouldn't want you in trouble if you didn't." Softly pushing his back you give him a little boost to go on his way.

With slow movements towards the doorway, he stops with a gasp and quickly turns back to you.

Grabbing your face, his eyes crinkle up in happiness before giving you a quick kiss on the tip of your nose. "There...now I gave kiss. Bye bye~"

He giggles at the shock on your face and runs out of the room, leaving you alone with a giant grin.

"This boy..."

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